God of Fishing

Chapter 1332: Long Yuan Qi

The body of the blood demon is all millennium snappers.

At this moment, Han Fei hooked Yang Qing with the thread of nothingness and took a breath of Divine Soul. As a result, there are not even a hundred points, only a few dozen points.

This made Han Fei couldn't help sighing: Sure enough, he still had to find a strong one.

When Yang Qing was slaughtered in an instant, Yun Chu and Chang Shuiqin were astonished: It was too fast, Han Fei was like a thunder, and Yang Qing did not even have a chance to react.

In an instant, the battle ended. This seems to be a bit stronger compared to the previous fight against the Yulong King.

This also fully explained: If the Yulong King hadn't had a hand-to-hand technique, he wouldn't be much better than Yang Qing. It was as if Tang Yue was crushed by Han Fei and could only escape.

After 30 breaths, Han Fei cut a half-mermaid again, but did not immediately go to the people of Baibei King City to start.

Just now, the figure in the deserted tomb said: What kind of dragon's vitality is there on this island, which benefits me greatly?

Han Fei doesn't know: What kind of powerhouse does that exist? However, the dragons themselves are unheard of. So far, I have only seen Canglong's soul body once.

However, that person undoubtedly gave Han Fei a message: On this island, there should be more than him, there should be a fallen dragon.

Otherwise, if the thing is alive, should you go to death with your own small arms and legs? I wouldn't let myself go to get it!

Therefore, that person should only tell himself this information because he is a human being. This is my own unique opportunity, and others don't have this treatment.

But seeing Han Fei standing outside the wasteland, he closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

For a moment, he discovered that there were as many as five people nearby. Among them, there are at least two blood demon.

But in addition to these few people, Han Fei also sensed: There are as many as seven or eight peculiarities on this island.

For example, I don't know how far to my left, it seems there is a lot of energy.

For example, right in front of yourself, where aura is abundant. However, there seems to be a sweetness in the feeling, like the direction of the spiritual orchard, there seems to be a special kind of spiritual fruit.

For another example, Han Fei felt that the front left was extremely dangerous. Moreover, because of the strong moisture there, it is naturally a big river on this island.

And so on, Han Fei felt that there were countless treasures on this island. If you can get them one by one, you can definitely make yourself a lot of money.

If he is alone on the island now, Han Fei feels that he will definitely go and investigate one by one.

However, current conditions do not allow it.

He has returned, and he is quite strong. Exit early, maybe not. But if you continue to slaughter others, the Queen of Life may be threatened by the other two kings.

Moreover, two days have passed since the trial time. Treasure hunting takes time! There is no reason for a baby to fall on the ground and wait for someone to pick it up.

Therefore, Han Fei quickly developed an idea: First look for Long Yuan Qi! If time is sufficient, let others dig the excavator first. When they dig out the chance, they will hunt again. How easy is it?

It's just that Han Fei has only experienced Longwei, but he doesn't know what Longyuan Qi is?

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Old Yuan, do you know what Long Yuan Qi is?"

Old Tortoise: "I don't know. The emperor has never dealt with the dragon clan! In the emperor's era, the dragon clan did not participate in the great world."

Han Fei saw that even the old tortoise didn't know about the Dragon Clan. Can the Queen of Life know?

The queen of life should be the king that came after the Age of Domination. She was afraid that she didn't know what happened earlier.

At this moment, the Queen of Life is in contact with Bai Suzhen's family in Dinghai Chart. Han Fei asked, and as expected, the Queen of Life didn't know about it, and she had never seen the so-called dragon.

Han Fei wanted to identify, where is Longwei on this island?

This kind of power imprint, I have no feeling, my brain is blank, there is no trace at all.

After a while, Han Fei chose three places.

One is the huge inland river. The length of the river occupies one third of the island, it is about 6000 miles long, and its breadth varies from hundreds to thousands of miles.

Such a huge area can be said to be the most dangerous place on this island, and there may be hidden murderous intentions everywhere. Long Yuan, maybe somewhere there. Because it is dangerous, it is not easy for ordinary people to find it.

The other is a place full of death. It feels so gloomy there, there should be undead living there. Han Fei can feel it directly through Xiaobai. Just like this grassland, the waste tomb is hidden, and there is mystery inside.

The last one is actually just a thought of Han Fei. Because Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai merged, Han Fei felt unconsciously: In the East, there seems to be some power to attract him, but he is not sure what it is?

Two hours later.

Han Fei was standing on the edge of the river, he had already disintegrated, and directly let Xiao Bai appear.

Xiao Bai: "Dad, there are so many dangers here."

Han Fei smiled and said, "Girl, can you feel that there is a particularly advanced power here?"

Xiao Bai: "It seems, no."

Just listen to the old turtle said: "It shouldn't be here. You think...this big river, like a river, must be living with thousands of creatures. If the dragon's vitality is here, it will not be too soon. Was it sucked away by other creatures?"

Han Fei's heart moved: "You mean, is that a place where people are rarely interpersonal?"

Old tortoise: "If it is the emperor, at least no creatures will be allowed to see the place where the emperor's bones are buried."

Han Fei thought: That's right! So, he abandoned the river directly, spent a full five hours, crossed the swamp, and came to a gorge full of death.

outside world.

The insect king is a little confused: Han Fei, what are you looking for?

From the grassland before to now.

Han Fei didn't do anything except kill the two Tianjiao of the Blood Sea God Wood City. You know, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If it wasn't for Emperor Bai Jia's serious injury, if it wasn't for the blood sea **** Mucheng who never went out, this time the Queen of Life would not be able to force Han Fei in.

In addition to wanting to save Han Fei from Baibei Wangcheng, everyone certainly hopes: Han Fei can sweep the two great kings.

These people, as long as they don't fall, will basically be respectable in the future.

No matter how bad it is, it is at least half the state.

If a batch were cut off at this time, it can be said that it was the real Tianjiao-class powerhouse of the generation of the two kings who were cut off. Let their strong men supply, there is a fault.

However, Han Fei didn't care about those people at all, and seemed to be looking for something. When he arrived at the river, he left without even exploring, and went to the gorge full of undead.

The insect king thinks: What secret did Han Fide discover? As a result, he has lost interest in the Tianjiao who killed the two kings. And this time, I was looking for that secret.

The insect king can see it, and other people can see it.

Chang Shuiqin frowned, and stared at the direction Zhang Xiaotian was. It is a mountain range in the east, with strange animals rampant. Zhang Xiaotian fought all the way, and at this time he has already punished more than a hundred enemies.

As early as when exploring the island, he Chang Shuiqin was responsible for the first exploration. At that time, several hidden powers faded quickly. One of them, seemingly embellished by the sun, seems to be a symbol of heaven and earth spiritual treasure.

However, that Lingbao seemed to have wisdom and knew that the strong would come, so he converged without a trace in the first place. Even if Chang Shui Qin searched in many ways, it was fruitless.

Therefore, Chang Shuiqin secretly gave this opportunity to Zhang Xiaotian.

At that time, it was not that he had never thought about the Yulong King, but compared to Zhang Xiaotian, the Yulong King was not stable enough. His talent is still a little bit worse, and his temper is even worse.

In comparison, the Yulong King is much worse than the steady and tough Zhang Xiaotian. Therefore, Chang Shuiqin was naturally bet on Zhang Xiaotian.

At this moment, Han Fei's search made Chang Shuiqin feel a little bad: the resources on this island are already abundant. However, Han Fei didn't even look at it. What did he look for?


Death Canyon.

When Han Fei arrived here, he immediately felt bad. Because there are corpses all over here, with dead bones everywhere. In the canyon, the wind blowing seemed to be howling. The reddish flames in the blue that are extinguished in mid-air are far more terrifying than the so-called ghost fire.

At this moment, Han Fei felt the ground shaking as soon as he landed. Those skeletons are joining together.

This scene reminded Han Fei of Burial Ground.

However, the difference from the place where the bones were buried was that Han Fei saw a corpse with crystal clear bones and stood up.


There was a flash of white light in front of him, Han Fei held the golden light in his hand, and fisted across.

But after hearing a loud bang, a bone was blown away by Han Fei. However, there was no fragmentation on the crystal clear bones.

But Han Fei said: "What kind of bone is this, why is it so hard?"

Old Turtle: "This shows that he was very strong before he died."

Han Fei pointed at the dense clusters in front of him with his finger, UU reading www. uukanshu.com has thousands of corpses, and said silently: "You mean, these were very strong in life?"

Old tortoise: "Not bad."

Han Fei: "It's troublesome, I can only call it in the past."


"Boom bang bang!"

Han Fei shouted and rushed out.

However, in the depths of the gorge, there was a woman with long hair with curly skin, holding a small round instrument in her hand, looking in the direction where Han Fei was.

The woman's eyes were hollow, she looked at Han Fei like a barbarian, rampaging all the way with the phantom of King Kong, she seemed a little unhappy and wrinkled her nose slightly.

She only flicked her finger, four skeletons with a faint golden light, slowly climbed up from the pile of discarded bones, and walked slowly towards Han Fei.

After doing this, the woman's hollow eyes glanced in the air, and slowly said: "Death is forbidden, the living will not enter."

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