God of Fishing

Chapter 1530: I can, 1 direct hit

   The arrival of Han Fei has added a lot of vitality to Ten Thousand Beast Island.

   At this moment, a group of people are clamoring while eating barbecue on the top of the Great Rift Gorge.

  Han Fei's performance is good, and he is a newcomer. Their cheering voices are mostly directed towards Han Fei.

   I only heard someone say: "Bull Demon King, beat it, hammer off his big eyeballs, that is the weakness of Golden Tiger."

   Someone laughed: "Brother Niu, take it out, Jinhu is the most afraid of tickles."

   Someone yelled: "Golden Tiger, you don't have to cheat, you have to be suppressed. We have so many eyes, we can watch."

   Here, the Golden Tiger is also speechless: this group of damaging friends is babbling all day long, which is really annoying. However, this Bull Demon King is indeed powerful, and his own inheritance mastery has not been able to take any advantage.

   I only saw two people, both of them rammed hard with their bodies, and they didn't have to go to the main road.

  In one breath, the two made up to a thousand shots. Anyone with poor physical fitness might have been photographed by now.

   Despite this, both of them seemed to be full of energy. Below the Great Rift Gorge, they were almost blown through by the two. At this scene, Niu Dali waited for the three cows to be dizzy and bright in their eyes.

   Their thoughts are: the buffalo clan will rise. With Han Fei's strength and talented posture, within a thousand years, he may even reach the top.


   After a long fight, Jin Hu felt sore all over. However, Han Fei looked like a okay person.

   Just listened to Jin Hu shouting: "No doubt, Brother Niu, you have cultivated an immortal golden body?"

   "What? Immortal golden body?"

   "Hi! Really?"

   "My God, Brother Niu has only cultivated for 3000 years!"

   "The indestructible golden body, isn't it that just a golden body can shake the existence of a half king?"

   For a time, various exclamations came one after another.

   Niu Dali also has eyelids jumping wildly: Immortal golden body? The strength of this bull devil is a bit beyond his expectations!

   Han Fei replied: "It's true. In the demon tower of that town, besides fighting every day, I just eat. Give you such three thousand years, and you can cultivate into an immortal golden body."

   Just listen to Jin Hu laughed: "I want to use my real strength, Dao Yun is added, but it is no longer difficult to stop."

   Han Fei nodded slightly: "It should be so."


   The next moment, Han Fei discovered that the Golden Tiger, who had suppressed its strength at the intermediate-level venerable realm, had suddenly increased its strength and speed by at least 30%.


   In an instant, the two fought hundreds of times.

  Han Fei feels: Every time, I have strength and I was absorbed by Jinhu.

   In this way, in fact, Golden Tiger is more than just improving strength. This is equivalent to the Golden Tiger borrowing Han Fei's power and in turn defeating Han Fei.

   Since this is the avenue of the Golden Tiger, this avenue is certainly not easily destroyed by ordinary opponents.

   At this time, as the opponent of the Golden Tiger, if you want to contend with this power, you must either show extraordinary strength, or use sharp weapons to fight to avoid the dissipation of power...

   In an instant, Han Fei came up with a variety of methods. In fact, Han Fei can imitate the Golden Tiger. However, he obviously couldn't act so enchanting. With his current strength, think of a way to defeat the golden tiger.


   At this moment, Han Fei was beaten in defeat. Han Fei was blasted into the ground because he was just resisting and did not attack. The Golden Tiger fought far and wide.

   Jin Hu roared: "Counterattack! Only counterattack can squeeze your strength, which is of great benefit to your breakthrough."

   Only when Han Fei shouted: "I will naturally fight back, but not now. The breakthrough in strength is understanding and epiphany. If these two points are achieved, the foundation can be better polished, and everything will follow."

   I saw Han Fei, like a sandbag, being kicked by the golden tiger, completely relying on his golden body to carry it down.

   However, Han Fei's mind was spinning fast.

At this time, I just listened to the old tortoise and said: "Why can't energy be manipulated like Reiki? The difference is that Reiki is the most direct energy that you can see. The energy that you can’t see actually belongs to A strand of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth. Where does the energy of food come from? It is not the nourishment from heaven and earth. Therefore, this kind of energy is everywhere."

   Han Fei's heart was shocked: Yes! I have always used aura as a source of strength. Reiki is actually a kind of energy. Han Fei never considered the relationship between aura and the energy that broke out in the battle.

   To understand in another way: Reiki can be used as food or bullets. It is almighty. As for the energy in the void, they need to go through the power of the body before they can be transformed into energy in battle.

   But, since it is a kind of energy and it was stolen, why can't it be detonated directly?

   Han Fei immediately thought about it, but seeing the golden fist mark, he bombarded out frantically. The golden light filled the sky, and many people shook their heads slightly.

   Someone said: "Brother Niu doesn't seem to understand it yet!"

   Someone said leisurely: "After all, this is the first time he has come into contact with Golden Tiger's avenue. It is normal to steal power and not think of a cracking method for a while."

   Jiao Mengyue shook her head slightly: "I don't think so. Have you noticed that Golden Tiger's current power seems to be a little unstable?"

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Suddenly, everyone saw that Jin Hu's shot was no longer stable, and an unknown force in his body was detonated.


   Many people took a breath: How did Han Fei do this?

   I only heard Lei Bao said: "He deliberately put his power in a state of detonation, and was absorbed by the Golden Tiger. Then, I don't know what method was used to detonate the power that was absorbed by the Golden Tiger."

   The old sheep nodded and said, "Yes, that's it."

   The Golden Tiger, who is playing against Han Fei, feels the most.

   He clearly felt: The aura that was about to be detonated was adsorbed in those detonated forces.

The detonation of    spiritual energy affects the detonation of energy in his body. Once the energy is detonated, then the movement of one's aura will no longer be precise, and then the blow will become no longer precise. In the Battle of the Lords, the attack is not precise, which is extremely dangerous.

   For a while, the power of the golden tiger's great power was reduced, and the battle between the two returned to normal. It's just that, it's hard to tell the winner at a time, unless the Golden Tiger uses all its strength.

   So, Jinhu's strength gradually increased. When he was promoted to the pinnacle of Intermediate Venerable, Han Fei seemed very strenuous.

   However, this scene made everyone sigh.

   This means: Han Fei's strength has indeed crossed a whole realm compared to what it should be.

   They didn't know: Han Fei simply used his own power, not the power of the great power.


   Han Fei secretly said: Intermediate Venerable Peak is already his limit. Of course, the level of the Golden Tiger is much more powerful than the ordinary Intermediate Venerable.

   For example, compared to Jinhu and Niu Dali, Niu Dali may be relatively weak. However, they are definitely at the rank of Tianjiao, and they are very strong.

   "No more fight, no more fight..."

Just listen to the golden tiger roaring and saying: "When you continue to fight like this, when do you have to fight to be the head? Hey, Brother Niu, are you really fighting like this in that town demon tower? What kind of demon town? In the tower, are there so many strong people fighting for you?"

  Han Fei smiled and said: "There are naturally few strong ones, but when I went in, they were not strong ones. I was only an explorer level. When it comes to explorer level, there are more."

   Jin Hu moved his bones and looked at the monkey demon.

   Ape Demon grinned: "Brother Niu, can you still fight?"

   Han Fei grinned: "I can, keep playing."


   A battle with Saruma was obviously fruitless.

   The strength of the monkey demon is similar to that of the golden tiger. Therefore, the final battle was reduced to the size of a fist. It seemed that both of them had been beaten with bruised noses and swollen faces.

   Such days, Han Fei spent ten days in a row.

   Every day, it’s Han Fei barbecue, everyone eats. After being satiated with wine and food, they began to fight, and the people watched the battle. Han Fei really didn't stop for a moment, just kept hitting, kept hitting...

   On this day, Han Fei and the last Lu Zun named Lu Han fought for 3,000 rounds. The hundred who did not go out on Ten Thousand Beast Island have been beaten by Han Fei one after another.

  Han Fei couldn't help but aim at Niu Dali, Niu Dali rolled his eyes: "Don't fight."

Han Fei looked at Jin Hu again, and Jin Hu curled his lips and said, "It's boring, don't fight~www.ltnovel.com~ You are a lunatic type, you are a war mad bull. After playing more than a hundred games, you haven't even broken through... …"

   Han Fei stopped seeing that no one was fighting.

   These ten days, I have benefited a lot. He has been beaten countless times and beaten back countless times. I have realized the many monster beast avenues here.

   With the comparison, Han Fei is even more sure that his avenue is very strong, too strong.

   After landing, Han Fei picked up a piece of barbecue and asked, "Are you really not fighting anymore?"


   I saw a group of people shaking their heads one after another: What to fight? You are a Xiaoqiang who can't die. Relying on his indestructible golden body, he can fight anyone. Even if the half king suppresses his strength, he can be equal to others.

   Just listen to Jiao Mengyue: "Brother Niu, you want to fight, but there are actually some places. If you go to fight the sea monster or go to the forest of terror, you can also! With your strength, you can completely kill your opponent by surprise."

   Han Fei has been waiting for this long ago.

   However, he still said: "It is so good. However, I may need to retreat for a few months. The recent insights are too much. If you master all of these, maybe you can really break through the peak of the Junior Venerable."

   Niu vigorously said: "Go to my side..."

   Han Fei just wanted to refuse, so he listened to Niu vigorously: "Let you go to retreat, no one will disturb you. Could it be that I will eat you?"

   Han Fei thought about it for a while, that's okay.

   Anyway, the identity of the buffalo family has been confirmed. Even if something is discovered, Niu Dali will regard the water buffalo clan's sake and reduce the doubt about himself.

   Thinking of this, Han Fei immediately said: "Okay! Then it will be bothersome."

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