God of Fishing

Chapter 1531: Life and Death Gap

   Discuss with people in the same realm, or even higher than your own realm, you can learn from the strengths of others and make up for your own weaknesses.

   Han Fei’s retreat has always been short.

   At Niu Dali's place, Han Fei set a ban and stayed in isolation for a full month.

   Of course, Han Fei spent this month in Refining World. In the previous dozens of days of fighting, Han Fei had learned too much, and he needed to simulate over and over again to gain insights one by one.

   This month, Han Fei spent more than 4 months. It took more than half a year.

   In the first 8 days, Han Fei made Xiaobai breathe out a ray of chaos. Then, the time flow rate of the refining world was upgraded again to eight times that of the outside world.

   After the time flow in the refining world becomes eight times, this is a very obvious doubling growth pattern.

   If you want to continue to improve the refining world, the required chaotic air has become 100 wisps... the next time you increase, the time flow here will be 16 times.

   What is that concept?

   means: Han Fei has practiced for one year, which is equivalent to 16 years of practice for others.

   For some strong people, 16 years may have passed in a flash. For an old tortoise of this grade, it may not even be enough to take a nap.

   But, for Han Fei, this is a very long time. It hasn't been 16 years since I first arrived at Broken Star Island until now. And he has grown from a small angler level to a noble state.

   Of course, the reason why I grew up so fast is related to the things I have experienced. If you have been cultivating in the refining world, your growth might not be so fast.

   However, the change in the flow rate of time is of great benefit to myself.

   Just, how do you get these 100 wisps of chaos? Could it be that Xiaobai vomited one wisp a month?

   Even if Xiaobai completely turned into a chaotic machine, it would take more than eight years. Even if Xiaobai vomited in this refining world, he would have to wait a year when he was outside.

   But Han Fei didn't want to put all his expectations on Xiao Bai. I have entered the Venerable, but I have never had time to study it. How does the Venerable Realm absorb the Qi of Chaos?

   At this moment, Han Fei only left three wisps of chaos on his body for emergencies.

   Before leaving the refining world, Han Fei sat cross-legged, and saw a strand of chaotic air dancing at Han Fei’s fingertips, changing from left to right, and from right to left.

  Han Fei's heart moved, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai merged, and the yin and yang divine eyes looked directly, but still couldn't see through the chaos.

   Han Fei murmured: "This is the essence of heaven and earth energy. In fact, it is very similar to the invisible power contained in the spiritual energy."

The old tortoise saw that Han Fei was studying the Qi of Chaos, and said: "What you said is good, but if you want to see the Qi of Chaos from the aura, you need to disassemble the aura more and more. The reason why you can feel the chaos The connection between the qi and the aura is because your aura's dismantling degree exceeds 70%. However, this is far from enough."

   Han Fei couldn't help but smiled, "How come it is enough?"

The old tortoise said leisurely: "It won’t be enough. As the degree of Reiki dismantling gets higher and higher, it’s just getting easier for you to absorb Chaos Qi. Even if Reiki dismantling degree exceeds 90%, it’s not Maybe a ray of chaos will come out in just a few days."

   Han Fei couldn't help frowning: "Where is the king?"

Old Tortoise: "I'm talking about the Venerable. When you arrive at the sea level, it is naturally different. However, if you want to become a king, you still need a lot of chaotic energy to accumulate. Otherwise, there is not enough power to support you to become a king. ."

   Han Fei pondered: According to what the old turtle said, I always feel that I will need a lot of chaos in the future...

However, the old tortoise then added: "It's useless to look at this chaotic aura now. Since you have the chaotic aura, you haven't studied it seriously yet. In Truman, you detonated two strands, but that didn't work. You have to feel it firsthand for its power."

   Han Fei nodded slightly: "Alright!"


   Niu Dali’s two younger sisters, one is Niu Kexin and the other is Niu Panpan.

   At this moment, these three people are chatting outside the cave.

   Niu Panpan: "Big sister, after all, this bull devil has just arrived on our Ten Thousand Beast Island. We are too close, isn't it too good?"

   Niu Kexin angrily said: "Yes, eldest sister! The Bull Demon King is so angry. We three sisters, such a big advantage has been taken by him, making it as if he had suffered a lot."

   Niu vigorously shook his head slightly and said: "For the rise of the buffalo clan, it is acceptable anyway. After all, we have only met him as a bull...mainly, we have no choice."

   Niu Kexin said annoyed: "Sister, can we really not get out of this cage? Since there will be a bull devil in the outside world, there must be other bulls too, right?"

   Niu Panpan nodded again and again: "Yes, eldest sister. The Bull Demon King is too arrogant. Although there are some Flying God Bull bloodlines that seem to be very strong, they are also annoying!"

Niu vigorously said: "Well, it's not the time to talk about this. The Bull Demon King has just arrived on Ten Thousand Beast Island. If he really wants him to survive thousands of years, I am afraid it will be different. This person is extremely arrogant and in his bones. Very conceited, even if we want to inherit from him, it will not be in this moment."

   Han Fei, who just came out of the retreat, looked dazed at this moment: I knew that if I had become anything, I couldn't become a buffalo!


   I saw that the ban was lifted, and Han Fei's burly figure walked out of the ban, and saw Niu Dali and the three of them looking at him.

   Niu vigorously said with doubts: "So fast? One month after fighting against Baizun, you have thoroughly understood all aspects?"

   Han Fei nodded slightly: "I have learned a lot every day, and I have benefited a lot. I have eaten everything that I should thoroughly understand."

  Niu Dali certainly knew why Han Fei wanted to fight one by one. Actually, who doesn't know? However, this improvement is limited.

  Han Fei has been imprisoned for so long. After he came out, he wanted to rely on fighting against everyone and break through the Junior Venerable. This is entirely possible.

   Even, in the eyes of all the elders, for Han Fei's sake, breaking through the Intermediate Venerable may only be in an instant.

   Therefore, Han Fei Lian Zhan Baizun, has not broken through after the retreat, which makes everyone a little strange.

   It's just that these venerables didn't know: When Han Feizhen wanted to break through the elementary peak, he would have broken through. It's just that Han Fei's path does not allow himself to break through casually. If you really do that, Han Fei feels: One day, he will be obscured by everyone, and become a arrogant man who seems to be the best. But, become king? That's even more difficult.

   This time in retreat, Han Fei only improved his strength by dozens of waves. Others, even the mental power did not break through a few points.

   However, Han Fei's overall strength has been improved a lot. This point cannot be directly expressed with data.

   Niu vigorously saw Han Fei's eyes, and seemed to be a little bit happy. He couldn't help but face Han Fei and said with his head high, "Why, I still want to go to them to discuss it?"

   Han Fei shook his head slightly and said, "No! The remaining things are not something that can be brought to me by the comparison. It needs the test of life and death."

Only a trace of Han Fei’s mouth appeared: “Ordinary battles are no longer beneficial to me. The battle of life and death will not erupt among our own people. Then... I was suppressed by the sea monster for more than 2700 years, and now I finally came out. It’s also time to do the math."

   At this moment, Han Fei's eyes showed enthusiasm, agitated energy and blood, and he was taken aback by seeing Niu Dali.

Just listen to Niu vigorously said: "Well, the Kraken who suppressed you may not be the same batch as the Kraken in Black Blood City. In addition, although your strength is indeed not weak, your limit is only the pinnacle of the Intermediate Venerable. Once you really start a life-and-death battle with the high-ranking elders, you are likely to fall."

Han Fei snorted: "Whether it is the Baibei King City or the Black Blood City, they belong to the Sea Clan, and they are all Sea Monsters. They are Sea Monsters, and they are my enemies. Also, who will tell you my true strength? , Only stopped at the peak of the Intermediate Venerable?"

   Niu Dali was taken aback: What does Han Fei mean? Hate the Kraken, this is a matter of course. If I have been trapped for thousands of years, I will definitely retaliate.

   However, a month ago, Han Fei did not seem to hold his hands in the battle. Those battles, in addition to proving that he was very capable of fighting, did not show any power that could contend with the high-ranking ones.

   Could it be said: In the battle a month ago, Han Fei suppressed his strength?


At this moment, the void trembled, and I saw Crocodile Tie coming out of the void~www.ltnovel.com~ but listening Crocodile Tie smiled and said: "Brother Niu, it seems that the battle a month ago was not enough! It was not able to force you. breakthrough."

   Han Fei smiled and said, "I have benefited a lot."

   Niu Dali said: "Crocodiles iron, you know that as soon as the Niu Devil King left the pass?"

   Crocodile Tie smiled and said, "I can't look at you from time to time. It is the old sheep who knows that Brother Niu is out. Let me ask Brother Niu a question."


   Han Fei remembered the old goat. That guy is unfathomable. My guess is that it should be half-king.

   Han Fei couldn't help saying: "What's the problem?"

Crocodile Railway said: "Lao Yang asked, do you have human ancestry, do you need to go to the immortal city of the human race? I heard that the current situation of the human race is not very good, and because they cultivate more immortal creatures, although Not against us, but we are alienated from Ten Thousand Beast Island."

Han Fei narrowed his eyes, and then shook his head decisively: "No! Although I have been in contact with the Human Race in the Town Demon Tower, my top priority now is to improve my strength. Instead of having time to go to the Human Race Immortal City, I will go. It's better to fight directly. I want to feel how powerful the Black Blood City Kraken is."

   "Hahaha... I knew, Brother Niu, you would definitely not go to the Immortal City. That place is so gloomy, there really isn't much to go."

   After finishing speaking, Crocodile Iron turned his head and looked at Void and said, "Old sheep, have you seen it? I said Brother Niu is not interested in the Human Immortal City, right?"

Just listen to the voice of the old sheep: "The old man is just asking like this. Bull Demon, since you don’t want to go to the human race to see it, let’s do whatever you want! Venerable on Ten Thousand Beast Island, you’ve seen it all, yes Go and take a look at the Life and Death Gorge. Maybe it will help you break through."

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