God of Fishing

Chapter 1514: Return to level 3 fishing ground

   Harvested a wave of aspirations, Han Fei spent another half a month in the refining world to push his strength to the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable.

   Of course, this so-called peak is not Han Fei's theoretical limit, but the limit that can be pushed to by his willingness.

  Since he is pursuing the growth of strength, Han Fei doesn’t care how to improve in the realm of the junior venerable...The only thing he needs to consider is how to polish the foundation and tap the potential in the realm of the junior venerable?

   The strength has risen to the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable, and Han Fei began to madly dismantle the spiritual energy with his willingness.

   It's just that the difficulty of dismantling this spiritual energy far exceeds Han Fei's estimation.

   In the world of refining, the aspiration force only lasted for a month, and it was almost used up. And the degree of Reiki dismantling only increased from 72% to 75%.

   Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: "Old Yuan, is it that difficult to dismantle it to the back?"

The old tortoise was also speechless: "Could it be that you think this is still slow? You know, it takes at least a hundred years of cultivation for the first to enter the noble state to the peak of the noble nobleman. Generally, it takes at least ten years to dismantle the spiritual energy. There will be a one percent improvement. You only have a few days? An improvement of three percent, do you feel slow?"

   Han Fei: "……"

   Han Feixin said, it’s better that I come directly to 100%!

   After experimenting, Han Fei found that his current use of a little aura is probably between 1.8 times and 1.9 times.

   Compared to before, there is indeed a big improvement.

   This does mean: The higher the degree of Reiki dismantling, the stronger your ultimate strength will be. After all, only Reiki is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

   A few days later, the collection of Yuan Li calmed down, and it seemed very slow. People's worship of Han Fei also began to calm down over time.

  Han Fei has nothing to do. He can't expect others to be like chicken blood every day, shouting on Broken Star Island every day: "Handsome cold and mighty!"

   Fortunately, my own strength seems to be stuck temporarily, and it takes time to polish. Even if you have the power of aspiration, it can only be used to increase the degree of spiritual dismantling.

   The national hunting lasted three full days.

   And Han Fei, I have been fishing for three days in the Xuantian Waterfall, except for occasionally taking a stroll on the surface of the sea.

   In the past few days, he is thinking about a question: Should he go inside the wall of death and see?

   This idea, once you have it, you can no longer stop it. It is said that curiosity killed the cat, Han Fei is almost the cat now.

   Now, Broken Star Island is no longer threatened by the Kraken. Therefore, Han Fei found Xue Shenqi, which meant asking Old Xue to take the post of deputy commander for a long time.

   Xue Shenqi's answer is: There is only one commander in the city of justice. Since Han Fei is not dead, then this is his way to become a king.

   After some exchanges, Han Fei also knew in his heart: Once Xue Shenqi returns to take charge of the City of Justice, and he is absent all year round, this will definitely not be a good thing for his own rule.

   Han Fei has been pondering for a long time, really want to get an external avatar to help himself sit on the broken star island!

   Unfortunately, his external incarnation is still in the town demon tower. I don't know what is going on now?

   is too far away, I can't perceive it.

   Because of hesitation, Han Fei fished for three days in a row.

   Of course, what he catches is not fish, but mood!

   In the end, Han Fei still felt: The position of commander-in-chief cannot be allowed!

  The plan of the wall of death can be postponed for a while. It seems that besides the wall of death, he has some other things that he can do.

   Among them, relatively speaking, the simpler thing may be the three-level fishing ground, two things left over.

  In the third-level fishing ground, Han Fei has been thinking about it until now: one is the weird secret realm of the abyss crack; the other is the puppet murderer suppressed under the steps into the sea.


   Han Fei’s fishing hook, hooked back thousands of miles away, with a yellow blood sea cucumber hanging on it.

   Because Han Fei has been thinking about things, he didn't let Rhubarb come over and go fishing with him.

   At this moment, Han Fei closed his pole, and the rhubarb meowed.

   Han Fei casually threw the yellow-blooded sea cucumber over, and said indifferently: "You fish by yourself, I have left beforehand."

   Han Fei stepped into the handsome mansion in one step, and with a thought, he released Gui Sanqing from the Dinghai Chart.

   Han Fei: "Old Yuan, I am not here, you have to become like me and sit on Broken Star Island for me temporarily."

  The old tortoise said leisurely: "Long going out?"

   Han Fei shook his head: "I don't know, the time can be long or short. You dignified, there should be a way to realize the connection between the clone and the subject, right?"

   Old Turtle: "If you are only within this sea area, the emperor can do it naturally. However, if you leave this sea area, even the emperor does not have the ability to control the field across the sea area."

  Han Fei wanted to continue to use the star tortoise to impersonate himself, but the star tortoise has gone away. God knows where he went?

   After all, the Venerable is the Venerable and will not be controlled by others.

  Han Fei couldn't find anyone, and he couldn't help it!

   Just listen to Han Fei said: "Lao Yuan, otherwise, shall we sign a master-servant contract now?"


  The old turtle suddenly furious: "Impossible, the majestic one, you are the venerable! Want to sign a master-servant contract with the emperor? Don't even think about it."

Han Fei couldn't help laughing: "Old Yuan, you should be clear! Knowing so many secrets of me, I can't let you leave. If you must always follow me, then this master-servant contract is signed early and late. What's the difference?"

   The old tortoise had red eyes. Although it had been expected that the two would quarrel about this topic... But the old turtle felt that this must be after Han Fei became king.

  Han Fei is king...

   When the time comes, I will compromise again. The face of the emperor is not lost!

   After all, Han Fei also has that potential.

   But, Han Fei is only now, how can this make him lower his noble head?

   The old turtle's heart moved: "If you want the emperor to sign a contract, it's not impossible... You are very lucky, and the emperor knows it. But if... you and I sign an equality contract. In the future, we will support each other, what do you think?"

   Han Fei pretended to hesitate, and then said leisurely: "Is that right? Just go to Lao Han this time and ask him for his opinion! He should live long enough and should know the difference between different contracts."

   "No, wait a minute..."

  Old Tortoise suddenly became anxious: Looking for Lao Han? Do you have to find your father about this matter? There is no simple character in your family. Looking for your father, I have to pull my soul out, and it won't work...

   Old Turtle quickly said: "Well, this emperor is just a proposal, so I don't need to tell your father for the time being. Actually, there are many contracts in this world. Why do you have to have a master-servant contract?"

Immediately, the old tortoise threw out a type of contract, and only listened to him: "Han Fei, in fact, in the age of the gods and before, there was another contract called the natal contract. If you are willing, the emperor is not wrong. can."

  Han Fei couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "What is the natal contract?"

Old tortoise: "Follow each other for life, live and die together, never leave each other, and be the destiny of each other. This kind of contract, also known as the soul contract, uses the soul of the person who made the contract as the vehicle of the contract. The dead soul is gone."

Han Fei heard this, and immediately shivered: "You go away. Pay your natal contract? Still natal each other? Cut, my daughter-in-law has this kind of treatment. You, you...how old are you? Sign your natal with me? Contract? I am so grateful? You will die of this heart!"

  Old tortoise: "……"

Han Fei hummed: "No, I'll discuss this matter later. However, Lao Yuan, if I really become a king in the future, maybe there are not a few creatures who want to recognize me as the master. Just think about my contracted beast, the lowest They are all legends. In the future, if there is a chance to become a king, will he be weaker than you?"

   Of course Han Fei didn't count on it, and let the old tortoise yield today. However, it is still necessary to intimidate him, he has to know it.


   Three days later.

  Han Fei did not return from the teleportation formation, but directly crossed the vast ocean.

   Along the way, Han Fei discovered a lot of secrets.

   However, Han Fei did not explore. Because he knew that this ordinary secret realm had no meaning to him.

   Even if these secret realms are filled with spirit springs and spirit-enlightening fluids, it is useless.

   Of course, in some secret realms, there may also be treasures at the level of Dinghai Bizarre Treasure. However, it must be extremely rare. Now that he even has the sacred artifacts in the world, he may not be able to see so many Dinghai treasures!

   After Han Fei had crossed more than 2.4 million miles, he saw that there was a fishing boat on the vast sea with an old man sitting on the fishing boat.

   After seeing Han Fei, the old man nodded to Han Fei: "The Supreme Commander of Broken Star Island, Han Fei?"

   The corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly twitched.

   Sure enough, there are more than those in this world.

   In the third-level fishing grounds, there are actually nobles. These sages may not ask about world affairs, but they will never allow the Sea-Monster to break in.

   Han Fei smiled and said, "Senior is?"

   The old man shrugged slightly: "The unknown generation, Han Shuai does not need to be concerned. Han Shuai, is this going to a third-level fishing ground?"

  Han Fei: "Hmm! Some old things~www.ltnovel.com~ The old man nodded slightly: "Han Shuai, please. "

   didn't ask Han Fei what he was doing, but Han Fei felt: This old man should already know his purpose.

   It's just that this makes Han Fei a little confused. In the crevice of the abyss, have anyone explored the two secret realms that he had not yet discovered?

   After all, which one does not want to be a king? Don't this old man know those two secret realms?

   The secret in the abyss may not be a secret to others, but for these venerables, is it also a secret?

   Soon, without the guidance of the Vientiane Navigation Device, Han Fei quietly came to the abyss crack and entered that strange place.

  Walking down this road again, Han Fei wanted to see: Can he live without a ferry?

   As a result, Han Fei was surprised to find that even though he was a Venerable, his own energy was slowly passing away, and he still couldn't tell the direction here...

   After all, Han Fei followed the ferryman to the ghost ship.

   Around, blue fish are still swimming.

   There are new intruders on the ghost ship.

   Han Fei hesitated for a moment, and did not get on the boat, but fumbled for the time ring on his finger, and said lightly: "Where is the depression?"

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