God of Fishing

Chapter 1419: No good, something big happened

Seabed cracks, this is actually a common geomorphic scene.

Don't say that there are tens of miles, hundreds of miles, or even millions of miles. These seabed cracks are full of sights, and strange creatures live in the trenches.

At this time, Han Fei was swimming slowly. Under normal circumstances, no one would pay attention to him.

At least, Han Fei's black mist body is not easy to detect by the high-ranking sage. Therefore, Han Fei dared to go deeper.

Finally, after he moved forward a little bit, he saw the crack with his own eyes.

When Han Fei saw it with his own eyes, he realized that this place was already covered by formations. Around the crack, there are tens of thousands of formations.

In that formation, a void crack flashed from time to time. There is a large amount of evil spirits and spirit enlightenment fluid, seeping out from those cracks.

Whenever these things come out, they will be gathered by invisible power.


Han Fei suddenly took a breath: "Lao Yuan, that is Spirit Qi, right? Is there a king in the place where the crack is connected?"

The old tortoise said lightly: "It's hard to say, the emperor doesn't feel the breath of the king. But even if there is a king, you can't make it, otherwise, where is your human foothold?"

Han Fei was here, watching for a whole day. He is willing to spend this time waiting here, just to see what kind of characters can come out of this crack?


Just as Han Fei wondered whether he should go to Ten Thousand Demon Valley to explore the reality and reality, and then come back to see... Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking the ban.

Afterwards, I saw a prawn with its claws on the cliff, jumping out of the crack.

However, there is no more intact shell on that shrimp soldier. Obviously, coming from there, the injury was serious.

The corners of Han Fei's eyes twitched, and his brows frowned: A great demon seeking the pinnacle of the path has come out like this? It can be seen that even if the crack is not connected to the royal city, there must be a lot of strong people over there!

At the moment when the shrimp soldier appeared, he looked around and said respectfully: "The subordinates have seen Lord Yuchuan, seen Xun Zun, Shen Zun..."

I just listened to the high-ranking venerable saying calmly: "Who do you think this seat is? It turns out that it was you who came here. What, when will the strong in the city come?"

More than a thousand shrimp soldiers turned into a human form, and quickly bowed: "Master Yuchuan, the passage is still not stable. My king is strengthening the seal. My king confessed that no one will come over in the next month."

"Oh? Why is this?"

Just listen to more than a thousand six ways: "Because Lord Qianliu, I have to come here in person."


The Senior Venerable suddenly stood up: "Really? Master Qingliu is a half-king realm, can he really go through this narrow passage?"

More than a thousand six said: "My lord, it is because the passage is narrow that my king let Master Qingliu come over. By then, Master Qingliu wants to perform a secret method and try to widen the passages on both sides. This way, more powerful people in the city can come over."


The three masters looked at each other one after another.

At present, there is no half-king powerhouse in Ten Thousand Demon Valley, and he is not calm in his heart. Although Cang Lan Yu had said before, Broken Star Island had never seen a powerful expert for so many years. But, in the Thousand Star City of mankind, is there a half-king powerhouse there? No one can say it bad.

Although there is no way to become a king in Yin and Yang, it does not mean that there is no way to become a half king. Moreover, in the plan to attack the Pearl Sea and Broken Star Island just a few days ago, at least one human venerable peak appeared. Moreover, the Venerable Pinnacle of Ten Thousand Demon Valley said that there is a mysterious aura coming, and it may also be the Venerable Pinnacle.

Because of this, Venerable Cao Xuan, who is currently the pinnacle of Venerable Ten Thousand Demon Valley, gave up attacking the island and retreated temporarily.

Anyway, in his opinion, the return of Wangcheng is a foregone conclusion. The reason why I want to take action now and take down Broken Star Island is nothing more than to make a contribution.

But how many tens of thousands of years have been the Kraken and human beings? If it could be easily won, it would have been won long ago. Therefore, after discovering that the human strength is not weak, the Cao Xuan chose to stay dormant for a while, accumulate strength, in order to invade again.

Zi Yuchuan thought that when humans and sea monsters fought, where did the king fall? Sea-Monster King City, only then escaped from the Yin and Yang sky. After so many years, the new king has already survived the calamity, and it is the day the king's city returns.

The king realm is temporarily unable to pass, but the half-king realm is coming, at least in the realm of Yinyangtian, which can be described by the four words "invincible".

Zi Yuchuan shouted: "Okay, I already know it. Yu Xun, take him to Ten Thousand Demon Valley first, and report this to Master Cao Xuan."

However, one of the three statues stood up, stretched out his hand, and left with the shrimp soldier.

Han Fei hid in the dark, and quietly heard these words in his ears. I want to come, because next to this crack, there are all formation restrictions, so they never thought that anyone else would come over. Moreover, they use the Sea-Monster language, which humans don't understand at all!

But when Han Fei heard the word "my king", at that time, the whole person was not good.

Sure enough, it was the Sea-Monster King City! The Sea-Monster King City on the Yin-Yang Sky is about to reborn.

The old turtle said: "Look, people have a king."

Han Fei said in a huff: "My ears are not deaf, so what if there is a king? He can't make it. Otherwise, he will come alone, the entire Thousand Star City, who can be his opponent?"

Han Fei suddenly turned his gaze at the seabed crack: "Old Yuan! You said, can we blow up this teleportation array?"

The old tortoise’s voice was long: "Someone in the Sea-Monster King City can come over, indicating that where they came, some kind of ban has been broken. In other words, people’s entrance is already there, what did you do?"

Han Fei: "I have billions of demon stones, a mere passage..."

Han Fei was silent when he said the second half.

This kind of spatial passage seems to be only related to the spatial avenue. Aura explosions, in comparison, may be too low-level.

Han Fei made a calculation in his mind: Only one month later did the opponent come over. That is to say, there is no now? In other words, Tranquility should be the strongest person at the moment!

Han Fei's heart moved: Although the queen of life said, let Tranquility not help yourself easily; and also said to himself, the way of the king is rarely done with the help of others...

However, this temptation is great!

Suppressing the excitement, Han Fei decided to visit Ten Thousand Monster Valley first.

As for whether to take a quiet shot? Anyway, tranquility is a hundred thousand miles away. After I finish the investigation, I have a month to consider for a long time.


After half a day, Han Fei finally came to the familiar Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters.

Although I haven't stayed for long enough in this place, I have visited it carefully at the beginning.

There are 100,000 households in the core circle just in daily life. In the bottom of the outer abyss, how many people are there in total? I don't know.

After all, he didn't have the ability to investigate.


What surprised Han Fei a little was: The Sea-Monster Colosseum, the most enthusiastic place of the Sea-Monsters, is actually in a closed state?

Moreover, I don't know if it was Han Fei's illusion. He discovered: There seems to be a lot less people in Ten Thousand Demon Valley. Are they all working hard to cultivate?

Han Fei didn't stay much longer, and directly crossed the canyon channel, passed the huge half-mermaid statue, and came to the annular core area.

At the beginning, Han Fei lived on the outermost layer of this ring, and Yu Ji lived next door. Thinking about it now, I was a little naive at that time, thinking that Tianjiao lived here...

After all, when he pretended to be a fisherman, his strength was only in the realm of hanging anglers, not even the realm of submerged anglers.

By now, Han Fei discovered: There is only the outermost layer, and the creatures living in the Demon Realm. Inside, the strength of the half-mermaid is getting stronger and stronger.

Crossing this ring, Han Fei felt that above the innermost ring cylinder, there was a palace hidden in the dark, floating in the sky like the control center of the entire Ten Thousand Demons Valley. Where the demon qi is steaming, I don't know if it is gathering the demon qi or releasing it?

Just listen to the old tortoise said: "Well, although you are now in this body, ordinary people can't find it. However, it is only relative. In case, it happened to be discovered by Venerable Pinnacle... Jing'er wants to save you, you don't I must be able to escape."

Han Fei remained silent: "What do you feel?"

The old turtle said: "Here, there is indeed the pinnacle, the one I saw in the Pearl Sea last time. Just now, the shrimp soldier is reporting back... I, it is worth noting that I forgot to tell you, except for one. At the pinnacle, there are three of them in the high-ranking state, and there are as many as six intermediate-ranking ones. This strength is probably much stronger than your broken star island. You currently don't have a high-ranking one on the broken star island. Here, four have appeared."

Han Fei's face is also ugly: one is the pinnacle, four are high-level, six or seven are intermediate?

Han Fei: "How about the junior?"

Old tortoise: "The junior, it doesn't seem to be here. The emperor didn't see it."

"Not here?"

Han Fei noticed something was wrong at the time: Ten Thousand Demon Valley, there are intermediate and high-level sages. There are only two of them if they are killed by themselves! Could it be said that Ten Thousand Demon Valley just happened to fail these two?

The old turtle said: "The emperor hasn't found it yet. However, there are not many people in this Ten Thousand Demon Valley. According to the emperor, the number is less than 100,000..."


Han Fei immediately denied. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com I have been here at the beginning, it is impossible to be a mere ten years, the number of people is at least hundreds of thousands?

Immediately, Han Fei's expression changed drastically: "The Junior Venerable is not there, and a large number of half-mermaids in Ten Thousand Demon Valley are not there. There may be more middle-to-high-level Venerables than these, there must be a problem."

Suddenly, Han Fei seemed to have thought of something, and just listened to him: "Lao Yuan, what are the general strengths of these half-merfolk in Ten Thousand Demon Valley?"

The old turtle said, "Well, you may not believe it. All people in this place add up, I am afraid that there are no 100,000 people. Among them, half are in the Sea-Monster realm. Wu, should something happen?"


Han Fei's discoloration suddenly changed: Isn't that special, more than something happened? This is simply something serious.

Even if you think with your toes, Ten Thousand Demon Valley can't have only 100,000 people! Moreover, among these 100,000 people, there are 50,000 Sea-Monster Realms? That is equivalent to 50,000 dive anglers? This ratio, Nima, is kidding me?

Han Fei immediately shouted: "No! Old Yuan, something has happened."

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