God of Fishing

Chapter 1434: Look at me, King Han Feitu

Zi Yuchuan was a little dazed, watching Elder Bingyun and Fairy Huo Yue go through the air, how could he bear it?

No matter how strong the Seeking Dao Realm Great Demon is, it cannot be an opponent of the Venerable Realm.

I saw that he shot out suddenly, an ancient seal pressed the void, trying to block the two of them.

However, only a roar was heard, the phantom beasts were rampant, Han Fei's body swelled, and he appeared out of thin air on the road bombarded by Ziyuchuan.


Han Fei was blasted out of a hundred miles by a single blow, but as he stepped on his feet, the whole person immediately came to Ziyuchuan again: "You should still have a peak of the noble state, right? Why don't you leave the rest to him What?"

Zi Yuchuan's expression changed drastically: "Are you playing more tricks with my Sea-Monster King City?"

Han Fei shrugged: "Do I have it? I don't have it! But, if you hit me, is it a big bully?"

Han Fei yelled, but his heart was extremely urgent. Elder Bingyun and Fairy Huo Yue were destined to be impossible, they were just for testing.

Han Fei knew very well that if he were the King of Black Brake, he would definitely change his plan. He would not give himself a month anyway. Especially when he has even been to the so-called Holy Realm.

Sure enough, when Elder Bingyun and Fairy Huo Yue had just pierced through the air, they only saw the void trembling, and two spear lights struck across, directly blasting them back.

Sure enough, I don't know when a few more Junior Venerables will come out in Ten Thousand Demon Valley.

Han Fei guessed that Ten Thousand Demon Valley was also waiting. They knew that their power was not strong enough to complete their efforts in one fight, so they did not take the lead, otherwise they would have destroyed Broken Star Island.

When he entered the Holy Realm, the Black Chaluo King knew he couldn't wait. Fight first, fight first, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, you can't give yourself time anyway.

These two Junior Venerables, no accident, should have been delivered within this day.

However, Han Fei almost predicted that at this moment, the Sea-Monster King City must still be sending people over.


Ten Thousand Demon Valley.

Xue Shenqi led more than three thousand people, and as soon as he left the teleportation formation, he quickly swept the past according to the various routes given by Han Fei.

The reason why Han Fei delayed one day when he came back was to set up the formation.

But, it stands to reason that when the Ten Thousand Demon Valley was fully siege, the city was empty, what if it were swept away? Can't kill a few people.

But Han Fei would rather sacrifice Xue Shenqi and the more than 3,000 backbone forces, and let them sweep the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, betting on the back of the Ten Thousand Demon Valley.

At this moment, everyone looked at the Stargate Teleportation Array in the sea above the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, and they were all horrified. When were these weird teleportation formations built?

Just listen to Xue Shenqi shouting: "Everyone, this is the place where the sea monsters have been gathering, Ten Thousand Demon Valley. Now, destroy the Ten Thousand Demon Valley as much as possible, and the first one will destroy these teleportation formations."

There were always traces of the formation, but seeing Xue Shenqi leading the army across the way, the Stargate Teleportation Formation began to shatter one after another.

Broken Star Island.

When Ziyuchuan saw that the Star Gate Teleportation Array was rapidly collapsing, he knew that Ten Thousand Demon Valley had been attacked.

Not only Ziyuchuan alone, above the void, Cao Xuan was locked by a Qi machine. Formally because of this Qi machine lock, he didn't make a move. His idea is that if he doesn't move, the human powerhouse won't move either.

And the other venerables of Broken Star Island are not the opponents of Ten Thousand Demon Valley in terms of overall strength. Moreover, the first-line battlefield, 50,000 Sea-Monster Realm, and nearly 2,000 Sea Spirit Realm, this force is equally fierce. If we break through the major lines of human defenses and the high-ranking human powers are constrained again, we can win by then.

But Cao Xuan couldn't figure it out. Under this circumstance, how could Han Fei be distracted and send someone to sweep the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters?

Cao Xuan narrowed his eyes: "Could it be that he wants to snipe the team returning from the Holy Realm?"

Just listen to Cao Xuan whispered: "My king."

When Cao Xuan said this, in the void, he only heard a "hum" sound, and there was a super powerhouse with fear, who was not the Black Brake Snail King?

When the Black Chaluo King appeared, Han Fei was not surprised, but he let out a long sigh, he knew it.

If the sacred realm belongs to the Heisha Snail King, there are millions or even tens of millions of large snails, as long as the Heisha Snail King is willing, he can copy one after another. As long as he dares to consume, he can descend on one or countless projections.

No, this projection of the Black Brake Snail King seems to have consumed a lot of Corrosive Blood.

At this moment, a giant snail with a body of ten thousand feet suddenly covered the sky.

Someone exclaimed: "What creature is that?"

Someone was horrified: "Such a big snail."

Not only human beings, even siren, they all exclaimed.

I don't know who took the lead and shouted, "That's my king, my king has come."

"Roar! My king is here, and the Broken Star Island will be destroyed today."

"Humans, go to death!"

Suddenly, the entire front-line battlefield was boiling, the riots of the sea monsters, and the midfield of the game showed a tilted state. Almost the moment the big snail appeared, the sea monster's combat power directly increased sharply.

Just listen to the voice of the big snail: "I! It turns out that you are the new supreme commander of Broken Star Island. Last time you let you escape from the dead. Today, this king wants to see what you can do to take out the palm of this king. "

On Broken Star Island, thousands of creatures heard the Black Shaluo King actually call Han Fei, and many people suddenly sank. It turns out that Han Fei and this Sea-Monster King had already seen each other? And still escape from the dead?

Many people showed a trace of sadness, such as Han Fei and other incomparable super powers, if they could only escape from the dead, how could this battle be fought?

For ordinary people, they don't even know the difference between the so-called king and noble state. They only knew that Han Fei didn't win, but escaped.

However, hearing this in other people's ears immediately caused a storm.

Above the nine heavens, is no one really listening? No, this battle is of great significance, and it is impossible for aristocratic families and the seven sects not to pay attention.

It's just that these people don't believe that there can be a king coming, even if they are really kings, they are at best projections or clones.

As long as it is not the real king, you can fight.

However, when they heard that Han Fei could actually escape from the death of this big conch king, their hearts were shaken. What is Han Fei's strength and realm? How could it have grown to this level in a mere few decades?

At this moment, Han Fei raised his head and looked towards the sky, his voice trembling: "This handsome asks, is there someone in Thousand Star City who is willing to take action against this dog? Seven sects? Aristocratic families?"

Hei Shaluo Wang’s grinning laughter rippled: “Thousand Star City, who can carry this king’s blow? Human beings will eventually die. This king will take over this positive Yin and Yang sky.”

As Heisha Luowang laughed, the sound wave vibrated and the pressure fell.

Han Fei frowned slightly, and all of a sudden, he heard the sound of a sword humming, the sword tide descending from the sky, and the sword rain flooding the sky came crashing down.

At a height of ten thousand feet, Ling Tian's sword aura suddenly rose.

Han Fei looked at the little red sword, "Sword Master?"

Han Fei saw the star tortoise in the process of breaking through, and his body was trembling, and he couldn't help but slap it at will; "Make a good breakthrough, this handsome is here, no one can move you."

Han Fei chuckled: "Thanks to the Sword Master, it seems that Thousand Star City should indeed be reshaped. Venerable Man Tian, ​​only one person is here, so sad."

A stream of red swords traverses the sky.

Suddenly, I saw the curtain of sky descend again, and the giant snail and the sword tide of heaven and earth had already bombarded together.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Everyone, listen to this commander. Today, if this commander is undefeated, you will be undefeated. The projection of a mere king, dare to come to my broken star island to go wild? This handsome has already told you , Unless your body descends, you will be cut by the sword."

Thousands of miles away, above the nine heavens.

On Yun Whale’s back, there was a black shadow, sitting on it, who was not Han Fei’s black mist body?

Just listen to Han Fei’s long voice: "Yun Whale, you have been lingering on Broken Star Island for more than 800 years... Oh no, to be precise, it is more than 1800 years. Is it because you know that the cloud whale is also unsuccessful under the hanging sky waterfall? Explore the history of Broken Star Island. Before that war, there was never a cloud whale in the world."


Listening to the call of the Yun Whale, Han Fei chuckled: "Don't pretend, when I went under the Xuantian Waterfall, I saw the remains of the Yun Whale. At that time, there was a doubt, this king, the power of the great avenue Weak. At that time, the commander didn’t take it seriously. He just thought that the realm was strong or weak, why didn’t the avenue not? However, after you have been around Broken Star Island for more than 800 years, your realm of strength has never grown. How strange? This is the history The Supreme Commander has never seen the corpse suppressed under the Xuantian Waterfall, but if they have seen it, they will doubt you..."

The sky over Broken Star Island is almost overwhelming. Han Fei and Yunjing seem not to be nervous at all. Han Fei continues to say, "However, I think many people will guess that you are most likely to belong to that Yunjing. The reincarnation. But, huh... this commander has not seen the reincarnation of the king. The reason why the king is reincarnated is not to take the same path. They will definitely make a better road than before. So, you It can't be the reincarnation of that Yun Whale... You, is it Tang Yan?"

When Han Fei finished saying this, Yunjing turned over, twisted his body, and turned around.

There was a long voice in Han Fei's ear: "It's interesting, when did you find me?"

The corner of Han Fei’s mouth raised, and he smiled: “When I passed through the demon element of the cloud whale and reached the Pearl Sea. I was thinking at the time. If you are the reincarnation of the cloud whale, then your demon element world has too much Something can help you grow. It doesn’t make sense. You don’t need it. The reason is that the demon element is directly connected to the Pearl Sea, huh... I’m afraid the cloud whale wreck below is not a king at all, is it? ,Failed……"

Tang Yan smiled: "It's interesting. Why call me? Don't you have a hole card? That girl, if she really makes a move, she can kill the projection of the king as well?"

Han Fei chuckles: "With you, the patron saint of Broken Star Island, why should I use outsiders?"


On Broken Star Island, a red long sword collapsed, turning six times, cutting across the sky and the earth. The Black Brake Snail King didn't want to wait any longer. It is inevitable that Qianxing City really had a strong shot and directly repelled the Lord of the Heavenly Sword. UU Reading www. In the round of uukanshu.com, a figure of an old man was blasted back thousands of miles, blood was splashed, and it was hit hard.

And at this moment, with a "hum", Han Fei's eyes suddenly burst into two strange lights.

Just listen to Han Fei yelling: "Yin and Yang, there is no king forever. If you say yes, it's not your stinky snail. If you leave me, Han Fei, who is the king?"


Suddenly, I saw Han Fei stretch out a big hand, and instantly squeezed a void. Zi Yuchuan wanted to watch the show and see how Heisha Snail King killed the human race.

But he never expected that Han Fei who had been watched as an actor all the time. Unexpectedly, half the power of the king was used.


In the sky, Han Fei squeezed the void, grabbing and squeezing Venerable Kraken to death. The millions of soldiers who watched made his heart agitated.

Han Fei stepped out in a few steps, and he was on the same screen as Heishaluo Wang.

"Everyone, let me see King Han Feitu."

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