God of Fishing

Chapter 1412: Tu Dazun under the Hanging Mirror (Part 1)

However, at that time, the soldiers on Broken Star Island were boiling.

Suddenly, all kinds of screams continued for a long time, and it really reached the point where the screams were so loud.

You don't want to give resources to your family, and you don't need to use the stability of the entire human race to threaten Hanshuai...

Just listen to Zhang Zhihuo's furious: "Han Fei, Hugh got bloody."

In a hurry, Zhang Zhihuo shouted, trying to defend himself.

However, Han Fei said everything, and he didn't know how to say it for a while. Could it be that... Didn't you say that just now? Was Han Fei acting himself? Han Fei's purpose is to make Broken Star Island a million soldiers hostile to the family?

However, Han Fei's play was over. At this time, explain to yourself, how many people will believe it? Will these soldiers believe Han Fei? Do you still believe in yourself that suddenly appeared?

Zhang Zhihuo was in a hurry and once again transmitted his voice: "Han Fei, don't publicize this matter. You can discuss the resources you want."


The corners of Han Fei's mouth turned up, and the golden light suddenly flourished on his body, and the giant phantom tore the void open: "Crossing into this commander's mansion and threatening my human race, how can this commander tolerate you? If this commander doesn't kill you today, what kind of face is there? Broken Star Island?"


Han Fei tore open the void, reached out and grabbed it, and a large mirror fell on his hand.

That is nothing else, it is a genuine hanging mirror.

This mirror mysterious, can show the sky, play scenes thousands of miles away. At the beginning, when he was on the ancient battlefield, Xue Shenqi personally showed it.

Han Fei broke into the void, and his voice sounded in Zhang Zhihuo's mind: "Attending to use currency to threaten this commander? Your Zhang family inherited it for thousands of years, and it was completely destroyed by your hands."

Zhang Zhihuo shouted: "Han Fei, all of this is just your self-directed and acted role. What's the matter with my Zhang family?"

Han Fei sneered: "You are all here. This handsome says that it has something to do with your Zhang family, then it has something to do. Of course, this handsome says it has nothing to do with your Zhang family, so it doesn't matter."

Zhang Zhihuo was already furious, but Han Fei's words forced him to suppress his anger and sighed, "What do you want?"

In Han Fei’s eyes, a hint of sly flashed: “Aristocratic families usually believe in one principle: as time goes by, all unfavorable factors such as you will eventually fade away and then be forgotten. No one will pursue it anymore. Therefore, you can be despicable. Anyway, everything will be forgotten... But today, your Zhang family was used by someone and came to bargain with the coach, but now I want to Mingzhe saves his life? That is wishful thinking. Give you two choices, one is this commander and you are the enemy, you will fight for 3000 rounds, and you will fight for life and death. The other, you will be blown up by this commander three times, so that I can break the star island. The heart of a million soldiers."


Zhang Huozhi was furious.

Han Fei brought the Xuantian Mirror, how could he not see this action? People have run into the void, what are they doing with the hanging mirror? Is that still necessary? Han Fei, this bastard, just wants the entire Broken Star Island to see the horror of his defeat... This person is really shameless!

Zhang Zhihuo's heart is as clear as a mirror, but this is nothing like the millions of soldiers in Broken Star Island! I have entered Han Fei's trap!

The Zhang family has been standing in the Thousand Star City for tens of thousands of years. If Han Fei is really blown up by Han Fei three times, how can his face survive?

Just listen to Zhang Huozhi shouting: "Chu Qing, Ye Kai...you won't come to help me?"

However, the round mirror in Han Fei's hand turned over, and on Broken Star Island, the sky was blooming, and the void picture appeared undoubtedly.

Upon seeing this picture, even Yang Kun, who had just taken a step, retracted.

Including the seven major sects, everyone changed their expressions: Han Fei's trick is too ruthless, what does the family want? It's face... Including coming to negotiate with Han Fei, it's actually trying to get some face back.

However, Han Fei now slapped people in the face and even broadcast the entire scene live.

Millions of eyes are staring at the void at this moment. Who would dare to go on this Nima?

With Han Fei's unscrupulous and shameless character. In case, during the war, suddenly there is a sentence of who and who of Chumen, who and who of the Ye family, do you want the face of the family?

At this moment, on Broken Star Island.

Countless people looked up at the sky.

In that picture, Han Fei was dressed in a battle suit, with golden light blooming, and his entire body was like a dragon. In the black fog and void, the sword hung in the long river, strangling more than ten terrifying sword streams.

Someone exclaimed: "Goodbye, Hanshuai made a move! Special mother, in this life, I saw a powerful person in the Venerable Realm make a move!"

Someone yelled: "What nonsense? Han Shuai hasn't entered the exalted yet! It is said that he is only the peak explorer. This is a cross-border battle, and an angry slaying of the exalted."


Many people swallowed frantically, looking at the terrifying river of swords.

As soon as the sky curtain was released, the scene of the battle between the two sides was immediately enlarged to countless times. The awe-inspiring scalp light only needs a single knife to make people numb. What is the concept?

Hanging sky waterfall.

Rhubarb meowed: "Han Fei, Han Fei is fighting, it's amazing."

He Xiaoyu and a few teammates stared at the sky in a daze.

By his side, the Armored Soldier swallowed his saliva: "This, is this the power of the Venerable? This thing is smashed out with a single knife. I am afraid that our brigade can't stand it?"

Next door, the manipulator said: "More than a brigade? A regiment is blocked there, and they can't stand it. This kind of power is detached. It can't be treated normally at all! As long as it spreads a little, we can't stand it."

He Xiaoyu took a deep breath, then looked at Jiuyinling, and found that Jiuyinling was as calm as ever, with a complicated heart.

On the Hengduan Mountains, outside a small house, Xue Shenqi looked at this scene indifferently, expressionless.

However, Xue Shenqi had a complicated heart, and he didn't know if he gave Han Fei the position of supreme commander, was it a correct decision?

Lao Tzu's Hanging Mirror is used in battle. What about you? Where did the movie come from?

Somewhere in an unknown space, Han Guanshu's mouth twitched, holding a cup of tea, and murmured into nothingness: "My son, the character is a bit different from the two of us! I hope my daughter can be better."


In the void.

Han Feixin said: Lao Tzu is worried that there is no way to gather his aspirations! How can one let go of this meat bun delivered to the door? No matter what, eat it first.

Zhang Zhihuo didn't accept his proposal. Of course, Han Fei didn't wait any longer, and only heard him shout: "Zhang Thief, this handsome man will clear the door for the world today."


The fist mark of sacrificing one's body exploded, and at this moment, the tyrant fist mark that reached the extreme, exerted its proper momentum. Seeing the punch that Han Fei slammed, all the venerables who were watching narrowed their eyes.

Just listen to Jian Sanqing said: "In just over ten years, Han Fei has grown into another Ren Tianfei."

Fairy Huo Yue shook his head slightly: "No! Although Ren Tianfei is crazy, but he is also very straightforward. He said that he killed thousands of star cities. Do you think Han Fei will?"

The atmosphere was frozen at the time: Han Fei? This kid is very good, and he is especially good at acting. He knew that the story only needs to be told to those who need to believe it. Just now, Zhang Zhihuo just started talking, and was actually imitated by Han Fei to speak? And it's grandiose.

"Beastmaster Art."

At this moment, in the boundary of Broken Star Island, regardless of strength, Han Fei is the only king here.

Han Fei was fearless, his body swelled, and he directly grew up to the height of a war giant.

In the hand, where Snow Mourning passed, the ice and snow were falling, the void was frozen, and the sword marks tore the sky. Just looking at it makes people feel cold and cold.

Someone trembled: "What a terrible power, it looks cold!"

Someone's eyes glowed: "So strong, is this the Venerable? Is this the real power of Han Shuai?"

At this moment, many people felt: No wonder Xue Shenqi passed the position of supreme commander to Han Fei...what a special thing, it is too fierce. A peak explorer, chasing the Venerable Realm and slashing all the way? How exciting!

Zhang Zhihuo finally got angry, and shouted: "Han Fei, don't you want to deceive people too much, do you really have to do it for me?"

Han Fei sneered: "You try one?"


With a thought of Zhang Zhihuo, Baili's emptiness instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.


I saw a flaming giant python standing behind Zhang Zhihuo, and then got into Zhang Zhihuo's body.

I saw Zhang Zhihuo, all the seven orifices were on fire, it looked like the flesh and blood were burning, and flames spurted out from the gaps in the battle clothes.

"The flames burn the sky."

On Broken Star Island, hundreds of thousands of people were frightened by this terrifying fire wave. Those newcomers who had just arrived at Broken Star Island were even directly frightened and sat down on the ground.

Chu Qing said: "Brother Zhang, Han Fei's avenue can be blocked, you must pay attention to it."

With a move in Zhang Zhihuo's heart, the fire wave rolled up, and the fire was spread within a thousand miles. Even if Han Fei really had a way to block the void, he still had a way to leave.

"Han Fei, I won't kill you, but it doesn't mean I dare not fight you. The Zhang family will not touch the currency base of the human race, not now, nor will it in the future, you will be arrogant."

Han Fei ignored him and continued to act: "Now, I know I'm afraid? Want to compromise? This handsome tells you that it's too late. If you don't kill you today, what kind of face do I have, Han, in charge of Broken Star Island?"


Hearing only a low voice from Han Fei, his eyes were divided into black and white, and the terrifying pupil technique came before everyone for the first time. It looks so shocked! Like a king of terror without emotion.


I saw that the giant Han Fei opened his mouth and swallowed. In the sea of ​​flames, dozens of flaming giant pythons turned into pure flame energy, which was directly swallowed by Han Fei.

Zhang Zhihuo was dumbfounded: Nima, what is this? Can even **** the fire of my avenue?

Zhang Zhihuo was stupid.

The other sages were also stupid, and the millions of soldiers were even stupid.

Beside a certain coastline, Lin Wu watched this scene in horror, and muttered: "Brother is so strong! Isn't this... is this the way I want to go?"


Hundred Beast Town Soul roared out.

Suddenly, the beasts ran across the sky, and the roaring sound was distorted again and again.

"Wait for the light~"

When Jiuyin Avenue descended, Zhang Zhihuo's face was distorted. These are powers that many people have never heard of before. Zhang Zhihuo felt his head exploded after being hit by a round.

Although he was not a newcomer to the Venerable Realm, he was also the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable, and he was still far from the intermediate level. And Han Fei, the horror of power already surpassed him.

At this moment, a thousand-meter-long terrifying force like a prehistoric python blasted Han Fei.

But in the eyes of everyone, UU reads www. uukanshu.com Han Fei did not evade, and with his physical body alone, he was able to withstand this terrifying flame impact.

From time to time, Han Fei gulped. But within a few breaths, he swallowed the flame python.

"Law is forbidden here."

Zhang Zhihuo felt wrong for the first time, and saw him in the form of flames, the flames burst, and people have appeared thousands of miles away.

However, Zhang Zhihuo had just appeared, and the Heavenly Sword Shadow smashed straight down from his head.

He didn't even give him a chance to run!

Zhang Zhihuo thought he had run away, but Han Fei's Tianya Zhihuo was activated, and Zhang Zhihuo's ultra-long distance was only ten miles away.


Zhang Zhihuo was cut into flame fragments by a sword. Then, quickly frozen flowers in the void.

Han Fei frowned slightly: Not dead?

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