God of Fishing

Chapter 1519: The habitat of narcissus


   Han Fei swallowed directly: Another sacred artifact? Now, are such powerful magic weapons available everywhere?

   Besides, this is no ordinary baby. Can this thing change one's luck?

   Han Fei couldn't help but think of the sentence he saw just now, "Everything in the nine palaces is lucky, and the secret of the heavens depends on one foot." This relied on, is it this Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler?

   don’t know, is it because Han Fei’s luck is amazing? Inexplicably, I met this ruler.

   Now, Han Fei is sure: So far, he is the first person to get this ultimate treasure.

  Han Fei wondered: Did everyone else fall into the second pass?

   After another change, Han Fei thought: This third level sphere does not seem to be a level! Or in other words, I was lucky and happened to bet on roulette, and I won?

   Han Fei couldn't manage that much anymore, he reached out and grabbed it, and directly grabbed the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler in his hand.

   The first thing to get this kind of earthly artifact, of course, is to refine the baby.

   An hour later, when the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler appeared in front of Han Fei, Han Fei's heart suddenly understood.

   This ruler can measure people's bad luck.

  If you get a wisp of soul or blood from others, you can also help others to change their luck. Of course, you can also change your luck. However, to help oneself change luck, it was Chaos Qi that was consumed.

   The only one that can be used free of charge is that you can improve your luck every day when you don’t use it! As long as you carry this ruler, your luck will increase.

   On the ruler, there are nine spaces.

  Each grid corresponds to a different kind of luck.

   Among them, there are bad luck, good luck, big bad luck, good luck, impermanence, flat lottery, and despair.

   Among them, the two houses of bad luck and good luck are both even numbers. In other words, there are two evils and two good luck in these nine patterns.

   This ruler looks ordinary, but it looks like a fortune teller's trick.

   Han Fei's heart moved, and he planned to test today's luck.

   I only saw the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler, which was directly in the air. In the void, a tangible scale appeared, circulating in the nine palaces. As soon as the beam of light was closed, Han Fei saw a red void scale, directly falling in the palace of the "big murderer".

   Han Fei: "……"

   It was also the moment when Han Fei was using the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler. Some tens of thousands of miles away, in a square palace surrounded by dense formations, someone suddenly opened his eyes.

   The man's expression was happy: "Nine Palaces Qi Luck Ruler? Is it still in this world?"

   only saw the person stretch out his hand, a round ball appeared in his hand, and watched the ball spinning fast, spinning at a speed of one hundred and eight thousand revolutions, and finally the word "no solution" appeared.

   The man screamed: "No solution? Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler, in a place where the Qi Luck is closed? No right... Qi Luck cannot be sealed, it has not yet been born. It seems that we have to wait..."


   At this moment, Han Fei looked dazed.

   The old tortoise naturally saw this scene too, and couldn’t help saying: “This treasure is a bit interesting. The emperor didn’t even notice that there was a sign of seriousness, but it was directly detected?”

   Han Fei immediately put away the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler, and felt it: This whole space should be an independent small world, with a radius of no more than 50 miles. Although it's not the fragrance of birds and flowers, but at least the mountains and rivers are beautiful and a fairyland on earth.

   "Can this be a big deal?"

   Old Tortoise: "There is absolutely no powerful creature here. Otherwise, it is impossible to escape the emperor’s perception. It can only be said that the culprit measured by this ruler is not here."

   After only a few dozen breaths of time, Han Fei found a teleportation array somewhere in this space. This turned out to be a teleportation array drawn by Dao lines.

   Anyway, this is the teleportation array.

   Although the mountains and rivers are beautiful here, it is not a place to stay for long after all. Han Fei was lucky and got the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler. As a result, he figured out a big evil for himself on the spot. Who can hold it?

   Han Fei walked into the teleportation formation without hesitation, and saw that he "swiped" in front of him, and he appeared in an extremely neatly arranged blue brick courtyard.

   said that this is a courtyard, but not a weird little park. The only building here is a small pavilion.

The style of the    courtyard is square.

  It seems that the people who built this place really like rectangular lines!

   Feeling cannot be used here. Han Fei's perception was swept away, and he was sealed by invisible barriers. It seems that the owner here is very good at using formations.

   The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly: The grass and the wood, the brick and the scene here are all in formation. However, this formation did not seem to have started, and Han Fei walked straight to the pavilion on the blue brick path.

   When Han Fei arrived at the pavilion, he saw a young man in a blue shirt and robe sitting in the center of the pavilion, in front of a stone table.

   There were a few fish skin pictures on the stone table, but this did not attract Han Fei's attention.

   It was the young man with a sword stuck in his chest that made Han Fei stare intently.

   To be precise, it can't be regarded as a sword, only a sword energy.

   It’s just that, I don’t know how long it took, the sword aura didn’t dissipate, it still looked like a sword.

  Han Fei only finds magic, what kind of look is this? It's just a sword gas, can't it disperse?

   Han Fei stepped forward and shouted: "Brother, are you still alive?"

   I only heard the old tortoise said silently: "How can it be possible to be alive? The Qi machine is gone. Except that the body is not decayed, the soul is already gone, and the dead cannot die again.

   Han Fei said in doubt: "There are always people who are still alive when they die. When this person sees it, he has extraordinary strength and has reached the realm of non-corruption of the flesh. Thinking about it, this body will not be bad."

   Han Fei stepped forward and glanced at the fishskin handwriting on the stone platform. It said:

"My name, Ye Nan, comes from Jiugongtian, and I fought in Yin and Yangtian with Jian Shen Gong Jian Ba. Both of my bodies were seriously wounded, and I had exhausted my energy. I could barely survive for a few months. I will fall, feeling far away from my hometown, and hope for future generations. People, talented and talented, inherit my nine palaces of fortune, and take my way."

  On this fish skin map, only these words are written.

   Then, Han Fei opened another fishskin map, which recorded a brief introduction of "Vientiane Dao Wenlu".

   "There are Dao patterns in the heaven and the earth, open the sky, and there is infinite. The palms and the Dao patterns get the number of days, and the number of days enters the array, then the array is unparalleled. Looking at the thirty-six immortal palaces, directly asking the heavenly path, only nine palaces!

   When he saw this text, Han Fei laughed at the time: Sure enough, everyone in the fairy palace felt that their own fairy palace was the strongest, and they could directly ask the strongest road.

   This Jiugongtian, I want to be a fairy palace that shocks the world with arithmetic.

   Han Fei admits: In terms of formation, these people are indeed unparalleled and can be called terrifying. But, who is strong and who is weak? Han Fei really didn't believe it.

   If it is so strong, why was it nailed to death by a sword?

   Of course, this does not prevent Han Fei from taking a look at the heritage of other people's masters.

   Han Fei grabbed the jade slip under the fishskin map at that time, scanned it, and then some information emerged in his mind.

   "Vientiane Dao Wenlu" [Exemplary top grade]

  Introduction: Compile the heavenly lines into a book, disassemble their usage, study their natural operation, and sort out thousands of ways of heavenly lines. This is a strange book of formation techniques, the Dao pattern itself is meaningless, once in the formation, the impermanence of ten thousand ways can communicate with God.

   deduction: unknown

   deduction consumption: 10 wisps of chaos

   Remarks: The heaven and earth pattern cannot be counted, and the Vientiane may be one strand.

   As expected, as expected by Han Fei: This is a book of summarization of Dao Wen. The picture of "Dao Wen" that I deduced before is only part of this "Record of Dao Wen" in Vientiane.

   Maybe, looking at it now, I lost the deduction just now.

   But if you don’t deduct it, you may not be able to get in here at all. So, if you lose, you must gain. After all, I still earned it myself.

   Han Fei looked through the "Vanxiang Dao Wenlu", and found that the formations in it were far more than the ones he had studied before.

   If you say, "Ju Ling Jing" is the enlightenment of Han Fei's formation. Then, "Book of Canghai" taught Han Fei a lot of formations and made himself aware of the ten thousand formations in the world.

   And Old Han led Han Fei on the right path to create a formation.

   And this "Vientiane Dao Wenlu" can make Han Fei, on the way of the formation, take the road.

  Han Fei believes: Even if he does not have an immortal body, he can become the most powerful person in the state of Venerable by just relying on the "Vanxiang Dao Wenlu".

   It's just that Han Fei doesn't plan to stay here long.

   Outside the kiosk is the teleportation array. In this teleportation array, there are lines of water symbolizing that if nothing happens, this is the way to leave.

   Just as Han Fei was about to leave, suddenly his heart moved and stopped.

   These Jiugongtian people are very good at arranging formations, so here in the secret realm, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can be said to be quite safe. Since it is so safe, just now, the place where the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler is stored cannot be wasted, right?

   At first, when I came back from Shuimutian, I wanted to store the seeds of the narcissus in the fairy palace. In that way, the narcissus must grow extremely fast.

   However, the current appearance of the Yin Yang Palace is obviously not suitable for the narcissus to live there.

   But, it fits here!

  Here, we need energy and energy, aura and aura, and environment and environment.

   The re-growth of narcissus seeds, I guess, will not happen in a short while. Why don't you put it here for a while.

   Immediately, Han Fei was almost overwhelmed by his wit. After turning around, Han Fei returned from the teleportation formation to the beautiful place just now.

   Following Han Fei's thoughts, he placed the avenue seed of the narcissus in the place where it was placed before the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler.

   I only saw that as soon as the Dao seeds were released, the surrounding aura and energy began to flow in slowly.

   Han Fei watched for a while, and saw that there was no movement in this Dao kind, and only then arranged hundreds of formations around him. Moreover, it was arranged with Dao patterns to prevent the narcissus from regenerating and then disappearing.

   After all this, Han Fei said with satisfaction: "Teacher, you can stay here for a while. When I have settled the matter, I will come to see you again."

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