God of Fishing

Chapter 1517: Dao Wen·9 Palace

   Han Fei found that this line is not easy to remember, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

   is not easy to remember, it is hard to remember, because it is difficult to remember, so this kind of thing has a trace to follow and there is room for deduction.

   Sure enough, about an hour later, an inscription "Dao Wen" appeared in Han Fei's mind.

   saw the information in his eyes.

   "Dao Wen" [No Product]

   Remarks: The texture of heaven contains the mystery of impermanence, and the rules of the road are hidden in it. Observing the Taoist pattern in the market can enhance the power of the soul and enhance comprehension. As for the formation, the power will be multiplied...This article is incomplete and useless.

   comprehension: 5/100

  Repair: 0/10 billion

   After reading this and the information, Han Fei took a slight breath. How powerful is Nima? The texture of heaven, not to mention the great road, can it be used as a visualization?

   However, Han Fei is not surprised, the lines that can appear on the Multi-Navigation Instrument do not look like simple lines.

   1 billion Reiki repair cost, Han Fei still spent, without any hesitation, Han Fei directly repaired.

   After a while, the information in the eyes reappeared.

   "Dao Wen" [No Product]

   Remarks: The texture of heaven contains the mystery of impermanence, and the rules of the road are hidden in it. Observing the Taoist pattern in the market can enhance the power of the soul and enhance comprehension. As for the formation, the power is multiplied. This Dao Wen, contains the principles of Jiu Gong Shushu, and is often used in formations.

   After Han Fei recovered all of this Dao pattern, as soon as he immersed in his mind, he discovered that there were many inexplicable lines in his mind. But these lines are different from the lines laid out on the ground. If you look at these lines independently, you will find that once they come into your mind, they will change on their own.

   "The avenue is invisible, how can the avenue be expressed with clear lines?"

   Han Fei suddenly realized that the Dao pattern in his mind was a real Dao pattern, but once it was drawn, it was no longer a real Dao pattern.

   The formation in this passage should still be the formation. When someone draws the formation, they hide the meaning of the Dao pattern in it, so the formation is extremely powerful.

  Han Fei suddenly got up. Now that he knew what the line was, the logic of all the problems could be figured out. No matter how strange this channel is, it is just a formation.

   Since others can use this pattern to draw a killing array, then you can use this pattern to draw a defensive array. The principle is the same.

   At present, the only difference between myself and others is whether each of these Dao patterns contains any special meaning in it. For example, which lines should be used to lay out which array, this is something I don’t know now.

   spent 1 billion spiritual energy, just to help Han Fei repair this part of the Dao pattern. What's more, Han Fei can be sure that this part of the Dao pattern is just the tip of the iceberg of the real Heavenly Dao texture.

   This is the case, just experiment.

  Because there are not many road patterns in my mind at present, most of them are curves, hard straight lines, breakpoint lines, and band lines. What Han Fei had to do now was to create a defensive formation or soul guarding formation for himself, a defensive formation or soul guarding formation that could resist the killing formation of others.

   only saw Han Fei stepping on his feet, and he drew the turtle formation with the Dao pattern curve. He said that he hadn't used much spiritual energy, but he saw the old tortoise lying on its back, just like a real body.


  Han Fei took a breath at the time, is it so strong?

   Han Fei himself is also a master of formations, especially when he created the Avengers, it can be said that he has worked hard, and all his thoughts are engraved on the ship. How powerful the Tortoise Formation is, his heart is like a mirror.

   As a result, I just tried it casually, and the strength of the turtle formation at least doubled. What kind of concept is this? It means that one's achievements in formation can be directly improved several times.

   This is also that Old Man Jiang didn't know that there is such a thing as Daowen in this world, otherwise he would have to beg himself, let alone spend 1 billion on this thing, even if it spent 10 billion, Han Fei would recognize it.

   Seeing Han Fei's face overflowing with a smile unconsciously, the old turtle said: "Did you research it again?"

  Han Fei's mouth evokes: "Everything in the world is traceable."

   Old Tortoise really didn’t want to look at Han Fei’s proud face, and said in a leisurely voice, "Then what is this?"

   Han Fei grinned and said, "When you sign a master-servant contract with me, you will know it naturally."

  Old tortoise: "……"

   Han Fei didn't tell Old Turtle. Although Old Turtle himself could guess that it was related to the Demon Refining Pot, there was no reaction between him and the Refining Demon Pot. He didn't know anything.

   Han Fei quickly regained consciousness, he tested the strength of the turtle formation with endless water. Because the output of aura power is limited, so this turtle formation only supports more than ten breaths and disappears.

  Following, Han Fei used the breakpoint line to draw the Tortoise Array, and found that the Tortoise Array had the effect of absorbing the attacking power of others. The absorption strength was about 10% depending on the complexity of the Tortoise Array.

  Han Fei then used that waveband line to encircle the leader and draw the tortoise formation. This time, the formation drawn by Han Fei actually has the effect of a force rebound, and its rebound strength is also about 10%.

  Han Fei took a breath at the time, these lines are simply too easy to use. This is still a single use of lines. And the line usage in that channel is used together with multiple lines. Obviously the person who painted the array used the different characteristics of the Dao pattern together.

   Han Fei was not in a hurry, as if he had discovered a new world. No matter what, this time the mystery came to the right, not to mention, just by comprehending the Dao Wen, it would be a profit.

   Of course, if you can get it.

   in the refining world.

   Three days later.

  Han Fei's four different Dao patterns, blended in the lines of the formation, created a turtle formation. Its defense power has increased by 50%, its absorption power is 6%, and its rebound power is 5%. There is no specific feedback on its resilience and tension, but it is also about 10% stronger than before.

   Based on the synthesis of the current formation, Han Fei felt that he could arrange a large formation that could prevent the Venerable Peak.

   But, that is only relative, it depends on the other side's road to decide.

   Seven days later.

   Han Fei slowly drew out another major defensive formation besides the Turtle Formation.

So far, Han Fei’s Turtle Formation drawn with 12 lines has increased its defense strength by 80%, absorption strength by 10%, rebound strength by 8%, and approximately doubled its toughness and flexibility. .

   This means that the formation that Han Fei has created now is twice as strong as before. With his current strength at the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable, he can easily create a formation that can block the power of the Senior Venerable.

The other is that Han Fei created the Eight Lines Locking Life Formation. This formation is much more complicated than the Tortoise Formation. Han Fei has never used it before because he is not mainly used for defense. This formation is used to save lives. of. This formation has the function of both a defensive formation and a soul guard, which can lock in vitality, and at the last moment, it also sacrifices physical strength to preserve the immortal spirit and vitality. Under normal circumstances, Han Fei would not use it.


   Out of the refining world, Han Fei tilted his head again to look at the formation. In the world of refining, he tried to outline this formation. As a result, a large number of silk threads appeared. This kind of silk thread contained Taoist rhyme, which was stronger than the ordinary ones, and could easily break the tendons and stones. But the stronger effect of this kind of thinking is to cut the soul.

   Judging from the dead bones of strong men in the passage, it is said that acquaintances have only become corpses, not explicit. But according to his facial features, he should also be at the level of Venerable Explorer. If he reaches the king, there will be corresponding pressure.

   Knowing the limits of this channel, Han Fei naturally is not afraid of this formation. Only saw Han Fei grabbing a fish skin map in both hands, stepping into this passage in one step.

   "Zi La~"


   saw the endless silk thread suddenly emerge, and Han Fei seemed to be in a cocoon full of silk thread. He needs to walk step by step and walk out of this passage with countless terrible threads. If it is an ordinary human, the soul will be directly shattered.

   With only a sound of "wow", Han Fei's two octopus skin pictures unfolded.

  Han Fei's body was directly enveloped by two layers of blue light circles. This is the Imperial Soul Formation, but it is different from the Imperial Soul Formation that Han Fei used in the past. The transparent gelatinous invisible power appeared on this Imperial Soul Formation.

   When those invisible silk threads were cut on Han Fei's Soul Array, the power of the silk thread and the power of the Soul Array would cancel each other out. In this state, Han Fei slowly moved forward.

  What Han Fei consumes is mental power~www.ltnovel.com~ Although the intensity has increased several times, under this crazy cutting, the consumption is not small.

   Fortunately, this road is not long, only more than 2,000 meters. The opponent didn't seem to want to kill everyone with one shot.

   After discovering this situation, Han Fei's face turned pale, splitting into strands of spirits floating out, using the spirits as a guide, slowly drew those unowned souls to follow him.

   Seeing this, the old tortoise felt as if ten thousand iron-headed fish were running around. Is this the person who has great luck? Han Fei was obviously distressed. Sending so many Borderless Souls now, this is one step to send him to Qingyun!

   In fact, Han Fei was also happy, which is totally unexpected! Sure enough, in this world, at the same time of danger, it also contains unparalleled opportunities.

   It's a pity that these people, one by one, should be very extraordinary, but they fell here.

  Han Fei moved forward while throwing the bones of these people into the refining world.

   I only listened to Han Fei said: "If you have your masterless soul, I will do it to the end. When I go out, you will be at peace."

   Suddenly, during the autopsy, Han Fei saw someone holding a broken token in his hand. What is written on the token has been eroded by the years, but on the back of the token facing the palm of the corpse, there are still a few small words that read-"Nine Palaces and Vientiane City".

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