God of Fishing

Chapter 1436: This handsome wants you to die, you have to die

For the strong, there is never a lack of fighting means.

Han Fei became stronger temporarily, and that was only temporary. At the level of the power of the half king, what he is good at is somewhat insufficient.

The endless water left no traces on the body of Heisha Snail King, and did not even explode a wound. As for how much energy is consumed by Black Brake Snail King? That is totally unknown.

I saw it all around, the spikes flew horizontally, and those spikes that had just turned into clones and flew out turned into dark green beams of light.

"not good!"

Han Fei forgot: The Black Brake Snail King also has the power to block space. If you are trapped here, as long as you give Black Chaluo King a little time, the consequences will be serious.

"Far away."

Han Fei stepped back and went straight back a hundred miles.

Immediately afterwards, Dou Zhuan Xing Shift was launched instantly, and only then did it escape in a beam of light. If he was slow for a second, the consequences would be disastrous!

With cold sweat on Han Fei's back, the old tortoise said in his heart: "Don't panic! The consumption of this conch is definitely not small. Hit it farther, just hold him, isn't it?"


The Xuantian Waterfall, the entire mountain, has been elevated 40 miles. From a distance, it looks like an Optimus pillar connecting the sea and the sky.

With the Xuantian Waterfall as the center, a space of several hundred meters in radius is full of cracks. Here, the residences of the previous families have long been broken, leaving only a piece of debris left on the high uplifting mountain.

Star Turtle's heart sighed: Did you all fight? I really feel a little flustered!

He never thought: He just became a respected person, so why is he even the king? In this yin-yang sky, when did the king exist?

At this moment, dozens of people fought in the void. The ancestor of the Heavenly Sword was hit by the Black Chaluo King and was directly hit hard. At this moment, he was sitting in the sky, looking at Cao Xuan.

After all, this is an old man who dared to strike a sword against the king. Although the power of that blow could not cut off the projection of the king, it also brought a certain amount of trauma to the Black Shaluo King.

At this moment, Cao Xuan was restrained by a force, but it seemed that he could not be involved. No matter what, he wanted to fight against the Venerable Peak in the dark.

"Huh! Come out for a fight."

Cao Xuan can't wait anymore, even the projection of the king has already joined the battle, and he is actually restrained by a Qi machine? What kind of power is this? My own performance seems a bit out of place. When the time comes, what will Heisha Snail King say? Can you blame yourself?

However, when Cao Xuan searched for his energy to kill, he only listened to the Lord of the Heavenly Sword: "Hey! Let me try, how does the pinnacle feel?"

The Lord of the Heavenly Sword is already at the pinnacle of Senior Venerable, only one step away from the pinnacle. This is also the reason why he dared to challenge the Chu family boss.

This time, everyone is here, and the war is over. How can one be injured by the king and stop fighting?

Although the Lord of Heavenly Sword estimated: Broken Star Island, there will be strong ones.

For example, Han Guanshu, his son launched a peerless battle, can he not participate?

However, the Lord of Heavenly Sword is also a wise Lord. Unlike other people's opinions, the reason why he had the courage to leave just now was because he hadn't seen Xue Shenqi from beginning to end.

Where is Xue Shenqi going in such a big battle? This supreme commander who has been in Broken Star Island for 50 years has disappeared out of thin air? In fact, although the Sea-Monster realized that Xue Shen had gone to the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters, the Human Race was still hiding it from Han Fei. They didn't know, where did Xue Shenqi go?

The Lord of Heavenly Sword is still thinking in his heart: Thug Academy, Ren Tianfei, and Han Guanshu have not come out! What are they doing? Watching a show?

Just like just now, I was watching a movie, and the family members were also watching a movie.

People like Han Guanshu are afraid that they are also watching the show? As for when to appear? I am afraid, it depends on this battle, when and what changes happen...

Since there are people who watch theaters, there must be people who act. At this time, the Lord of Heavenly Sword also knew that he had to leave the scene.

As for the moment, why can Han Fei become stronger? No one can know for sure.

However, everyone knows: Han Fei has already fought with King Projection. Here, what power did Han Fei borrow, or did he use his own power? Nobody knows.

Cao Xuan saw that there was a big sword in the air, blocking his way, and he couldn't help but shout: "Go away."

The Lord of Heavenly Sword snorted coldly, and thousands of swords flowed from his back, like light and wings, rising into the sky. The terrifying sword light has sealed the emptiness of thousands of miles in it.

The sword gas barrier appears. I saw him cut it down with a single sword, his sword aura was like a huge sea, and he cut down the wave of hundreds of miles, and what he had was a terrifying momentum.

It is a pity that the battle of the strong, because it is so shocking and horrifying, it is in the void, and ordinary people cannot see it.

At this time, some people sighed: They all said that there was no strong in Thousand Star City. However, in the real war, the strong will appear one after another!

These ordinary people did not expect that there would be so many venerables in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demon, nor did they expect that there would be so many venerables in their own family!

In the void, Jing'er, who had been observing, originally thought: This time, she must be able to do it.

However, what made her depressed: So many venerables participated in the war, it was not her turn?

She couldn't help but caught the garlic prawns boringly, skewered them, and looked at the battlefield.

Han Fei and Heisha Snail King are fighting. In the half-king realm, the fighting frequency and speed are so high that ordinary people simply can't see it.

While Jing'er was always paying attention, her gaze swept across the front line of human battlefield. In her opinion, the human frontline battlefield is completely inferior to the sea monster.

Although the battle has only started for a stick of incense from the beginning to the present, the overall combat capability of human beings is weak. The level of submersible anglers is less than that of others, and the level of law enforcement is also less than that of others, and the same is true of explorer.

But even so, in a short period of time, the two sides actually won a match. On the human side, many people fought madly, their weapons exploded, Lingquan exploded, and finally exploded themselves, killing them extremely fiercely. Fortunately, the demigod soldiers on the island are now widespread, otherwise, the human side is afraid it will not last long.

In the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters, most of the 50,000 Sea-Monster realms are newcomers, belonging to the elementary level, and few even enter the intermediate level. This is also the reason why the human side can be evenly matched.

When Jing'er scanned the war, suddenly, she saw several different figures.

"Huh? That's...Shui Mutian's?"

Jinger saw the fish and asked. This half-senior humanoid powerhouse looks like a person, but in fact it is an undersea human race. At the beginning, when I was in the ancient realm of Qianshan Mountain, I had seen this person once.

At this moment, the fish asked, one person slaughtered the three great monsters seeking the pinnacle of the path, and did not lose the wind. In fact, this is nothing, half-zun can play like this.

But for the other person, Jing'er was a little unclear: it was a hunched old man.

Jinger always feels: How familiar is this person?

This person seems to be only in the realm of half respect, but one step at a time, the whole body is gloomy.


Just look at the body of a Great Dao-Seeking Realm. One was unstable. The old man stretched out his hand, and instantly squeezed the heart of the Great Dao-Seeking Realm.

Then, Jing'er saw: The life of the fallen Kraken was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In addition, Jing'er also discovered: Although the peak combat power on the human side is not much, it is very resistant! For example, she saw a lot of law enforcement and submerged fishermen, and these people were also full of fierce and mighty powers during the fighting.

The star tortoise can naturally feel all this, and it is the happiest to see no one cares about itself. No one cares about yourself, just fine! "It's just a little bit, Grandpa Turtle, I'm going to be respected."


The hanging sky waterfall completely burst, and the sun shines for thousands of miles, and a huge amount of aura and energy converge.

The breath of the star turtle began to rise.

Entering the deity is not crossing the robbery, there is no thunder bombing. The old tortoise only needs to escape from this hanging waterfall, and it will definitely enter the veneration. At this moment, there are only 10 miles left.

Suddenly, just as the star tortoise was about to enter the deity, a silver light pierced the void. I saw someone holding a silver spear, illuminating the void.

In the distant sky, inside the cloud whale, there was a murmur: "Wh, Yin Ge has been released?"

Just listening to that spear light stabbed, accompanied by the rolling sound waves, sweeping the broken star island: "This constellation was 1800 years ago, the head of the Ten Thousand Demon Valley constellation, once could not kill the broken star island, today it will collapse this place."

"not good!"

In the void, many people showed a look of alertness, and the people of the seven major sects changed their colors: "Why is there still one person?"

On Broken Star Island, on the Quartet battlefield, many people are confused: Why did the characters from 1800 years ago come out? Or the head of Ten Thousand Monster Valley? Is this strong?

For a time, many people felt nervous and prayed that nothing would happen.

Above the void, Heisha Snail King chuckled: "Do you really think that there is no need for someone to guard the Broken Star Island? Since we are going to fight, this king will mobilize all power."

However, seeing Han Fei look at him like a fool, he looked at him: "Um, are you...you're a silly man? Do you think this handsome really doesn't keep anyone guarded? Also, who gives you the confidence that I think I am The power of Broken Star Island is used up?"

That silver spear is like a dragon, and its momentum has reached its peak. All the power, all in one blow. The depression of more than 1800 years is completely blooming at this moment, looking crazy.

Just listen to his mouth shouting: "Die!"

Star Turtle was panicked for a while: "Han Fei, Xue Shenqi, the help is..."

At that moment, everyone's eyes converged on the Xuantian Waterfall.

At the moment when the star tortoise called for help, he heard the voice of "Jie Jie Jie", which suddenly sounded.

"The tortoise shell seals the sky, the Tianyuan is a big obstacle."


I saw a black shadow suddenly descending, directly blocking the Xuantian Waterfall.

Then, just hearing a "poof", Yin Ge made a full blow. Although he penetrated the black barrier, Yin Ge suddenly felt that part of his power seemed to have been eaten!

The next moment, a black phantom shrouded. Yin Ge was shrouded in an instant.

At that moment, I saw silver light and black mist, and thousands of holes were shot through in an instant.

Only three short breaths of time~www.ltnovel.com~ When the black mist was completely pierced, Yin Ge finally showed up.

However, at this moment, where is the Yin Ge still able to fight? I saw that he was very old, with flesh and blood, but he was swallowed up in a moment.

A human-shaped old man was standing in front of Yin Ge, sucking his soul, looking very sinister.

Jing'er stared blankly: "Turtle Sanqing?"

Jing'er was surprised: Gui Sanqing is the close companion of the Yulong King. Because she needs to cooperate with Han Fei, she knows this person quite well. Moreover, Han Fei never concealed it from himself. When he taught Han Fei the skill at hand, this guy was right there.

However, Jinger couldn't think that this person actually had the ability to strangle the Intermediate Venerable?


In the sky, a red crack appeared again: another one, fallen!

Just listen to Han Fei's voice, and it sounded over Broken Star Island: "Silly fork stuff! I don't care if you are the head or not? If this handsome wants you to die, you must die!"

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