God of Fishing

Chapter 1420: Search soul

At this time, there were only 100,000 people left in Ten Thousand Demon Valley.

Moreover, half of these 100,000 people are strong in the Sea-Monster Realm!

On the spot, Han Fei's whole body was not good.

It was absolutely impossible to put the Ten Thousand Demon Valley in the past. Just think of Baibei Wangcheng! Nima and Baibei Wangcheng have been in business for many years before they managed to produce 100,000 Hailing.

Boy, how many years have you left Broken Star Island? With a swish, 50,000 Sea-Monster Realm emerged, did they fall from the sky?

Han Fei's mind pondered: Ten Thousand Demon Valley definitely did not have this ability to create so many Sea-Monster realms.

Or, is the Mystery of the King opened up in the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters? The resources inside are endless, and the cultivation is super fast. Or, these people got out of that crack.

Han Fei exploded directly: "Old Yuan, where are the 50,000 Sea Monsters?"

Old tortoise: "What do you want to do?"

Han Fei: "Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to slaughter all the Krakens in the Kraken's base camp. I need to catch someone to see and see where all the people from Ten Thousand Monsters Valley have gone? , Grow so fast?"

Finally, the direction that the old tortoise pointed at was the direction of the cultivation canyon in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons.

Han Fei skipped over without hesitation. 72 soul realm, he had already passed through. Cultivation Canyon has no secret to him.

In just a quarter of an hour, Han Fei arrived in an ordinary demon realm outside of the 72 souls. This demon realm was a place for cultivating souls, and Han Fei quietly got in.

Generally speaking, even if the opponent has a king, it is generally not going to observe everyone in the cultivation secret realm. Han Fei just walked a few steps randomly, and with a thought, the line of nothingness directly buckled a half-mermaid who was cultivating.

It was also Han Fei's realm and strength, beyond this half-mermaid too much. Therefore, the moment the half-mermaid was controlled by Han Fei, he could no longer control his own soul without even opening his eyes.

Deep in his heart, Han Fei could even feel the horror in his soul.

This time, Han Fei's "Soul Search" finally came in handy. Since Han Fei performed a bullish soul search, he has never had a serious soul search.

This time, the half-mermaid was still in a state of cultivation. Han Fei swept away his soul and felt that part of his consciousness had directly dived into the half-mermaid's consciousness world.


Tens of thousands, various images, appeared in Han Fei's induction.

For example, this half-mermaid is named Yufa. For example, the body of this half-mermaid is a butterfly fish. For example, from the successful evolution of this half-mermaid to the first time he entered the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, he was instilled with the belief that humans should be blamed.

Han Fei ignored all these unimportant information.

Soon, Han Fei found a different battlefield in the depths of the half-mermaid's consciousness.

In other words, on a training night a few years ago, Yufa continued to practice in the cultivation valley as usual. At that time, he was only a high-ranking demon transformation realm, and his strength was not strong.

That day, a loud noise and a strong earthquake caused countless half-merfolk to recover from their cultivation. The terrifying coercion, born out of thin air, directly suppresses everyone immobile.

The hearts of all the half-mermaids were trembling, fearing that this was a sneak attack by a strong human being.

But immediately, there was a phantom standing proudly in the void.

That man was bathed in radiance!

Under the sacred brilliance, the man opened his mouth and said: "My king came to this world. I am grateful that the Ten Thousand Demon Valley has fought with the human race and suffered heavy casualties over the past few years. There is a special cultivation sacred realm, and all creatures in the demon realm and above can enter this place. Practice."

Canglan Yu knelt before the holy light for the first time: "Thank you for the coming of my king's divine body, Yudang did his best to beat the human race."

But I heard that person continue to say: "Um! Canglan Yu, my king is grateful that you have done a great job with my sea clan, and I ask this seat to inform you that you and other path-seeking powerhouses in the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters can both enter the holy realm. "

After finishing speaking, the man waved his hand, and a mountain was shattered in the center of Ten Thousand Demon Valley. Under that vein, a golden light rushed into the sky, and a big golden fish rushed out, transforming into a human form in a blink of an eye.

Han Fei read this Yufa's memory and saw this scene clearly.

As soon as the man appeared, he knelt to the ground: "Yin Ge thanked my king to unlock the seal..."

Above the sky, the voice was faint: "Yinge, you were defeated 1800 years ago and almost ruined the Wanzai Foundation of the Ten Thousand Demon Valley. Now, my king has come to the world, remembering that you have been enshrined and guarded the Ten Thousand Demon Valley for more than a thousand years. Years of merit, you may lose your merits, don’t let my king down."

The man looked up to the sky and shouted: "Yinge will go through fires and waters. If you lose again this time, Yinge will be judged by yourself to thank Wang En."

Han Fei was taken aback at the time: 1800 years ago, this person almost caused the destruction of Ten Thousand Demon Valley?

But 1800 years ago, wasn't it Tang Yan's era? Indeed, it seems that a shocking battle has broken out, resulting in no more kings...

Not only did the Kraken disappeared, the human side also suffered heavy losses.

Even Tang Yan himself gave up the position of the top commander of Broken Star Island and went to find the location of the King City.


The miracle scene of that day was roughly like this. Except for the goods wrapped in the holy light, it seems that from beginning to end, only a venerable jumped out.

Judging from Han Fei's experience, this is undoubtedly acting. Obviously that person and Cang Lan Yu had agreed in advance.

Of course Han Fei could not directly see the strength of that person from his memory. However, from this person's words, he can get several key information:

One is the Holy Land. This should be a place with extremely abundant resources that can quickly raise the realm of these half-mermaids.

One is my king's new arrival. What is Xin Jiang? It just came. Isn't it... there was no king in this royal city before? But now there is.

From this information, it can be concluded that this Sea-Monster King City is not in Yin and Yang days, and has nothing to do with Shui Mutian. There was only one result: the wall of death, that is, the sea of ​​riots!

This Sea-Monster King City can only be in the sea of ​​riots.

Han Fei continued his search.

After that night, Ten Thousand Demons Valley was boiling. In the following days, the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters restricted the siren’s going out. All outgoing exits are blocked. After seven days, six super venerables who had never seen before suddenly appeared in Ten Thousand Demon Valley. Together, they carved out a huge and incomparable formation, almost covering the entire sky above Ten Thousand Demon Valley.

Han Fei could see from Yufa's memory that it was clearly a huge teleportation array, and it was also a directional teleportation array. For an array master like Han Fei, how can he not even see the directional teleportation array?

Even Han Fei saw some more complicated things from this directional teleportation array. For example, this teleportation formation is mixed with some defensive formations and soul guarding formations.

However, when Han Fei saw this, he had a bad premonition in his heart: Venerable Siren is not a fool, so how could he create such a large teleportation formation in vain?

Sure enough, Canglan Yu’s voice shook the entire Ten Thousand Demon Valley: "Attention, everyone, you are all my outstanding children of Ten Thousand Demon Valley. My King’s word, this seat will tell you a shocking news. The Sea-Monster King City is coming back. My king is coming back. Before my king returns, I will give the holy place of immortality. In this state, there are countless opportunities. The trial of the holy realm, at least reach the sea-monster realm, before leaving. Everyone, prepare Entry..."

When he got here, Han Fei had a doubt: if he could only leave when he reached the Sea-Monster Realm, then why did the Ten Thousand Monster Valley still have 50,000 people in the Sea-Monster Realm?

However, after another thought, Han Fei understood: Those half-mermaid who are incapable, responsible for buying things, craftsmen, poorly talented, and servants, are afraid that they will be ordered to stay.

In other words, some people missed the time.

Because under normal circumstances, the siren can leave the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters and go hunting. Those hunting outside are by no means a minority.

Originally, desperately went out hunting. As a result, other people are sitting at home, and welfare comes to the sky. After they returned, the teleportation array must have been closed. Otherwise, how much would it cost to maintain such a large teleportation array? The time it opens must be exquisite.

At that moment, Han Fei saw the half-mermaid in the sky, millions of people, rushing to the big array, really shocking!

Han Fei was still calm. In fact, I had already expected it. What is the Ten Thousand Demon Valley? Don’t you know? How could it be possible that so many Sea-Monster realms appeared at once?

The road to practice, to put it bluntly, is the same as the Zerg explosive stream. Only with a large population base can some extraordinary powerhouses be born.

Needless to say, there are 50,000 people in the Sea-Monster Realm, so in that holy realm, there are not many people who break through the Sea Spirit Realm, right? There are also 500 sea spirits!

After all, this is equivalent to a welfare secret. Those whose strengths have been suppressed, after getting a big chance, their strengths have improved by leaps and bounds, it is also very normal.

Even if the number of Hailings born is less than one percent, that one thousandth, one thousandth should be there.

Where is the population base of Ten Thousand Monsters Valley, what if a million sea monsters can't be born with hundreds of sea spirits? That's weird.

Han Fei followed Yufa's dream, entered the teleportation formation, and reached an unknown sea ~www.ltnovel.com~Here, covered by fog and strong wind...Huh?

Han Fei was suddenly taken aback: Why is this place so familiar?

"Outside the Wall of Death?"

Han Fei has already confirmed: This is outside the wall of death. Shuimutian, at that time, the strength of the three parties gathered at the periphery of the Wall of Death, and when the resource grabbing first appeared, he encountered such a scene.

When he arrived at this place, a Venerable Han Fei was familiar with appeared. That person was the Venerable Yin Ge from before, and it seemed that there were other Venerables sitting in town.

Yufa and others were taken into a place...


At that time, Han Fei took a breath: A crack?

Yes, Han Fei saw a huge crack in the world outside the wall of death. An army of millions of sea monsters lined up, walking towards the rift.

"The tortoise son, can't he go inside the wall of death, right?"

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