God of Fishing

Chapter 1424: ambush

More and more sea monsters, attracted by the corrosive blood in Han Fei's hand, came one after another. That posture, as long as Han Fei weakened a bit, he would run away.

When these people rushed to the place where Han Fei was, their eyes were scarlet, and their bodies were full of monsters, and they were even ready to attack.

However, all they can see is a cloud of corroding blood.

Someone can't care about the other things: how many large snails have to be killed to get such a corrosive blood?

Immediately, someone reached for it.


Someone just rushed into Han Fei's side for a hundred meters, burst and died, without even knowing how he died...

And Han Fei, currently under observation, he wants to see how this corroding blood is attractive to these sea monsters?

Sure enough, almost all the sea monsters who rushed to see such a large group of corrosive blood couldn't help it. They are like smoking a big cigarette. When their brains are hot, they will rush to Han Fei.

"Boom bang bang~"

Such bright fireworks have exploded dozens of times.

From beginning to end, Han Fei didn't even move a bit, but just set up a few killing arrays.

But in half an hour, Han Fei had killed more than a hundred people.

Among them, most of them are self-invested.

On the contrary, there are three half-mermaids in the Sea Spirit Realm, and they may have higher strength and slightly stronger self-control. Although the attractiveness of Corrosive Blood was great enough, they still held back, feeling that such a large amount of Corrosive Blood could not appear here out of thin air for no reason.

Of course, if they want to leave, naturally they can't.

When they moved this mind, they were already controlled by Han Fei's Line of Nothingness.

In just half an hour, Han Fei's corrosive blood had increased several times.

What surprised Han Fei was that as this corrosive blood gathered more and more, the more power it could seep! The surging blood drew hundreds of miles of sea water around. In the ocean current, it trembles slightly from time to time.


Han Fei was suspicious: "Old Yuan, do you think this blood has spirituality? They are trying to break my seal."

The old tortoise said: "I don't know whether this blood has spirituality. However, the power of the great power in this blood seems to be converging. One drop or two drops can't be seen, but when there are more, the qi it can burst The power of blood is very strong."

Han Fei: "The power of the great avenue, if there are more gathered, what will happen?"

The old tortoise pondered for a moment: "Don't worry, the king should not be able to come over. However, if it is a projection or something, it is completely possible. This blood is only a kind of energy. Without the support of the body, Even if all the blood essence in this secret realm gathers, after the projection of the king comes, it will eventually disappear in battle after battle."

Han Fei: "In other words, it is still possible for the king to come through this blood essence? Even if it is a projection, it is also a projection of the king...?"

"Do not!"

Just listen to the old turtle retort: ​​"You can't say that. The projection of the king does not mean that you have the strength of the king. Your world, I am afraid that there is no room for the power of the king. Even if he can survive, can he leave this secret realm? ?"

Han Fei grinned immediately: "It makes sense."

Yin Yang Tian was watched by Tian Dao Fa's eyes, and Ren Tianfei had warned himself with a fish skin map as early as when he was in the third-level fishing ground.

If it is the Sea-Monster King, can he ignore the Eye of Heaven? The yin-yang sky has been wiped out a long time ago, so why wait until now?


Han Fei's heart suddenly moved. He felt that some power was pulling him in the distance. And the corrosive blood in his hand can feel the power like a magnet. That is indeed an attraction, which can be observed through the blood dynamics of this blood essence.

With a swipe of perception, Han Fei found that there was nothing unusual about 8,000 miles away...At most, some scattered half-mermaids were hunting and fighting fiercely with the snails.

It has to be said that this so-called Sea-Monster Holy Realm has too low a limit power, and it is not like that dangerous great secret realm. My own perception is completely unrestricted, and I can directly scan more than 8,000 miles!


Han Fei broke through. These sea monsters are too scattered, if they kill them one by one, one will be a waste of time, and the other will not solve the fundamental problem.

Even if the hundreds of thousands of people scattered, they have the ability to kill them. But what if the more than 3 million ordinary murlocs from Blood Sea Valley came over? Is it possible to kill yourself again?

Therefore, when the blood of Corruption changed, Han Fei's first thought was to find the source and kill him. King-level creatures, who are sealed in the wall of death, must have a traction to interfere with the affairs of Yin and Yang, right?

After a while, Han Fei was already thousands of miles away.

At this moment, Han Fei was flying across a sea of ​​sand.

The big snails here are of different types. The big snail here is called the Salmon Demon Snail, and its strength is generally the peak of the sea monster, even the sea spirit realm. Because of this, the number of Krakens near this area has decreased.

Han Fei killed two at will, and found that the corrosive blood was the same, except that the blood was heavier than the ones he killed before.

After traveling another 6000 miles, Han Fei crossed an anemone tentacle area, a coral zone, a mudflat...

It is worth mentioning that the big snails in this mudflat are called snake snails. There is a big snake in the snail, and the shell is buried in the soil. It looked like a ten thousand snake cave, extremely crippled.

A world full of strange snails?

This made Han Fei sigh with emotion: It turns out that conch can grow like this?

No, as he walked, Han Fei's corrosive blood accumulated more and more. Kill one here and one over there. Along the way, Han Fei killed more than 200 strange snails.

Han Fei felt: The corrosive blood in his hand is already enough for the explorer realm to go further. Of course, the premise is that the explorer has to dare to eat.

A moment later, when Han Fei saw a dark sea area, there were some strange snails floating in the water like a jellyfish with transparent carapace.

Suddenly, in Han Fei's perception, three figures appeared.

"Huh, Thousand-Year Shadow, Hailu Changfeng, Haixinlan?"

Coincidentally, these three people all know Han Fei, and they are the only three remaining in the Blue Eight Wings.

In the Pearl Sea battle, Han Fei didn't even see these people, and thought they had fallen prematurely? Who knows, it actually appeared here.

At this moment, these three people are sitting opposite each other in a triangle shape.

Among the three of them, there was a large dark green cocoon, trembling with blood. The three of them, as if they were holding some ceremony?

Han Fei's face changed slightly: In addition to the Thousand-Year Book which is seeking the way, Hailu Changfeng and Hai Xinlan have already broken through the seeking realm. Moreover, looking at it at this moment, the Thousand-Year Shadow had reached the advanced path-seeking state. Hailu Changfeng and Hai Xinlan also both have intermediate-level Dao-seeking realms.

These three people have grown so fast! It can be seen that they have also gained a lot of benefits in this so-called holy realm.

Han Fei quickly approached.

With his strength, even within 100 meters of these three people, they would not be able to find out. Because of this idea, Han Fei forcibly sealed the corrosive blood in his hands, and he was really within a hundred meters of these three people.

Scanning the perception, Han Fei discovered: There seems to be a figure in the cocoon.

"No! These **** must have done nothing good."

Han Fei's first reaction was to kill these people and prevent the weird rituals performed by them.

However, the old tortoise suddenly shouted: "No, I was fooled. Get out."

Han Fei: "???"

Han Fei looked dumbfounded: I've been hiding well all the way, when did I get fooled?

Of course, Han Fei chose to retreat without hesitation. Although the old tortoise is now similar to an abandoned tortoise, its life level is still different.


I saw the dark green walls rising in all directions. Rao Yi's speed was not faster than these walls.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi!"

The speed of this light array felt like a six-door formation of a six-door starfish, incredibly fast. However, Han Fei didn't panic when Dou Zhuan Xing Shift technique specifically broke this type of formation.

"Boom~ boom..."

But just when Han Fei was about to twist the space, the large cloud of corrosive blood in his hand rang and instantly detonated. The force of terror directly blows up the distorted space.

Han Fei was blown up for a kilometer and missed the opportunity to escape.


At that moment, Han Fei felt tens of thousands of times of gravity, and instantly pressed down on his body, causing his body to sink and directly fall to the bottom of the sea.


Only three people, Thousand-Year Shadow, Hailu Changfeng, and Hai Xinlan, had already acted boldly.


"Sea King Shattered God Strike."

"Waterway Entangling Technique!"

The attacks of these three fell on Han Fei in an instant.

This shocked Han Fei! It stands to reason that the three of them couldn't even see themselves at all, let alone attacked.

However, although things were unexpected, the law of time of Thousand-Year Shadows has not yet risen to the level of a great road, and it can't shake him at all. At that time, the power of time was directly absorbed by the time ring.

Hailu Changfeng uses a single horn as a sting, and strikes the soul with a terrifying blow. Even under this tens of thousands of times of gravity, Han Fei still stabs his backhand, and the shocking thorn burst out.


Just listen to the sound of "Boom" ~www.ltnovel.com~ the sound of the shattered soul. Surprised, how could it be blocked with the strength of the Intermediate Sea Law Changfeng Pathfinder Realm? ?

Just like Hailu Changfeng, today's Han Fei can slap him to death with one hand. Trying to kill yourself with a mental attack? He was afraid that he was dreaming.

Hailu Changfeng's head exploded in an instant, scaring Qian Qianying and Hai Xinlan quickly back.

Millennium Shadow shouted: "No, this person's strength is beyond our imagination. My time technique is completely ineffective."

Hai Xinlan retreated wildly, folding her hands together.

Han Fei only felt: The surrounding sea water turned into sea water spears, sprinting towards him frantically.


In the shock of the two people, Han Feihua turned into a humanoid figure, and he smiled and said, "What? It took so much effort to tie me up, but is it just that capable?"

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