God of Fishing

Chapter 1337: Reincarnated old thief

Zhang Xiaotian grew up so big, for the first time there was a wave of emotion in his heart.

In the past, he often looked down on others from the perspective of God. The so-called humility was actually disdain. The reason why he was ranked fourth on the Tianjiao list was only to motivate the people behind, and he never took it in his heart.

If Han Fei played the Yulong King, it just made Zhang Xiaotian pay a little attention, the so-called Tianjiao peerless, he couldn't stand his own **** nine spears.

Now, this Han Fei is so fierce. He actually blocked his Scarlet Nine Spears twice in a row with the realm of a junior explorer, and he was even able to handle it without any injuries.

Zhang Xiaotian's expression was a bit solemn, there are important treasures here, and he just swallowed a strange water here, so he was forced to survive.

As a result, the Four Nine Kings Tribulation came directly, and if he hadn't prepared for it, the Four Nine Kings Tribulation would be really hard. Even if he had prepared so much, if Han Fei hadn't come, he would have been hit hard by the Forty Nine Kings.

Therefore, although Han Fei robbed part of the Tribulation, Zhang Xiaotian was able to survive the Tribulation smoothly.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaotian's heart was awe-inspiring, although he had only heard that Shui Mutian had made a decision before and passed the Four Nine Tribulations, but he didn't care at that moment. I just thought that Han Fei was only lucky, or with the help of many quasi-people, that he was able to successfully overcome the catastrophe.

Looking at it now, it is true that there are no vain scholars under the reputation. If he had not basically succeeded in crossing the catastrophe, Han Fei would probably be able to smash himself with a crushing posture.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaotian had just crossed the calamity and needed to consolidate his cultivation. However, this treasure land obviously still has a great opportunity, how can he let it go?

"Boom boom boom!"

I saw Zhang Xiaotian suddenly appearing one after another round black holes of different sizes. He only heard him say: "Shui Mutian Han Fei, I remember you. But that's it."


In other words, the large and small black holes are like black holes rotating in mid-air, directly smashing at Han Fei.


Han Fei flickered several times, only to see that the black hole followed him like a shadow. It turned out to be a simple technique, and the space-time type of attack completely ignored the space itself.


Seeing that Han Fei was not in a daze, he threw out more than 20 large-panel tortoise formations while waving his hands. Just by looking, I saw the spatial spiral bursting "bang bang".

What made Han Fei a little frightened was that more than 20 large-scale turtle formations had only obliterated 8 void spirals.

But at this time, Zhang Xiaotian turned around and ran away, heading directly into the mountains, leaving the distance in the blink of an eye.

Han Fei let out a cold snort, and compare my speed with Xiaoye? What about letting you breathe?

"Drawing swordsmanship!"

Spiritual energy poured in, and Snow Sorrow burst out bright and smooth, like a bright moon, drew an arc with no ground.

With just one move, the remaining 5 void spirals were burst.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi."

It was about the Qi of Long Yuan, the strong man in the deserted grave personally told him that he was the same human race, and that figure had no reason to deceive himself when he fed so much.

At the moment he crossed the void, Han Fei's eyes were full of void cracks, and there were even a few rays of glow in the void, which flew past him dangerously and dangerously.

Han Fei knew that it was the so-called Void Turbulence. Once involved, God knew where he would appear, or if he could appear.

Han Fei urged the Taoist species, imagining that there was a void in front of him, shortening the boundary of the void, and appeared directly above the mountains.

Zhang Xiaotian secretly said that it was not good, Han Fei's servant was indeed vigorous, and his sickle of dying was blocked by that guy in an instant. He just ran out, and that guy was gone.

He naturally knows that Han Fei is fast, but you have to be able to follow the fast too, right?

But now, Zhang Xiaotian's eyebrows are sticking out, but he can't find Han Fei.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaotian's pupils shrank abruptly, the principle was 50 miles in front of him, the void opened up, and Han Fei stepped out of it in one step.

Zhang Xiaotian's eyes were almost staring out, and he immediately turned his head and glanced back. Why did you come here after gathering for more than 300 miles?

Zhang Xiaotian believes that he has enough talent and extraordinary talents. After being reincarnated, he will continue to polish himself to achieve his current achievements. That's it, he didn't dare to cross the void at this time, maybe it's okay to walk ten miles, but you walked more than 300 miles as soon as you left. How about playing?

Don't say Zhang Xiaotian, all the venerables and even the Emperor Bai Jia and the Queen of Life who saw it were a little bit embarrassed. Do you dare to leave in the turbulent space? Are you afraid of leaving yourself?

Han Fei turned his head and grinned sneer: "I gave you a face, right? You want to leave in front of me?"

"Ten thousand swords return to the clan."

Just watch Han Fei stretch out his hand and point to the sky for ten miles, water and air permeating the sky.


When ten thousand knives were combined, Zhang Xiaotian finally revealed his body, a tentacle protruding out, covered with a thick cyan carapace, trying to attack Han Fei.

However, Han Fei completely ignored Zhang Xiaotian's path, and only heard him growl: "Beast King Art, Hundred Beast Souls."

But it was said that Han Fei's body suddenly violent, reminding that the swelling was nearly doubled, and he opened his mouth and sucked, and the energy entered his body.


All kinds of wonderful sounds were filled with this roar.

In the next second, hundreds of unheard-of and unseen-beasts, trampled in the void with their hoofs, danced across the sky, and the sound of their screams hit Zhang Xiaotian.

Han Fei's figure faced Zhang Xiaotian, pinching his fist.

He just listened to him shouting: "Come here, try your nine spears again, Master, I will beat you alive today."


He saw Zhang Xiaotian squirting blood, as if he was injured by the roar of Bai Beast Soul. However, as a strong reincarnation, Zhang Xiaotian quickly reacted, seeing the fist marks bursting out of his body, and he retreated.

For these real powerhouses, life and death are only on the front line, so they are extremely sensitive to danger.

Seeing Han Fei's strength so far, his attack was only fierce and chilling, he retreated again and again. However, several octopus touches stretched out from all directions and slapped fiercely.


The tentacles collapsed, Zhang Xiaotian's nine arms united, violently stabbing. Just listen to the "bang" a violent explosion, sweeping around more than 50 miles, directly flattening a mountain at the foot, and completely shattering the ground.

"Puff...cough cough..."

Zhang Xiaotian took another breath of blood, feeling a little speechless. What kind of monster is this?

Han Fei was also a little surprised. For so many years, in the same realm, very few people have been able to compete with him. Although this chapter Xiaotian didn't dare to fight head-on, but he forced himself to be the peak blow next.

Of course, this was just an attack from Han Fei. However, this further illustrates the horror of this existence of reincarnation.

Of course, Han Fei didn't doubt himself. First of all, it is more obvious to show that the sky has just crossed the catastrophe and that it has lost to yourself. Secondly, after all, he has lost half of his souls, and his strength is not at the peak, otherwise he can easily press Zhang Xiaotian on the ground and rub.

Xu knew that he was lost, Zhang Xiaotian chose to regress. Although chance was important, his life was not important.

As soon as Zhang Xiaotian was retreating, the corners of Han Fei's mouth immediately aroused.


Han Fei was unambiguous, Zhang Xiaotian took this place to overcome the catastrophe, and the place was full of Longwei. If nothing happens, Zhang Xiaotian has just gotten the chance.

If he couldn't feel the breath of chance this time, Han Fei would immediately turn around and kill Zhang Xiaotian on the spot. In Han Fei's opinion, since there is such a good thing as Dragon King's Qi, it must be his own, otherwise he is the strongest in name, so what is he doing?

Sure enough, when the black and the white merged and the yin and yang eyes appeared, Han Fei immediately felt a great opportunity. His gaze directly turned to the south in the mountains.

Han Fei stood proudly in the void. Before he left, he looked around and found that the mountains were endless, and there were strange powers in the south calling him inexplicably.

Where can Han Fei bear it? Maybe ordinary people can't tell the general trend of the mountain. But Xiaobai can, good fortune and bad luck, Xiaobai can tell.

Although he wanted to kill Zhang Xiaotian, Long Yuan Qi was more important than Zhang Xiaotian.

It was just a reincarnated body who had survived the Four Nine Kings Tribulation. In terms of reincarnation, Bai Suzhen is no worse than Zhang Xiaotian. At that time, her strength was still at its peak, and fighting Bai Suzhen was only half a catty.

But if Zhenlun fights to the death, neither of these two is his opponent. No amount of experience is enough to be afraid.

outside world.

Outside, Chang Shuiqin drank again: "Wang, Han Fei, this son has exceeded the limit of combat power in this trial, and he should withdraw."

In their opinion, Han Fei is too strong, and he has also survived the Four and Nine Kings Tribulation. Han Fei has spent half a year, and Zhang Xiaotian has not spent half a day. Chang Shuiqin and the others naturally did not want to see such a heavenly arrogant fall in the city of Baibai.

However, Emperor Bai Jia did not speak.

Not far in front of him, the Queen of Life said indifferently: "Zhang Xiaotian's strength has obviously exceeded the scope of this trial. He has gone. Selfishness, everyone has it. Since the rules have been set, don't break it. Good, what do you think?"

Emperor Bai Jia cursed secretly in his heart, even he underestimated Han Fei's strength, and even Zhang Xiaotian, who had been hidden here, couldn't stop him, showing how strong Han Fei was.

However, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com himself was injured in front, Baibei King City, several statues fell, and many people were seriously injured. If it is because of this time, it is really wrong to start a war at this time.

Anyway, what if Han Fei really got the chance?

It is possible to become stronger by chance, but no one is able to ascend to the position of king by virtue of chance.

Seeing that the king did not speak, Chang Shuiqin was not reconciled to give up this request.

On the island.

Han Fei flew all the way, but when he was only one hill away from the strange place, he suddenly saw the hill standing up all the time, the grass and trees were withered, and on the top of the bare rock, there was a headless female body in a white dress. Look at yourself.

This picture is very contrary, there is no head, only a broken neck.

However, the next moment the woman's movements almost didn't scare Han Fei to pee.

However, the woman seemed to be aware of Han Fei, and she grabbed a head from the void and put it on her neck.

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