God of Fishing

Chapter 1515: Weird secret

   Han Fei swept forcibly with his perception, and found that in this ghost place, even the perception of the Venerable Realm would still be drawn by unknown forces, easily distorted, and unable to see the situation below.


   Han Fei suddenly remembered the time dragon carp. Can Wang Jing be able to freely change time and space? Han Fei expressed doubts.

   Presumably, time is changed by the dragon carp of time, so the perception wants to span time? This is almost impossible.

   So, Han Fei just yelled so, waiting for Xiao Se to come out by herself.

   Although he is already in the Venerable Realm now, he does not understand time art. Therefore, even if you can crush Xiao Si without even moving your fingers, you must first see his talents.

   called out, but no one responded.

   Han Fei shrugged helplessly, and grabbed a dragon in his hand. The energy and coercion of the flood dragon immediately pressed the ghost ship, and those inadvertent intruders were shocked.

   Among these, some of them are already going to die, so Han Fei frowned.


   only saw above the hull, suddenly a blue light flashed and a figure appeared.

   Xiao Se stood on the side of the ship and looked at Han Fei. Just looking at it this way scared him.


   saw the space twist slightly, Han Fei has appeared beside him.

   looked at Han Fei in shock, and said, "You, your strength, grow so fast."

   "Oh? Can you see through my strength?"

   shook his head bleakly: "I naturally can't see through your strength, but I am extremely sensitive to energy. If the little master doesn't come out for a day, I won't be born every day. If I can't be born, why do I need such a strong power?"

   Han Fei's eyes narrowed slightly: Listening to Xiao Se's words, his strength can actually grow?

Han Fei didn’t care about that much, he directly threw a seashell-swallowing thing to Xiao Se, and then threw the dragon in his hand to Xiao Se and said, “Bring me to the hour. By the way, why don’t these people on the ship let go? Kill them? Ordinary people can't stand the energy swallowing here."

   Xiao Se shook his head: "I won't shoot them. However, these people have a bad heart! They used to have 13 people in a team, and now there are 4 people. You know...what does this mean?"

   Han Fei glanced at the dragon boat. Just above the top of the boat, the eyes of those people were so hungry that there was a green light. And Han Fei and Xiao Se were chatting on the first floor.

   After all, Han Fei doesn't understand the real situation of these people, and hearing Xiao Se say that, he doesn't have a good impression.

   In this world, there is life every day, and some people die. Action to save people is cause and fate; action to kill people is also cause and fate. I don't need it, and I don't want to help those people.

   Han Fei: "Do you know, when will the hourly light come out? That little guy, isn't it still the first level now?"

Just listen to Xiao Se said: "Here, you can't judge by your current strength. It takes time to see the truth of the matter. Since the little master did not find you, it means that the time has not yet arrived. But perhaps, it will be soon. ."

   Xiao Se made a mistake before, and Han Fei tried to kill him several times.

   This time, Han Fei communicated with him and felt that the bleak change was great. The whole person became not irritable, and there was a kind of indifferent temperament in it.

   Han Fei nodded slightly.

   Han Fei said, "Can I go and see the hour light?"

   shook his head bleakly: "Sooner or later."

   Han Fei smiled slightly: "Okay, the abyss crack, which direction is it coming from?"

   Xiao Si followed his finger in the direction of the stern.

   He felt: With Han Fei's strength, it should not be difficult to find a direction. However, since Han Fei asked, he can help with this little matter.

   After all, Han Fei has come and brought a lot of delicious food, and the little master should be very happy too.


   Han Fei said casually, and disappeared into Xiao Se's vision in one step.

   Seeing this scene, Xiao Se also let out a sigh, and the corners of his mouth cocked slightly. Are you jealous of Han Fei? He wasn't jealous anymore, only knew that he was about to leave.


   Crack in the abyss.

   Avoiding the surge of swords on both sides, Han Fei appeared directly in the crack through the **** hole.

   As soon as he entered the crack, he did not encounter a strange giant creature like the last time.

   Han Fei couldn't help but shrugged. Sure enough, the reason why I encountered that big horn last time was because Time Dragon Carp had caused himself a little trouble.

  Han Fei knew: In this land boundary, it is not suitable for the survival of living things. The more you go to the front, the more sword-like energy you get. Ordinary creatures simply cannot survive this situation.

   That big horn? It will never last. After all, he is now the Lord. Even the energy of the sacred person will slowly dissipate, let alone that big dragon?

   Therefore, there is no doubt that the big dragon is definitely the arrangement of the time dragon carp. Perhaps, just by changing the timeline, you can bring a big horn over.

   At this time, Han Fei spent time again, already understanding the power ladder of this world, and also the truth of this world.

   A place like the Crack in the Abyss, it is impossible not to be discovered by the strong. Perhaps, the secret realm that I am coming to has already been visited by other strong people.

   However, this does not waste much time. At least, Han Fei's main purpose was not the secret realm in the abyss, but the puppet under the steps into the sea.

  The reason why Han Fei came to the Abyssal Rift first was because, compared to those puppets who had been raised for tens of thousands of years, these secret realms might be simpler.

   Maybe, as long as you go in and take a look, you will know if there is any danger inside. In other words, you know what opportunities are there.

   Han Fei remembered: The first gatehouse in the secret realm was 200 miles away.

   At the time, I was curious: What secret realm would be built in such a safe place?

   However, when Han Fei first wanted to step into this secret realm, he just raised his foot, as if he knew that once he entered, he would definitely die.

   This time, Han Fei took a few steps and appeared in front of the gatehouse secret.

   looked at this gatehouse again, the gatehouse itself has no characteristics.

  Han Fei also didn't see anything special from above.

   Han Fei secretly pinched, and as a result, his brows frowned directly, and there was nothing to count?

   "Hey! Is it a place where heaven is chaotic?"

   Han Fei raised his foot again and tried to step into the gate.

   It's just that, with this foot lift, he still felt heart palpitations and danger.

   Although this level of danger is not very strong, it shouldn't be! He is now the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable. If you really want to go all out, your strength must at least be calculated according to the pinnacle of the Senior Venerable.

   If he makes a strong shot, within a hundred breaths, he can even contend against the Venerable Peak. What's more, his indestructible golden body can even compete with the half king.

   But, now, I feel threatened outside a little secret in this third-level fishing ground!

   At this moment, Han Fei couldn't help feeling a strange feeling. If this secret realm is really so dangerous, could this secret realm have never been opened by anyone?

   Although Han Fei thinks this possibility, it is still not great. However, at least this possibility exists.

   Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Old tortoise, can you feel... the danger in this secret realm?"

  Old Turtle said: "You have to go inside to know. Just the pressure on the deity's soul, there is no danger here."

   As the saying goes, "Wealth and wealth are in danger," Han Fei felt: I haven't felt this kind of treasure hunt for a long time.

   This secret realm, but once again let myself find it, the kind of uncontrollable unknown. Even, it's a bit nervous and exciting.

   Coming back from Thousand Star City this time, Han Fei’s self-confidence was extremely inflated: What happened, in this entire Shuimutian, apart from the Tiandao Fayan and aristocratic family, I’m afraid there is nothing more that he can’t do!

   If you even feel scared, what will exist in such a place?

   After rubbing the time ring in his hand, Han Fei suddenly felt cruel and stepped into the gatehouse.

   At the moment when he crossed the gate building, Han Fei's inner uncertainty and heart palpitations suddenly multiplied. This is a bit like the nine sounds of Dao Dao, the kind of bewitching power.


  Han Fei only felt that the world in front of him was like a matrix space.

   In front of my own eyes, there are piles of high and low, uneven stones, densely packed.

   This road has an end, and it is visible to the naked eye!

   At this moment, Han Fei is in the middle of a circular ring, with roads in all directions. From any angle, it seems that you can go out.

The distance of    is only more than 2,000 meters, which is not very far.

   However, Han Fei knew in his heart: This road is definitely not easy!

   When Han Fei raised his head and looked overhead, he found that there seemed to be a vortex rotating rapidly above the sky, which was less than 200 meters.

   However, Han Fei shook his head. He felt that his eyesight had been taken away by the vortex.

   Immediately, Han Fei swept lightly.


   A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Han Fei's mouth. His own perception, as soon as he touched the vortex, was immediately strangled. And perception, if it goes beyond the circle, the matrix space made up of cubes will also be crushed by invisible power.

   "Heh! Old Yuan, this is what you said... there is no danger?"

   Old Tortoise: "This place is quite strange. The emperor is outside, so I really didn't feel danger. Even if I entered here, I still didn't feel the danger.

  Han Fei was a little puzzled: When he was outside the gatehouse, he knew there was danger here. It's just that the sense of danger is not very strong. Therefore, I dared to walk in because I was extremely confident and didn't believe I would be trapped by a secret in a third-level fishing ground.

   It seems that something is wrong now.

After    came in, the way back was gone, and he could clearly feel the danger. However, the current old tortoise did not feel it. What is the difference between me and the old turtle ~www.ltnovel.com~?

   Immediately, Han Fei thought of something: Realm.

  The reason why the old tortoise can be in the realm of explorer without fear of all kinds of dangers is because the old tortoise has always been the emperor in the spirit realm, but the power displayed is weak.

   This also means: Here, to those below the set realm of this secret realm, it represents danger.

   At this time, Han Fei felt: The whirlpool seemed to be a little bit of suction. Moreover, this pulling force is gradually becoming larger. The top priority is that I have to leave here first.

   Han Fei will naturally not act rashly.

   Casually, Han Fei lost a crab and placed it on one of the rectangular stone platforms.

   As a result, the crab had just been thrown out, and suddenly the space on the rectangular stone platform seemed to have changed. Crabs appeared directly at an altitude of 200 meters.

   Just hearing the "click" sound, the crab was easily broken by the whirlpool, and it was directly wiped out, and there was no residue left.



   Without hesitation, Han Fei merged Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, revealing Yin-Yang eyes.

   At this moment, Han Fei saw that the vortex above his head was no longer a vortex. It was a fixed figure at all, but someone deliberately portrayed it as a whirlpool.

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