God of Fishing

Chapter 1504: Handsome Han is back


   Han Fei's black misty body disappeared before everyone's eyes, as if it had never appeared before. Or, in an unknown way, Han Fei went to a place that no one knew.

   Haiyun Tower.


   Han Fei's body shook, and the twins became one. Only then did he pick up his chopsticks again, clamped a large piece of fish, and stuffed it into his mouth.

   Huoyue Fairy was surprised: What is Han Fei's method? There is the ability of avatars, thousands of miles apart, in the blink of an eye, they come together...

   The point is that even Tranquility is dumbfounded: Han Fei almost defeated the Sun Xiaotian with just one clone. The improvement of this strength is also a little faster, right?

   Actually, the two of them didn't know: Han Fei's use of power has reached its limit. Gemini magic, almost can't hold it!

   Fight back and forth, only spent more than 100 breaths.

  Han Fei discovered: When the road starts, the pressure on the Gemini Divine Art will be greater. By the time Bai Xi, he was almost reaching his limit.

   However, Han Fei smiled secretly: I am indeed strong enough, and I can't ask myself to cross a big realm in just one year, right?

   After a meal and a meal, Han Fei said, "Girl Huo Yue, Haiyun Tower should have a direct road to Broken Star Island, right?"

   Although Han Fei has a means, he can go back to Broken Star Island through a normal road.

   But, that's not absolutely safe after all. God knows whether old strange people like Chu will suddenly make a move? Will they find any clues?

  The road of Haiyun Tower is convenient and fast. Why should you go to fight with the family?

   Fire Moon Fairy nodded slightly: "Nature. Please come with me..."

   After a while, Han Fei and Jingjing stood in a teleportation formation inside a mountain, "brushed" them, and disappeared into the Thousand Star City.

   Thousand-Star City and Thirty-Six Town are in different spatial locations, which is why Thirty-Six Town cannot fly to Thousand-Star City. The teleportation array just broke the thin film of this space, allowing them to cross this barrier.


   The place where the two appeared was above the sea. The sea breeze is quite strong and the waves are rolling. There should be some distance from Broken Star Island.

   After only two people were left at this moment, Tranquility said, "Have you been to the Yinyang Palace? How is it, is it fun?"

   Han Fei twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at her weirdly: "It's fun? It's almost, I lost my life."

   Quietly stuck out his tongue, and said to his heart: Yes, the Yin and Yang days have been messy for so long, and the Yin and Yang Immortal Palace is definitely not so easy to enter.


   Broken Star Island.

   The project to build land around the sea is still in full swing.

   Previously, Han Fei's original plan was to temporarily expand Broken Star Island thousands of miles away.

   Don’t look at it, it’s just a thousand miles away, but it’s a thousand miles to fill the sea. Moreover, how can ordinary people do this job? Only those who are strong can reclaim the sea.

After    is basically filled, countless people still lead the mission from the mission hall to go to the new land in all directions to kill the ocean creatures.

  Because they are all sand and amphibole fished from the sea, many marine creatures will drill into it.

   One year has passed. This project probably just completed the task of expanding thousands of miles proposed by Han Fei.

   Now, Broken Star Island is about 3,000 miles vertically and horizontally, less than 4,000 miles. This area can be much larger at once.

   Now, countless people from Thirty-Six Town are coming to Broken Star Island. Thousand-Star City, not to mention, anyone who can come to Broken Star Island will have to pray and worship the Sea God every day.

  This also led to: The population of Broken Star Island began to explode at a terrifying rate.

   From the beginning, there were less than 10 million people, and now there are at least 30 million people on the island.

   After all, it was only one year before Han Fei announced the establishment of the City of Justice.

   It can be said: Every day, tens of thousands of people come to Broken Star Island from 36 Town and Thousand Star City. Among them, most are in 36 towns.

   The population has soared rapidly, which has led to: The work of reclaiming land from the sea has to continue.

   After Xue Shenqi's secret control, now, the high-level think tank of the City of Justice has initially planned the expansion mission of Broken Star Island as 5,000 miles in the vertical and horizontal directions. It is estimated that the sustainable population will be up to 200 million people.

   The population growth rate cannot be too fast.

   Because this still needs the support of the construction of various supporting facilities, it also needs the planning and operation of the city. The expansion of various departments takes time.

   Over the past year, all departments have been busy and busy.

   The former Skeleton Coast, although it is still called Skeleton Coast at the moment, it extends too much. This place alone has expanded to more than 500 miles of sea area.

   There are countless newcomers who are only in the realm of anglers. Under the leadership of the realm of hanging anglers, hunt creatures such as king worms and flat-headed crabs on the Skeleton Coast.

   Throughout the coastline, there is no end to fighting.

  The lowest level marine creatures to the Broken Star Island garrison can scare countless newcomers at this moment, do their best to fight.

   Many of the former garrisons were arranged to look after the newcomers, and they all cursed.

   Someone shouted: "Shoot! Spirit Gathering Master, what are you doing? Aura is not available, do you want to kill your teammate?"

   Someone reprimanded: "War spirit master, why don't you dare to make a move? A trivial worm, your special mother, what is it like to be scared? Addict, I will give you ten breaths of time, give me a quick fight."

  Scenes like this, look everywhere, everywhere.

   Han Fei's perception was swept away, and there were people fighting on the entire expanded land behind Broken Star Island. These marine creatures that can pierce holes also seem to be killed differently. One batch was killed, and another batch emerged.

   Inside and outside the City of Justice, many people are coming in and out, and there is a constant flow of people. Some hunting, some going to sea, some doing business, some treasure hunting, some doing missions...

   What Han Fei saw, a scene of flourishing prosperity.

   As soon as Tranquility came back, she had disappeared, she had already been in the crowd.

  Because there are more people, more people do food.

   The population of Broken Star Island has soared, and the characteristic style and food of Thirty-Six Town can almost be seen here. They are completely mixed together.

   At the same time, a new exquisite treasure tower appeared in the City of Justice.

   Seeing this, Han Fei smiled coldly: This shouldn't have time to run, right? The above news should not have been conveyed yet.


   Zhang Teng is busy, monitoring Broken Star Island.

   It is really this year, too many people come. Zhang Teng's frank and straightforward character is very popular. The Ministry of Supervision is also hiring people every day, and there is not enough manpower every day...

   As for the Supervision Department of the Seventh Division of Broken Stars, there are fewer people. After all, it is extremely difficult to get into the Seven Broken Stars.

   At this moment, the books of these two supervision departments are full of materials on everyone's books, and I feel so busy.

   Zhang Teng was reading a resource file. Suddenly, a voice appeared in his mind: "Zhang Teng, immediately contact Broken Star Five and take down the Linglong Treasure Tower. That is Chumen's property."


   saw Zhang Teng "swish", he jumped up from the chair, flushed directly and said, "Yes, Han Shuai."

   At that time, Zhang Teng's whole person was not good, his eyes swept, and he looked at a young dive angler in the ministry.

   Seeing a "bang" slap, he slapped it, and the dive fisher hit the wall directly.

   "Come on, immediately take Hu Chong and impound me in Broken Star Prison."

   Hu Chong, who was kicked by Zhang Teng, is now looking dazed: "My lord, what did I do?"

Next to   , many people were also astonished: Zhang Teng suddenly made a move, which was very scary.

   Zhang Teng shouted: "The construction of the pagoda in Linglong Town is that your kid has told me several times in a row. The son of a tortoise belongs to the Chumen industry, so who are you?"


   Many people took a breath: Who can work in this supervision department, who knows the bad relationship between Han Fei and the family of Qianxing City?

   If the famous place of Linglong Town’s pagoda is from Chumen industry, then this chain can catch a lot. Because, on the face of it, they are from Wanjin Town among the 36 towns.

   Someone immediately detained Hu Chong: "Boss, what should I do now?"

   Zhang Teng's mind turned sharply: "Stop everything else, and immediately watch everyone in Linglong Treasure Tower. Within an hour, I need to know that the top customers of Linglong Treasure Tower and the recommender of Wanjin Town..."

   After finishing speaking, Zhang Teng looked at the next person in his team and secretly transmitted: "I will notify the Anbu immediately and prepare to go to Wanjin Town. It is bound to remove the spies of Trumen at once."

   Half a day later, Broken Star Island's powerful monitoring system showed their powerful ability to act.

   The Ministry of Supervision, together with the Fifth Division of Broken Stars, and the Law Enforcement Corps, headed by the patrol envoys, made a strong shot and arrested 326 spies from Chumen in a flash.

   These scouts may have been just dark chesses, and they are generally not used.

   However, their existence will eventually become a threat.

   These 326 people are just the number of people caught in Broken Star Island. There are still Wanjin towns that have not been caught, don't know how many?

   At this moment, Zhang Teng and the leader of the Fifth Fragment Star are standing at the gate of the handsome mansion. Their dereliction of duty is so big! Hundreds of detectives blatantly mixed under the eyelids, UU reading www.uukanshu. com didn't even notice, it was Han Fei who told them in person.

   Zhang Teng: "Subordinates oversight, please forgive Hanshuai."

   At this moment, Han Feizheng was discussing matters with Xinggui and Xue Shenqi in the handsome mansion. Hearing that Zhang Teng came, he knew that the matter was settled.

   Xue Shenqi said indifferently: "Let's go! The city of justice is a waste of time, and you need to go through your goals one by one, and there are many more."

   Star tortoise also quickly said: "Since you are back, this tortoise has returned the position of supreme commander. If you have something, you can handle it yourself!"

   Han Fei smiled and said, "Senior Star Tortoise, why be humble? In the future, maybe there will be something to trouble you."

   Star tortoise's eyelids trembled: Why bother me? I am most afraid of trouble.

  When Xinggui and Xue Shenqi left, Han Fei said, "Come in."

   As soon as Zhang Teng and the leaders of the Fifth Division of Broken Star entered the marshal's mansion, they were about to receive the crime.

Han Fei smiled and said: "The City of Justice is developing too fast. Today's Broken Star Island is completely different from Broken Star Island a year ago. With the rapid population growth, it is inevitable that some fish will slip through the net. Come, come... sit..."

   Zhang Teng saw that Han Fei was so enthusiastic, he couldn't help but was taken aback: This is the first time that Han Fei has officially appeared in this year, right?

   I only listened to Han Fei said: "It just so happens that I have something to explain, and I have to gather everyone for a meeting..."

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