God of Fishing

Chapter 1505: Ministry of Construction · Double Reed Opera

   Back to Broken Star Island, Han Fei didn't plan to stay in Broken Star Island long.

   The position of the highest commander in Broken Star Island, in Han Fei's eyes, is actually not very important. After all, I have managed the true city of justice, and its territory is far greater than that of the Thousand Star City.

   Therefore, after taking over the Broken Star Island, Han Fei's one response operation was very handy.

   After Han Fei established the City of Justice, a series of operations made almost everyone on Broken Star Island stunned. Including Xue Shenqi, they were all surprised.

   Could it be said that this talent for governing a city is also inherently inadequate? After all, Han Fei had no management experience before, and he only knew about robbery all day long. Would Xue Shenqi not know this? Don't say that Xue Shen has risen, how many people don't know the high level on Broken Star Island?

   So, in the beginning, many people had a more skeptical attitude towards Han Fei. However, one year later, when the expanded City of Justice was in front of everyone, no one spoke anymore...

  Many people who have doubted Han Fei, if they are not a hostile force, but are of that kind of temperament, will often give a thumbs up, boast about Han Fei, and feel proud in their hearts!

   At this time, Han Fei returned and immediately summoned hundreds of inspectors and heads of major departments on Broken Star Island for a meeting in the handsome mansion.

   These people are also very convinced by Han Fei.

   At this time, there is a hundred tenth person sitting in the hall. Han Fei stood in front of the sea area map, turned his back to everyone, and looked up at the sea area map.

   Everyone still looks puzzled: Do you have any ideas again?

   For a long time, I only heard Han Fei say: "Everyone, you guys, why can't my Broken Star Island draw a map of the entire sea area?"

After waiting for a few breaths, I saw a middle-aged man continue to say: "Chan, handsome, how can we really draw the sea? Before, only about 2 million miles were drawn. Because of our battle with the sea monster, After all, it is only within this range. No matter how far it is, we are afraid that it will be beyond our reach."

   Han Fei turned his head, looked at the person who spoke faintly, and recalled: "Inspector of the Pioneer Group, Qin Muzhi?"

   The middle-aged man nodded, smiled, and said in his heart: "The handsome Han knows me?"

Han Fei said slightly, "The Pioneer Group, haven't you been to farther places? For example, five million miles away? Or, you have reached the third-level fishing grounds and the third-level fishing grounds from unknown places. Where is Sixteen Town?"

Qin Muzhi was taken aback for a while, seeing Han Fei discussing this topic without shying away, immediately said: "Thirty-Six Town is about 2 million miles east of Broken Star Island, and it is also a place we guard. The existence of a third-level fishing ground, In fact, it is also a protection for Thirty-Six Town, which completely blocks Thirty-Six Town behind."

Han Fei smiled slightly and said: "Look, the sea area is so big. Even if the unknowable place is no longer known, it is relatively speaking. Because before, no ordinary person can cross millions of miles of sea area. On this journey, powerful There are too many creatures."

  While speaking, Han Fei looked at these people and said, "You are all the backbone members of the old group of Broken Star Island. There should be many people who know the secrets of this sea area, right?"

   When Han Fei said that, Qin Muzhi and others showed some subtle expressions.

   Of course, there are also some people who look dumbfounded and say in their hearts: What big secret is there in this sea area?

Han Fei did not wait for people to inquire, but bluntly said: "This sea area, spanning eight million miles, is hugely sealed and surrounded. In other words, the space on which we live is only these eight hundred. Miles."

   This remark immediately caused many people's hearts to be shocked: This secret, I have never heard of it!

   However, they quickly understood from the expressions of people around them and even friends around them. It seems that I just don't know it yet. Some people with very old qualifications know this secret.

Han Fei smiled and said, "Actually, it's not a big deal! In my opinion, this is not a secret at all. Eight million li is very big, but eight million li is also very small. This handsome can't tolerate Siren The man survives in this sea area. Therefore, this commander is going to go out to sea, hunting the remnants of the sea monster, and destroying the Black Shalu King..."


   The group of people in front of you are just like Temu Tingshu: Hanshuai, this is going to war again? Isn't this just a year after the war? Good guys, those sacred siren who fell last year, the blood rained all over the sky, causing Broken Star Island to rain for more than a month. The ground in some places is still red now.

   Now, Han Fei is going to fight again, and is also hunting the Black Brake Snail King? Didn't it mean that it was a half-king level projection? Han Fei really dare to be so reckless?

Immediately, Tian Heng of the Tactical Headquarters said: "Han Shuai, his subordinates thought that the most urgent matter is a good time for my human race to recuperate. The sea monster is gone. In the next hundred years, the entire human race will develop at an extremely fast speed. At that time, the strong will come. Will continue to be born. And Hanshuai, you are the commander-in-chief supported by everyone on Broken Star Island, you must not take risks with your own body..."

   As soon as Han Fei heard this, the whole person was not good at the time: I am special, I am not here to be a mascot! Lao Tzu is here to get his vow. Such a straightforward fellow, am I discussing this with you?

Han Fei directly replied: "Tian Heng! Remember, this commander is not discussing with you, this commander is just telling you. This commander has already decided on this matter. Only hunting the remnants of the Sea-Monster, I break the star island, Only in order to truly develop steadily. Otherwise, once the Sea-Monster is allowed to breathe, the king will take action, and the whole Broken Star Island will be nothing but smoke in the eyes."

   Wang Lin of the Material War Preparation Group said to his heart: Tian Heng is a dead man. Han Shuai, this is the real once and for all!

But I saw Wang Lin said: "The cold handsome and wise! If you can eradicate Venerable Kraken, my hundreds of millions of people can come to Broken Star Island to develop. Broken Star Island has accumulated countless secret realms over the years. You can just go out to sea for dozens of miles. Gain experience. Even if you don’t go to sea, just on the sandy land surrounding the sea is worthy of ordinary people’s experience."

   Han Fei nodded, and said to his heart: This Wang Lin is reliable and sensible.

   Han Fei nodded slightly, and immediately moved in his heart: "Well, this is what this commander thought. For the long-term stability of Broken Star Island, this commander called you here for another thing..."

   Tian Heng is a little depressed, in his perception: Han Fei is too reckless! However, as the Supreme Commander, Han Fei is also strong enough. If you say war is going to start a war, if you say a fight is going to fight, if you say a city is built, you will build a city... It seems that as long as the goal is achieved, the effect is excellent. Because of this, he began to doubt his steady and steady inertial thinking.

   Just listen to Han Feidao: "I! Wang Lin listens to the order..."


   Wang Lin was taken aback for a moment, and said quickly: "The subordinate is here."

  Han Fei: "This commander plans to build a brand new functional department on Broken Star Island, called the Ministry of Construction. You will be in charge of this department. For the material war preparation group, you will find someone to slowly take over..."

   Everyone was stunned.

   Broken Star Island has been expanding for a year, and there is no mention of any construction ministry. Now that such a department has been built, can it be said that Han Shuai has to further expand the scale of construction?

In Wang Lin’s bewildered look, he only listened to Han Fei’s words: “The Ministry of Construction, build a city of justice arena, build defense positions around the island, and re-plan the land resources on Broken Star Island. On Broken Star Island, a teleport must be built. The temple needs to break through the many secrets that Broken Star Island has completely mastered... This amount of engineering is definitely not small. I don't worry if others do it. If you want to find someone, then choose from other people..."

   I just heard Han Fei, let's talk for a long time, and finally said leisurely: "Oh! By the way, by the way, take down the Poseidon statues!"

"Oh ah?"

   Wang Lin was taken aback for a moment: Nima, is the Ministry of Construction so powerful? Can even the Poseidon statue be demolished?

   After a while, someone said: "Han Shuai, look, Poseidon is the **** in people's hearts. If this Poseidon statue is demolished...it's not good, right?"

   Someone said: "Han Shuai, should we consider dismantling the Poseidon statue?"

   Han Fei's expression was faint, his eyes looked like Wang Lin inadvertently. With those little eyes, Wang Lin was shaking at the time. At that moment, Wang Lin seemed to understand what Han Fei meant. He, he... did he want to erect a statue for himself?

   At that time, Wang Lin's whole person was not well: this thing is too shocking, right? Before, there was no such thing as the Supreme Commander erecting his own statue, so you did it yourself? It seems that with Hanshuai's prestige, no one would say anything when standing up? But, how many people do I offend for doing this?

   However, Wang Lin is very smart and slick: I can’t offend Hanshuai if I offend anyone! This person is a ruthless character, with his own power, he can persecute the existence of the family. If you don't mind, maybe even if you walk along, you will disappear.

   I saw Wang Lin promptly and decisively: "Okay! Han Shuai's proposal is very good..."

   Everyone looked at Wang Lin one after another, with a look of doubt: What is it all right?

Wang Lin immediately said with plausibility: "Everyone, what did Han Shuai do here? It's to eradicate the remnants of the Sea Monster and kill the projection of the Black Brake Conch King. This is an unworldly feat! A year ago, Han Shuai was shocked. To save the future of my human race. One year later, Han Shuai wanted to be extinct, and fought for the rise of my human race. I thought that the statue of Poseidon had to be replaced by a statue of Han Shuai, otherwise, how could Han Shuai’s extinction be manifested. Power?"

   Many people looked at Wang Lin with tilted eyes, and said to their heart: You have a brain, have you been hit by an iron head fish? Worshiping the **** of the sea is something that mankind has been doing since history. Now change the statue of Li Hanshuai, what do ordinary people say?

   Everyone looked at Han Fei, and said to his heart: This is not a collusion between you two?

Only seeing Han Fei's face not red and heartbeat, he pretended to make a refusal: "Hey! This is not easy to adjust! I, Han Fei, how can He De, can replace the Poseidon statue in the world? My achievements are still not enough! "


   Everyone listened to what this meant, you don’t just want to build a statue on Broken Star Island? Do you still want to erect a statue in the whole world?

   Everyone changed their colors: If you don’t become a king, how can you get this treatment?


   I only heard Wang Lin shout: "Destroying the Sea Clan, this feat, throughout the ages, who can be compared? Isn't that enough? The statue of the Sea God is also a memorial..."

  Han Fei shied away again: "This commander has just entered the realm of venerable. How can he have this honor? Forget it, forget it..."


   Many people were surprised again, and they immediately knew: Why did Han Fei go hunting at sea?

   Before Han Fei was in the Venerable, he was already able to slash Venerable ~www.ltnovel.com~ and fight against the powerful enemies in the void. Now that he is respected, how strong is that?

   Besides, everyone knows the details of Han Fei. Too fast, it is really growing too fast! For more than ten years, from the peak of anglers when they first came to Broken Star Island, they have surpassed hanging anglers, submerged anglers, law enforcement officers, explorers... Now they have all reached the Venerable.

   At this speed, they can't help but be shocked.

   Wang Lin once again affirmed his judgment: Han Fei is determined to become a king. He wanted to make a name for himself... The existence of the statue of Poseidon would affect Han Fei's Wang Tu.

   Immediately, Wang Lin shouted again: "Everyone, the world's arrogant, who can have such a feat as a cold commander? It is an unworldly act to destroy the sea monster. It is just an image. What is your responsibility? Decisive power?"

   Han Fei looked at everything in front of him, and said to his heart: This Wang Lin is good, and he should be a confidant in the future, and he should cultivate it.

   After Wang Lin scolded like this, someone let go.

   Someone said: "I also think that Han Shuai has extraordinary achievements."

   Someone agrees: "It's right to stand up and extol the merits of the handsome man."

   Someone echoed: "I second..."

When everyone was eloquent, Han Fei spoke to calm everyone's emotions, and said leisurely: "Everyone, although the disaster of the Sea-Monster is lifted temporarily, it has not yet reached the point where it will be done once and for all. In the past few days, I will go to sea. , To smooth out the remnants of the siren..."

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