God of Fishing

Chapter 1494: hunting

   The family of Trumen is very powerful, and the population of the main line alone can add up to hundreds of thousands.

   At this moment, they are all messed up. Everyone's gifted soul beasts were brought with them. When these people met each other, they all looked dumbfounded.

   King Truman, there is no other way: Han Fei, I don’t know what method was used to slaughter a large number of talented soul beasts with high power in Truman?

   Although there are many people in the Truman, they can't stand a powerful person. They can slaughter soul beasts at will in the place that is most likely the legendary soul sea!

   In fact, King Truman already knew that Han Fei would retaliate, and that Truman would also suffer. However, how did he think that the soul sea had a problem?

   After this incident, Truman's prestige is bound to be damaged!

   However, as the head of the family, he must act decisively and must minimize the loss.

   Damaged prestige? As long as you kill the enemy, you can get it back.

  At this time, the Truman Array has opened, and King Truman is determined: Han Fei, there is absolutely no reason to escape.

   What King Truman hadn't thought about was: Since Han Fei is here, he has no plans to escape.

  Han Fei thought: You are an aggressive man, Han Feizhen can't do things when I am?

   At this moment, Han Fei did not panic at all.

   According to reason, Truman should be checking the people of the clan at this moment. Even, they will tentatively let some weak people put their soul beasts in the soul sea.

   Han Fei is not in a hurry, ready to wait to see the effect.

   It's a pity, this soul sea can't connect with the outside world. Otherwise, he and the old tortoise are one mile and one away, and they are connected inside and outside, and they will surely be able to toss the Truman.

   Of course, Han Fei also felt the presence of a more talented soul beast. What Xiaobai conveyed to Han Fei was that those soul beasts were beyond his ability.

   Han Fei pondered: It is true. Those who dare to blatantly put the gifted soul beast in the soul sea under such circumstances must be confident in their own gifted soul beast.

   Han Fei probably knew: He could not hunt down the talented soul beasts of the high-ranking state for the time being. Such creatures are reborn from a drop of blood, and they can't kill them if they want to. After all, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai's current strength is still limited.

"and many more……"

   Han Fei's heart moved: It's not completely impossible! In fact, you can try it yourself. The Supreme Yin-Yang Chakra cuts everything, what if, cut one to death?

   Of course, Han Fei did not blindly shoot either.

  Wait for oneself to devour some powerful soul beasts with talents, and to break through again and upgrade to level 72 before hunting.

   Anyway, hunting is impossible, and running is always okay.

   As for the other's soul beast? This matter is generally unlikely.

  Han Fei has always suspected: There are any rules that he doesn't know in the Soul Sea...

   For example, when I first entered the Soul Sea, it was still on a second-class fishing boat. I saw an iron hook squid in the soul sea, and that squid, the first reaction to seeing Xiao Bai was to kill it.

   Because of this, Han Fei guessed at the time: Soul beasts would fight each other in the soul sea. After all, the primitive soul beasts will also fight each other.

   However, Han Fei never felt that there were soul beasts of other people who wanted to hunt Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai. In the past, he only thought Xiao Hei was very fierce. Those creatures who met him would not be bitten to death. Who would dare to come up and bit Xiao Bai?

   But today, Han Fei found out: He has already committed such a big killing. Those talented soul beasts are actually a little stunned. They only know how to toss and will fight back in all directions, but they won't find Xiao Bai directly.

   This means: They have no target to attack. However, Xiao Bai is clearly there, and they can see it, but they don't attack. Why?

   This made Han Fei re-examine the issue.

   At the beginning, it was the first time to enter the Soul Sea, and someone attacked him when his consciousness was sinking into the Soul Sea. At that time, it was because that person was about to hunt himself. Therefore, his soul beast will have a clear consciousness and will attack Xiao Bai.

   Han Fei suddenly woke up: Could it be said that in reality two people are fighting, but in fact, it is very likely that the battle will break out in the soul sea at the same time?

   However, when most people are fighting, they basically integrate talented soul beasts.

   But, even so, there should be a weird event where the soul beast suddenly died. Or, some people's gifted soul beasts, somehow become the first level. I have never paid attention to this kind of case. When I go back in the future, I have to check it myself.

   As for Han Fei's current conclusion, in reality, the attitudes of both the enemy and ourselves are very likely to determine the attitude of the gifted soul beast in the soul sea.

   Therefore, the relationship between the master and the gifted soul beast may be closer than everyone thinks. Intimacy to the soul, soul, and consciousness are all extremely synchronized.

  Understanding this, Xiao Hei's eyes rolled around a few times before swimming towards the extremely dangerous talented soul beast.


   The emperor screamed, and the voice no longer seemed to be stabbed, but an excited cry, which seemed to encourage Han Fei: Hurry up!

   This guy has a tendency to add fuel to the fire.

  Han Fei didn't dare to be annoyed at this moment. I'm doing a big deal! If you provoke this ancestor, what's wrong for yourself immediately? There is no place to cry when I cry myself.


   The Truman's discussion hall, King Truman has quickly issued a notice.

King Truman shouted to a group of core members of the Explorer Realm and the pinnacle of law enforcement: "Everyone’s soul beast, what is wrong... Let’s talk about it later. Let’s talk about the most important thing at the moment, Han Fei. I know. This person sneaked into my Truman, and now I suspect: He has a way to enter the soul sea, and he is concentrating on hunting the talented soul beast of our clan..."


   Many people took a breath, some exclaimed: "Soul Sea, does it really exist?"

   Someone was shocked: "How to find this child?"

   Someone was horrified: "I heard that this son has already entered the venerable, but he can sneak into the Truman in front of the Patriarch, this..."

   King Truman didn’t care about the following various voice transmissions, and just listened to him shouting: “I need you to screen everyone in the clan. If you let me know who doesn’t care, please don’t blame my ruthless men.”

   After a while, King Truman once again issued some inspection methods and Han Fei's ability, and directly sent all these people away.

   After all the venerables had left, only six people appeared, including Old Monster Chu.

   plus a Truman King, there are seven statues in total here.

   This is the current strength of Truman.

   Old stranger Chu said: "Chu Feng, talk about your situation just now."

  Chu Feng stood up: "Old ancestor, under the cultivation tower just now, there are indeed many soul beasts eaten, and some have become first-level soul beasts. Therefore, I have several guesses about the soul sea."

   Old strange Chu said lightly: "Say."

Chu Feng: "I've noticed that the soul beasts are eaten, basically when they come out, there is still a bit of vitality. However, this vitality is quickly gone. This means that when they are attacked and severely injured , Didn’t die, just dying. Therefore, when those creatures were called out, they were being attacked."

   Old Monster Chu nodded slightly: "Go on."

Chu Feng: "The soul beast has become a first-level, this is incredible. If Han Fei let the soul beast eat and kill other people's soul beasts, then why does it become a first-class after being eaten? Now? I suspect that if the soul beasts die in the sea of ​​souls, they will not really die, but retain their original form. Those who die are all summoned."

   Old Monster Chu's eyes lit up: "Yes, go on."

After being praised by his ancestors, Chu Feng said again: "I'm thinking, why Han Fei, even knowing that my Tru Sect is unfathomable, would forcibly break into my Tru Sect? He can certainly attack some powerful soul beasts. . But with his own power, after all, the clone is lacking in skills, and it is difficult to shake the roots of my Truman. Then why, he wants to come?"

  Trumen King said leisurely: "Perhaps... he wants to hunt down the soul beasts of my Trumen, so he must approach Trumen first?"

  Chu Feng said immediately: "This is the truth. The closer you are in reality, the closer the soul beasts of the enemy and the enemy will be in the soul sea."

   Old Monster Chu: "My! These analyses are very insightful, the peak is good,"

  Chu Feng was overjoyed: "Old Ancestor Xie praised. But what Feng doesn't know is why the soul beast can't describe the appearance of the soul sea and the things encountered in the soul sea?"

Old stranger Chu said: "The mystery of the soul sea is extraordinary, but no one in this world has really seen it. It seems that Han Fei has indeed mastered some secrets that we don't know at all. So, catch Han Fei, everything You can find the answer. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

   Old monster Chu's expression was slightly cold: "The family is so big, I want you to find it yourself. This one is the number one disaster of my Chu Clan. The level of danger is even comparable to that of the Cao family."

   When Old Monster Chu said this, everyone including King Truman looked at him in surprise. Can you compare with the Cao family? Isn’t that too high for Han Fei?

Just listen to the old monster Chu coldly snorted: "Don't underestimate this person. This person has escaped with the old man three times. Eight years ago, he still had some support, and Han Guanshu helped him. Now, he can deal with the old man by himself. Yes. Do you still think this is easy?"

   Old Monster Chu spoke highly of Han Fei.

   He firmly believes: Han Fei has got too many opportunities in the fairy palace recorded in the historical materials. One and a half, less than a year, is almost the peak of the Junior Venerable? The strongest combat power he has exerted is even comparable to the pinnacle of the Senior Venerable. How can such a terrible character stay?

   And just when Old Monster Chu ordered to search Han Fei, a person suddenly changed his face in the middle of the first.

"come out!"

   In front of everyone, he saw half of the Thunder Dragon appearing in the Truman Chamber.

   "Uncle Jun, what's wrong with you?"

   That Chu Jun looked ugly and said, "Han Fei, this thief, dare to hunt my Thunder Dragon, what should I do?"


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