God of Fishing

Chapter 1336: Refining progress

"Ren Tianfei, you son of a tortoise, what kind of **** techniques are you creating?"

Han Fei was already so painful that he began to curse.

When cultivating the first four levels of "Indestructible Body", Han Fei felt it was okay. Although the pain was extremely painful, he wanted to curse countless times. Even when he was practicing, he felt like he wanted to die.

However, there has never been such a strange feeling. It seems that his bones are really broken into scum. The feeling of bones being pinched into fine sand, Han Fei himself doubted: can he hold it?

Except for the pain, the pain in the soul is actually not small at all.

After all, Han Fei split his soul out in half. Although the power in this area is not weak now, it is vain to say how arrogant the world is.

At this moment, the demon refining pot began to rotate slightly.

Last time, the Demon Refining Pot took the initiative to replace Han Fei's spiritual veins.

This time, it seemed that Han Fei was barely able to withstand the power of the Forty Nine Kings Tribulation. The Demon Refining Pot only slightly alleviated the pain in Han Fei's soul. Otherwise, nothing happens.

Compared to the painful Han Fei, Zhang Xiaotian was a little more comfortable. Of course, this so-called comfort is only relative.

To ordinary people, you are already a arrogant, so you should be powerful.

In fact, what the so-called peerless arrogance is said by others and has no substantive meaning. However, it is nothing more than a title.

Ordinary people have only seen how talented the Tianjiao are, but they can't see that they are struggling as they are, and they are cautiously groping forward.

Even a reincarnated body like Zhang Xiaotian prepared countless treasures when dealing with the Four Nine Kings Tribulation. For example, the tortoise shell just now, the thousands of formations in a chain, simply cannot be done by ordinary people.

Han Fei also saw: This chapter Xiaotian has always been a guy who pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger.

As for the tortoise shell formation, it is impossible for others to carve it for him. This kind of stuff at the bottom of the box is definitely drawn by myself bit by bit, and I won't tell anyone else.

Therefore, this chapter Xiaotian is actually a master of formation. Its formation ability should not be weaker than himself.

If you give yourself enough time to prepare, carving out such a tortoise shell formation is equally difficult.

At this moment, seeing that the tortoise shell was about to break, Zhang Xiaotian swallowed the power of thunder that escaped into his body, and at the same time took out a bottle of pill.

Han Feixin said: Is it useful? At the beginning, I was on Tianxin Island, and even a pill of the level of Tianxin Pill couldn't help him with a thunder. I didn't know what Zhang Xiaotian had taken?

I saw a red pill which was swallowed by Zhang Xiaotian. Immediately afterwards, the space he was in was wrapped in flames. That piece of fire wall, like the fire lotus in full bloom, grew bigger and bigger until it expanded to nearly 100 meters in size, and then it stopped.


But seeing that tortoise shell crashed and the purple thunder bombarded on the flame lotus, at this moment it turned into pieces of flame lotus petals and withered.

Compared to Zhang Xiaotian's complete equipment, Han Fei has one word: Mang.

What tortoiseshell? What pill? Han Fei has only his own body.

At this moment, I was burned to the point that my bones were broken every inch, and my whole body was three times fatter. In the body, half of the resources have been consumed, violently impacting his body.

Of course, the benefits are also there, that is, Han Fei's immortal golden body is growing bit by bit.

From the inside, there are always some white spots in Han Fei's bones. Those places are being refined. For a bone the size of a grain of sand, if you want to refine it from bright white to pale gold, the resources needed are extremely terrifying. What's more, what Han Fei wants to refine is the whole body?

However, when refining his body this time, Han Fei had a clear realization: his immortal golden body was getting stronger.

I don't know why, Han Fei suddenly had a more intuitive feeling in his mind: it seemed that his immortal golden body had become nearly 40%.

Han Fei remembered at that time: After enlightening Dao, he can understand a lot of power. No, Han Fei already felt at this moment, and had a more intuitive feeling about the strength of his golden body.

It lasted for 36 breaths, this terrifying thunder slowly disappeared.

During this period of time, Han Fei and Zhang Xiaotian each showed their magical powers.

Han Fei, who refined the fifth layer of "The Immortal Body," was shaking all over at this moment. The tempering of the overall bones has reached about 40%.

Before, the so-called semi-golden body was actually just a 30% skeletal gold body. This time, stealing Zhang Xiaotian together with the Four Nine Kings Tribulation, fully increased his golden body effect by more than 10%. It's really a big profit.

Moreover, Han Fei felt that his strength had risen slightly in the robbery of others. It's just that this improvement is small, and Han Fei doesn't care.


Han Fei feels: The whole body is still hesitating, the sourness of crushed bones can't completely fade away.

Zhang Xiaotian's side is not much better. However, they have something to prepare! I only saw hundreds of spiritual fruits hovering in front of him, shattering one after another, providing him with strength.

Zhang Xiaotian himself hadn't opened yet, Han Fei knew: This is a process in which the body's strength is rapidly changing after the catastrophe. This process is a process of rapid improvement in strength.

Han Fei's thoughts moved, the line of nothingness appeared, and he immediately hooked Zhang Xiaotian.

Only when the line of nothingness appeared, a large number of floating purple electric flowers in the void "cracked" and exploded.

Han Fei quickly retracted the Line of Nothingness.

Old tortoise: "What's the hurry? The power of thunder hasn't completely dissipated, at least there are dozens of breaths left before it can be restrained."

Han Fei cursed in his heart: "Why am I so powerful? He actually suppressed a ray of spirit in his body. It turned out that it was the reincarnation of the strong."

The old turtle said: "The reincarnated body is always just the reincarnated body. This shows that this chapter Xiaotian has an ontology. This ontology should still be alive now. How to cultivate the reincarnated body while alive is the key At that time, the reincarnation body has been completely refined, and he can easily live in and live another life."

Han Fei said speechlessly: "Is the strong like this? Once reincarnated from the left and once from the right, what is the difference between this and longevity?"

"Nonsense, of course there is a difference. The reincarnation body is just the reincarnation body, which has benefits and disadvantages. The advantage is to live another life. However, the emperor tells you that a king can only live another life. If you do it again, His original power is not enough to maintain his rebirth again."

Han Fei said in surprise: "Can it still be like this?"

The old tortoise sneered: "Otherwise, why do you think so many powerful people should pursue the realm of longevity? The king is only the king. Although the life span is constant, he will eventually have a life span. Of course, there are also venerables who will cultivate reincarnation for themselves. However, those venerables are not sensible, thinking that it is enough to live in reincarnation. As everyone knows, if the origin becomes weaker, the difficulty for him to become a king becomes even higher."

Han Fei heard: In this case, then this reincarnation is not entirely good. One reincarnation, in addition to live one more life, but there is no way to finish or walk through the first life, who said that you can walk through the second life?

Suddenly, I saw Zhang Xiaotian slowly opening his eyes.

This is only eight breaths. Han Fei hasn't recovered his body yet, so he can only constantly baptize himself with spiritual energy.

Eight breaths of time can only double Han Fei's size at best. But even though he was twice as small, Han Fei still had three fatter himself.

Of course, Han Fei was also digesting himself. Not only was he digesting, he also lost a holy light technique to himself. In order to quickly recover himself, his strength reached the peak of combat power.

Zhang Xiaotian looked at Han Fei coldly: "Human race, Han Fei."

Han Fei saw that Zhang Xiaotian's face was very ugly, and he couldn't help but grinned and said, "Ah! You found it. Little master, I saved you once and helped you through the Forty Nine Kingdoms. You don't even have any gratitude? Huh?"

Zhang Xiaotian was too lazy to talk to Han Fei, and just listened to him: "The Four Nine Kings robbed me. Even if you take away half of the thunder, this will not make you invincible."

Han Fei sneered: "Don't worry, it's enough to kill you."

After 12 interest.

Zhang Xiaotian took the lead to recover.

After all, the power of the Purple Heavenly Tribulation he endured was not that much, so he recovered first.


As soon as the Scarlet Nine Spears reappeared, Zhang Xiaotian had no plans to keep his hands.


I saw endless hydration turning into ten thousand knives and running rampant, blocking the Scarlet Nine Spears.

"Crack, click~"

This time, just three **** nine spears, smashed the endless water.

Zhang Xiaotian's eyes were cold: "Unfortunately, you lose and die!"


When the Blood God Nine Spears was about to reach Han Fei, the endless water exploded.

Where did Zhang Xiaotian react? The two were already very close. When this burst, I heard "Boom Boom Boom", three consecutive **** nine spears collapsed.

Both Han Fei and Zhang Xiaotian were blown out for more than a hundred miles.

Take the Scarlet Nine Spears again? Han Fei naturally knew that it would not be so easy. Seeing the scarlet nine spears that broke through the explosion wave, an angry King Kong reappeared behind Han Fei.


Han Fei naturally knows: The law of glaring King Kong cannot stop the scarlet nine spears. However, when his mind moved, the Taoism urged, and the strength of Jin Gang soared.

Seeing its palm, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com smashed a scarlet spear, but that palm was also broken.

In the next step, Furious King Kong used his body as a shield, breaking his hands together.

Just listened to the sound of "clang", and the angry eyes fell apart. After all, Zhang Xiaotian's **** nine spears could not stop the Taoist Realm.

However, at this moment, Han Fei's body has been restored to twice its original body. The numbness of the bones has quickly receded.

Seeing that the ninth spear was used, Han Fei stretched out his hand with the embroidery needle in his hand and pushed it horizontally with his palm. With a loud noise again, Han Fei retreated more than ten miles, but he just resisted the so-called Scarlet Ninth Spear.

Zhang Xiaotian was shocked: What kind of strength is this Han Fei? The last time Scarlet Nine Spears, he looked like it was very difficult to stop him.

This time, although he was not completely consolidated, his strength doubled, and Scarlet Nine Spears were still blocked! Even more relaxed than last time.

I saw Han Fei suddenly raising his head and grinning: "Why, is there any other means?"

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