God of Fishing

Chapter 1526: Beast island

   Han Fei was rather lamented when he heard about the Immortal City of Human Race.

  In the battle of Mizuki Tiandeng Island, I went to the place of the human race.

   There is a woman who gave herself a death bone xun. Although that thing, I have never been of much use... After all, there are still relatively few immortal creatures, and most of them can only be encountered in secret realms. Now, I don’t go to the secret realm very much...

   If it hadn’t been from the crocodile’s mouth, that there was this human immortal city, Han Fei would have almost forgotten the death bones...

   Of course, Han Fei is still sensible. He is pretending to be a cow, and there should be a so-called kin in the Monster Beast Alliance. If you go by yourself, life should be better!

   Even if you find a way to go to the Human Race Immortal City, what can you do?

   There are too many strong people in this cage place. Only one Venerable of the Monster Beast Alliance has almost reached 300. I am the pinnacle of a Junior Venerable, oh no... in fact, this pinnacle is a bit imaginary, because the foundation has not been polished.

   Although he has the strength of a high-ranking sage and even a pinnacle, it is short-lived after all. In this place where there are so many strong people, if you are a little careless, such as being surrounded, it is difficult for yourself to attack the crowd.

   Therefore, Han Fei’s top priority now is to improve his strength!

   Even if you want to do something, didn't Crocodile Iron also say... The Monster Beast Alliance, while fighting against the Black Blood City and the Forest of Terror, what you should have is the opportunity to experience.

  Han Fei immediately made a decision.

   Waiting for myself to be in the Monster Beast Alliance, I am familiar. In the end, he slowly revealed his human identity. Such a large group of super strong, maybe they can win over...

   Of course, this is the best situation.

   As for the worst case, it shouldn’t make humans and the monster beast alliance become enemies. Therefore, I should first come to this monster alliance.

   chattering all the way, the two of them had to run for a million miles, and they have not yet reached the so-called Ten Thousand Beast Island.

   Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: This crocodile iron can really run.

   I only heard Han Fei said: "Brother Crocodile, you and I are really destined. I just came up and met you. Otherwise, I don't know where to go?"

Hearing Crocodile Tie grinned and said, "Who! What's this? Actually, it's just that the old sheep noticed something in the void there, so he arranged for me to take a look. It must have been touched when you came out of the hidden place. The Void ban has aroused the awareness of Lao Yang."

   "Old sheep?"

   Crocodile Tie smiled and said: "I, I am a half-king of our Monster Beast Alliance. It is better at predicting."

   Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief: It seems that when he entered the Wall of Death, he still attracted the attention of the creatures. It's just that, maybe I came in too fast, and there happened to be no strong people there, so I didn't notice it for the first time.

   Several hours later.

   The two of Han Fei flew over 1.6 million miles all the way, and Han Fei saw a huge island. Knowing that this should be the so-called Ten Thousand Beast Island, Han Fei took a look at Crocodile Railway in advance: "Can Divine Soul sweep the entire island?"

   Crocodile Tie smiled and said: "Then you may not be able to finish scanning. Our Ten Thousand Beast Island is not small, there are 100,000 miles in vertical and horizontal directions. When you become a half king, you should be able to see the entire Ten Thousand Beast Island."

When    Crocodile Tie explained, there were dozens of perceptions that fell on Han Fei in the first time.

   Han Fei is still a big water buffalo at this moment, wagging his tail, trampling his hoof into the void, and following the crocodile iron.

   When Han Fei walked into this ten thousand beast island, he felt helpless:

   As expected, as expected!

  What kind of animal island? Above, there are actually not many buildings, just mountains. There are large swamps, deserts, mountains, rivers, volcanoes, Iceland... In short, there are all kinds of terrain.

   Of course, because of the violent aura in the wall of death, this island is actually banned. It should be a ban laid by a lot of powerful people to protect the peace of this corner.

  The instinct of the monster is to occupy the mountain as the king.

   I drilled a hole and felt that this was my own territory. Whether it is in ancient times or today... Or, this monster beast has been from the Age of Doom to today...

   When heading to the center of the island, Han Fei sensed that he swept across the stretch of mountains and jungles, and found a large number of orcs.

   Because of the ban, Han Fei also discovered some Sky Clan. However, the number is not large, and the strength is not very strong.

Crocodile Tie enthusiastically introduced: "Brother Niu, this is our Ten Thousand Beast Island. Because there are two battlefields to guard and various places to patrol, not all the venerables are on the island. Half of the Venerables haven’t come back! But don’t worry, I’ve already told Lightning just now to let him notify your fellow clan to return. Hahaha...you can’t imagine how pleasant they will be. ..."


   Crocodile Railway: "Oh! Lei Bao, don't you know if you know? It's very fast."

   Han Feixin said: I am too special to know. No wonder it's called lightning!

   Just, why did you tell them to come back? But forget it, there is the Beastmaster Art and the deceit, so it is safe to pretend to be a bull.

   Soon, Han Fei came to the center of the so-called Ten Thousand Beast Island, which is what Crocodile said, where their venerables often meet.

  Han Fei came here to take a look: Good fellow! This is a huge rift gorge! The sea is connected by cracks. In the Great Rift Valley, the wind is raging.

   As soon as Han Fei stepped into this rift gorge, he felt a terrifying wind blowing across his skin. If the Explorer realm comes to this place, I am afraid that it will not be able to stay for ten minutes, and it will be beaten to death. The flesh and blood can be scraped dry.



   As Han Fei stepped into the wind, one after another sage appeared.

  Han Fei saw the great ape, saw the lion, saw the wolf, saw the tiger, saw the giant python...

   After a pause, Han Fei was a little bit stunned: It felt like he had returned to a hundred thousand mountains.

   Han Fei had a premonition in the dark: Maybe, from the Age of Domination to the present, the orcs have not all fallen, but changed their lives.

   Han Fei couldn't help but grinned, seeing the orcs, inexplicably kind. After all, there is no extinction, it is a good thing! Now, my confidence in fighting for the return of the orcs began to increase.

   These are all terrestrial creatures, this is the real monster beast alliance, and it is completely different from ocean monsters. All my previous worries are not enough.

   He only heard that there was a giant python, and said with his tongue out: "Hey! A cow has come! It seems that Niu Dali will be accompanied in the future."

   There is a silver giant wolf, with a strong voice: "Niu Dali is indeed lucky. Unexpectedly, there is a clan of the same family here."

A great ape swaggered to Han Fei and greeted him: "Brother Bull Demon King, my name is Ape Demon. You dare to name yourself and give yourself a king suffix. My old ape, I want to add it. It’s been a long time since I dared to add it for fear of being beaten..."

   After finishing speaking, the monkey demon also squeezed Han Fei's body bones, and immediately said in surprise: "What a strong physique! Brother Bull Demon King, did you take the physical training route?"

Han Fei really wanted to roll his eyes, but still calmly said: "Brother Ape made fun. I never thought that one day I will meet you. I thought that there is no orc in this world! The name, of course. Be domineering. Otherwise, what can the world forget about the Orcs? As for the body refining process, I think half of you present should follow this route, right?"

   There was a giant bear with his arms hanging down and came over: "Yes, we are all orcs. It is normal to take the physical training route. Brother Bull Demon King, let's practice?"

   When Han Fei saw this giant bear, he thought of the violent giant bear, he was a silly bear. Practice? Eating every day, just practicing...

   As a result, before Han Fei could speak, he heard a lion say: "No... the Bull Demon King brothers haven't known everyone yet! Are you practicing a fart? Go ahead..."

The giant python nodded: "Yes, I heard Crocodile Tie say that the Bull Demon King brothers have been kept in the town demon tower of the Sea-Monster King from the outside world, isolated from the world. He hasn't recognized all of us orcs, so let's let him The Bull Demon King brothers are familiar and familiar in Ten Thousand Beast Island."

  Han Fei's heart moved: so many sages can practice, why not practice? I'm worried about no one to practice!

   If it is a day-to-day battle, the speed of foundation polishing will definitely increase dozens of times. After a battle, the various experiences are not in vain.

   Even if he was in the abyss of the third-level fishing ground, in the battle with the sword puppet, although he was almost destroyed by others, he did gain a lot.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "Everyone, in fact, I am an old bull who happened to be stuck at the peak of the Junior Venerable. I need to grind my foundation and prepare to break through. However, you all know that I am outside and I am trapped in that sea town. It’s been a long time in the demon tower. There are many kinds of humanoid creatures there, so I have long been accustomed to humanoid fighting. I don’t know you, are you used to humanoid fighting?"

   "Hahaha! What's wrong with this?"

   While talking, UU read www.uukanshu.com and saw a goat man with two horns on his head walking over.

   "The Son of God?"

   Han Fei was taken aback for a moment, and immediately returned to his senses.

   This is obviously not a child of God, but after becoming a goat and becoming an adult, it looks a little bit like.

   This should be what Crocodile Tie said, the old sheep who calculated the void fluctuations when he came.

   Just listen to the old sheep said: "I have a battlefield between Ten Thousand Beast Island and Sea Clan, and I'm also used to humanoid warfare. Of course, the main body will be a little more comfortable."

   There is a quadruple, which should be a unicorn, he said: "However, when fighting against the Forest of Terror, it is still comfortable. It is not easy to be taken advantage of by the opponent."

   Lao Yang walked a few steps forward, looking at Han Fei and said, "Brother Bull Demon King, Crocodile Tie said, you have a half-beast blood. The other half are of human blood, is that true?"

   Han Fei felt: It’s not an exaggeration to show this matter earlier. Show it out earlier, so that you can act in the human form on Ten Thousand Beast Island!

   When the time comes, just use the trick of cheating to maintain the breath of buffalo.

   Only saw Han Fei's body shrinking rapidly, standing upright in the eyes of a group of fierce beasts. For a while, the battle clothes were draped, and the vigorous momentum attracted the amazement of the beasts.

   A tiger said: "Huh! Is it such a perfect transformation?"

   The giant bear roared: "This transformation technique is powerful, and it is equivalent to me."

   The giant python curled up and transformed into a woman in black. It's just that there are more lines on the face that look like tattoos.

   listened to her: "My! This transformation technique...Brother Bull Demon King, your human blood is still quite pure!"

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