God of Fishing

Chapter 1429: Storm is coming

When he came, Han Fei used a directional teleportation array. Therefore, if Han Fei goes back, it is impossible to fly back stupidly. After all, no matter how fast you fly, it can't match the teleportation array.

Having practiced the formation for many years, and honed for many years in the Age of Doom, Han Fei can be regarded as a master of formation. However, before that, Han Fei couldn't do this kind of directional teleportation array that spanned several million miles. After all, the former state was too low.

With Han Fei's original method, the transmission distance of the directional teleportation array is about 300,000 li to 500,000 li at most. This distance is already extremely far. This is also the effect achieved by the superposition of Han Fei's experience.

Ordinary people, even the venerable, can't send it so far at once.

In fact, for the noble-level powerhouses who have not studied the formation method, the teleportation formation seems a bit tasteless. Even if he ran away for three to five million miles, it would not be too long. The resources consumed by the seal carving teleportation array are actually much higher than those for flying. However, compared to running by yourself, teleportation is still more convenient.

In the process of portraying the teleportation array again and again, Han Fei is also gradually growing.

Han Fei discovered: As long as the teleportation array over long distances, there seems to be a line that he is not familiar with.

This line is not difficult. However, if you want to learn well, you have to understand their meaning.

Han Fei closed his eyes, pondered for a moment, and the contents of "Canghai Shu" and "Juling Jing" flashed through his mind quickly.

Soon, Han Fei discovered that there are similar patterns in the space formation in the Spirit Gathering Sutra. In the Book of Canghai, there is even a dedicated teleportation section. Among them, there is a content section, which talks about the pattern of the complex space.

"I! You can try."

The teleportation array is originally the space teleportation array. By connecting one place and another, a specific vibration frequency is generated, thereby creating a short-term connection channel.

This kind of long-distance teleportation array is actually looking for a vibration frequency in a familiar place. When Han Fei came, he made a mark on the spot. Even in the handsome mansion, he also made a mark.

No, Han Fei used his finger as a pen to transfer arrays in his hand, drawing more than 50 arrays in a row. Among them, there are a total of 10 spirit gathering formations to supplement the aura.

For this, Han Fei didn't think it was enough, he also threw out a bunch of best demon stones. This draws out a complex long-distance transmission and transmission array.

Jing'er was surprised: "It's different from when you came, this is your own creation? It won't be directly passed into the Origin Sea, right?"

Han Fei twitched the corners of his mouth: "Don't worry! My formation skills are not low, just want to confirm what I think. So, I created a new formation."


When Han Fei and Jing'er passed through the teleportation formation, they suddenly opened up. The gust of wind before, has become calm and calm.

Han Fei immediately looked at Jing'er: "Is it the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters?"

Jing'er looked at the void, as if she had seen through numerous mystery obstacles, and then looked at Han Fei strangely: "The deviation may be a bit large. The distance here may be more than 200,000 miles from Ten Thousand Monster Valley."

Han Fei's face went dark and explained: "Sometimes... the deviation is a bit big. This is also normal! After all, our teleportation distance is as long as 4 million miles."

Jing'er "puff" smiled: "I see. The formation of our Shuimutian is painted by Bat Zun. In terms of formation, the Bat Zun can be said to be the strongest of Shuimutian, but the distance it can reach is more than 2 million miles. It seems that you are pretty good. However, the gates and ways of your mages are not very useful. The Queen once said that once you become a king, the distance of a million miles is just a matter of seconds. In terms of speed, it is comparable to you. The drawing is much faster."

The corner of Han Fei's mouth twitched: "That's because... you have never seen the formation of a king-level mage."

While speaking, Han Fei outlined with his fingers, and another teleportation array appeared.

This time, Han Fei transmitted it to his mark accurately. It was about 230,000 miles away from just now, and Jing'er was really ridiculed.

Han Fei's face was black: "Wait for a day."

After saying this, Han Fei was alone, quietly touching the ground, and once again touched the Ten Thousand Demon Valley.

Old Turtle said in surprise: "The Conch King already knows of your existence, although you have never identified yourself. However, people are not stupid. You have already surveyed the holy realm, I am afraid that the other party will immediately prepare ..."

A gleam of light flashed in Han Fei's eyes: "He has the ability, come by himself! If he can't make it, he can only pass the message through the holy realm or that crack. Hey, no matter where the message is passed, at this moment The Ten Thousand Demon Valley, the combat power is empty!"

The old tortoise buzzed: "Are you stupid? Fifty thousand Sea-Monster Realm, do you think it is less? You just let so many people unarmed and return home, and now all the dive anglers on Broken Star Island add up to 20,000 ?"

Han Fei sneered: "No, you can't just look at the number of people in a war. Otherwise, how is that different from a rash man?"


The fifth day that Han Fei left Broken Star Island.

Xue Shenqi came to Han Fei every day, staying there all day, every day.

The old and new men meet every day, which always makes people feel: Is there something tricky in this? Even the guard of the handsome mansion felt that the two leaders must be plotting something?

As usual, Xue Shenqi sat upright in front of the very familiar position, looking at the various plans and arrangements on the island.

At this moment, the data in hand said: Thirty-six Town has been blown up. A large number of people who have heard the news want to visit Broken Star Island.

Among them, most of the visitors were teachers and students from various universities and colleges among the 36 towns. Two days ago, it was said that in just one day, there were more than 500,000 lives saved, and I wanted to come and take a look.

Xue Shenqi gave an order and cursed Meng Liang. Half a million ordinary people come to Break Star Island? Did your brain get sucked by a large yellow croaker?

Later, Xue Shenqi prepared a batch of them. The first batch of 50,000 people can come to visit, which can be regarded as an independent army called the Reinforcement Army.

Moreover, Xue Shenqi also ordered: Only two kinds of people can come to Broken Star Island. One is teachers, village heads, deans, and group leaders who can come first.

The other is something that can fight. Although in theory, the backup army will not be incorporated into the regular army. However, these people cannot be without discipline. Otherwise, if something happens, it will be dead.

Today is the day when the first batch of reinforcements came to visit.

Xue Shenqi felt that he could go and see.


Suddenly, Xue Shen condensed his eyes and reached out to grasp the void.

However, at a critical moment, Xue Shen started to stop, because he knew who the person was.

When the figure appeared, Xue Shen frowned: "So in such a hurry, is there a major event?"

The person here is naturally Han Fei, just listen to Han Fei's low voice: "Mr. Xue. Today, is now, at this moment, let the star turtle be respected."

Xue Shenqi paused for a full ten breaths. He looked at Han Fei so quietly. Seeing that Han Fei's eyes were unusually firm, he frowned even more, "Reason?"

Han Fei:

"Blood Demon Valley, 3 million little murlocs, three nobles, highest intermediate, 38 seeks, 280 sea spirits..."

"Ten Thousand Demon Valley, 100,000 half-mermaid, six statues, one pinnacle, two high-level, two intermediate, one junior. There are 62 seekers, 623 sea spirits, 50,000 sea monsters..."

Han Fei added: "In addition, there is a Senior Venerable and a Junior Venerable, who may rush back at any time. There are 11 in total, which can be played."

Xue Shenqi suddenly shrank his pupils: "100,000 half-mermaid, 50,000 sea-monster realm?"

Xue Shenqi is not stupid. Of course he wouldn't think that it was Han Fei's number that had reported the error. He just looked at Han Fei quietly and waited for the following.

Han Fei: "The Sea-Monster has a holy realm that can be exchanged for growth in strength at the cost of the Sea-Monster's life potential. Millions of Sea-Monsters are flocking. Every day, the Sea-Monster realm adds dozens of hundreds of people. "

Xue Shenqi: "Are you sure?"

Han Fei: "The Sea-Monster King City is trying to return, but it won't come back in a short time. The opponent king, he just opened the sea, and he doesn't have the ability to return. However, at the latest in January, the opponent will have a half king. So, we Not three months."

Xue Shenqi finally showed a surprised expression on that cold face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. Then, he immediately looked at Han Fei with a serious face: "Han Fei, you are now the Supreme Commander of Broken Star Island, and you are responsible for what you say. Are these news sure to be true?"

Han Fei naturally knew what this meant. It meant going to war in advance, and there was no time to waste them.

Han Fei nodded heavily. The time he took office was too short, and it happened that Xue Shen also needed support. This time, he will take the initiative to fight.

Xue Shenqi's mind quickly turned: "There are only 50,000 Sea-Monster Realms left in the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters? Ready to go?"

Han Fei: "Still storing. I guess they might want to wait until the half king arrives before they go to war. Or, they want to wait for the Sea-Monster Realm to reach 100,000. But now, Ten Thousand Monster Valley is going to move."

Xue Shenqi suddenly stunned: "Are you exposed?"

Han Fei: "The Sea-Monster Sacred Realm, the projection of the king descended, and the traces of my investigation were exposed. Although he eventually killed him, I am afraid that the news that they were investigated has been sent back."

When Xue Shenqi heard the projection of the king, he was shocked and said to his heart: Does the other party really have a king?

But when he heard that the King Projection was killed by Han Fei?

At that time, Xue Shenqi's whole person was not good~www.ltnovel.com~ Now, he is very skeptical: Han Fei's words have the element of blowing fish.

However, he knew better: Han Fei, as the supreme commander of Broken Star Island, would not tell lies.

The projection of the king is just a projection, even if Han Fei is more powerful, it is impossible to kill the king. And the yin and yang days, there has never been a king. If there were, Broken Star Island would be gone.

And the king is not dead, Han Fei's traces of investigation will inevitably be exposed, how could the other party not be prepared?


Xue Shenqi couldn't help taking a breath: "How long did you delay your return?"

Han Fei: "One day."

Xue Shenqi: "How do you plan to fight?"

The corner of Han Fei's mouth raised: "Star Tortoise should break through, isn't he on our side?"

Xue Shen started: "Protect him, that's it."

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