God of Fishing

Chapter 1513: Tang Yan's reminder

   As soon as Han Fei returned to Broken Star Island, he wailed this sentence.

   Who is listening to him? Anyway, this kind of good news must be shouted out the first time, and the shouting must be exciting.

   Actually, there is no need for Han Fei to shout at all. As long as Han Fei screams on Broken Star Island, people will know that he is back. Knowing that he was back, I knew that Venerable Siren should have been killed.

   This is less than a month, and the vision in the sky alone has appeared four times. On Broken Star Island, the rain has never stopped.

   Especially the last time, the red rainwater, thick as blood, how could people not know?


   Everyone looked up, only to see Han Fei suddenly appear on the sky.

   Seeing this, many people are speechless: Han Fei has turned out the Hanging Mirror again!

   Like Xue Shenqi and the older generation of Broken Star Island, you can now bet: Han Fei is definitely the highest commander in history who can use the Xuantian Mirror the most.

   However, Han Fei's record is beyond reproach. Isn’t that enough for one month to even Tu four?

In the sky, Han Fei said in a loud voice: "My fellow robes, this commander Han Fei, went out to sea a few days ago to hunt the sea monster that escaped from the war a year ago, in order to keep the hearts of the people in peace. One, two Intermediate Venerables, one High Venerable, and one half-king projection...It can be said with pride that the projection of the Blackshadow Conch King has been destroyed. Only one escaped and the one that escaped has been unable to return. I Hundreds of millions of people are finally liberated..."

   Everyone: "……"

   At this moment, many people have a thought in their hearts: As expected of Han Shuai, how could those aristocratic families slaughter the Venerable with all their heart. Han Shuai is the hope of mankind!

   At this time, Tang Yan inside Yunjing couldn't help but twitched his mouth: Han Fei's shamelessness was beyond imagination! Did you kill the projection of the Black Shaluo King? Are you afraid of being flashed away by the wind?

   There are countless newcomers, and they just came to Broken Star Island not long ago. These days, they have been hearing people say that Han Fei went to sea to hunt. It has also been said that Han Fei hunted the four... and the sky has also told them.

   But, these hearsays, how can they be shocked by seeing them in person?

   Suddenly, I only saw Han Fei pull out the octopus remains and the crab remains...

   This is exactly the same, revealing the Sea Monster body. The crab was seven or eight hundred meters in size, and if the big octopus had tentacles, it would traverse at least a few kilometers.


   Someone exclaimed: "What a big creature! What is that? That is the corpse of Lord Siren?"

   Someone swallowed frantically, "Oh my God! It's not me who blows, this crab can smash me into powder when it comes down."

   Even Xue Shenqi and Mr. Chen in the archives can’t help being speechless: This Tu Zun can actually bring the body back?

   Under normal circumstances, Tu Zun is already extremely difficult. Want to bring the whole body back? That is even more difficult. The Venerable's fall, generally would not allow others to ruin his body.

  Usually, the death of the venerable is either when he is too old, he falls alone elsewhere; or he bursts into death and destroys himself in heaven and earth. These two statues were obviously killed by Han Fei before they had time to explode!



   "Handsome cold is mighty!"

   "Handsome cold, I want to make you a villain..."

   "From now on, my human race will occupy the entire sea."

In the thousands of shouts, Han Fei shouted: "All fellow robes, the corpses of the venerable, are of great benefit to cultivation. This commander decided to contribute the remains of these two venerables to the city of justice. Wang Lin of the Ministry of Construction , Where is it?"

   "In... Hanshuai, subordinates are here."

   Wang Lin is a panic group.

   In the Seventh Division of the Broken Star, he has been urging for days, hoping that the Beihuo and others will build the statue soon. As a result, he did not expect Han Fei to come back so quickly!

   When he heard Han Fei's call, Wang Lin anxiously shouted to Beihuo and others: "Big brother, don't build it! Let's just drag the statue to the center of the city and build it on site."

   After finishing speaking, Wang Lin took up more than half of the statue and flew to the city of justice.


   Han Fei was dumbfounded when he saw this scene: Is this my statue? Hey, it's not... I called you something else! What do you mean by running with my statue?

   The king flew on the edge and fought back. Soon, the whole person appeared within the scope of the hanging mirror.

Just listen to Wang Lin shouting: "Han Shuai, courageous subordinates, build a statue of you to show Han Shuai's achievements in my human race. This statue is the heart of the people, but it is my millions of soldiers on Broken Star Island. , The spiritual symbol of the heart. The subordinates are willing to stand in the center of the city of justice for all people to admire."

   At that time, Han Fei's heart moved and his expression was moved: "How can this handsome..."

   When Han Fei's words came out, many people thought that Han Fei would refuse!

   After a pause, all kinds of shouts went straight into the sky.

   Someone yelled wildly: "Handsome Han, the City of Justice was built by you, and you deserve your statue. Only in this way can I protect the City of Justice forever."

   Some people shouted collectively: "Please Hanshuai agree to wait for my heart."

   The entire Broken Star Island was full of voices and noisy. There are all kinds of voices, almost all of them are one-sided, making Han Fei accept this statue...

   After all, what do the middle and low-level practitioners know? All I know is that Han Fei has made great contributions to Human Race!

Only seeing the sky, Han Fei's expression trembled: "No matter, since it is everyone's mind, this commander is not easy to shirk. However, Wang Lin, the top priority is not the statue of the commander, but the construction of a cultivation pagoda. The corpses of the two venerables are placed in it for the people to practice..."

Wang Lin's heart moved, with a solemn expression on his face: "Han Shuai, rest assured, this is a major event of my human race. Lin must personally manage it! In the future, his subordinates will set up the Ministry of Construction on the side of the cultivation pagoda. Personally look after and protect It's stable."

   As soon as Wang Lin said this, the powerhouses of other ministries were speechless.

   Someone cursed secretly: "Wang Lin is shameless! The remains of the two great venerables... This fellow clearly wants to get the moon near the water platform, and borrow the two corpses for free to temper himself."

   Some people said, "Shit luck! The two corpses of the venerable can even be used for visualization with the help of coercion. The effects are great. Lucky for Wang Lin this bastard."

   Han Fei probably guessed what Wang Lin meant, but he didn't care.

   The corpse of the Venerable is not the corpse of the king.

   For myself, I can’t do anything except for hot pot.

   Han Fei is happy to give Wang Lin this favor.

   After all, Wang Lin did a good job with this statue. If it is proposed by himself, others will have ideas... But Wang Linshang can understand the original heart of the word, which precisely reflects the people's aspirations!

   As long as there is this statue, in the future, the people on Broken Star Island can contribute to themselves daily!

  Wang Lin made such a trouble, Han Fei forgot what he wanted to say. However, there is nothing to say after thinking about it, I just came back to reap the power.

   Suddenly, Han Fei's heart moved.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "On Broken Star Island, everyone is listening...For the rise of my human race and for everyone to become stronger, this commander suggested that the whole city go out to sea to hunt on the day the cultivation pagoda is built. Against the tidal flats and coasts, the strong fight in the sea... Previously, we fought and we grew up to counter the threat of the sea monster. Today, we pursue growth and strength to make ourselves a real strong ...This is also what everyone has been pursuing on the path of cultivation..."


   "Han Shuai's move is very good! The whole island hunting, how grand is the scene? At that time, there will be a burst of resources on Broken Star Island. Broken Star Island will start from here."

   Someone laughed: "I have to say, without the infringement of the Kraken, I am really a bit uncomfortable."

Someone laughed and cursed: "Te Niang, you are not used to me! Now, how comfortable? Go to sea if you want to go to sea, fight if you want to fight, everything is for your own growth... This is the way we used to be! Before Broken Star Island, I never thought of fighting against the siren every year..."

   Someone sighed: "After all, I still have to thank Han Shuai for his wise leadership."

   Han Fei felt the invisible force of aspiration, pouring into his body.

   This feeling is so wonderful!

   With this power of aspiration, one's own strength can always grow steadily.

   If you come here at intervals, Han Fei can be sure: he can cultivate to a high-ranking nobleman at most for a year.

   At this time, Han Fei understood: Why did Tang Yan grow up so fast? This innumerable power of willingness is not good to say, as long as the amount is enough, you can always push yourself to the peak of the venerable, and even the half-king state.

   Just when Han Fei was thinking this way, a voice suddenly rang in his mind. Not Tang Yan, who is it?

Just listen to Tang Yan saying: "Han Fei kid~www.ltnovel.com~ I don’t want to hit you. But, don’t expect to use aspiration to practice. Although the aspiration is very fast, it also has its drawbacks. Aspiration improves, It is very easy to cause unstable foundations and make you unable to get enough polishing. Otherwise, what do you think I have been doing for so many years? It's nothing more than that year, growing too fast..."

   Being reminded by Tang Yan, most of the enthusiasm in Han Fei's heart was wiped out at that time.

   This matter, the old tortoise also told himself. However, the old tortoise is not particularly familiar with Willing. So, what I said was not so sure.

   At this moment, being reminded by Tang Yan, Han Fei's heart sank.

   Just, Han Fei didn't panic.

   I am different from Tang Yan. If the historical records are good, Tang Yan has made breakthroughs along the way, and has not shown extremely powerful personal combat power.

   Therefore, Tang Yan's foundation should be worse than his own.

   And when I use my strength, I am not mainly used to improve my strength. Improve the degree of dismantling of spiritual energy, this should not affect your foundation, right?

   The only thing that he can use his will to ascend up is the realm of Primary Venerable Realm. It only took a few months from entering the Venerable from the beginning to reaching the peak of the Elementary Venerable.

   Old Tortoise reminded: "Well, this emperor also thinks."

   Han Fei responded: "I know something in my heart..."

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