God of Fishing

Chapter 1532: Get him a few first

   Han Fei and Niu Dali and the three of them were on the road together.

   Crocodile iron them, but they did not follow.

   Just as the old sheep, that is, the sheep **** machine said: In addition to the two fronts, the Venerable who stayed on the Ten Thousand Beast Island will also go out from time to time to inspect the sea.

   The scope of this inspection is much larger than Han Fei had imagined. Under normal circumstances, with the strength of the Venerable Realm, it takes half a month to inspect the sea area once.

  Actually, Han Fei understood what they were inspecting. After all, the sphere of influence governed by the Monster Beast Alliance is enormous. And in this range, there are a large number of marine creatures.

   If these creatures are only in the realm of explorers, nothing more. But once they intend to be respected, they will be listed as the target of punishment in the first time.

   At least, if Han Fei were in power, he would do the same.

   As for this Gorge of Life and Death, which is where the Ten Thousand Beast Island and the Black Blood City fought.

   Why is it called Life and Death Gap?

Niu Dali explained: "The Gorge of Life and Death is the lowest place in the entire cage, and its width is less than 200,000 li. Both sides are the seals of the cage, so it became the place where the Monster Beast Alliance and the Black Blood City battled. "

   Han Fei frowned slightly: "Is the strength of the Black Blood City very strong? How many venerables did they and our Monster Beast Alliance arrange at the Gorge of Life and Death?"

Niu Dali said: "Don't underestimate the Black Blood City. The number of sages in the Black Blood City is second only to my Ten Thousand Beast Island! Our Ten Thousand Beast Island plus you, now has 298, and the black blood city There are 287 in the blood city."

   Han Feixin said: It was 287 before, but now it may be less than 280.

   However, he still asked, "Why can you be so sure about the number of the other's nobles?"

   Niu Dali: "There is an old sheep in the calculation. That is the avenue of the old sheep, it is a secret."

   Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly: By counting, how many venerables can be calculated? If the old sheep can even count this, will he figure out that he has a problem?

   Han Fei just listened to the old turtle saying: "You can rest assured. You are a lucky person, and there is a problem with your fate. Therefore, your fate is disordered and cannot be calculated."

   Hearing what Old Turtle said, Han Fei remembered: his life experience is bizarre, and it seems that it is really difficult to calculate. What Old Han used to himself was not calculation, but plan. He planned everything in it, but he never counted himself.

   So, just now, Lao Yang asked Crocodile Tie to come over and ask himself, it is probably just a test, wanting to see how he reacts to Human Race?

  It’s just that Han Fei clearly knows: The confrontation of forces in the Wall of Death has lasted for tens of thousands of years. The Human Race hasn't been extinct until now, that means they can persist. Go alone? It doesn't help.


   Han Fei and Niu Dali, once again stepped into a teleportation formation. Leaving the teleportation array, continue to fly forward.

   This is already the eighth teleportation formation they have broken through, and Han Fei couldn't help asking, "How far is the Gorge of Life and Death?"

   Niu vigorously said: "It's just halfway through."

   Han Fei's heart moved, and he secretly calculated it.

  I and Niu Dali, each time they fly away from the teleportation array, the distance is about 100,000 miles. Based on my own understanding of the teleportation array, the teleportation array built by the Monster Beast Alliance has a teleportation distance of only 200,000 miles at most.

   After all, they are just monsters, and they won't be as good at formations as human spirit gatherers.

   Moreover, along the way, I also saw many abandoned teleportation arrays. Come to think of it, it should be abandoned for some other reason.

   In this way, based on 15 teleportation arrays, the distance of the teleportation array alone is close to about 3 million miles. In addition to the interval between the teleportation arrays, that is to say, the distance from Ten Thousand Beast Island to Life and Death Gorge is about 4 million li to 4.5 million li.

  According to Niu Dali, this road is sealed by cages on both sides. Especially on the side of Life and Death Gorge, its width is only 200,000 miles. To the Venerable, this is not a distance at all.

   There is a teleportation formation, but it doesn't waste much time.

   About less than half an hour later, Han Fei and Niu Dali had already taken the first step and came to the so-called Gorge of Life and Death.

   As soon as he entered the Gorge of Life and Death, Han Fei felt a lot of death. The aura and energy here are even more violent, and Han Fei can even feel the sensation of weak water attacking his body from the life and death gorge.


   just came out of the teleportation array, and flew forward for a distance of only about 50,000 miles, and there was a wave of perception sweeping himself.

   When these perceptions were swept over, there was also a voice coming: "Hey! Really is the bull of the buffalo clan!"

   "Brother Bull Demon King, I thought we would see each other a long time later. Who knows, it's only a month or so before we can see it."

   I saw one after another, walking out of the void.

   Among them, the one headed is actually a centaur?

  Yes, Han Fei was stunned at the time: If you are a man, you will be a man, a horse, you will be a horse. You come out with a centaur with a sickle of death in your hand. What's the matter?

   In addition to this brother horse, Han Fei actually saw a creature with scales all over, but a bit like a donkey.

   At that time, Han Fei was stunned: What is this...?

   A month ago, I had a fight with a female unicorn on Ten Thousand Beast Island.

   Now, look at this horse, this donkey... After a while, Han Fei has an incredible guess:

Seeing Han Fei’s puzzled expression, the centaur immediately smiled and said, "Brother Niu Demon King, I am the leader of the Life and Death Gorge guard, and the horse has a soul. This is the most talented one of my children beside me. , Has already entered the deity, named Ma Qilin."

   In Han Fei's heart, it seems as if ten thousand iron head fish are running...

   Before, I was still thinking about a question, that is, why are there so many powerful creatures on Ten Thousand Beast Island? It stands to reason that it is extremely difficult to be respected.

  Want to maintain the rule of the orcs? They have to keep reproducing offspring.

  Han Fei only thought that they were just making little beasts. However, never expected that they would come to make small beasts?

   Of course, although I was shocked.

   But, on the surface, Han Fei grinned and said: "Oh? The Devil has seen Ma Commander... Just now, I was still thinking, what kind of creature is Brother Qilin? He was born such a martial artist."

  Ma Qilin seems to be seldom praised by others. Hearing Han Fei's praise, his eyes suddenly brightened: "Brother Niu is praised."

   Han Fei smiled and said: "It's not an award at all. In Niu's inheritance memory, the handsome appearance of Brother Qilin is really extraordinary, I envy Niu..."


   The horse has a soul and the cattle are shocked.

   Also, the other people who just arrived were also slightly stunned.

  How to drip? Bull Demon King and Ma Qilin, hit it off?

   Of course, Han Fei would not deliberately talk to Ma Qilin, he really hit it off.

   It’s just the first time I met, just to be polite.

   But, being too polite is not good... So Han Fei immediately turned his gaze to other people.

   Then, Han Fei saw green foxes and rhinos...

   There are also most people who appear in human form.

  Han Fei slightly guessed: there are probably wild boars, cats...

   Inside, there is a little girl who feels only seven or eight years old. I don’t know what creature it is? There are two ears on the head, which don't look like rabbit ears.

   I saw Han Fei hand over his hands: "Everyone, in the Niu Demon King, Junior Venerable's peak strength, good at various tactics, I have seen you all."

   Immediately, I saw the green fox respond: "Brother Niu, when the lightning came and shouted vigorously early in the morning, he had already told us... Now, in Xia Qingmu, Intermediate Venerable, he has not reached the peak."

   The seven or eight-year-old girl immediately said: "Little brother Niu, I am a white mink, the pinnacle of the high sage."

   A fat man said: "Brother Niu, I am fat seven, the pinnacle of Junior Venerable."


   For a time, babbled.

   But what really shocked Han Fei was the little girl who looked only seven or eight years old. This little girl is the most thoroughly transformed among all people. Except for two very cute ears, she is in perfect human form everywhere~www.ltnovel.com~ What a pity, this little girl calls herself Niu brother? Who can handle this Nima?

  Ma Youhui said: "Okay, everyone is gone for the time being, but don't let the sea monster find clues. Bull Demon, you have just arrived, why don't you watch a few games first and see the situation in the life and death gorge?"

   Han Fei immediately moved his heart, and directly retorted: "Commander Ma, I think we might be able to take this opportunity to kill three or five Siren Venerables, what do you think?"


   The venerables who were about to leave turned their heads and looked at Han Fei in surprise.

   The little white mink girl tilted her head and looked at Han Fei: "Little brother Niu, what you said is easy. How good is it when you are a venerable? How about killing three or five?"

   Ma Qilin also said, "Brother Niu, you can't play with children in the army."

  Ma Youhun flicked his hair, then looked at Han Fei and said, "Cow Demon King, you mean... you shot?"

   Han Fei nodded slightly: "I'm here for the first time, and those Krakens definitely don't know. Taking this opportunity, conservatively estimate, you can kill three of them."


  A group of people took a breath.

   Niu Dali directly gave Han Fei’s voice, and was not afraid of being heard by Ma Youhun. He only heard her say: "Are you crazy? Are you so easy to kill as a venerable?"

Ma Youhun looked at Han Fei again: "Well, that's the case, let's try the next game first. In the past two years, Black Blood City has not played very much, just to try one, see why they are not warlike. Heart?"

   Han Fei and Ma Youhun looked at each other. Two people, one with eye-sighted eyes, the other with arrogant eyes.

   Others seemed to see a subtle touch.

   listened to the corner of the white mink's mouth, slightly aroused: "It's interesting."

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