God of Fishing

Chapter 1331: Strong return

Han Fei watched the barren tomb closing, and the next moment, the barren tomb appeared inexplicably kilometers away.

Then disappeared...

Han Fei suddenly raised his head and saw a big hand pressing against the sky, and a spine thorn coming.

Emperor Bai Jia and the Queen of Life shot at the same time, forcibly breaking the rules here. As a result, the two saw Han Fei looking at the sky with a dazed expression.

Queen of Life: "Stop."

Emperor Bai Jia yelled, "Who is interfering with the rules here?"

When speaking, Emperor Bai Jia seemed to have a ray of power overflowing, sweeping towards this grassland.


Han Fei was shielded by a flower petal.

On the other side, there was red light blooming, and the Tangyue who was still looking for the Yulong King was protected by red light.

Immediately afterwards, the power of terror burned thousands of miles of wasteland in an instant. A good piece of grassland was burned in an instant, and even the ground was full of ravines.

Han Fei could clearly perceive that a large number of necromancy grass was shrinking and withering.

Just listen to the Queen of Life scream: "Emperor Bai Jia, dignified king, don't be shameless."

In the void, there was a trembling voice: "Emperor Bai Jia, are you deceiving me Blood Sea God Mucheng?"

The Bai Jiadi snorted coldly: "There is some kind of power recovering on this island. I don't believe you haven't seen it, that is...the power of the king."


Han Fei's heart is chilled: The king makes a move, should he kill himself first? This is too much. I'm only at the Explorer level, I can't even count as a Venerable. Are you dignified against me? Is this fair?

Fortunately, the queen of life saved herself.

But now there is a queen of life, what about the future? In case, in the future, I really encounter a king-level powerhouse, how can I escape from the opponent?

Han Fei's face was ugly, and the surrounding power gradually disappeared. Where is the rest of the grassland? It is simply a piece of scorched earth.

Just listen to the old turtle said: "Huh! That grave seems to be gone?"

Han Fei looked dumbfounded: "Where can he go in such a big place?"

The old tortoise suddenly said: "Who knows this? This time you didn't move, but the secret of heaven covered you, which attracted the attention of the outside world. However, I didn't expect the king to make a trial personally. Thinking about it, this deserted grave also showed a trace of power. Otherwise, it won't attract the king to take action in person."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei was silent for a long time and said leisurely: "Old Yuan! You said, did I feed him to wake him up?"

Just listen to the old tortoise roaring: "The emperor has seen shameless people, and I have never seen you so shameless. Although the powerhouse of that level may be so inferior to the emperor, how could it be because of you? He woke up after a little bit of food? Naturally, when this island was born, he was already awake. You give something to others to eat? Why don't they eat?"

Han Fei scratched his head: "Anyway, I think it's good to be a chef. At every critical moment, I can always save my life. I really want to take a road to cook!"

Old tortoise: "..."


When this grassland was burned down, Tang Yue was seen chasing him thousands of meters away. Without the space rules of the grassland, she naturally found this place in the first place.

However, when Tang Yue saw Han Fei standing alone on the scorched grassland, her heart was cold and she immediately fled away.

"Jie Jie! Actually, you should listen to Yulongwang..."


Only seeing Han Fei's figure, the "sweeping" of the land disappeared, and the speed was half a minute faster than that previously shown by Han Fei, but the difference was not very big.

It seems that the disappearance of the strangeness on the grassland has made Han Fei more free.

Tang Yue was horrified, seeing Han Fei chasing after him without hesitation, she immediately snorted, and the secret method unfolded. The red mist sprayed out from his body, and the power of blood and blood soared.

I saw a white light, "chill" split the void. The opponent flickered, and seemed to want to kill Han Fei's soul.

Han Fei sneered: "Cut me? Are you qualified?"

"Sacrifice fist."

The blazing fist marks, the red light broke through the sky.

Only saw Han Fei "swiftly" flickering in the void. In his hand, I don't know when, a long rod appeared. What is it not a fishing rod?

I saw Han Fei throw the hook, the hook was like a sharp arrow, Tang Yue's long sword was shaken, and thousands of swords were separated from the body.

But the fish hook suddenly broke through midway and appeared directly in front of her tens of meters. On Mizukitian's side, very few people use fishing hooks to fight directly, and even very few fish.

Therefore, Tangyue didn't even recognize the fishing rod in Han Fei's hand, and it was inevitable that it was a bit difficult to deal with.

In fact, Han Fei's line of nothingness has bloomed, almost blocking the surrounding space. The fish hook is just a visible trick.

When the line of nothingness suddenly closed, Tang Yue's expression changed drastically.

"Void Curse."

As soon as a circle of tadpole-like incantations emerged, Han Fei discovered that Tang Yue's figure was disappearing.

It was too late, it was fast, the line of nothingness was already the fastest, but only two of them were caught. However, Tang Yue actually shattered two pieces of her own soul in that instant. In the next second, the figure disappeared in this space.

Han Fei naturally saw: Tang Yue has plunged into the void. When she reappeared, Tang Yue was already in the sky, dripping with blood. Many parts of his body showed the bones that had been shaved off.

Han Fei looked up: Seeing this, she gave up the trial.

"Smart woman."

Tang Yue knew that if she escaped into the void, even if she could survive, she would definitely lose her strength. Facing the turbulent flow here, it would be good to survive. If you don't take this opportunity to fly to the sky and get out of the trial, I am afraid that Han Fei will easily catch up.

But seeing Han Fei's body surging with blood, he seemed very angry.

The two people before and after were attacked by Yang Ruoyun and robbed of their heads, and Tang Yue escaped from her own hands once.

Suddenly, Han Fei looked up and said, "Blood Sea God Wood City, I remember it."

The moment Tang Yue escaped, Han Fei didn't care.

Originally, he just wanted to grab Tangyue's sun and moon shells. As a result, the woman ran so fast, even at the mercy of self-harm, so that she could not even eat a bite of the spirit.

However, Han Fei didn't panic, he had already re-be himself, and there were more methods available.


Han Fei finally stopped scrupulous. Without needing to perceive it, he immediately smelled the breath of two blood monsters, a half-mermaid, and a zerg.

Not surprisingly, they were attracted to the previous astronomical phenomenon.

Without hesitation, Han Fei chose the people from the blood sea **** Mucheng.

In the eyes of outsiders, Han Fei's two misses were caused by the people of Blood Sea God Mucheng.

At this moment, Yun Chu looked at Han Fei's movements and his face suddenly became cold. It's not that Yang Ruoyun succeeded in a sneak attack under Han Fei's nose, and Tang Yue escaped by chance, indicating that Han Fei was not strong.

If Han Fei is not strong, how did the Yulong King die? If Han Fei is not strong and meets in just one short time, why would Tang Yue escape into the void? Fleeing at the risk of being shattered?

As early as when Han Fei killed the Yulong King, Chang Shuiqin and Yun Chu felt that it was a wrong decision to let Han Fei participate in this trial.


If the Blood Sea God Wood City had the Tianjiao list, Yang Qing should be ranked in the top twenty. He is extremely proficient in spells.

Especially attacking and killing and defending, the double curse comes out together, it can be said to be a very stable person.

At this moment, Yang Qing looked at the scorched earth, and she didn't know: What happened here?

"Could it be that the chance has been taken away?"


Suddenly, a flash of extreme cold sword, pierced through the sky, directly appeared in the void.



At that moment, Yang Qing did not choose to escape.

The horrible blade light was too horrible, her first thought was to lift her arms, revealing the silver bracelet on her wrist.

I saw a series of nine yellow circles, which were placed directly above her head.


"Crack, click~"

In Yang Qing's horrified gaze, her door seal curse was cut five times in an instant.


Only saw Han Fei appear out of thin air like a phantom, with a rolling aura on his shoulders, directly hitting him.


Yang Qing flew horizontally, and the two doors were printed with curses, cracking open.

In Han Fei's hands, he did not know when he had already held a big frost sword.

"Draw the sword!"

It was too fast, Yang Qing could only make two reactions under these circumstances: One was that the necklace on her neck burst into the spell shield armor, blocking her in front of her. While holding the golden hairpin on his head with his backhand, the curse shone and pierced Han Fei, as if he wanted to force Han Fei back...

In Yang Qing's cognition, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, as long as he can retreat and give himself some time, he can escape by magic.

However, in this instant, Yang Qing saw the corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly raised.


Only saw a big shadow of King Kong standing proudly in front of her. The violent blow formed by the curse in her hand was held by the hands of the King Kong and scattered from her side. There is no spell at all that can break the shadow of the King Kong.

At that moment, Yang Qing had no chance to escape, and Han Fei pulled a sword from the bottom up, listening to the sound of "Ka Ka Ka" continuously.

Han Feike did not hide his strength in the slightest, and Yang Qing was only seeking the pinnacle of the path and hadn't overcome the catastrophe. How could he stop Han Fei's blow?

Just hearing a "pouch" sound, Yang Qing was split in half, fighting back and forth without a single breath.

outside world.

The corner of Chongwang's mouth turned up, and his heart secretly said: Han Fei, change it.

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