God of Fishing

Chapter 1359: Yulong King's Spring

Different perspectives and perceptions of things are also different.

This Dao-seeking realm sea monster can only think of legends.

After all, if legendary creatures appear, they will surely set off a **** storm. If anyone can get it, or win over, what is the significance? It can be said that it is inevitable that one's own combat power will increase greatly.

However, in the eyes of a venerable Xueqin, she knew: In this world, in addition to legends, there are alien species left over from ancient times, and there is also a mysterious creature that is so extraordinary that it cannot define its rank.

This Xueqin is responsible for the daily inspections of the outer waters of the Blood Sea God Wood City. Therefore, she was very surprised and pleasantly surprised when such a creature appeared.

He hadn't tried to avoid throwing the grass and scaring the snake, Xueqin kept calm, did not make any moves, but observed in secret.

The reason she dared to confirm that it was a mysterious creature or a alien creature was because she had tried several times through parasites to find the way. As a result, without even seeing the shadow of the big fish, he was bitten and killed.

Such a creature has no experience of its own, and no one has experience. If legendary and mysterious creatures are really so easy to catch, then Blood Sea God Wood City can have at least one.

But in fact, there was not one of this rank in the entire Blood Sea God Wood City.

How could she be careless?


Han Fei was waiting for an opportunity in the outer waters of Blood Sea God Wood City, about 500,000 miles.

His purpose is actually very simple, waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to send the Yulong King into the Blood Sea God Wood City.

At this moment, Han Feizheng was ambushing a fire crab in the path-seeking realm with the body of the black mist of Gemini Divine Art. Because it is close to the blood sea **** Mucheng, it is said that there are Dahongyi everywhere. Therefore, the creatures around here are either resistant to high temperature or fire, and their categories are relatively single.

Unlike the Baibei King City, everything is required. As long as the style is different, the creatures who can enter the blood of the sea **** Mucheng, in addition to the thousand-year-old snappers who have taken the red pill, are more fire creatures.

As for the other creatures, although the Blood Sea God Wood City would not kill indiscriminately, they were not qualified to enter the 500,000 li area of ​​the Blood Sea God Wood City. Otherwise, it is easy to be hunted.

The creatures living around the Blood Sea God Wood City all year round know this well. Therefore, under normal circumstances, they would never enter the area within 500,000 miles of Blood Sea God Wood City.


The fire crab didn't even notice it, and suddenly the mud under his feet rose, and his small body was gone. Three crab claws were bitten off, and the crab shell was broken in half.

The fire crab was shocked. I have clearly sensed my surroundings, there is nothing! Its perception swept frantically, but it still didn't find any creatures.


The fire crab still wanted to run, but suddenly his body stiffened and found that he couldn't run. Then, it saw a black attack, and then there was no more.

Han Fei took another bite and directly killed the fire crab. When there was a ray of soul and vitality, returning along the line of nothingness, it slowly turned back into a black shadow and quietly left, leaving only the corpse of the fire crab with only the shell.

When Han Fei fleeed thousands of miles away, he found a new place and got down.

Han Fei complained: "To this day, three months have passed. This Blood Sea God Wood City has not even experienced a large-scale outing. It won't work if you want to plug someone in!"

Old tortoise: "The emperor doesn't care about this. It's just that you have already hunted a lot of Pathfinder creatures. Several times before, the venerable has searched and found that it was your luck. If you continue to hunt like this Sooner or later, it will attract the attention of others."

Han Fei sighed slightly: "I am not hunting too many, and the soul is almost made up. However, if my original soul strength is used, there should be at least 30% room for growth at this moment. The vitality of life has not yet been It's more than 300 years to complete."

Old tortoise: "Then you don't have to be around here all the time! It really doesn't work, you can come back later!"

Han Fei shook his head: "Then don't hunt first, but you have to wait. The outside world is so big, you can go wherever you want when the Yulongwang is arranged."

The old turtle said in a puzzled voice: "What about the little girl you rescued before?"

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly and said, "She? She is too weak now, which is meaningless to me. Don't you all pay attention to cause and effect? ​​The cause and effect continue. In the future, I will always have the opportunity to come back with her."

The old tortoise was speechless, and said to his heart: This kid is not very big, so there are so many calculations. There are still two left in Baibei King City. Now, there are two more left in the blood sea **** Mucheng, and I don't know what to think?

The old turtle couldn't help saying: "What are you planning?"

The corner of Han Fei's mouth raised up: "I didn't plan anything, I just have a long-term vision, let's talk about it in the future!"

When asked by Old Turtle, Han Fei suddenly felt a little bit emotional, and seemed to understand how Old Han felt.

However, unlike Lao Han's plan, everything he did was just a small foreshadowing. Han Fei didn't expect much effect... But what if? In case everything is as I expected, this chess piece is worth it.

Besides, Lao Han had promised the Queen of Life anyway, letting herself come and help her kill the two kings. It's better to arrange an inside line to get in first than to rush in.

Suddenly, the old turtle shouted: "Escape."

Han Fei was just an excitement.

The old tortoise is so simple and neat that he doesn't even have a word of nonsense. There is only one possibility: there is a powerful Venerable, and he will do it himself.


Han Fei flicked his tail, splitting the void, and got his head in.

Xueqin could only see a phantom disappearing in the darkness from a distance, but the creature in the darkness actually tore the void and escaped. Its sensitivity is far beyond my imagination.

"It really deserves to be a mysterious creature, and it responded so quickly."

Xueqin didn't stop at all, and in one step, his thoughts moved into the void.

However, as soon as he entered the void, Xueqin saw a teleportation array appearing in the void in the distance.


When Xueqin felt that the teleportation formation burst open, where is Han Fei's trace?

"Damn it!"

Xueqin's face suddenly turned black, and he immediately stepped out of the void, his perception sweeping thousands of miles. However, after waiting for a long time, nothing happened.

Xueqin's face changed: a teleportation array, pierced thousands of miles away? She felt that Han Fei's talent was too terrifying. Just now, although it was a glimpse, the shadow was indeed fish-like.

It's just that the black color is a bit strange, and it deceives his own vision. I used my perception to perceive the shape of the water, and then I could barely judge that it was a fish.

"Sure enough, the mystery is undoubted. Legendary creatures will not have such characteristics, nor will they be so mysterious. Otherwise, how to distinguish mystery and legend?"

It's just that a mysterious creature, but because he rashly shot it, it was gone! How can this be good? Xueqin thought that he was already fast enough. Not only did he hide his breath, he didn't even dare to show his face. What went wrong?


And 50,000 miles away, in a seaweed jungle, a flash of light and shadow on a reef, Han Fei suddenly appeared.

This is the directional teleportation array he reserved for himself.

Otherwise, random transmission will not reach this far. Fortunately, he is agile and knows that he must be vigilant at all times when he knows that he is walking around the city.

Han Fei did not hide or escape, but began to swim with a school of fish. With the sway of the fish swaying the sea, hiding in it, out of this seaweed jungle.

He won't use this place a second time.

Old tortoise: "This person came very quickly, and he is very hidden. If it weren't for the shaking of the heavens, the emperor would almost not have noticed. This shows that in the blood sea **** Mucheng, there is a strong person who has noticed you. Now he is the Venerable, but if The king is watching, do you think you can really avoid it?"

Han Fei frowned: "The son of a tortoise. Are all the dead in this blood sea **** Mucheng? Usually, don't you need to go out to practice?"

Old Turtle: "There must be a teleportation array and a special trial place."

Han Fei: "That won't mean that no one will come out!"

Old tortoise: "Actually, there is no way. If you can find a place for their trial, everything will be solved. Their trial place can never be in the wall of death. Eliminate Shumutian. With Baibei Wangcheng, you have a chart to check again, and you can find it slowly if you look for it. Moreover, you don’t have to risk being discovered and wandering here forever."

Han Fei's eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "Then you said it earlier?"

Old tortoise: "Heh! The emperor doesn't know that they go out so often. Do you think it is so easy to find one by one in secret realms?"

When the old turtle said that, Han Fei immediately waved his tail and swam into the distance. With his own chart in hand, he wouldn't even be able to find a blood demon trial... nothing more than a delay.


One year and three months. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Blood Sea God Wood City, a coral land near the Wall of Death.

In the cave beneath a sea turtle, a shadow swam out.

Han Fei: "The Fish and Dragon King, today is the time for you to mix into the Blood Sea God Wood City. Don't say I didn't give you a chance. After this trip, you will no longer be the fish and dragon king before."

In the refining world, the Yulong King's body was shaken: "Can I go out?"

Han Fei sneered: "Don't be too happy. The ugly words are ahead. Don't think that if you enter the Blood Sea God Wood City, your life is really in your own hands. Unless one day, your strength can surpass mine. Otherwise, In the future, what I have is a chance to kill you. Only when the two parties cooperate is the big plan."

Yulong Wang's figure sank: "How to cooperate?"

Han Fei smiled and said: "Your current strength is too low. When you have the ability, I will show up. In addition, I need to take away some of your memories."

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