God of Fishing

Chapter 1411: Acting in person

Han Fei never expected: He has just taken office now, and under such a strong person, there are still people who dare not give himself face?


I saw the sky above the central city, a blade of light that pierced the sky, directly impacting the sky.



Han Fei's loud shout really caught people off guard. Many people on Broken Star Island were taken aback.

Someone is drinking in the carnival shop. Suddenly, I felt a blast of thunder in my ear, and then my buttocks trembled, and the wine glass in my hand fell over.

The Anglers' Union, many people are fishing, this is their daily work.

Someone looked surprised, a **** shrimp was about to be hooked, which was worth a lot of money. No, just as the **** shrimp was about to bite the hook, there was a loud shout in the sky, and all the creatures in the offshore waters were frightened.

"Mist, what happened?"

"That voice is so familiar...Hey, isn't that Han Shuai's voice?"

"What's the situation? Whom does the handsome Han want to kill?"

When Xiu Mu was on duty, many people saw a terrifying sword light sweeping through the sky, directly splitting the sky with a huge opening.

Han Fei stepped on the void, fingers the sky: "Which family are you from? How dare you attack the city lord's mansion?"

Originally! The aristocratic family is here to negotiate, it is because Han Fei is too strong, and he does not talk about the consequences, so they are also helpless.

You can't kill. If the supreme commander of the dignified Broken Star Island was killed by the family of the Thousand Star City family? The consequences are not generally serious.

On Broken Star Island, there are all human elites. Once they form a beam with Thousand Star City, their hearts will be chilled.

In the future, if you want to prevent it, you can't prevent it! For nothing else, there are too many elites. Anyone may rise in the future. When the time comes, if you find trouble with the family, it will set up countless enemies for the family.

Yesterday, the major families came to negotiate, and Han Fei needed too many resources. With such a huge amount of resources, they just don't want to invest in Broken Star Island.

Because he couldn't directly attack Han Fei, he couldn't avoid him.

Therefore, these aristocratic families want to give some resources. Then, talk about it in private. Han Fei should also know the truth about accepting as soon as he sees it.

But who knows, as soon as this idea was put forward yesterday, Han Fei directly yelled at him and even prepared to pick up the knife. Because there are strong men from the seven major sects, what else can Chu Qing and the others do besides losing face and going back?

Today, the people who come are different.

People of the Zhang family don’t know which ancestor they are? Here comes another one anyway.

At first, Han Fei's attempt to steal the Zhang family failed, but Li Daxian and the second ancestor of the Zhang family got involved. Finally, Shuetian pointed out that the second ancestor of the Zhang family was abruptly destroyed.

So, today, the Zhang family came with anger.

Although he can't move Han Fei, the Zhang family still has other confidence, that is currency.

Regardless of the currency of Thousand Star City or Thirty-Six Towns, in the end, the batch of useless pearls were taken back by the Zhang family and then destroyed.

The reason why it is the Zhang family is that the Zhang family controls the dragon boat and can get the share of Broken Star Island; the second is that the Zhang family is also responsible for the major markets of Thousand Star City.

In terms of financial resources, none of the Chumen and Cao families can be the opponent of the Zhang family.

Moreover, because this family has a strong background, others dare not arbitrarily use Zhang's ideas. Otherwise, if the Zhang family shakes the world with their wealth, ordinary people really can't solve it.

Let them fight, but afterwards...? The other families are really helpless.

But now, the dragon boats of the tertiary fishing grounds are gone, and the rights of Broken Star Island are gone, but the economic regulation cannot be broken. Therefore, it is necessary for Zhang Zhihuo to challenge Han Fei.

It is precisely because of this that the aristocratic family launched the Zhang family for negotiation. After all, the Zhang family is also best at doing business.

If the economy collapses, Thousand Star City and Thirty-Six Towns will be in chaos. Even your broken Star Island will be messy.

When Zhang Zhihuo came, he had already made up his mind.

Even the economy of Broken Star Island is controlled by the Zhang family to some extent. Where do all the pearls from Pearl Harbor go? This is all controlled by the Zhang family.

You Han Fei don't want them to be messy, so good, hand over the third-level fishing ground, or save the Zhang family's island resources.

Even, Zhang Zhihuo felt that he could directly talk to Han Fei about the king's corpse.

And these are Zhang Zhihuo's confidence to break the ban by force.

But when he led the crowd to come, he discovered that Han Fei actually thanked the guests behind closed doors.

This Nima? You asked us to pay the money, but you thank you behind closed doors? Are you deliberately tossing us and hitting us in the face?

Dignified Venerable, with so many people here, waiting outside your city lord's mansion, what a big show of your special mother? The strong explorer will feel resentment, let alone the venerable state?

However, what Zhang Zhihuo never expected was: Han Fei, this bastard, would cut with a knife. Nima, negotiating, who did you kill you?

At this moment, Han Fei was furious, and the sword pointed at the sky: "Say, who are you? Today, if there is no good cause, I will kill you."

Chu Qing and others sneered in the void.

Ye Kai also said: "Han Fei is a reckless man, he knows how to fight! If Zhang Family makes a move, he will be unable to deal with it."

Chu Qing said indifferently: "But the Zhang family may not be able to take action. The move of currency is a big deal, and if you are not careful, you will be a guilty person. However, let Han Fei and the Zhang family get a deeper feud first. Even if the Zhang family is now Forbearance has passed, but the Zhang family, who has lost face, will let it go?"

Zhang Zhihuo and Han Fei looked at each other in the air and shouted: "Zhang Zhihuo, my deity, Zhang Zhihuo, here is for negotiation. Han Fei thank you behind closed doors, what do you mean?"

When Han Fei heard that it was Zhang's family, he said to his heart: This person has never been seen before, or whose family is it?

However, Han Fei immediately knew what their intentions were when the Zhang family came. Xue Shenqi and Mu Tianfang both reminded themselves of this incident, they mentioned Zhang Family's ability to control the economy.

Han Fei was scornful.

Economic? I will too! We will not engage in complicated economics. Engage in an innovative economic model and find some think tanks to make suggestions. How could you not? After all, we have seen the integration of the global economy. What's the point of the Zhang family?

This is not, secretly, Han Fei has already found six Broken Stars, that is, the six Broken Stars who are devoted to research.

At the beginning, Cao Qiu invented a poisonous god, and was immediately inhaled there.

When Han Fei took out his own invented paper currency and bartered pricing rules, the entire Six Broken Stars were shocked.

They know: Han Fei has done another great thing. This guy wants to redefine the currency model!

Once this law is implemented, the meaning of pearls will not be so absolute.

At that time, both banknotes and pearls can be used as currency. The situation is complicated and difficult to understand.

There are speculations in Broken Star Six: When the time comes, dual currency can even replace Zhang's qualifications for returning pearls.

Han Fei is not really all right. Not to mention that he has searched for six Broken Stars, he has actually searched for Broken Star 5.

Broken Star Five, Broken Star Island's most secret supervision department. Ordinary people don't even know their existence, and even many people who know the seven parts of Broken Stars don't know that there is a Supervision Department.

When he took over the command of the Supreme Commander, Han Fei established a new Supervision Department. In fact, the real purpose was to make it clear and dark. Check it out and check it out secretly.

In this way, a two-pronged approach and a combination of singularity and singularity is a reasonable way to employ people.

Although Han Fei has never been a big leader in a real sense, how can he not understand these ways?

What's more, the system of the City of Justice was planned by him alone.

Propose plans and strategies by yourself.

As for the problems in the implementation process, you can implement them while modifying them. It is the job of a leader to set up a think tank, solicit opinions, and jointly draft various rules.

Therefore, the moment Zhang Zhihuo reported his name, Han Fei immediately knew his purpose.

At this moment, the great sages came in one after another, thinking with a dazed expression: Who is Han Fei doing?

When they saw Zhang Zhihuo, they were speechless: Han Fei, you are really the head iron. You are still just the supreme commander of Broken Star Island, not the real king, and you haven't taken over Thousand Star City and Thirty-Six Town yet!

However, I only heard Han Fei preemptively yelled out of thin air: "Bold Zhang Family, how dare to threaten this handsome with the universal currency of the entire Human Race? You are innocent, knowing that the currency movement will subvert the entire Human Race, and it is me who shakes. The foundation of the human race. The Zhang Family of Thousand Star City, for the selfish interests of the family, tried to shake the foundation of the human race? What a crime... ah, look at the sword."

Zhang Zhihuo: "???"

Zhang Zhihuo looked dumbfounded: I haven't said anything! You son of a tortoise, where is so much drama?

Zhu Zun: "???"

Chu Qing yelled badly, and quickly transmitted his voice: "No, Brother Zhang, Han Fei is giving you a set. Before this, even if you had no plans in this regard, Han Fei’s sound waves had already spread throughout Broken Star Island. Now, I am afraid that the entire Broken Star Island has heard it!"

Zhang Zhihuo only felt his scalp tingling: Are you so special, can you just yell at the whole Broken Star Island? Roaring everyone knows, is this glorious?

However, the next moment, a scene that made the deities even more ashamed appeared.

Just listening to the void, Zhang Zhihuo's voice sounded: "Han Fei, don't do things too extreme, don't toast or eat fine wine. I'm afraid you can't afford the price!"

Zhang Zhihuo was immediately stunned: I didn't speak!

Everyone looked at Han Fei. The voice of UU reading www.uukanshu.com still came from Han Fei, shaking in the void, and also covering the entire Broken Star Island.

This is so, Han Fei is acting alone. Moreover, it was performed in front of them. Hong Guoguo made no secret of it.

Sure enough, when Han Fei said this, the entire Broken Star Island went crazy.

Someone was drinking and threw a cup straight up: "A vicious Zhang family, no wonder Han Shuai was so angry that he wanted to cut this person with a sword. This guy wants to subvert my human economy?"

Someone was furious and yelled up to the sky: "I'm doing... a group of old **** in the Zhang family! You are also embarrassed, Han Shuai is just asking you for resources. You want to touch my hundreds of millions of people? The sin is to blame. what!"

Even the casual cultivator of Thousand Star City was dumbfounded and said: "The big family has no way, and the big family has no way. Everyone in the family, it is really the cancer of my human race!"

Someone shouted in anger: "The big clan is innocent. If we destroy my human race, it should be blamed."

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