God of Fishing

Chapter 1435: Fierce battle

A crack in the sky runs across the sky.

In the sky, thunder and lightning flashed, and blood poured down. The Venerable fell, the sky was crying, and many people shuddered.

At that moment, Jing'er was stunned, she was ready to take action at any time.

As soon as that Ziyuchuan started, she was ready to pinch Ziyuchuan to death. Because in Jing'er's judgment, Han Fei could not be Zi Yuchuan's opponent even if his strength was raised to the limit.

However, just after Han Fei's black mist body returned, she knew that Han Fei had gone out. She even knew that the power Han Fei used now was not Han Fei's own power at all.

How many catties Han Fei has, does she know?

If Han Fei had the ability to directly use the power of the half king, he would have turned the sky as early as Shuimutian. Before, when he went to investigate the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, maybe he had already bloodbathed the Ten Thousand Demon Valley. Where can he wait until now?

However, where did Han Fei's power come from?

Is Jinger dumbfounded? Broken Star Island, which one is not confused?

With one hand, Han Fei shattered a large sky, and the void collapsed, revealing a black void. A guy who looked very strong was just crushed to death by Han Fei?

Zi Yuchuan is really dead, the one that can't even be reborn from a drop of blood. He was afraid that he would not understand until he died, why on earth?

Even Jinger didn't understand, let alone other people.

Thousand Star City.

Among the seven major sects, several people sighed faintly.

Just now, Han Fei also asked, Can anyone in Thousand Star City be willing to take action?

However, apart from the Lord of the Heavenly Sword and some of the venerables who had already made up their minds to fight, everyone else was sinking. Did Han Fei ask what he said just now?

Aristocratic family, originally didn't deal with Han Fei.

They actually don't want to make a move, they just want to wait. They want to force Han Fei's hole cards!

After all, none of the thugs academy has come out yet. The best case: Han Feineng was hit hard in this battle. That way, it is in their interests.

In their opinion, it doesn't matter how many people die in this battle, and it doesn't matter what the fight is. What matters is that when the dead body of the venerable comes out, they can have a chance to get it!

At this moment, Truman had a voice: "Don't panic, it's just a borrowed power."

However, some people said, "Even the borrowed power must be able to hold his body! Han Fei can hold the power of the half-king state? This shows that his physical body and meridians have reached extremely terrifying. To the point."


The corners of Han Fei's mouth were raised.

Having said that, this is a great battle! How can there be no means? The reason why I ran to take advantage of Tang Yan was entirely because Han Fei was betting: Tang Yan understood himself.

Why can Tang Yan understand? That would have to start from 1800 years ago when Tang Yan was the commander of Broken Star Island.

According to the specific case file, Tang Yan had been in power for just five years, and Broken Star Island had fought 63 times, and it was so dark. Tang Yan himself, rising strongly, swept all the way, really stunned the air.

Of course Han Fei knew why. The supreme commander, you want to share your wishes with millions of soldiers! This is also the reason why the Supreme Commander of Broken Star Island in the past did not make a quick breakthrough. In fact, they didn't want to be as crazy as Tang Yan, frantically at the cost of human life, to use their aspirations.

At first, Han Fei thought so too.

However, Han Fei discovered another fact: that is, 500 years after Tang Yan, the battle between Broken Star Island and the Sea Monster has suddenly decreased by 80%.

What is this concept? Just like when Han Fei came to Broken Star Island, there was a big battle at that time, almost every six months to a year. Five large-scale battles can be fought in five years, and it will be the highest.

However, this kind of low-frequency battle cannot cause much loss to the Kraken.

During the truce, people have time to support. You raise me to raise everyone, raise it, and both sides are fattened up. When the two sides are extremely fat, there must be a super collision.

The tragic impact of this collision might be worse than Tang Yan's fight once a month. For example, today, the number of sages used by both sides has exceeded 20.

This number, even in Shuimutian, is an extremely rare event. Tang Yan, this person is a militant at all, how can he not understand?

Moreover, Tang Yan has a human heart, otherwise, why would he have to hide in Yun Whale, which has been hiding until now, and can't linger in Broken Star Island?

Also, when Han Fei deduced the void fishing technique, it caused thunderous waves. Tang Yanneng didn't know? You know, the place he originally selected for deduction was all he asked Yunjing to take him there, right?

In other words: Tang Yan had been paying attention to Broken Star Island while practicing secretly. To be sure, Tang Yan knows things on the island much better than many people.

Tang Yan is both warlike and caring about humans. Broken Star Island is going to be destroyed, can he ignore it?

It's just... Tang Yan's management method is not to participate in the war in person, but to infiltrate a group of power in the demon yuan in Han Fei's body.

Suddenly, Han Fei only felt that his body was about to explode, so he immediately chose to return.

With a crash, Ziyuchuan was cold.

When this attack was launched, Han Fei's heart was shaking. What Tang Yan gave himself was the power in the demon element? So Tang Yan is a man or a demon now?

It's just that at this moment, Han Fei didn't bother to think about it. At this time, he was at the peak of his strength, and he was using the strongest weapon-embroidery needle.

Just listen to Han Fei bursting out: "Huh! Demon Conch, die."


In the sky, I saw Han Fei and the Heavenly Demon Conch, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. In the sky, Han Fei's voice was still rippling over Broken Star Island.

"Fight well for me. Those who survived this battle did not die. This commander took you to wash the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters and carried the Sea-Monster Lair... to kill..."


At that moment, the battlefield outside of Broken Star Island had gone crazy.

Countless people kept "wailing", and their blood rose to the extreme. What's more, even a breakthrough in the battle.

On the South Bank battlefield, Lin Wu was shocked.

It turned out that I was a fool, and thought that the brother's private record was to win people's hearts... In fact, the brother had reached a height that she didn't understand at all.

On the side of the sea monster, the morale dropped suddenly.

Although the birth of Heisha Luowang was very shocking, and his body reached a huge height. However, Han Fei's appearance was even more bluffing, and he pinched a venerable to death with a slap, and kept saying that he wanted to kill the king?

The most important thing is: Heisha Snail King, didn't make any harsh words, which made them feel a little guilty.

In the void, Han Fei and Heisha Snail King smashed thousands of miles away.


The law of irregular gravity came, Han Fei was hit horizontally, and was blasted hundreds of times in a flash.

"Law is forbidden here."

"Clang clang!"

In the blink of an eye, Han Fei bombarded more than three hundred sticks, causing the scalp of Heisha Snail King to tingle, his carapace to crack, and a lot of corrosive blood flew out. The damaged carapace is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Apocalypse magic."

The holy beam descended, Han Fei's own blood dripped, and it became intact in the blink of an eye.


Black Brake Conch King gritted his teeth; "Impossible, this is not your strength."

Han Fei cursed: "Where do you care about my power? Do you want to be more efficient than Xiaoye? Yedi, do you think you can beat me faster?"

Black Brake Snail King: "Your power, just like this king's projection, will eventually be exhausted. How long will Broken Star Island last?"

I saw Heisha Conch King's body distorted, six layers of up and down, 24 sharp thorns in each layer, burst out one after another. Seeing those spikes, after a short time, it turned into a new big snail.

Han Fei was dumbfounded at the time: What kind of operation is this?

Hei Shaluo Wang Senran smiled and said, "This king wants to see, can you also clone ten million?"

In Han Fei's body, the old turtle said: "It's just a avatar technique, but the strength should not be underestimated. Each one has a realm equivalent to a half deity."


Hundred Beast Town Soul roared out.

However, just after the roar of shaking the sky, I only heard the sound of "Wula", the snails shook the sky, and the shadows of the beasts broke every inch.

Hei Shaluo Wang sneered: "How long can you last?"

Han Fei stepped on his feet, only seeing the space shortened, and the half-experienced Black Brake Snail King, who had just ran out for more than 100 meters, could not even run 100 meters.

I only saw Han Fei throwing out a ball of demon energy, billions of demon energy, which exploded, directly exploding the void thousands of miles away. Above and below, the beam of light will not go out for a long time.

Even in Broken Star Island thousands of miles away, in the chaotic battlefield, everyone felt their eyes lit up, as if their eyes were blinded.


The clone of the Black Chaluo King was blown into powder before he even had time to run.

Han Fei disdainfully said: "Do you think that you are a half king? Xiaoye, I am also a half king now. Do you think: Where can you be higher than me?"

Hei Shaluo Wang was angrily ~www.ltnovel.com~ This time, in order to leave the Holy Realm, he sacrificed a half of the Holy Realm. However, with such a blow, Han Fei blasted himself out of 20% of his power.

The force of terror has not dissipated, Han Fei smiled and said, "Blast again."

Heichaluo Wang's heart moved: Nima, are there any more?

But he immediately discovered that something was wrong: On his snail shell, at some point, there was a drop of water on it?


Endless water explodes.

However, Mighty immediately disappointed Han Fei! After all, he was only able to use the power of the Half King Realm temporarily, and the endless water could not reach this level.

However, Han Fei didn't care. He raised the embroidery needle again and shouted: "Come on, you are not the king! You can do it again, give me a try?"

Hei Shaluo Wang coldly snorted: "Your name is Han Fei, right? There are a lot of methods. But, are you that way?"

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