God of Fishing

Chapter 1506: 9 sound Ling cross the robbery

   After the meeting, Han Fei didn't go hunting at sea immediately, but wandered around in the City of Justice.

  Han Fei walks casually on a road that has just been built and doesn’t know where it leads...

   Looking at the various shops on the side of the road, from selling spirit fruits, materials, fishing rods to various delicacies, one after another.

   Xu is because Han Fei is too high-profile. He has appeared in front of millions of soldiers with a sky screen more than once. Therefore, at this moment, many people are rubbing their eyes one after another.

   Someone exclaimed: "Han...Han Shuai?"

   Someone couldn't hide their excitement, and ran to Han Fei to salute: "I have seen Han Shuai."

   There are many people who came from the City of Justice, they don’t know Han Fei yet! However, in the past year, they have misunderstood Han Fei's story and regarded Han Fei as an idol to worship...

   "Where is it? Where is Han Shuai?"

   For a while, someone exclaimed, someone stopped, someone waved to Han Fei, and someone beamed their eyes.

   However, most people still dare not approach.

  Han Fei has become an immortal figure in the hearts of many people.

  Who would have expected: Such strong men would walk on the streets? You know, when you are in a village, even the head of the village or the mayor, you can't see it if you want to...

   Han Fei smiled slightly: "What are you supposed to do? This commander is looking at this brand new city of justice from the eyes of ordinary people. Don't care about me..."

   "The handsome and wise, the city of justice is the best city in the world that I have seen. There is no one in this world."

   "Chanshuai, I am not blowing it. This city of justice has already surpassed the City of Thousand Stars."

   "Han Shuai is dedicated to the people, I am so grateful..."

   Han Fei smiled and crossed the crowd.

  As the supreme commander of Broken Star Island, he hasn't appeared in nearly a year. Before going to sea this time, I must show up everywhere.

   So almost...

   Various gossips are flying all over the sky.

   Someone said: "Han Shuai came to my stall and bought a fish skewers, and he even gave me money, then where can I get it?"

   Someone said: "Han Shuai is in the carnival shop, clinking glasses with me for a drink, did I blow me?"

   Someone said: "Han Shuai personally confessed to my refining tools. If you say that you may not believe it, I am considered Han Shuai's half."

   Someone said: "Han Shuai sat on the edge of our beach and watched the scenery. Now it has become a scenic spot..."

   In the past two or three days, because of the appearance of Han Fei, the people of Broken Star Island suddenly increased their conversations.

   At this moment, more than 10,000 miles outside the sea, many fishing boats flew here. Among them, there were as many as ten explorers, and even Xue Shenqi came.

  Today is the day of Jiuyin Ling crossing the catastrophe.

   Jiuyinling is standing on a black hull. The hull was engraved with strange formations. While everyone is waiting, Han Fei is also waiting.

  Han Fei and Rhubarb are squatting on a fishing boat not far away, fishing.

   Han Fei’s hook was thrown thousands of miles away, and Rhubarb was envious. It took a group of cats, squatting next to Han Fei, picking up.

   Rhubarb: "Han Fei, have you caught a great fish? You're already a master. You catch a big fish in the path-seeking realm and come back and give me a taste?"


   I only saw Han Fei closing his pole, the void trembling, and a silver light pierced the sky. In the void, there were ice spears shooting. The temperature between heaven and earth seems to have dropped by tens of degrees.

   I only saw Han Fei buckle and smash the ice spears. Void's big hand directly pinched the big fish.

   Many people turned their eyes to Han Fei.

   Someone was astonished and said: "Hi...Hold kiss? This kind of creature is really rare!"


  Rhubarb shouted: "Han Fei, is it the cold kiss of the Taoist Realm? Get it here..."

   Han Fei sneered: "This is a mere thousands of miles away, where can I go to catch the Dao-seeking realm big monster? Sealing realm, just have fun!"

   Rhubarb heard that it was in the Sea Spirit Realm, but was not disappointed either. With a meow, he swiped the ice kiss that had been pinched to death by Han Fei, and directly bit off a piece of meat. Everything else was collected in the swallowing sea shells.

   Han Fei couldn't help shaking his head: Rhubarb, why is it getting more and more picky?

   At this time, the dark clouds gathered and the waves surged. Above the sky, the electric lights flickered like a dragon and a snake.

Han Fei put away the fishing rod in his hand and looked at Jiuyinling and said, "Thunder is not difficult. With your body, you can get through it. The first and the second thunder, try to catch it with your body. If the third is not The enemy, then use the ship to block it."

   Rhubarb is no longer making trouble for eating fish, it will also have to overcome the catastrophe in the future. Now, watching others crossing the robbery, this is extremely rare, so pay attention.

   Jiuyinling crossed the robbery this time, and hundreds of top law enforcement experts came to observe and learn.

   I waited a long time for a stick of incense. When the raging sea was rising and the arc of thunder in the sky was too much to overflow, the first thunder came under everyone's attention.



   Jiu Yinling was split into a disheveled hair in an instant, and the current surging all over her body was covered in blood mist. A beam of thunderbolt wrapped Jiu Yinling for more than ten breaths before seeing her ram into the sea.

   Many people were moved to see this scene: How strong Jiuyinling is, these people know well. There was only a thunderstorm, her body was full of cracks, blood spurted wildly. A large area of ​​his body was burnt, and bloodstains were crusted all over.

   After receiving the first thunder, Jiuyinling also glanced at Han Fei, probably because she knew she was not very good now, and looked a bit resentful.


   The second thunder came, and Jiu Yinling's body cracked thousands of gaps, and his body hit the bottom of the sea. Around, all ordinary marine creatures that did not know that they had escaped in advance were crushed into **** in an instant.

   Han Fei saw that Jiu Yinling's battle suit was broken in many places, and flesh and blood were disappearing, becoming dry, and bones broken. However, while the power of thunder was destroying Jiu Yinling's body, it was also repairing her body.

   Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "It's time to take medicine."

   Hearing Han Fei's words, Jiu Yinling took out a blue pill with difficulty and swallowed it quickly.

   saw her wounds all over, recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   This pill is not only to restore the injury, its main ability is to transform the power of heaven. This was made by Old Man Jiang himself.


   When the third tribulation came, its color changed subtlely, turning into lavender. When he saw the catastrophe, Han Fei yelled, "Use the ship formation."

   However, Jiu Yinling did not listen to Han Fei's words, but used her full strength to protect her body.

   When the purple catastrophe enveloped her, a girl who was originally very beautiful was bombarded with a coke color in an instant.

  In the city of justice in the previous life, Han Fei helped many people overcome the catastrophe. At this time, he pinched his fingers, trying to figure it out. However, how could things like the Tribulation of Heaven be calculated?

   One breath, two breaths, three breaths...Han Fei watched Jiuyinling's breath getting weaker and weaker, and immediately shouted: "Enter the boat formation."


   Xu was scolded by Han Fei, and Jiuyinling fell heavily on the boat formation.

   At that moment, there was a huge amount of thunder, which wrapped the hull of the black ship. The thunder continued to bombard, and the ship formation shattered one after another. After more than 300 pieces had been broken, the power of Thunder gradually weakened.

   After more than 50 breaths, this thunder is completely over.

   At the moment when Thunder disappeared, Han Fei had already appeared on the ship formation. Just listen to the "hum" sound, the holy beam of light descends from the sky. Apocalyptic magic, pouring down.

   "Crack, click~"

   I only saw Jiuyinling's charred black surface cracking rapidly, and the fleshy skin inside it growing rapidly. The broken five internal organs are also recovering at an incredible speed.

   At the same time, Jiuyinling's physique is also growing at an incredible speed. This is the benefit of the body's robbery!

   Because they knew the relationship between Han Fei and Jiuyinling, all onlookers just watched.

   They know: With Han Fei, even if Jiuyinling wants to die, it’s not easy, right?

   Sure enough, after about a stick of incense, Jiuyinling walked out of the boat formation. It's just that she has changed into a suit now, and has returned to the look of her long hair.

   But, just after the catastrophe, the spiritual energy in the body is changing rapidly, and Jiuyinling can't control the escape of breath. The strength of the explorer is undoubtedly evident at this moment.

   Immediately, everyone clasped their fists: "Xiao Jiu, you have finally joined the Explorer."

   The old lady Yin smiled and said: "Before, I was still thinking, Xiao Jiu, can you enforce the law? Now, but in a mere ten years, you have survived the catastrophe. This world, this future, really belongs to you young people.

   Someone ridiculed: "Don't look at him, who is guarding him? Han Shuai shot, what kind of catastrophe can hurt Xiao Nine?"

   was also sighed: "However, having said that, this thunder is really powerful. The third thunder, even Xiao Jiu almost failed to stop it."

   Xue Shenqi said lightly: "It's not necessarily unstoppable, but there is no need to take the risk. Okay, this disaster has been over, and there is one more explorer on Broken Star Island, let's go back!"


  Wait until the others leave~www.ltnovel.com~Jiuyinling said: "You are going to hunt the Siren Lord?"

   Han Fei smiled and said, "Yes!"

   Jiuyinling sighed: "Be careful."

  Han Fei: "Yeah! Go back, the human race will seek forever, and now I haven't even taken the first step."

   Jiuyinling opened her mouth slightly, about what she wanted to say, but after all she didn't say it.

   As early as Han Fei showed off her strength and succeeded as the supreme commander of Broken Star Island, she knew: Han Fei was already on the path of king. Over the past year, I have been to the handsome mansion frequently. Although many people have misunderstood, it is only to conceal the fact that Han Fei is no longer in Broken Star Island.

   Now, Han Fei has come back and has become a respected person.

   Such a growth rate can be described as terror.

   If you talk about before law enforcement, you can use talent to illustrate your strength. However, after arriving at the realm of law enforcement, Yomo started from crossing the robbery. At this time, talent alone was useless. After all, there is indeed a lack of top-level cultivation techniques on the Yin-Yangtian side, and it is difficult to tap a person's talent.

   Therefore, Jiuyinling has asked Xinggui more than once.

  Star Tortoise said: It is impossible for a person to grow so fast, unless he has experienced unimaginable difficulties and opportunities, and he has to have enough luck!

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