God of Fishing

Chapter 1425: Black Brake Snail King

Millennium Shadow and Hai Xinlan couldn't see Han Fei at all.

Even if Han Fei had turned into a human form, they could only flow through sea water, feeling that there seemed to be a person not far away from them.

However, no matter how they observe with the naked eye, there is no one anyway. Even if they are already standing in front of them.

Moreover, through the previous wave of attacks, the two knew: This is no longer something they can handle.

The two of them didn't care about the wreckage of Hailu Changfeng at all. As fast as they could, they began to explode. Fortunately, there are ten thousand times heavy pressure here! Otherwise, the two of them still don't know how to run?


Suddenly, there seemed to be an explosion of Dragon Yin.

The horrible roar was not the roar of Hundred Beasts' Soul. Under this roar, the two people shook their heads and bleed directly. Once his head became chaotic, he planted directly on the bottom of the sea.

Before the two came back to their senses, the line of nothingness had already controlled them.

The moment Han Fei controlled them, suddenly, he felt a strong force, trying to find himself through the line of nothingness.


Han Fei immediately let go of the line of nothingness.

"Ten thousand knives are one!"

Han Fei raised his hand, endless water ignoring gravity, and rolled over Qianyingying and Hai Xinlan in the blink of an eye.

"Puff puff puff~"

In the blink of an eye, the two of them were strangled in perfect condition and dying. With just one breath, Han Fei can crush the two of them.

However, something that surprised Han Fei a little bit happened!

Just listening to the three explosions of "Boom Boom Boom", Thousand-Year Shadow, Hai Xinlan, and the long wind of Hailu that had fallen, directly exploded into dust.

This is different from self-destruction!

The self-destruction of a high-level Dao-seeking realm can be described as terror. Its power is no less than a sweep of his own.

However, these three people did not blew themselves up at all, or they were blown into powder.

At this moment, in Han Fei's eyes, all the souls and flesh and blood that these three people exploded and transformed were swallowed by the dark green cocoon.

In the sea, a heavy voice suddenly rippled.

"I! You shouldn't be a sea monster, right? This king...smelt the human breath."


Han Fei did not respond, and Xuezhimour appeared in his hands. With a single blow, he drew his sword skills to cut the Wushuang sword energy and swept straight at the cocoon.

Just before seeing the cocoon, layers of invisible carapace appeared.

"Crack, click~"

A series of 32 invisible carapace barriers were shattered, and Han Fei was abruptly blocked by the force of this blow.


The cocoon let out a puzzled voice, and said in surprise: "Venerable Human? No, you are not the Venerable. When the Venerable state enters this state, the king will know that you are still the explorer state."

Han Fei still did not respond, but said in his heart: "Lao Yuan, didn't you say that the king can't get through? What's the situation?"

The old tortoise said in a long voice: "What is it? If it can come over, it has come over a long time ago. What is this thing now? You will try it out first."

Han Fei said, "Oh? In your tone, you are the king of the Sea-Monster King City?"

The cocoon was silent for two seconds: "You didn't panic at all? Are you conscious that there is still a way to survive under this king?"

Han Fei grinned: "Is there any way to survive? It doesn't matter if you say it. If your deity is here, I will recognize it. The question is, is your deity there? If you have the ability, you come out of this cocoon!"

This is not the first time Han Fei has faced a king.

When I was with the Queen of Life, there was no embarrassment or fear, and I had challenged Emperor Bai Jia before, so I was almost equal to them.

Now, without even seeing the evil king, the other party sent three cannon fodder to shoot? Not enough to slap yourself.

The only thing that is a bit inaccurate is this big cocoon in front of me!

Han Fei bet it: At most, it is just one projection.

Today's Han Fei is no longer the hairy boy in the realm of hanging anglers when Xia Xiaochan was taken away.

Now, with Han Fei's majestic power, even if the pure imperial canon projection descends, he dare to fight. What's more, this evil king who has been imprisoned in the wall of death for thousands of years...

After listening to Han Fei's words, the cocoon began to vibrate slightly.

"Boom bang bang~"

Han Fei pinched his fingers subconsciously and used the Heavenly Fortune Spell.

It seems that this cocoon is indeed a threat to him.

From the bottom of his heart, the old turtle shouted: "Try to blast this seal? The conch within thousands of miles around are all shattering. Masses of blood essence are gathering."

Unlike Han Fei, this evil king, through the ban imposed by the three people of Millennium Shadows, may be able to block Han Fei's perception.

However, he never thought: There would be an ancient tortoise in Han Fei's body. The realm of its soul is better than that of the king.

No, the old tortoise-level had already noticed it just as soon as this cocoon was released.

Han Fei perceives the blockade. If not unexpected, this evil king's technique is somewhat similar to the six-door formation of Uncle Six. Very fast, extremely high defense! Instead of taking the time to shock yourself? Why don't you try to get rid of this cocoon? It's more reliable!


I saw a cloud of white mist emerging out of thin air in the sea, which was the body of Han Fei hiding in the refining world.

However, after the appearance of the body of white mist, Han Fei did not choose to unite. I saw the body of the white mist, transformed into an adult, stretched out his hand, and the embroidery needle appeared in his hand.

Black and white twins, one holding Snowmourne and the other holding an embroidery needle. With the two Dinghai Bizarre Treasures in hand, the large cocoon vibrated even more.

"Two pieces of Dinghai Bizarre Treasures? It seems that you have an extraordinary position in the human race! In the realm of explorers, can you burst out the power of the noble? If you are not the highest commander of Broken Star Island this time, then you are the top clan of Thousand Star City. My son. People from the Chu Sect will not come here! Cao family... are you from the Cao family?"

"Guess your uncle..."

Han Fei thought: This king knows Thousand Star City! It seems that I have dealt with these companies.

In this case, Han Fei had an idea, the swallowing method appeared, and the surrounding energy was swallowed by himself.

"Beastmaster Art."

"Drawing swordsmanship."

"The Monkey King has three thousand sticks."

"Ten thousand swords return to the clan!"

In an instant, Han Fei broke out.

Han Fei didn't believe the words of the old tortoise: it was just a projection, and it was a cocoon made up of three Dao-seeking realms? Where can it be so strong?

Han Fei stepped out and the law of gravity descended, directly offsetting 70% to 80% of the gravity, and the big cocoon was surprised again.

"Well! It's the Cao family swallowing technique, but you are trying to block the king's avenue with the power of the law? Boy, are you looking for death?"


Han Fei only felt the law of gravity around his body, and in an instant, he was crushed.

Han Fei's muscles were tight, urging Dao Kind: "The law is forbidden here."


Han Fei only felt that these tens of thousands of times of gravity disappeared instantly.

"how is this possible?"

The cocoon trembled frantically, and wanted to perform the great technique again...

However, Han Fei's sword-drawing skills have come, and the stream of swords like a violent tornado has also swept away like crazy.

The invisible barrier was propped up again, only to hear "La La La", and the layers of armor shield shattered.

In an instant, more than 50 floors were broken.

Han Fei could feel: The dark green on the cocoon was fading and becoming lighter!

Han Fei couldn't help but sneered: "I've said that, I want to keep the little master? Unless you come here. Otherwise, what are you?"

"Boom bang bang!"

In the hands of Baiwu's body, the Monkey King's three thousand sticks fell crazily.

In the hands of the black mist body, two hammers appeared, and the Hundred Wars Hammer blasted out.

"Boom boom boom~"

"Clang, clang~"

No need for magic, Han Fei only uses physical strength, and his power is terrifying. Regarding power alone, it is possible that there is no problem at all.

I saw the cocoon, shattering one after another.

However, after a few breaths, this invisible shield armor was blasted a hundred times. Dozens of cracks appeared on the cocoon.

The cocoon stopped talking. At this moment, there was already corrosive blood on all sides, gathering crazily.

"Clang clang..."

After a round of Hundred Wars hammers, the dark green cocoon was already covered with broken lines, and the surface was already dull. But the Monkey King’s Three Thousand Sticks has not stopped yet, 3,000 stacked waves, Han Fei has already hit 500.


Suddenly, this cocoon was broken by Han Fei. In this hole, a large black snail appeared in front of Han Fei's eyes.

But this big snail is different from all the conch that Han Fei has seen.

This large snail has a total of six layers of spirals, and each layer of snails has 24 sharp blades like bone spurs, which are extremely bright, like a blade that has just been polished.

In Han Fei's eyes, information emerged.

[Name] Heisha Snail King (weak)

[Introduction] The ancient creatures, after millions of years of slumber, have been tempered by the heavens and the earth, and obtained the black brake spiral armor, with amazing defense. Under the runner, you can chop thousands of strange crystals. This conch is an entity, and complete information cannot be obtained.


[Quality] Ancient Fierce Beast

[Avenue]? ? ?

[Contains evil spirit]? ? ? point

[Eating effect] It can greatly enhance Qi and blood~www.ltnovel.com~ Make the body mutate

[Can be collected] None



As soon as he saw this information, Han Fei was immediately relieved, and it turned out to be a projection. Although it was a projection of the Intermediate Venerable Realm, 80% of it was because the ceremony was not completed just now, or the strength of the person performing the ceremony was too weak, or it could have just been played by himself.

Anyway, even if this product is a projection, it is also very strong, Han Fei feels that he may be more than enough.


Han Fei stepped a hundred miles, rushing to the edge of the ban.

He just listened to the King of Black Mollus with a smile: "Well! You are right, the deity of this king really can't come, but this holy realm was created by this king, and this king can ban all creatures and spiritual energy here. You, How can I escape?"

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