God of Fishing

Chapter 1533: Invite the Battle of Life and Death Gap

   At the realm of the Venerable, there are actually no weak ones anymore. After all, who didn't cultivate up slowly step by step?

  Yin-Yang Sky Venerable, everything that Han Fei's enemy can fight is basically eliminated. The only ones that can't be destroyed are the Thousand Star City batch.

   Aristocratic family, Han Fei can't move yet.

   Before coming, when Han Fei met Lao Han and Li Daxian in the third-level fishing ground, they bet where they would go?

   Among them, one option is Mizuki Tian.

  Han Fei does want to go to Shuimukian. After all, there are still many venerables in the four battlefields of Shui Mutian. If you really want to pass, with your current strength, you will definitely be able to kill several venerables. Maybe, I could still steal the Ice God Gorge.

  It’s just that, compared with Shuimutian, the Wall of Death is a completely new place and an extremely dangerous place.

   Han Fei felt: This danger must also be relative.

  For example, when looking for the entrance to the Wall of Death, if you find the area occupied by the Black Blood City...or rather, you find the area where the Forest of Terror is located...the level of danger is high!

   Of course, before coming in, Han Fei didn't know the distribution of forces inside. At best, Han Fei knew that an island flew out of it, and there were monsters on the island. That's it!

   At this moment, Han Fei is not very worried.

   The most likely threat to Han Fei is the pseudo-king. If there is no Gemini Divine Art, and if you accidentally run into a false king, you should not be able to escape. But I have a refining world, what are you afraid of?

   In the outside world, if crossing the king's robbery fails, it may simply fall.

   But, I failed to cross the king's robbery here. For some reason, many people did not die? Became the so-called pseudo-king...

   At this moment, Han Fei will fight as soon as he arrives, which is also purposeful.

  The most important thing is that Han Fei wants to repair his soul damage. After all, if you want to break through, you must be full of soul. Otherwise, the soul will be damaged at the primary peak, and it is likely to affect the foundation of the intermediate sage realm.


   Life and Death Gap.

  When Han Fei really stood on this super canyon, he knew: How big is this so-called Gorge of Life and Death?

Just listen to Ma Youhun said: "The Devil Bull, the distance between the walls of the cage is the width of the Life and Death Gorge. Its length is also nearly 200,000 miles away. You need to know that once you enter this Gorge to fight, life and death will depend on you. Own. For thousands of years, we and Black Blood City have our own rules. Those who participate in the war, unless they escape by themselves, no one can help each other."

  As soon as Ma Youhui finished speaking, he heard Bai Diao say: "Brother Niu, in addition to single-player battles in Life and Death Gorge, you can also fight in multiple players. Would you like my sister to go with you?

   Niu Dali also said: "Yes, 200,000 li vertically and horizontally. A place of this size is enough for more than ten Venerables to fight at the same time."

  Ma Youhun: "In the first battle, you can choose to go heads-up. This commander can trust you. For group battles, I don't recommend it. You need to think carefully."

   Everyone looked at Han Fei.

   However, the corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly aroused: "Everyone! Let me go alone and play two games first..."

   Everyone: "???"


   Whether it is the Monster Beast Alliance or the Black Blood City, there are many experts in the Explorer realm. Generally speaking, Life and Death Gap is for them to fight.

   Such a large number of repeated training is an important reason why the Monster Beast Alliance and the Black Blood City can give birth to so many sages.

   Life and Death Gap is the most important battle zone. There are often more than 50 Venerables stationed here daily, in order to prevent the sudden outbreak of a super war.

   This kind of super war has happened several times.

  Once, because of the riot in the Forest of Terror, the two sides sent out the venerable to reach a hundred people, killing it in darkness.

   At that time, the number of garrisons in the Gorge of Life and Death was less than 50. As a result, he was attacked by more than 200 statues and 13 fell on the spot, shaking the cage. The monsters in the explorer realm, Bacheng did not run away.

   Since that war, the Monster Beast Alliance has stipulated that no matter what, the number of Venerable Life and Death Gap shall not be less than 50. Even if something big happens, make sure.

  As for Ten Thousand Beast Island, you have to keep a hundred statues guarded daily and respond at any time.

   At this moment, there are more than 80,000 explorer monsters practicing in the Gorge of Life and Death.

   Among the 80,000 explorers, 326 half statues were produced. In theory, they have already cultivated to the half-sage state, so the probability of reaching the noble state is not small.

   And these half statues are regular visitors to the Gorge of Life and Death.

   is the fall? Or to be respected? Both sides are fighting.

   This is the case for the Monster Beast Alliance, and the same is true for the Black Blood City. The opponent's half-sovereign realm powerhouse is even more than that of the Monster Beast Alliance.

   At this moment, Han Fei was standing on the high mountain, looking at the Ice God Gorge. Just twenty thousand miles away, a great war broke out.

  Beside Han Fei, there are more than ten Venerables watching the battle.

   Although there are a lot of nobles on the side of the Gorge of Life and Death, there is a distance of 200,000 miles vertically and horizontally. Therefore, there are still many venerables who are patrolling the battlefield in the sky above the Gorge of Life and Death.

  The venerable who has not entered the battlefield can't do it, but he has to keep an eye on the changes in the battlefield.

   The role of these watchers is a bit like a referee. If the other party has made any insidious tricks, and the person on your side is insulted, you can detect it in time. In addition, it is necessary to prevent the other party from failing to abide by the agreement and suddenly making a large-scale shot, causing serious harm to one's own side. This kind of thing, Black Blood City has a precedent.

   At this time, someone was watching the battle in the void, and suddenly they saw a figure, stepping through the void.

  It was not someone else who came, it was Ma Youhun who personally brought Han Fei and came to invite the fight.

   This is customary, with big guys on the side and hard-talking.

   The two flew for about 100,000 miles into the Gorge of Life and Death.

   There is a mine here, the mountain is quite high. In Han Fei's perception, at least ten of the Monster Beast Alliance or the Black Blood City were squatting here.

  Ma Youhun looked at Han Fei: "This place is called Guanzhan Cliff. If you have something to do, just talk here."

   The venerables of the Monster Beast Alliance were stunned when they saw Ma Youhun personally come.

   Immediately, they saw Han Fei and understood at the time: I'm afraid, this is the bull demon king.

   At this time, Han Fei did not transform perfectly, but gave birth to two horns on his head. The main reason why Han Fei did this was to confuse his opponent.

   Otherwise, seeing a monster that looks the same as a human being on the sea monster, he would be vigilant.

  In other words, Han Fei’s careful behavior immediately received strong compliments from Niu.

   "A cow with horns is like a bull!"

  Han Fei is very speechless: I am confusing my opponent, understand?

   Seeing Han Fei is coming, many of the Venerable Realm seemed to realize something, and they took a breath: The Venerable Battle, the fight is about to begin!

I saw Han Fei stepping forward and shouting loudly: "Smelly fish and shrimps in Black Blood City, you will listen to the cow. I am the bull demon king of the buffalo clan, and come to invite the battle today. Smelly sea monsters , Who would dare to come here to fight the bull?"

   After Han Fei shouted, those who were still fighting in the Gorge of Life and Death ended the battle one after another and began to evacuate.

   All those who can be called formations in the Gorge of Life and Death are nobles.

   The Gorge of Life and Death has been almost three years, and the Venerable War has not broken out. Unexpectedly, now the Monster Beast Alliance is the first to call the battle.

   It’s just that, many sea monsters have wondered: Isn’t the Buffalo family only the three of Niu Dali, Niu Kexin and Niu Panpan? Why suddenly another Bull Demon appeared?


   Pause time, the void trembles. But seeing the surroundings, one after another, the Sea-Monster Venerable appeared.

  The explorers quickly exited the field, and the Venerable Realm entered the field one after another.

   But there was a shrimp soldier who pointed at Han Fei with a gun: "Bull Demon King? Buffalo clan, when is there an extra bull?"

  Han Fei sneered: "You rotten shrimp, who do you mean? Your grandfather Niu, you can point at it casually?"

  The shrimp soldier's eyes were cold: "Humph! Be careful, I tear your mouth!"


   but saw Han Fei directly incarnate as a buffalo, with a low moo, shaking the void.

  Han Fei stepped on the void, with white smoke billowing in his nostrils: "Say what's wrong with you? You are a rotten shrimp, there is a single pick? Look at me, stab your shrimp and pick your teeth."

   Originally, Han Fei had nothing to hide the strength of Junior Venerable Peak. Because he was the one who was invited to fight, so naturally the ones who were invited were at the same level as Han Fei.

   The moment the shrimp soldier exited and talked to Han Fei, he was already in the set. On swearing? Where is Han Fei's opponent for these Krakens with poor vocabulary?

   Oh no, to be precise, this is daily life. Since Han Fei mixed up in the Age of Domination, this swearing session has become his essential skill.

Seeing the shrimp soldier furious, Han Fei continued to yell: "Xiaomi~www.ltnovel.com~ Do you dare to do it? If you dare not, you can kneel on the ground as soon as possible and call grandpa... I, grandpa, I have eaten shrimp. And, More than one...Shrimp, why are you not talking? Are you deaf? Oh no...You are a shrimp! You must be blind..."

  In the front, Han Fei was talking, and many venerables of the Monster Beast Alliance looked at each other in the back: This Bull Demon King has just arrived at Ten Thousand Beast Island.

  Feiqi also said leisurely: "If I were that shrimp gift, I would definitely not be able to bear this tone."

  Ma Qilin sighed: "Brother Niu's eloquence is not bad! I want to have this eloquence, and I must be accurate."

   Lynx took a light pace and walked beside Ma Qilin, disdainfully said: "Then you call it!"

   Ma Qilin was choked by the Bobcat's words.

  Whether it is the Monster Beast Alliance or the Black Blood City, everyone knows that if you dare to call a battle, then you dare to fight. Usually, both sides send out the strongest in the same territory.

   And Han Fei's call for formation, is being speculated by the sea monsters in the Black Blood City.

Someone said: "This person is indeed the buffalo clan, breath and realm can not deceive people. The buffalo clan is very strong and possesses the method of spiritual attack. However, this person has never shown up and does not know what the other side's road is. Wenci , The opponent came out at this time, mostly to break through the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable, are you sure?"

   The shrimp soldier has been scolded for a long time and can't get off the stage at all.

   Anyway, he is also the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable. You are strong, but my attack is strong! Why am I afraid of you?


  As Han Fei was yelling, the shrimp soldier suddenly stepped forward: "The buffalo clan, the only bull...humph! After today, the buffalo clan will only be female."

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