God of Fishing

Chapter 1527: Food opens the way, tried and tested

   Of course Han Fei would express his belligerent side, which is also a common problem of the orcs.

  Of course, the temperament of buffalo has always been relatively mild, and the old cow that Han Fei knew before was also quite gentle. Under normal circumstances, I don't take the initiative to fight, but I am never afraid of fighting, so I am a big brother.

   At this moment, Han Fei has become a human, and has become burly and powerful, with a bronzed skin. Although Han Fei deliberately changed his image, his transformation technique was also extremely perfect in the eyes of others.

   Han Fei also knew this.

   In the past, when in Shiwan Dashan, the narcissus turned beautiful enough, right? However, her feet are the roots. Tian Qing turned into a black stiff face. Needless to say, the Beastmaster, although he has the power of a half-king, he has no importance when he shoots and speaks...

   Therefore, when Han Fei showed a perfect human form, he suddenly amazed everyone.

   The old sheep couldn't help but said: "Can someone of human descent be able to transform into a perfect shape?"

   Tiger said: "Wh, human ancestry, won't it make the blood line impure? Brother Bull Demon King, do you feel that there is a limit to your spiritual vein?"

   Han Feixin said: You must prove that you are extraordinary! Otherwise, there will be turmoil here in the future, and I can't explain it myself!

But Han Fei grinned and said: "Actually, this will only make my blood stronger. You are all seniors, and it has only been less than 3,000 years since juniors have practiced. Among them, more than 2700 years have been trapped in In the town demon tower. Otherwise... Does the strength stop here?"


   "What? It has only been repaired for 3000 years?"

   "Huh? In 3000, the Junior Venerable has reached its peak?"

   Crocodile Tie said in shock: "Wait, you said that when you were imprisoned in the demon tower in that town, you already entered the realm of explorers? Then it took you more than 200 years to cultivate to the realm of explorers?"

   For a time, the beasts looked at each other: This Nima, a peerless arrogant has come, right?

   saw the big lion say: "Bull Demon King, then what have you been doing in that town demon tower? If you have been an explorer for more than 200 years. At this growth rate, now it is more than the peak of the Junior Venerable?"

Han Fei's expression sank, and he said leisurely: "In that town demon tower, the aura is thin, and the energy is not a lot. If you want to live, you have to fight all the time. There are countless kinds of marine beasts and monsters. Under normal circumstances, I can’t practice steadily. So, in that town demon tower, I have to learn to fight while practicing. Well... that’s it."

  Han Fei's mind moved, and his body began to spontaneously absorb aura and energy from the outside world.

   Now, Han Fei can just blow out.

   Anyway, these people have never been to the town demon tower, let alone know what's going on inside?

  Furthermore, in the demon tower in that town, there is indeed going to be fighting all the time, and he has not lied.

   Immediately, the beasts cast consoling gazes at Han Fei, but listened to the snake said: "It seems that the place where the sea monster suppressed is no better than our cage!"

   I just listened to the tiger who said: "Brother Niu, then you should be very good! Come on, let's learn from each other."

   But he heard the silver giant said: "Golden Tiger, what are you in a hurry? Brother Niu Demon King, he just came to Ten Thousand Beast Island, before this introduction, you are in a hurry?"

The big bear also said: "Yeah, Jinhu, what's the hurry? Brother Niu is here, and I'm afraid I won't fight in the future? I...I have a treasured questioning fish. I'll get it, next Wine, let's rub him first."

   Golden Tiger's eyes lit up when he heard it: "Oh, you are super handsome, and you secretly hid a questioning fish? I have half a cloud porpoise, and I contributed it. Is there any raise?"

   but listened to the old sheep said: "No matter, I cut a piece of bamboo shoots in the Forest of Terror, which can be used for wine and food."

   The silver wolf said: "Heh! You can really save...I only have one thunderfire blue shark in the Explorer realm."

  Han Fei thought: Yes, the orcs like to eat it. This is even more than Human Race!

   But I heard Han Fei said: "Everyone, maybe... I have a bit of material here, I hunted in the town demon tower."

   Everyone looked at Han Fei, and the female snake said: "You just came, how can you spend money?"

Han Fei hurriedly said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter... Tell me, I'm not afraid of your jokes... In the town demon tower, besides fighting, I like to study food. I think that I have reached the top with the kitchen. Including humans. Among other things, none of its cooking skills can be better than mine..."

   saw the monkey demon approaching: "Brother Niu, what is a chef?"

   Crocodile iron also came over and said, "Is it delicious?"

   Only saw Han Fei smile mysteriously.

   Hurry up, I saw Han Fei grabbed a tentacle octopus, a crab claw, a dragon hornfish in an explorer state, a bloodshadow shark in an explorer state...

   In the blink of an eye, Han Fei pulled out more than 20 creatures in the Explorer realm.

   All of this, I just looked at everyone directly.

  It wasn't because they were scared by Han Fei's combat skills, but because Han Fei...wonderful stuffed them all in their own Sun Moon Bay.

   Everyone sighed: How delicious is this Bull Demon King?

   Suddenly, Crocodile Iron took a breath and said: "Hey! This is... the flesh and blood of Zhang Hua, the King of Black Blood..."

   On the other side, the wild lion said: "This crab, if I guess right, it should be the Black Blood King City, Qianwu's crab."

   Lao Yang said: "Bull Demon King, when did you and the people from Black Blood King City meet?"

  Han Fei didn't expect: Can this be recognized?

   In my mind, I quickly thought about it again: These sea monsters should have gone to Yin and Yang before the Battle of Broken Star Island. Therefore, they should have left the vision of these monsters a few years ago.

   Black Blood King City, since sending these venerables to Yin Yang Tian, ​​they must conceal the news.

   However, the Town Demon Tower happened nearly three years ago, and the Battle of Broken Star Island happened more than a year ago...

   At this moment, of course I can't say that these two goods have been killed by myself. Otherwise, there is a vision for the Lord's fall!

   also can't say, these two goods were killed by themselves outside.

   After all, I have repeatedly emphasized: I am from the Town Demon Tower.

   And, once you say that you kill these two goods outside, doesn't it mean: inside the wall of death, there is a way to get out?

Just listen to Han Fei casually said: "Well! These are the first two people I met when I came out of the town demon tower. We had a short confrontation, and they were lost, each of them was removed by me. And a crab claw."

   The beasts immediately looked at Han Fei strangely.

   Just listen to Crocodile Railway: "Brother Niu, are you one on two?"

   Han Fei pretended to take it for granted: "Yeah! Only one level higher than me, the problem is not big."

   Ape Demon rolls his eyes: "Brother Niu, this Qianwu is an Intermediate Venerable. Moreover, his carapace is extremely hard. You removed his crab claws from the ground?"

   Han Fei scratched his head and said, "I! That big crab? It's alright! I slammed it with Hercules, and it doesn't feel very hard!"

   the beasts: "..."

   All kinds of speculations continued in the hearts of the beasts for a while.

  Although it is itchy, I want to learn from Han Fei...Is this Han Fei as strong as he said?

   However, people put out a lot of these snacks, this is obviously not the time to discuss.

   After a while, a group of monsters greeted one after another: "Go, go..."


   I saw the lion roar and yelled: "Everyone is here for dinner. Bring all the treasures."

   Big Bear shouted: "Who has wine? Get more..."

   After a while, as many as 102 Venerables came directly.

   Seeing this scene, Han Fei was flustered, and said to his heart: If only this combat power is his own, then go to Thousand Star City. I am afraid that in half an hour, the entire Thousand Star City will be destroyed...

   It’s just that when I can suppress the Yin and Yang sky and suppress all these people, I will never find a way to take them out together...

   After all, with the exception of Venerable, other monster beasts on this island of Ten Thousand Beasts, should they be brought out? Those explorer level, law enforcer level, dive angler level, there are simply too many!

   At this moment, Bai Zun looked at Han Fei.

   Just now, Han Fei’s rhetoric was released, saying that his cooking skills are unparalleled in the world.

   That person, can you take a good look?

  Han Fei didn't panic either, and greeted the venerables to come to the mountain platform outside the Great Rift Gorge.

   I only saw Han Fei stretch out his hand, a large swath of water mist rolled in, and the water mist became a curtain. The speed was extremely fast, like a water spray gun, quickly cleaning the entire ground, sweeping out a lot of mud and sand.

   Looking at the mountain of ingredients, Han Fei stretched out his hand and pulled it, scraping out tons of fish oil.

   Wow~www.ltnovel.com~ I scanned the huge platform in the vertical and horizontal directions again.

   Then, the deities saw a large number of weird fruits, hanging in the air, and they were crushed into foam by Han Fei's hand.


   The next moment, the aura flame exploded centered on Han Fei.

   I only listen to the sound of "Ziyouziyou", which is endless.

   In an instant, the spicy smell of garlic swept through the nose of every Venerable Monster Beast.


   Someone swallowed his saliva and sighed: "Brother Niu, he is a particular person! I haven't eaten this rice yet, it smells so good."


   Someone's wine jar fell to the ground, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but the saliva flowed down, and he muttered: "Is this the so-called way of cooking?"


   I saw the sky full of sword lights, curling like locusts.

   Those piled up ingredients are cut into pieces, all with knife edges. Controlled by Han Fei, it was spread flat on this stone platform.


   The flames rose again, and the fire spread for ten miles.

   The expressions of the deities slowly became serious.

   What they saw was not limited to the ingredients, but Han Fei's control. On every piece of meat that was cut, there was spiritual fire steaming.

   Those spirit fires are strong and weak, and the distribution is just right.

   Spirit fire penetrates directly from the gap of the blade, and evenly burns to every part of the meat.

   Listening to the sound of swallowing saliva in the surroundings, Han Feixin said: Food opens the way, it’s time-tested... This wall of death, it seems, is not as terrifying as I thought!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. Apex novel mobile version reading URL:

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