God of Fishing

Chapter 1493: Invisible enemy

   At this moment, many people in the Chumen Cultivation Tower were suddenly awakened. After the accident, they shouted for the first time.

   However, things like cultivation are usually done by one person in absolute silence. Some people even put a layer of prohibition on the mansion in order to ensure the effect of their cultivation.

   After a while, thirty or forty people gathered under the training tower, and these people looked solemn.

   Someone panicked and said, "How is it? What happened to your gifted soul beast?"

   Someone yelled: "Te Niang, my gifted soul beast has directly become a level one."

   Someone looked ugly: "When I was summoned, I found it fell straight away."

   was so popular that his face flushed: "My gifted soul beast has been gnawed halfway, and only a breath remains. However, I dare not take it back."


   saw a Venerable, suddenly appeared here. Before, someone went to report it. When this person came, he immediately shouted: "What happened?"

   "Master Feng, our gifted soul beasts, all have an accident..."

   "Which **** it~"

   Before he could finish his sentence, he saw an explorer, carrying a big tortoise, and jumping directly from the cultivation tower. And the shape of the big tortoise stunned everyone.

   I saw the tortoise's neck had been bitten by half, blood was flowing in the tortoise shell, and only one limb was left. The inside of the shell is basically empty, and it is definitely dead.


   Chu Feng thought of one thing for the first time.

   A few years ago, in the Sky Meditation Garden, many of the talented soul beasts of young children in the family have all become the first-level soul beast.

  As a Venerable, he knows more things than these law enforcement pinnacles or explorers. He has heard the speculation of Soul Sea.

   saw his face changed drastically, and the terrifying pressure directly descended on the training tower.


   A large number of bans were directly broken.

   Many people who have not had an accident, think that something big has happened? These people walked out of the cultivation tower one after another, and when they saw that a lot of people had gathered below, they all looked dumbfounded.

   Someone wondered: "What's wrong with this?"

   "Master Feng?"

   Just listen to Chu Feng shouting: "Everyone, immediately call out all the talented soul beasts."

   There are still many people who don’t know, so!

   Suddenly, someone's expression suddenly changed, but he quickly summoned the talented soul beast. As a result, at this call, he saw a shark bitten into a hornet's nest, and fell directly to the ground, basically hollowed out.

   The man stared at this scene blankly, and couldn't believe his eyes: Nima, are they dreaming?

   When other people saw this, they quickly called out their talented soul beasts.

   All kinds of soul beasts all of a sudden filled the outer square of the Trumen Training Tower.

   So, all kinds of exclamations, one after another.

  Especially those at the pinnacle of law enforcement, there are dozens of talented soul beasts, all of which have become first-class pets.

   This problem is serious, these people looked at each other, for a while, they were angry, or at a loss...

   in the soul sea.

   When Han Fei discovered that the gifted soul beasts around him disappeared all at once, the whole person was not good.

   These are all great tonics!

   Just now in this short situation, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai have stabilized the level 70 realm, and directly mentioned level 71.

   After the breakthrough, Han Fei also ate more than 30 talented soul beasts.

   Han Fei thinks: As long as you give yourself half a stick of incense, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai can upgrade again.

   However, the moment those creatures went out, the rest was particularly dazzling.

   At this time, Han Fei saw a Kong Mingyu.

   Kong Mingyu is a kind of fish that can be invisible, with strong mental power. If it is a soul beast with other talents, it may not be able to see it. However, the eyes of black and white are born to penetrate nothingness.

  In the eyes of Han Fei, information emerged.

   [Name] Kong Mingyu (the soul beast of Chu Feng)

   [Introduction] A very lazy fish that stays for a long time and enters a state of invisibility. Kong Mingyu's spiritual power is extremely strong, it can easily pierce through the spirit, kill creatures below the same level, and can swallow a small amount of the opponent's soul.


  【Quality】Singularity (excellent)

   Nakong Mingyu apparently also saw Xiaobai and Emperor Sparrow. The Emperor Sparrow at this moment is not level 9 anymore, now it is level 16 because it has digested it again just now.

   I have to say, Han Fei was sighed at this digestion speed and growth speed.

   Without even thinking about it, Han Feisha rushed up, her big mouth already wide open.

   It's just that Na Kong Mingyu seemed to feel the threat and directly used the soul explosion.

   However, it underestimated the grade of Xiao Hei. As soon as the soul burst was released, Han Fei controlled Xiao Hei, and he took a bite up and bit on the head of Kong Mingyu.


   Chu Feng was passing the news to King Truman, and suddenly his expression changed. The next moment, his Kong Mingyu soul beast appeared.

   However, what made him feel a tingling scalp: his talented soul beast, half of his head was bitten off.

   At this moment, as soon as he left the sea of ​​soul, the head of the empty fish began to grow again. After all, it is a creature in the Venerable Realm. Ordinary venerables can still be reborn with a drop of blood, and they are naturally gifted with soul beasts.

Chu Feng said with an ugly expression: "This time, I must ask the Patriarch about the soul sea. If it weren't in the soul sea, why are so many people, including me, the soul beasts of many people under attack? ?"

  Chu Feng even felt: In the world of soul beasts, something is maliciously slaughtering the soul beasts of the Chu family.


  In the sea of ​​souls, the emperor flew onto Han Fei's head again, and the bird's beak plunged directly into his big mouth.

  Han Fei said: You haven’t eaten a bite yet, you don’t feel like drooling?

   Anyway, Xiao Hei ate a lot. It doesn't matter if you take a mouthful.

   Han Fei spit out the half of the fish head he had bitten off.

   only saw the emperor's small mouth peck, from the blood mist, an eyeball was picked up and swallowed.


   An eyeball raised the emperor bird by one level.

   Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: Why don't you take advantage of this period to raise the level of the emperor bird?

   As mentioned later, I can also use Qi Lingye to feed. Anyway, these resources, I have plenty of them, can be made with great effort.

  Thousands of miles away, Old Monster Chu and King Truman were originally looking for Han Fei to find out where he went?

   Suddenly, Chu Feng said: "Ancestor, Patriarch, something happened at home."

   Chu Feng said, making Old Monster Chu and King Chumen look at each other, looking at each other.

   Both of them realized a problem: Han Fei went to Truman.

  What's so special, they both want to break their heads, they can't think of it!

   Entering Truman, doesn't Han Fei have to die? Is his brain okay?

   Old Monster Chu shouted: "All the strong of Trumen, go home."


   A moment later, when Old Monster Chu saw that group of level 1 talented soul beasts appeared, his face became extremely ugly.

   Old Monster Chu: "That kid did what happened back then."

King Truman squinted his eyes and shouted: "All the children in the clan immediately call out their talented soul beasts to open the Chumen Grand Formation. Up and down the Chumen, everyone is not allowed to leave Chumen without authorization. dead."

   The King of Truman transmits the entire Truman.

   This movement is not small.

   Chumen occupies an entire island in Hanyue Island, with a population of hundreds of millions. Of course, there are also some forces belonging to the Trumen. The Trumen clan alone occupies one third of the size of Hanyue Island.

   With this order, countless people have summoned talented soul beasts, waiting to be screened.

   In the small courtyard where Chu laughs.

   After hearing the voice transmission, the little maid ran over to Chu Xiao’s room, holding a red octopus in her hand.

   "Master, something has happened, quickly summon the talented soul beast."

   Chu smiled and frowned: "I heard it, didn't I let you go?"

   "Master, I'm not leaving, call it out quickly."


   I saw a purple lobster appearing in the room.

   Chu smiled and groaned: "Ling girl, go to my room and stay. In the clan, something should have happened. There should be the perception of a strong person. Don't stay here with me."

   "Master, are you really okay?"

   The little girl hugged the big octopus and asked with concern.

   Chu smiled and shook his head: "There are many strong people in the clan, and you have no turn to worry about it."

   drove away the little girl, Chu Xiao was shocked: What did Han Fei do? Actually forced the Patriarch to call the whole family to call out the gifted soul beast? Why is the talented soul beast summoned?

   But, UU reading www.uukanshu. At this moment, Han Fei has disappeared and is nowhere to be seen. Chu Xiao was also puzzled: Did he do a godly thing?

Just as Chu Xiao was tangled in her heart, she heard only a voice, and it sounded in Chu Xiao's mind: "Your choice is no problem. Of course, you are better for yourself when you practice a path. Trumen abandoned you, and you owe Chu. What's the door? From now on, don't talk, and don't mention the name Han Fei... No matter what happens, you can just fake decorations. Otherwise, you will not escape death."

   Chu Xiao just wanted to ask a question, but the voice said, "If you have any questions, just think of it in your heart."

   Chu laughed: "Are you Han Fei?"

   The old tortoise let out a "Jie Jie Jie" laugh: "I am the emperor..."

   God knows what story Laogui and Chu Xiao told?

   At this moment, Han Fei is depressed now. King Truman was decisive. He could pick up one or the other now, find the one who was alone, and just swallow it.

   After all, there are so many people in Truman! After all, there will be a few brains that are not good enough to respond to the call in time to summon the gifted soul beast.

   However, Han Fei did not panic, Chu Xiao was controlled by the old turtle.

   And myself, just stay here. If you have the ability, you are a Truman, and you carry the gifted soul beast every day? Otherwise, I'll take you all.

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