God of Fishing

Chapter 1534: Ruthless people kill Zun

   Heads-up and group battles are of course different.

   In this gorge of life and death, the two of them can choose a place and fight each other to decide the outcome. During this period, no one else can interfere.

   In fact, the confrontation between the monster beast and the sea monster has been around for a long time, and it has formed a set of routines...

   In order to demonstrate their respective strengths and encourage their own explorers to practice, when Han Fei and the shrimp soldiers decided to fight, the leaders of both sides shouted: "Open the battle..."

   Han Fei was taken aback for a moment, and said to his heart: What kind of formation is this?

Just listen to Niu Dali’s voice transmission: "During the war, the Lord’s power is too powerful. To prevent accidents, it is necessary to seal the Life and Death Gorge and the rear. A letter from the Life and Death Gorge. If you want to evacuate the battlefield, you must return to our position. Only within 20,000 miles can you avoid the battle and admit defeat."

   The corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly convulsed: "Give up? That's impossible. What if you fail to return to within 20,000 miles?"

  Niu Dali: "Then you have to continue to fight. It is not a glorious thing to admit defeat. Therefore, if it is too late to admit defeat, it means that the gap between the two sides is too large. The life and death of the challenger is not so important."

   Niu vigorously finished speaking, Ma Youhun said: "There is another purpose for banning the battlefield. Your war of the Lord will be carried out under the eyes of hundreds of thousands of people, and it can be learned by the explorers on both sides."

   Han Fei's eyelids twitched: "Can it still be like this?"

Bai Sable said: "Then what do you think? When the Venerable fights, he must be full of strength. Your image represents the image of my Ten Thousand Beast Island. Most of the time, the realm of the two sides is equal, and in the end, everyone is usually equal. There is nothing to do with anyone. This will lead to both losses and a tie. In this way, the face problem on both sides can be taken care of."

Ma Youhun said: "The Bull Devil, in this battle, my only requirement of you is not to admit defeat. The shrimp is gifted with extraordinary strength. The body is an ancient alien species with a strange shrimp bloodline. The technique of attack and kill is amazing, and you cannot underestimate the enemy. "

   Han Fei let out a "hmm", stepped into the void in one step, and stood in the chaos and gravel everywhere in the gorge of life and death. After all, there can be no buildings in this place for years of war. Many mineral veins had already been smashed by the two sides and collapsed.

   In the Gorge of Life and Death, the monsters in the Explorer realm have basically retreated.

   At this moment, the Gorge of Life and Death has been banned, and these explorers can only see large swaths of smoke. And in the smoke, there are pictures reflecting, it is the scene where Han Fei and Xiao Wenci face off.

   Han Fei’s Demon Refining Pot, in fact, when faced with highly intelligent creatures, especially humanoid creatures, there is very little information displayed.

   This shrimp gift, claimed to be an ancient alien bloodline, should not be weak. However, how could Han Fei allow "to be more prestigious"?

   Han Fei's heart moved, and his invincible will condensed. But seeing a big golden cow, enveloping Han Fei.

   On the Monster Beast Alliance, many people looked at Niu Dali.

   Someone said: "Dali, the magic of the Bull Demon King seems to be very different from yours!"

   Someone praised: "This technique looks quite extraordinary. I think it should not be weak."

   Niu Dali was also stunned: Han Fei's combat technique was never used when he was on Ten Thousand Beast Island. It seems that this is his housekeeping skill.

   Only listen to Niu Dali said: "Don't worry, everyone, the strength of the Bull Demon King will only be stronger than me, not weaker than me."


   Bai Miao couldn't help tilting his head, and glanced at Niu Dali: "You said it is in the same state?"

   Niu Dali: "I'm talking about leapfrogging."

   the beasts: "..."

   But seeing the horse has a soul, his eyes lit up immediately.

   No wonder, this bull demon will fight as soon as he comes?

   co-author... he wanted to cheat the demon!

   Just, can you beat Niu Dali across the border? The talent and strength of this Bull Demon King is probably more powerful than what he and others imagined!

   between field.

  Han Fei's invincible will, condensed into a big buffalo shadow. I only saw Han Fei, directly in the void, sprinting like a mad bullfight.

   As Han Fei stretched out his hand, water in the void condensed. What is it that is not endless water? It's just that what the endless water condenses at this moment is not the shape of a water drop, but the shape of a harpoon, a bit like a sea monster's weapon.

   But if you take a closer look, that thing is more like an ordinary fork.


   Han Fei roared, his voice contained the power of the soul to attack and kill. The roar shook the Gorge of Life and Death, and the evil spirits rushed in panic.

   I only saw Han Fei's speed getting faster and faster. In the blink of an eye, he rushed into a beam of golden light, which looked extremely overbearing.

   Shrimp Wenci saw this and already knew Han Fei's extraordinary. However, his shrimp gift, is it an ordinary shrimp?

   only saw Xia Wenci's body arched, and a hundred zhang phantom appeared. Suddenly, a strange shrimp body with an octopus head and a scorpion body appeared.

   I only saw the two arched tentacles resembling octopus whiskers, and they turned into two star runners.

  As soon as this round came out, the stars were dotted, like two big wheels, strangling away at Han Fei. The speed is so fast, with hundreds of thousands of revolutions in the blink of an eye, it seems that he wants to kill Han Fei directly.

   On the side of the sea monster, someone smiled and said, "The buffalo clan is nothing more than a reckless man. No matter how strong his impact is, how can he stop Wenci's thorny teeth that can compete with the superb warrior?"

   On the Monster Beast Alliance, many people frowned.

Fat Qi shuddered as he watched: "Although Brother Niu has shown extraordinary strength, does he underestimate Shrimp Wenci? Does he want to use his flesh to shake the pricking wheel of Shrimp Wenci? "

   Niu Dali didn't worry too much, because she already knew that Han Fei had an indestructible golden body.

   The Venerable Realm looked quite calm, but the monsters in the Explorer Realm looked a little dumbfounded.

   Someone exclaimed: "This new respect of the buffalo clan is so direct and violent? This is a barbarian sprint? Can't you do tricks?"

   Someone said: "Don't worry, the buffalo family has unparalleled big horns, and they are certainly not afraid of the thorny wheel of the strange shrimp."

   I saw the distance between the two sides getting closer.

  Han Fei was still in the air, and Xia Wenci had already turned into a human form at this time. He was dressed in a bright red battle armor, and his body was shaken. There were 18 pairs of deformed blades floating on his back, which turned into light and shadow, and killed again.

   In Xia Wenci's hands, there is also a spear.

   He didn't believe it: No matter how strong Han Fei's physique is, can he block his pricking wheel and thirty-six blades?


   Seeing that Han Fei was about to collide with the tooth-piercing wheel...

   I only saw Han Fei, and suddenly stretched out a left hand, and drew it randomly in the void, a silver light reflecting the world.

   At the moment when the silver light appeared, Han Fei stepped on his feet, and the lines of the Dao pattern instantly condensed into a turtle formation.

   "Ding Ding..."



   only saw a circle of golden ripples in the Gorge of Life and Death, spreading around at an incredible speed.

   Outside the Gorge of Life and Death, a monster pointed at the figure on the fog and said: "Look, the Bull Demon King rushed over, and the wheel of the piercing teeth flew head-on."

   Someone sucked in a cold breath: "Hi! Just use your body to force you through the wheel of teeth?"

   Someone sighed: "Is this a madman, right?"

In the state of    Venerable, Ma Qilin looked excited: "Brother Niu is so powerful that he can contend with the piercing wheel only with his physical body. This physique, I'm afraid it is unusual."

   However, the next moment the Lynx said: "However, its golden shadow was scattered. Just now, he used the formation. The 36 blades at the back depend on how he blocks it?"

   "Knock the gate of heaven."

   But, as soon as the Bobcat's words fell, Han Fei shot across the void, stabbing Xia Wenci after more than 500 miles.

   Aoki wondered: "How much power has to lose after being so far away?"

   Many people exclaimed: "Fighting so far apart?"

   Shrimp Wenci snorted: "Do you think you are the pinnacle of the Venerable? What can you do if you stand still so far apart?"

   However, in the next second, everyone's faces froze. Only seeing the void for 500 miles, suddenly shortened. Xia Wenci appeared directly 5 miles away from Han Fei.

   "Not good, great space."

  A Kraken shouted: "Central, do your best."

  Ma Youxun's eyes lit up: "It's great, the Great Road of Space, the end of the world is close, the Bull Demon King is indeed extraordinary."

   Niu vigorously felt agitated: Han Fei also didn't show this space road before. Han Fei seems to show gravity before, right? Could it be that he is taking two paths in parallel?


   Shrimp Wenci originally wanted to see: How does the bull devil block his 36 blades? As a result, the distance was shortened instantly, he himself didn't even have a chance to run, and his body was directly penetrated.


   It doesn't count if the body has been pierced. Han Fei's blow was so terrifying that it directly poke a hole in the void.

   In an instant, thousands of space cracks appeared, killing the shrimp and wounding all over the body.

In a hurry, Xia Wenci's heart moved, and the thirty-six blades returned to the body, just like thirty-six rays of light ~www.ltnovel.com~ However, when he did this operation, he saw Han Fei's mouth penetrated A faint smile.

   The next moment, Xia Wenci's expression changed suddenly, and he felt that his soul was held back by something. There is something that I want to get into my own soul.


   At this moment, the beasts devoured their souls, and the terrifying sound of bull roar appeared directly in Xia Wenci's mind.

   "Boom boom~"

   In everyone's eyes, he saw the shrimp spraying blood from the seven orifices given by the shrimp, which was actually attacked by Han Fei with the magic of the soul.

   "Die to me."

   In the horrified eyes of hundreds of thousands of people, Han Fei pressed down with a punch and directly blasted Xia Wenci's body to pieces. At this moment, perhaps Xia Wenci is not dead, but his spirit has been controlled by Han Fei.

   Han Fei opened his mouth and spit lightly: "Blast!"


  The huge mushroom cloud lifted the entire gorge of life and death.


   In the sky, a red crack blasted like thunder, which ran into the void. At that moment, a rain of blood fell, and one fell.

   In this battle, the whole journey is less than 30 breaths. A junior venerable peak, just fell. Among them, most of the time, Han Fei was running wild.

   At this moment, the audience was dumb, and countless people took a breath.

  Fei Qi took a breath: "I... rely on..."

  Ma Qilin dumbfounded: "This...Shrimp Wenci...dead?"

   Niu swallowed vigorously. She looked at the proud figure in the rolling waves, her heart pounding.

   Outside the Gorge of Life and Death, Niu Kexin and Niu Panpan looked at each other with shocked faces.

   Niu Panpan's body shuddered: "The bull... is it so powerful?"

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