God of Fishing

Chapter 1430: 36 town tour

Wang Jie, He Mingtang, the old village head, and Li Gang are regarded as related households. Because of the relationship between Teacher Han Fei and the village chief, this was the chance to come to a place like Broken Star Island.

When they heard that Broken Star Island was actually a battlefield between humans and monsters in the sea, they were really frightened!

The old village chief has known for a long time: Unknowable places are not good places. The strong may fall at any time. However, he did not expect that the Unknowable Land is a cannibalistic place, a battlefield between humans and sea monsters.

Wang Jie and He Mingtang's understanding of the Unknowable Lands even came from the rumors of the old village chief. They didn’t even dream about it: Today, they have the opportunity to come to the unknown...

When they arrived here from Fenglei Town Teleportation Array, they took a breath. Because... they saw a super big fish more than 300 meters long flying in the sky.


"Ferocious beast."

"The son of a turtle, what a big fish."

As countless people around them exclaimed, Wang Jie and He Mingtang supported the old village chief from left to right, and their hearts were like a heavy hammer.


Wang Jie sighed, "This, this is the unknown place?"

He Mingtang also sighed: "So, Xiaoyu and others came to this place?"

The old village chief took a few breaths: "Don't panic, don't panic... Don't look like you haven't seen the world. Remember, the commander is your student, you can't lose face."

Wang Jie: "Yes, yes! What the village chief said yes."

Village head: "When you come back here, you have to take a good look to see what is going on here? After you go back, you have to tell the villagers that you can't look like you haven't passed the world."

Li Gang had been stunned for a long time: "So, the gang leader has always been fighting in this place?"

Because the first time I came to visit, they were all related households, and they were all people who had a small amount of weight in Thirty-Six Town, but were not very capable.

Han Fei is counting on these people to go back to promote Broken Star Island. Therefore, there are no very special characters.

A submersible fisher spread his wings in the sky, petting the cloud whale, and grabbing a big crab to prepare to feed: "Xiaoyun, there are a lot of people this time, you get bigger so you can carry more people."


I saw the body of Yun Whale growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, when the cloud whale reached 600 meters in length, he no longer grew bigger. Maintaining the size of the body also requires aura and energy.

But even so, it caused bursts of exclamation.

Some people wondered again and again: "Is this someone's gifted soul beast? It's so big, I'm afraid it can swallow countless people with one mouthful?"

Someone laughed and scolded: "Anyway, your physique is not enough for people to stuff their teeth."

There was a submersible fisherman standing proudly above the void, shouting to these countless people: "Everyone, line up in order and wait for the cloud whale to pick you up. To avoid congestion, 10,000 people at a time..."

The village chiefs are the first group to arrive. At this moment, not only caught up with the first trip, but also sat ahead.

Village head: "I remember when I got there, don't talk nonsense, and don't just talk about Han Fei's name. He is now the highest commander. His status and status are different."

The voice of the old village chief was very low, but how could he not hear the powerful people above? At this moment, it was called a look at each other: This old big angler actually knew Han Shuai?

Seeing the old village chief’s useless voice transmission, Wang Jie nodded his head immediately: "That is, that is, I didn’t expect that little Yuzai has such a huge potential? I wonder if he has forgotten me. ?"

Of course, Li Gang knew clearly: The reason why the old village chief said this was intentional.

Everyone says the Unknowable Land is too dangerous, and there are so many people here. It was impossible for Han Fei to take care of them all, even he didn't necessarily know that he was waiting for someone.

Therefore, the old village chief made people pay attention to his own few people, but also to ensure their safety. Sure enough, people are mature! Quietly, he and others provided protection.

Li Gang immediately learned something: "Village chief, do you say that the leader is now the supreme commander, is he still our leader?"

The village chief tilted his head and frowned, glanced at Li Gang, and immediately drank: "Shut up. Don't mention it, don't mention it, do you still mention it?"

Li Gang hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, what the village chief taught."

On the other side, He Mingtang looked solemn: "I don't know...how is Xiaoyu?"

Village head: "Don't worry, danger is only danger, but there is a chance. Xiaoyu's growth experience is not ordinary. Didn't you ask someone to bring you a message a few days ago?"


Two hours later, all the tourists from 36 towns have basically arrived.

The fishing boats flying around in the sky are not new. However, many people deliberately walk in the air, attracting their attention.

Someone was dumbfounded: "How do I watch... can everyone go to heaven?"

Someone swallowed: "This is the unknowable place, the frontline battlefield of mankind."

There are too many 50,000 people, it is impossible for Broken Star Island to arrange a large number of people to serve as tour guides. This task was given to Meng Liang, and he naturally took over.

The patrol team around the island directly came with 100 elites. The so-called elite means that they are all submerged anglers, who can demonstrate the powerful strength of the unknowable and facilitate the team.


A hundred submersible fishermen, all spread their wings, and rose into the air. What is this concept? Directly frightened these tourists.

Wang Jie: "The village chief, when we grow up so old, we haven't seen so many angels, right?"

Li Gang was a little excited, knowing Han Fei's current status, it was because he couldn't sleep. The Heihe Chamber of Commerce was destroyed in the first place. There are only a hundred remaining members of the Yulong Gang, all full of spirits.

After the return of the strong from the Unknowable Land, countless members of the Yulong Gang asked for their return.

However, Li Gang did not agree to any of them, threatening to shout: "Anyone who retreats will never be appointed."

Later, when someone who returned home from an unknown place proposed to join the Yulong Gang, Li Gang's body floated. Regardless of the purpose of taking care of others, the class of the Yulong Gang has now reached a higher level. This is due to my persistence! Otherwise, at this moment, there is no place to cry.

Above this big river, more than 50,000 people gathered, the scene is not small. Many people stopped and watched on both sides of the river.

Hundreds of diving fishermen lined up in the sky.

Meng Liang stood at the forefront with a cold expression: "A few days ago, a large number of strong men from the Unknowable Land returned, which caused everyone in 36 Town to be shocked."

Meng Liang yelled: "Everyone, you are all people with faces and faces in Thirty-Six Town. Here is the unknowable place that has been circulating in your story. Here is the battlefield between humans and sea monsters. Here, Every day, someone will fall. And they, who protect, are the hundreds of millions of people in 36 Town..."

Someone suddenly said, "This predecessor, what the unknown is like?"

Meng Liang frowned: "I didn't let you speak, so you shut up. What exactly is the Unknowable Land? I will arrange for someone to walk you through and explain it to you. Listen more, see more, If you have any questions, please ask your guide. This time the island tour will last three days. After three days, leave the island quickly."

As an explorer, Meng Liang maintained the high coldness he deserved. In Broken Star Island, in the military, there is no such thing as a happy appearance. The person who asked the question just now flushed, and he dared not speak again.


A famous dive fisher flew over and shouted: "A group of 500 people, group nearby, hurry up..."

Wang Jie and a few people walked together, following the flow of people, following along. God knows which group I am in? Each of these leaders is strong.

However, Meng Liang has just been grouped here, and has not arranged a tour plan yet. Suddenly, a huge sky screen appeared in the sky.

Han Fei pulled out his head directly: "Attention all, attention all..."

"It's the helper."

"It's Han Fei boy."

Li Gang and Wang Jie couldn't help but yelled out, and they were immediately pulled by the village chief: "Naughty, he is doing business."

Meng Liang glanced at a few people and immediately looked at the sky again.

I saw Han Fei with a serious face: "Attention to all, Broken Star Island immediately enters the highest combat readiness state, and all members return to their positions."




For a time, fishing boats all over the sky, and countless people in the city hover in the sky.

Those who watched the excitement almost swept away, one after another.

Someone flashed out their wings and stepped on the void, turning into a stream of light in the sky, disappearing without a trace.

In front of the 50,000 sightseeing group in Thirty-Six Town, almost instantaneously, there was a piece of sky in the sky. There were no figures at all, only various streams of light flashed by.

Meng Liang's face changed drastically: Nima, when did something go wrong? What happened at this time? The war is coming, the round-the-island inspection team is also very busy!

Just listen to Meng Liang shouting: "Everyone returns to their thrones, and this place is left to this seat."

"Swipe it~"

Meng Liang gave an order to ~www.ltnovel.com~ and the hundred dive anglers disappeared in a single "swish". More than 50,000 people left, panicked.

Meng Liang yelled, "All quiet down for me."

Above the sky, Han Fei's voice was solemn: "Attention everyone, I have to tell you one thing today. On Broken Star Island, there is a king's corpse to suppress. Now, the person who suppressed the seal is about to enter the deity. The corpse of the king is about to live. By then, the sea monster will be attracted to attack the island. In this battle, you guard the major coasts of Broken Star Island, as usual. The strong, your own commander and the masters will stop you."

Han Fei continued: "The king's corpse can give birth to countless enlightening liquids, so humans can last for thousands of years. This king's corpse is indispensable. Once it is obtained by the sea monster, the consequences will be disastrous. It is very likely that the king will be recreated. , My human race is in danger."

At this moment, except for those returning to the team, everyone looked up at the sky and listened in shock to what Han Fei said.

Han Fei didn't dare to slacken off, and insisted as always: "To be honest, I don't want to tell you. However, in the corners you can't see, the smoke is already everywhere. Now, the coach needs you to work together to meet the enemy. Win, The merits have been in my human race for thousands of years. If you lose, you will have to fight until the last soldier..."

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