God of Fishing

Chapter 1516: Mysterious lines

   "Hiss! It's kind of interesting."

  Han Fei knows: The principle of this kind of imagery actually uses human vision to deceive the brain. This seemingly high-speed vortex is actually a fixed pattern at all.

   Then, where did the crab that was eaten by the whirlpool go?

   This is what makes Han Fei strange.


   For the first time, Han Fei thought of the formation.

   So, this is definitely a killing array, a killing array that I have never heard of. Moreover, its delicate design directly deceives people's vision.

   When Han Fei glanced at the rectangular cubes with yin and yang divine eyes, he suddenly discovered that: it turns out that there are strange spatial fluctuations above these seemingly ordinary rectangular cubes, which should be part of the space array.

   Within each circle, there is one and only one rectangular square, and there is no spatial fluctuation. And this circular matrix has a total of 1001 circles inside and outside.

   On average, the distance between the rings is extremely small, and the rectangular cylinders are next to each other. .

   This means that if no specific method is found, 1001 squares in the 1001 circle matrix are found, ordinary people can't leave this array space at all.

   As long as they take a step, they will immediately be moved by space, appear on top of the vortex, and be killed by the vortex directly!


   Just as Han Fei was about to step out, suddenly, Han Fei discovered that the position of the safe square in his eyes was shifting.

   "Hey... what a subtle formation!"

  Han Fei couldn't help sighing: To break the formation, we must directly grasp the law of operation of this formation to get out of this formation. If you don't have the bizarre pupil technique of Yin and Yang God Eye, how can you see through these seemingly ordinary stones?

   That's it, these stones are still changing from time to time. This has greatly increased the difficulty of breaking the formation.

  Han Fei’s intuition told him: The difficulty of designing this formation is undoubtedly the most difficult type among the killing formations I have seen, and it should be second only to the infinite road of the gods monument.

   Three-level fishing ground, why is there such a delicate formation?

   Generally speaking, the formation is exquisite, which means that its lethality cannot be small. After all, if you can arrange such a complicated formation, you can't be the weak. But how can the strong go to lay a weak array?

  Han Fei feels: The pulling force from the top of the head is getting bigger and bigger!

   From the very beginning, there is almost no feeling, only about 50 breaths of time, its suction power can make all hanging anglers realm, can not control their body and power.

  Han Fei couldn't help being afraid for a while: Fortunately, he didn't come! If I came to this place back then, even if I could see through the mystery of this formation, I wouldn't necessarily have the opportunity to get out of this formation...

   Right now, Han Fei didn't panic, so he had to find out and observe the changing time intervals of these security matrices. About every 20 breaths or so, the safety rectangle here will change its position.

   So, if you want to leave this place, you must first determine: Which are the correct rectangular columns?

  Secondly, there are 1001 rings here, and each ring is composed of dozens to hundreds, or even thousands of rectangular columns.

   And in each of these circles, only one rectangular column is safe.

   This means that the breaker must complete 1001 rectangular columns that seem to be irregular within 20 breaths.

   Upon discovering this, Han Fei couldn't help taking a breath: What's so special, it's because he didn't make a rash move! You have to start breaking the array as soon as the safety rectangle is switched! In this way, I have 20 interest time.

   If you don't break the array when the rectangular array is changing, then your time may only be 10 breaths, or even a few breaths.

  Understanding all this, the corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly aroused and began to wait.

   After a full 12-breath time, on the right road, the first time the switch occurs...

   only saw Han Fei's figure, if ghostly, among these rectangular cylinders, it flickered wildly.

   1001 rectangular cylinders, Han Fei took a total of 4 breaths and lost 5 breaths.

   When Han Fei was standing outside the matrix killing array, he was slightly relieved: If he had come at the half-level rank, then his speed of breaking the array might be between 8 breaths and 10 breaths.

   If you are at the peak of law enforcement, maybe 20 interest is not enough. Maybe, maybe just right.

   This also means: Anyone who wants to break into this secret realm must at least have the strength and means of their own law enforcement peak. Otherwise, you can't even pass the first level.

   The old turtle naturally saw Han Fei’s performance. He couldn’t help but be surprised: "Your pupil technique, can you see through this formation?"

   Han Fei grinned and said, "Did you see through this formation?"

   Old Tortoise said: "This emperor only has the realm of soul power, and does not have the strength corresponding to it. I can probably only feel that every time you walk, the space state seems to be different."

   Han Fei grinned and didn't respond.

   At this time, I saw Han Fei suddenly condensing his fists. With a "boom", a golden fist mark roared out, bombarding the vortex at the top of the circular killing array.


   I only saw the golden fist print, as if it had been swallowed by a black hole, and there was no splash at all.

Immediately, the old tortoise said: "The level of this secret realm is quite high! The power of your punch is comparable to a blow of an ordinary junior venerable with all his strength, and even slightly shakes this formation. Nothing."

  Han Fei's complexion also became slightly solemn: Is the level of this secret realm more than high? It's just Nima, it's horrible!

   This is not a secret realm for ordinary people at all. Therefore, it will be in this abyss.

   Even if someone reaches this secret realm by chance, they will immediately feel a fatal crisis and dare not enter.

   Fortunately, Han Fei has yin and yang eyes.

   Therefore, I can quickly come out of this wonderful killing array. Otherwise, he can only try to use the Star Shifting Technique to break through.

   At least, Vientiane Navigation is ineffective against this type of killing array.

   After all, the Vientiane Marine can only be used three times a day. And the secret of breaking through this formation is to take 1001 steps within 20 breaths.

  If you take a wrong step, you will have to be eaten by the killing formation above your head.

   When he got outside, Han Fei looked around.

   Suddenly, Han Fei let out a cry of "Oh, fuckin'.

  Han Fei was surprised to see: Except for the matrix killing array, except for one path, the rest are all blocked spaces. And the only way is all kinds of corpses and dead bones.

   Obviously, in the long history, not many people have arrived here.

   Since these people can walk through the matrix killing array, it shows that all of them are extraordinary. If everyone is not as strong as Han Fei, then if you want to kill the formation through the matrix, you will have the least strength and get the realm of Explorer.

   Obviously, most of those who passed the matrix killing array fell on this passage.

The old turtle couldn't help saying: "It seems that you are in trouble. Look at that channel, there are many unowned souls. Under normal circumstances, a strong person is not easy to fall. Even if they fall, the soul cannot be returned to the Chaos Sea. , That will also retain some inexplicable consciousness. However, here is the unowned soul. This means: in this passage, there is a means to kill the soul."

   Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly. He thought he was just breaking into a secret realm. Who knows: This secret realm is so difficult!

   Originally, Han Fei thought: The matrix killing array is already very inhumane. After careful calculation, most people simply cannot pass this level.

   But now it seems that the matrix killing array just now may not be the most difficult.

   Han Fei naturally did not dare to act rashly.

   The passage in front of you is about 2000 meters long.

   At present, Han Fei hasn't seen it yet: Why is it so difficult to walk at a distance of about 2,000 meters?

   In the eyes of the yin and yang gods, this place is full of unowned souls, which is the result of a long escape.

  Han Fei did not get the joy of the souls of no master, because can these souls of ignorance get it? That's all a problem.

  In his field of vision, Han Fei looked through the corpses on the ground and saw strange lines carved on the ground of the passage. These lines made Han Fei take a deep breath directly.

   Han Fei immediately took out the Vientiane Navigation Device. It’s just that Han Fei doesn’t use the Marine Vientiane to count things...

  Han Fei's gaze was on the fifth circle of the Vientiane Navigation Instrument.

   Nautical Vientiane is composed of five rings. The first four rings are Wanzu language, five-element inscriptions, a space line, and solar calendar stone.

   The fifth ring, not even the old tortoise knows it.

   By the way, what appeared in this place was the line on the fifth circle.

   Knowing that this kind of line is not simple, so Han Fei never even touched those unowned souls. Those lines, the marks on the ground and walls, should be the root cause of the fall of so many people.

   And the depiction of these lines seems to be irregular.

   They are twisted and curved, sometimes they are perfect in shape, sometimes they are broken. It seems that ~www.ltnovel.com~ does not look like words, nor does it look like a formation.

   Old Turtle said: "What do you see? The emperor feels that, first of all, you can't collect the Borderless Soul here. If it is so easy to absorb, there won't be so many people here."

   Han Fei sat down directly. This time, even the yin and yang divine eyes did nothing.

   However, there are not a lot of these lines on the Vientiane Navigation. Here, this line is very dense. Although I can't understand it, it doesn't mean that the demon pot can't understand it.

   saw Han Fei's eyes and looked directly at these lines, as if to remember them in his mind.

   Just like at the beginning, he could see the meaning of a knife from the text, Han Fei felt: From these lines, he can also see some strange power.

  A kind of power that can kill people, if you don't understand it, you can use it as a visual map to see. And once you can really visualize it, then the Demon Refining Pot can repair it.

   But seeing Han Fei keep his eyes on.

   When Han Fei began to concentrate, there were already countless interactive pictures of lines in his mind.

   At first, they were single-rooted.

   Soon, these lines crazily began to cross, forming a mess directly in Han Fei's mind.

   "Huh? It's as hard to remember as Jingshentu?"

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