God of Fishing

Chapter 1410: First Know the Avenue

Originally, Han Fei felt that the use of this power might not be able to be studied for a while.

Who knows: It is so easy that it will manifest its own way?

In fact, not only the bridge came out. Moreover, I don't know if Han Fei is dazzled, or how? It seems that my Dao kind has grown a little bit too. At this moment, it must be the size of a small green peas that has just grown.

"The Dao seed has grown bigger, and the bridge has come out. No wonder, wherever the old lady goes, she has to make a statue over there. With those hundreds of millions of people paying their respects and paying respects, the aspiration is so powerful that it is incalculable."

At this moment, Han Fei looked at the misty bridge in front of him. Since it is a bridge, he must go. If you don’t walk your own avenue, your own bridge, who will you take it for?

At this moment, the aspirations that he had accumulated had been exhausted. What else can Han Fei do except go up and walk by himself?

Han Fei took a breath: "I'm going to go."


Han Fei stepped on the bridge.

It's just that this time is different from the last time.

Last time, when walking in the middle, Han Fei felt relaxed. This time, although it was just as easy, Han Fei felt that his strength was swelling, and Taoism was shaking.


The two feelings were different, Han Fei quickly said: "Lao Yuan, have you found anything wrong?"

However, Han Fei discovered that in his divine consciousness, he didn't know when, as if a vague fog barrier was born, he even separated the old tortoise.

Han Fei was shocked.

Last time, it wasn't like that. The old tortoise walked with himself to the middle of the bridge. But this time, the old tortoise was isolated only after going up a step?

"My Avenue, is it so strong?"

Han Fei couldn't help feeling agitated, and didn't feel the slightest worry because the old tortoise was isolated. The old turtle knows too much about himself, knows too much. The more you know, the less you can let it go. Otherwise, what if all the secrets are exposed to this product?

It just so happened that the old tortoise couldn't get a glimpse of his avenue, and it should also be a self-protection of the avenue.

Han Fei continued to climb the bridge without hesitation. One step, two steps, every time Han Fei went up, he felt that the more the Dao-type vibrated, the more his power fluctuated.

For some reason, Han Fei had a feeling in the dark: his Dao power is actually available. It's just that Han Fei doesn't know how to use this power besides "being out of nothing"?

As soon as he climbed the seven steps, Han Fei felt his legs soft, and he felt as though he was suddenly carrying two mountains on his back. The gravity was amazing, and his legs were bent.

However, unlike the last time, Han Fei was only half-finished last time, and his flesh and bones were much worse than now.

Nowadays, Han Fei's golden body has become an extraordinary fetus. Therefore, Han Fei stubbornly carried the terrifying gravity like a suspended ceiling of mountains and seas.

Last time, I was here, fused with Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, and seemed to see the other self, the invisible power, and the nothingness...

This time, through the fog, Han Fei still couldn't see clearly, he seemed to be the third child.

However, Han Fei felt that he could move forward.


Han Fei gasped for dozens of breaths before taking a step slowly and tentatively.


When this step fell, Han Fei felt that his body was bent again. The weight on his head seemed to increase dramatically.

Han Fei immediately realized that he was not on the bridge, but under the bridge.

After this step, Han Fei seemed to have enlightenment in his heart: If he took a step forward, he would probably be able to hold it. But if you continue, it may not work.


Sure enough, Han Fei took another step without hesitation.


Han Fei put his hands directly on his knees. He felt that he was about to squat down, and he couldn't hold it anymore.


When the yin and yang divine eyes appeared, Han Fei's expression suddenly became indifferent. Through his own eyes, Han Fei actually saw three paths in the mist.


Unlike last time, this time I saw three paths. Each road was about three to five meters long, and then it was cut off by darkness, and it seemed that he was not allowed to look back.

But these three roads seem extremely strange.

Under the bridge, three roads diverged, and the middle one, with a person standing on it, a person who looked exactly like himself, was quietly looking at himself on the bridge.

This feeling is very strange.

Han Fei and him looked at each other for more than ten breaths, and found that the man's eyes were motionless, like a sculpture.

Han Feixin said: Is it another self?

Looking at the road on the left, the formation on that road was reversed, the lines were complicated, and it was full of vast and impermanent lines. Among those lines, Han Fei felt alive, soft and full of holiness and warmth.

"Apocalypse Avenue?"


When he saw that road, Han Fei immediately felt that it was the road of the spiritual gathering master, Tianqi Avenue. Why does it appear in its own avenue?

Han Fei looked to the road on the right again. On this road, there are no such complicated lines and textures, and some seem to be a strange energy. Occasionally there is golden light flowing, occasionally there is tidal energy, and what is left is a strong evil spirit and fighting spirit. That kind of will is reflected in his mind.

Han Fei subconsciously said, "Invincible Road?"

Han Fei was dazed at the time. On the left is Tianqi Avenue, on the right is Invincible Road?

Han Fei seems to understand a bit now: As a spiritual gathering master, he has learned the Dao of Apocalypse. Therefore, Tianqi Avenue appeared in his own avenue.

Because I was walking on the road of invincibility, and was cultivating the master technique of physical training, an invincible road would appear for myself.

Had it not been for the old tortoise to have told himself before, and he had never seen this pontic avenue, Han Fei would definitely think that everyone is the same. In the realm of explorers, there will always be a bridge. After crossing the bridge, you will find multiple choices. You can choose the road that suits you best.

However, the bridge of white mist is its own avenue. Is it possible that you have one more step to cross the bridge than others?

But, after crossing the bridge, do I have to choose a road to walk?

But if it is not a choice, why are there three roads? This is obvious: It's like letting yourself choose.

Han Fei knew about the two roads on the left and right.

But, the middle one, I can't understand it at all! Why is there someone standing opposite? What avenue does it represent? In this regard, Han Fei had no comprehension at all.

Han Fei doesn't want to choose now, and I'm afraid he can't choose. Having stepped down two steps, Han Feixin said: This time, I am afraid that I will still be unable to walk.

But anyway, the fog has diminished, and he has walked forward two steps more than last time. I want to come, waiting for the day when the white mist clears, maybe the day when I walk across the bridge.

And when I get to the opposite side of the White Mist Bridge, the same, it should be the day I become respected.


At the last moment, Han Fei used all his strength and took another step forward. As a result, as soon as he moved away, he took a seat on the steps.

Then Han Fei felt dizzy.

After he recovered from this dizziness, where is there any bridge before his eyes?


Han Fei was panting, and was completely drenched at the moment. This time, what Han Fei saw was much more real than last time, and he could see the three roads under the bridge clearly.

The old tortoise's voice sounded for the first time: "What happened? The moment you boarded the bridge, the emperor was blocked by the power of the avenue. Have you mastered your avenue?"

Han Fei said in a huff: "Do you look at my sweaty, like mastering the road?"

Han Fei looked at his data information.

However, this time, there were only slight data changes, and the difference was very small. It should be the nourishing effect on the body after the force of the wish is full.

This matter of boarding the bridge should have nothing to do with strength, only the road.

Although he couldn't walk over this time, Han Fei knew how to cross the bridge. You have to find a way to accumulate more energy. As long as you are willing to work, your road will eventually be unveiled. What is the third way? I will eventually have an answer.

In this case, Han Fei didn't think much, and there was no need to retreat at this moment.

The strength of the wish has been used up, and it takes time to dismantle the spiritual energy. Now, the most can't afford to delay is time.

After all, there is still a 4% dismantling degree, and he has reached the standard of being respected.

Originally, Han Fei felt: I should just grind and practice, and reach 70% dismantling as soon as possible.

However, the so-called haste is not enough. Even if he reached 70%, Han Fei felt that he would not immediately become respected. What if, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can reach 80% by itself?

I spent too little time in the realm of the explorer. It's a good deal, but only three years. Three years from crossing the catastrophe to the peak, this speed is even more than that of Tang Yan back then. But Tang Yan cultivated with the help of willingness, but he didn't.

Just as Han Fei was thinking about what to do next? Suddenly, Han Fei felt that the formation outside the palace had changed, and he had the power to forcefully break the formation.

When Han Fei's thoughts moved, after passing the formation, he saw an unseen Venerable, breaking the formation with an angry face.

When Han Fei saw this posture, he immediately knew which side it was. In addition to the family, who else?

And his guard had already been thrown hundreds of miles away, lying on the ground.


But listening to the sky above, Han Fei shouted like thunder.

"The rebel of the family, actually broke into the mansion of this commander, hurting this commander? Are you going to rebel? Seven Sect Venerables, please return as many as possible, and kill this commander with this commander."

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