God of Fishing

Chapter 1518: Nine House Qi Luck Ruler

   "Nine Palaces and Vientiane City?"

   Han Fei picked up the token. As a result, before I watched it for a few seconds, I just heard a "click", and the token broke into scum and disappeared in my palm.

   Obviously, too long time, the token has decayed in the erosion of the years. In fact, it is not just tokens, these corpses are rarely equipped with weapons or other treasures.

   may have been consumed by the passage through this passage!

   After all, these people died in different places in the passage. Those who go far can either have extremely strong combat power or bring in a lot of reserves.

  Han Fei is on these corpses, all he can find is the battle clothes. Among them, the best one has reached the highest quality. However, nothing happened in the battle clothes, and the bodies of these people seemed to have been corroded by the surrounding energy, as if their power had been taken away by something.

   Obviously, the Dao pattern in the channel can attack the spirit, even if you wear the best battle clothes, it will not help. Even Han Fei wondered whether these Dao patterns could corrode the corpse?

   Han Fei put away this top-quality battle suit, only a slight shock, the dust cleared, and the battle suit was like new.

  In the passage, I stayed for about a stick of incense. When the masses of Lordless Souls were chasing him and flying out, Han Fei stepped out of this passage.


   As soon as he exited the tunnel, Han Fei's body formation collapsed. Maintaining this kind of spirit formation requires not only aura, but also the support of its own powerful spirit power.

   Han Fei took a few breaths. Although feeling exhausted, he still looked out of this passage for the first time.

   Looking up, Han Fei directly saw a big round ball, which looked a bit like a globe or a roulette wheel.

   Combining the two, that thing is basically a spherical roulette.

   "Your uncle's."

  Han Fei knows: This secret realm is not in the end. After all, I didn't come in too deep, I just passed two levels, and the diameter is only 6000 meters.

  Han Fei didn't immediately study what the big orb was, but sat cross-legged and quickly began to refine those masterless souls. In any case, improving strength is the last word.

   If I can get to this point, I can naturally get a certain chance, although this chance is left by countless adventurers with their lives.

   It took three hours for Han Fei to stabilize at this time.

   Three hours later, Han Fei glanced at his message again.

  Master: Han Fei

   Level: Level 83 (Junior Venerable)

   Chaos Qi: 9 strands

   Mental power: 76623/79999 (damaged)

   Perception: 24,000 miles

   Power: 3782 waves

  The first spiritual vein: unknown

  Second Spirit Vessel: Unknown

  The first talented soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Spirit Devouring Fish [Level 73]

   Second talent soul beast: Emperor Sparrow [Level 21]

   Main practice: "Void Fishing", sixth level "Stealing Heaven" [Exemplary Artifact]


   When Han Fei saw this message, the corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly: I knew that these masterless souls were still a bit worse.

   Han Fei sighed slightly.

   Actually, this time it was entirely by chance, and I never thought I would get so many Borderless Souls.

   killed four sea monsters by himself, and also ingested some of the masterless souls of Cao Xuan, adding up to not 6,000 points. This time, it increased by nearly 12,000 points at once, which is quite a lot.

   Even if on average each Venerable can only provide him with 1000 points of Divine Soul Power, then this time, he is equivalent to hunting 12 Venerables. What is this concept?

   And now, Han Fei's soul power has reached the strongest stage in history.

   After all, in order to strengthen the foundation of the explorer realm, Han Fei sacrificed a lot of spiritual power.

   Compared with the previous 50,000 points of soul, Han Fei feels: He is in a very good state of mind. If he casts the Soul Eater of All Beasts now, its power will be far better than before. After all, his current overall strength has also been greatly improved.

   The path of practice is "how much joy and worry".

   Han Fei glanced back at the passage. I don’t know how many thousands of years the Lordless Soul has accumulated here? Although a lot of it has escaped, it is enough to prove how difficult it is to cultivate spirits.

   Now, although my first priority is to repair the damaged mental power, this is only the first step.

   I also need to use a large amount of Lordless Soul to temper the immortal soul.

   There is no way, if you want to practice "Indestructible Tyrant Body", you will always wear out your power of divine soul.

   This exercise is what Han Fei really is upset about.

   In order to practice "The Immortal Body", I did not suffer less. Now, in order to practice "Indestructible Hegemony Body", I am afraid that my soul power has always been damaged.

   Putting away the messy thoughts, Han Fei got up and walked towards the big ball.

  What if there are other unowned souls here? There are two.

   In the second level, he provided himself with so many masterless souls. Could there be more unowned souls in the depths of this mystery?

   When Han Fei walked into the blue sphere, he suddenly looked at the ground under his feet. At this time, some text appeared in the projection of the sphere on the ground.

   The text reads "Everything in the nine palaces has good luck, and the secret of the heavens depends on one foot."


   Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: What a big tone. This sentence is very straightforward, meaning that someone can count on the secret of the secrets by relying on something like a foot? Can the heavens be counted? Afraid it's not blowing fish?

   In addition to this sentence, there are some explanatory small characters in the projection.

The above said: "Being able to walk here means that you have extraordinary strength and a strong spirit. However, there is luck in the world and all souls. After passing the Qi Luck barrier, the true chapter can be seen... The comers stop. Put your hand on the air dribble."


   Han Fei looked at this sentence, quite questioning.

   He looked back at the passage again, and said to his heart: Is it true that no one can come through?

   The passage has already told myself: There are not a few people who have been to this place!

   It’s just that most people fell into it. Most of them are human beings.

  Han Fei doubted: Many people should be the venerables of Yin Yang Tian. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why there are so few Venerables of Yin and Yang Heaven? I can’t. All the venerables are born in the family, right?

   So many people died in the passage. So, has anyone died on this dribble?

   Old tortoise said leisurely: "Qing Luck level, a bit interesting. The emperor thinks that the emperor should know, who created this secret realm..."

   Han Fei: "Who?"

   Old Turtle Road didn’t mind telling Han Fei: “Just now, when I saw the Jiugong Vientiane City, my emperor thought it was a coincidence. But now that I saw this, my emperor probably confirmed it. This is the way of art."

  Han Fei: "The way of numeracy?"

Old Tortoise said: "You should know that the strong are more or less capable of calculating heavenly secrets? In the age of the gods, all abilities can be used to communicate with the gods, so there is a magic number. Some people use heavenly secrets to calculate. They seek good fortune and avoid evil, and even change their own luck. They are proficient in the laws of heaven and the movement of things. Among them, they are divided into several major factions. Some people think that the formation method is to conform to the natural magic number of heaven and earth, so they go Some people think that the number of square inches is the most important thing in the world. What they pursue is to count the sky. What's more, the number and the number of luck are linked together..."

  Han Fei was surprised at hearing: How come the more you listen, the more you have the meaning of studying mathematics?

   Han Fei couldn't help asking: "What about then?"

The old tortoise said leisurely: "The emperor doesn’t know much. I only heard that there are very few people of this kind, because ordinary people don’t have the brains to study this journey. The emperor has met before, but the emperor’s time was so chaotic. Now, that person may have poor academic performance and was hacked to death without accounting for his own life and death."

   Han Fei: "……"

   Han Fei rolled his eyes: I was stunned! You just said that this is a game played by people with high IQ...

  Han Fei felt: This level should not be difficult for me.

   It stands to reason that my luck may be the strongest in the whole yin and yang sky.

  With my own luck, if I can't pass this level, then I can't even think of it: Who else can pass this level in this yin and yang sky?

   However, just in case, Han Fei lost a wisp of blood on the ground not far away. Then, Tu Fei Yuan was called out again and threw it to the corner.

  Han Fei felt: If something really happened to him, even if it was useless to rebirth from a drop of blood, Tu Feiyuan would have a way to revive himself.

   I saw Han Fei reach out and place his palm on the air dribble.

   At that moment, the sphere spun rapidly.

   At the moment the sphere rotated, Han Fei saw: Various numbers appeared on the sphere, as well as some weird symbols similar to the formulas of previous lives.

Just listen to the old tortoise said: "Look, the emperor is right! If the emperor guessed correctly, these numbers represent your destiny. These people try to count the sky...it is normal for one person’s luck. Up."

   "Crack, click~"

   I saw the crazy spinning ball, and slowly stopped.

   In the end, Han Fei was left with a string of numbers.

   But, this string of numbers is cheating, it says 123……789 directly.

   Han Fei's eyes widened: "That's it?"

   I only saw the number, which quickly condensed into words, and it said: No solution.

   "Heh! That's it?"

   Han Fei said silently: "Old Yuan, are you afraid that you are teasing me? This is the result of my luck? No solution? Isn't this nonsense? Who can know the future? All nonsense..."

   "Crack, click~"

   Just as Han Fei was about to look for it, UU read www.uukanshu.com to see if there was any other way...only the surface of the sphere was suddenly broken into countless squares.

  As the cubes collapsed, Han Fei saw: The surrounding scenes began to change gradually.

   What appeared in front of Han Fei was a fairyland on earth like the green prairie.

   "Old Yuan, Old Yuan, have you seen it? This is not my illusion, right?"

   Han Fei saw: There are mountains and lakes here. The intensity of aura is dozens of times that of the outside world, and the energy is very sufficient.

   In front of Han Fei's eyes, there is a stone platform that resembles a small altar. There is a beam of light on the stone platform, and a short ruler that is one foot long floats in the beam of light.

   fell in Han Fei's eyes, and a message emerged.

   [Name] Jiugong Qiyun Ruler

  【Introduction】The treasure of luck forged by the spirit of heaven and earth, the bamboo of luck. The Nine House Qi Luck Ruler contains the changes in the number of days in the Nine Houses, which can help others to avoid bad luck, allow one's luck to float, and change forcibly. It can only be used once a day, otherwise it will suffer backlash.

  【Quality】Sacred artifacts on earth

  【Effect】Test good and bad luck, transfer, change luck

  【Not recast】


  【Remarks】The luck of heaven can only be changed from the side, not forced.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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