God of Fishing

Chapter 1360: Steal the day

Except for the four battlefields of Shuimutian, both the Baibei King City and the trial place of the Blood Sea God Wood City are very secretive.

Han Fei originally thought: How difficult can it be to find a trial secret?

It turns out that Han Fei was wrong.

After searching for more than 300 secret realms, Han Fei found such one. I don't know if it was bad luck. Han Fei felt that he had worked hard enough. On average, it took so long to find a secret realm a day.

Had it not been thinking about hunting for treasures and the traces of a thousand-year-old snapper, Han Fei felt that he would definitely not use such a stupid method.

Of course, this method is not bad. Although the secret realm has explored the sky, it is not without gain. At the very least, Huang Tian paid off, Han Fei accidentally excavated an ancient realm, which was actually the place where the great whale of the venerable state had fallen. Although there are heavy bans and formation barriers, it has been a long time and Han Fei's formation skills are not weak, and he still broke into the formation.

By the way, at that moment, Han Fei saw that there were spirit stones around the bones of the venerable, spreading for nearly a thousand meters. Some spirit stones have even eroded the bones of the venerable, causing the bones to be lowered.

But fortunately, Han Fei harvested a large amount of spirit stones at one time, which has expanded his family wealth by nearly five times.

It is for this reason that Han Fei is willing to explore the secret realms one by one. No, although there was not much gain from that time later, just three days ago, Han Fei finally discovered this blood demon trial site.

It stands to reason that this place should not be allowed to enter from the outside.

But when passing through this place, Han Fei discovered that there was a little singing voice coming out through the crab hole. Only then did I discover that there was no world under this coral bush, it was a place that could be swallowed wildly.

The so-called crazy eating place is the kind of place that Han Fei had experienced when he discovered the Wannian Red T-shirt. People enter the illusion, turn into fish, lead a school of fish, and eat each other. The winner will encounter the red pill fruit, and the one who eats the fruit will become a thousand-year-old snapper.

This is a scene Han Fei has ever encountered.

However, here, there seems to be a slight difference. One is the different types of fish. At the beginning, I turned into a fish. It was not a millennium snapper, but a piranha-like fish, and here it is a millennium snapper.

From this, Han Fei judged: This is the place where Gu is cultivated in the Blood Sea God Wood City.

Thousand-year snappers were thrown into the selection here, and after repeated fights, the ones who stayed last were the real strong.

The only thing Han Fei doesn't understand is: The species of Millennium Snappers are all the same. How can I get the identity of the King of Fish and Dragons?

Needless to say, there must be a way to distinguish identities inside the Millennium Snapper, and it is impossible to put it in casually to raise Gu. Otherwise, who owns the cultivation of Gu? This is not clear!

However, Han Fei felt the breath of a strong man, someone who could make him feel threatened.

Old tortoise: "There are sages, but the strength should not be strong. It may be a newcomer."

Han Fei said in amazement: "Venerable personally take care of?"

The old tortoise said: "This is not surprising. This kind of place for raising Gu is usually a place where trials are important."

Han Fei frowned: "But how did the Yulong King get in? This is still a problem."

The old tortoise said: "Don't you have any disguise? Just teach him not to do it?"

Han Fei suddenly said: "If the grade is low, it's useless if he learns it. If the grade is high, I will teach him, where should I find him?"

The old tortoise said leisurely: "That's true. However, it's not difficult to impersonate someone else. The emperor has this kind of magic. However, you have to catch a blood demon first."

Han Fei grinned: "This is simple. There is only a blood demon, and it's not a big problem."

Han Fei turned into a black mist, sticking to the ground, slowly drifting towards the trial field.


Ji Yue, the examiner of the secret realm here, has the main task of ensuring a certain mortality rate and selecting some excellent millennial snappers.

Her perception is always patrolling.

In the hunting ground, two blood monsters were fighting each other, their combat skills were stacked, and the curse surged.

Ye Long's bodyguard red leaf knife was broken, the curse on his body was about to be blasted, and his aura was about to be exhausted, and he was running fast.

Behind him, someone shouted: "Ye Long, you know, there will be this day after all. Let's fight back and forth for 16 rounds. This time, you can't survive anymore. Cursed Poisonous Stinger..."

"call out!"

Suddenly, he saw Ye Long's body take a while, riding on the man behind him to cast a spell, condensing a water arrow with one hand.

The person behind him was shocked, he had never seen Ye Long used this trick before? When will she?


Because the speed is too fast, the power is too strong, a lightning strike, a move kills.


Ji Yue is paying attention to this battle, waiting for one of them to fall. Unexpectedly, the screen flipped and the person who was hunted down survived?

"It's kind of interesting. By now, he still has a hole card. This person is pretty good."

However, what she didn't know was: the moment Ye Long paused, her spirit had already been manipulated.

Han Fei's purpose is very clear. It is enough to hunt one person unconsciously.

When the hunt arrived, Han Fei controlled Ye Long, went to a corner, took out the spirit fruit, and quickly recovered.

Han Fei: "People are hunted, then what?"

The old tortoise said: "Then, it's the method of blood soul. As long as you swallow the spirit of this thousand-year-old snapper and drink its blood, you can act as the two. The memory is also shared. The drawback is that the one who was devoured is not Really die. If the Yulong King's spirit cannot suppress it, it is very likely to be backlashed in the future. Therefore, this method is not advanced. However, it is not difficult for a **** to impersonate a person without knowing it."

Han Fei frowned when she listened. Swallow soul and blood? The old tortoise is really a big monster.

Han Fei asked the Yulong King, originally wanting to say: This is your only way to get inside the Kraken.

As a result, as soon as he opened his mouth, Yulong Wang readily accepted.

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: "Dignified Tianjiao, are you so without a bottom line?"

The Yulong King seemed to know what Han Fei was thinking, but he knew it himself: I have been tossed by you for so long, can this nausea of ​​devouring soul and blood be more uncomfortable than being humiliated by you?

Before the Yulong King swallowed his soul, Han Fei first glanced at Ye Long's soul. Han Fei did not intend to use dementia, because dementia has yet to be deduced, and now there are side effects.

Remembering Ye Long's name and appearance, Han Fei stuck to Ye Long with black mist.

Half a day later, Han Fei only used one move to complete the replacement of Yulongwang. The real Ye Long had already become soulless flesh and blood, and his vitality was gone.

Yulongwang is overjoyed, a new identity is nothing, as long as he can live.

Han Fei had already extracted part of the memory of the Yulong King, and said: "I have tried my best to send you to the Blood Sea God Wood City, and I will naturally have the ability to find you. You can betray me, but if you see it next time, you will die. But. If you are willing to cooperate, then find a way to become the arrogant of the Blood Sea God Wood City, collect the Ten Thousand Years Red T-shirt, collect various information about the Blood Sea God Wood and the Blood Demon ancestor, and tell me. You might guess that I want these to be For what?"

The Yulong King took a breath: "Do you want to destroy the Blood Sea God Wooden City in the future?"

Han Fei shook his head: "No, I want the blood sea **** Mucheng without a king, but I don't necessarily want to destroy this race. The dragons cannot be headless for a day. If you can, you can dominate in the future. But the prerequisite is the same. I."

The fish-and-dragon king's heart was trembling, and his heart said: "Why are you looking for the Dao Realm, so you already want to kill the king and cultivate cronies?"

Han Fei said leisurely: "Believe it or not, it's your business. Whether you can do it or not is my business. I will say it all! I haven't killed you for so long, and I will even disdain to kill you if I have a chance in the future. , If I do not come here in the future, then you will indeed be free."

Yulongwang's expression is complicated: people like Han Fei are too terrible! His so-called life is insignificant in his eyes. And what he did was something in the long-term future. Could it be that this is the gap between oneself and the top Tianjiao?

The Yulong King looked at this quiet and no man's land, and could not find Han Fei again. Only one sentence from Han Fei came in his mind: "Let's go! I'll go hunting for a nobleman to play."

The Yulong King flicked his tail and sprinted away.

This act of stealing the sky and changing the day is really unaware of it.

It’s just that the ichthyosaur king slandered in his heart: Are you too good at blowing fish? When I don’t know when you cross the robbery? It's been more than two years, and it hasn't arrived in three years. Are you a ghost hunter?

However, the Yulong King didn't know: Han Fei turned into a shadow, and the direction was exactly where the Venerable was.

Old tortoise: "You are hunting the venerable now, don't you plan to stay here anymore?"

Han Fei sneered: "I always feel that the Blood Sea God Wood City is dangerous. You also said that there are evil cultivators here, so what is it to stay here? This Shuimutian, I have almost stayed here. In the short term, what else will happen~ www.ltnovel.com~ I'm afraid that I won't be allowed to do it. If it's over soon, I will return to my cloudy and sunny day. There are still a lot of things waiting for me to do."

Old Tortoise: "You can try it. It is more than 600,000 miles away from Blood Sea God Wood City, and it is in a secret realm. With your current strength, there is a slight possibility. However, if the opponent has reached Intermediate Venerable..."

Han Fei curled his lips: "I'm not stupid. Just try the junior. It doesn't matter whether you can kill or not. After all, I meet a junior. I just want to see, how big is the gap between me and the Junior Venerable? "

The old tortoise said leisurely: "Although your strength has been increased during this period, no matter how strong it is, it still belongs to the category of half deity. Even if the secret method is fully activated, it is barely touching the state of the noble. But fortunately, your Dinghai There are a lot of strange treasures, but at this moment part of their power can be used."

Han Fei grinned and said in his heart: As long as he has the strength of Tu Zun, he won't be shouted and killed as before when he returns to the Yin and Yang sky. Moreover, for more than a year, I have been polishing the foundation, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. At that time, the battle of Broken Star Island will be a tribulation and a chance. There is no way for others to fight for the remnant of the king's realm, but it's not a bad idea for yourself.

After all, you can switch identities yourself. Become a siren, borrow the remains of the king to practice, you can do it yourself!

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