God of Fishing

Chapter 1535: First use of Chaos


In the audience, the Bull Demon shouted loudly: "Venerable Black Blood City, it's a mess. You dare to come out and fight with my Bull Demon King? This bull has to ask, Black Blood City, that’s all. Is it waste?"

  Han Fei was proud of his position, majestic and brave, with smoke from his mouth, interdigitating in the direction where the Venerables of the Black Blood City were, with a fierce expression on his face.

   Actually, not only the Monster Beast Alliance was stunned by Han Fei. The Black Blood City was also shocked.

  What kind of strength does the shrimp give? Everyone is clear.

   is definitely among the top in the Junior Venerable. Whether it is the Monster Beast Alliance or the Black Blood City, few people can beat him.

   But even if he was such a Tianjiao, he was cut by someone within 30 breaths, and he didn't even have a chance to escape.

From the moment when Han Fei displayed the horizon, to when Xia Wenci was pierced, to when his soul was detained, and the beasts devoured the soul... During this period, Han Fei's actions were completed in one go, and Xia Wenci did not even have a chance to escape. .

   On the other side of the Black Blood City, countless sages stood outside the Gorge of Life and Death, with serious faces. At the same time, they were all angry.

   Someone speculated: "This Bull Demon King may be a generation of arrogance hidden in the Monster Beast Alliance. He has been practicing to the Venerable Realm before letting him show up. It should be because he walked too hard and was trapped at the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable."

Some people nodded: "This person can slay shrimps within 30 breaths. He is definitely an extraordinary character. His physique, soul, combat skills, and soul attack and kill skills have almost no shortcomings... Elementary Venerable Realm, afraid It was this person who went to the extreme."

   Although a group of sea monsters were shocked by the fall of Xia Wenci, this seems to be not the first time. Therefore, they did not have any particular riots or the idea of ​​breaking the rules.

   Instead, these people are making excuses.

  Although what they said may be right, listening to the ears of monsters is more like making excuses for their defeat.

   Ma Youhun showed a faint smile, and immediately turned his head and glanced: "Come on, Lei Xiao, go back to Wan Beast Island to say goodbye."



   I saw a black panther, which suddenly turned into lightning, and the whole person had rushed out. In fact, the purpose of the Annunciation is not only to inform, but to boost morale in the rear.

  Tu Zun, no matter where it is, it is a first-class event.

   How difficult is it to become a venerable person?

   These Venerables, naturally they know. In this cage, everyone is fighting to become the Lord! Even so, many people did not touch the threshold of the Venerable until they fell.

   But now, what did they see? In the hands of the Bull Demon King, the Siren Venerable of the Black Blood City could not even hold 30 breaths.

   Han Fei turned his head and glanced at the Life and Death Gorge, showing a sorrowful smile.

   Seeing that sorrowful smile, Niu Dali suddenly felt wrong: Today, when Han Fei just left the customs, he showed this expression.

Just listen to Han Fei Meng turned his head: "The stinky fish and shrimps of Black Blood City, is it the bravery of this bull that makes you fearful? In the territory of Junior Venerable, will anyone dare to come and fight this bull? If not, the Tianjiao of the Intermediate Venerable Realm, this bull, can also fight."


"He's crazy?"

   Even the white mink can't help putting away that careless look. She couldn't help looking at Niu Dali and said, "Xiaoli, this guy can really cross the border?"

   Aoki: "Dali, this is not a child's play. Don't brag just because he is a buffalo clan!"

   Niu Dali didn’t know how to answer, and just listened to her: “Fart, am I going to lie to you? I really can’t beat him.”

   At that time, Zhongzun took a slight breath: The bull can't beat the bull devil vigorously? Niu Dali was the pinnacle of the Intermediate Venerable. It really broke out, that power was extremely terrifying. With that physique and strength, he has beaten the Gorge of Life and Death more than 30 times, and no one can kill it.

   Sea monster over there.

   "It's so deceiving! He wants to fight across the border? Does he know what he is doing?"

   "I'll come, I'll blow him up."

   "I'll go, this cow must be my soul under the sword."

   "Get out of the way, I'll come! Wenci is my best friend, I'm a thousand dragons from the peak of the Intermediate Venerable, but half a step away. When necessary, I can force a breakthrough, and I will kill this bull today."

   After a while, both the Monster Beast Alliance and the Black Blood City are fried: it is really Han Fei that is too mad and arrogant! The Venerable Realm is not a diving fisherman or law enforcement realm. Do you say that you can cross the border when you cross the border?

However, the strong man with colored fishtails headed by the black blood city said: "Crack a thousand dragons, don't underestimate the enemy. I see this person's realm is indeed the pinnacle of the junior sage. He dares to call the middle sage, explaining His strength has been backlogged to a certain level at the peak of the Junior Venerable, and it can guarantee that he can force the Intermediate Venerable."

   The big red crab looks like a centaur, combining half of its body with the crab's body. On the upper body, not to mention a pair of crab claws, there are actually two strange chain-like claws. At the end of the chain, the leader's axe is fastened.

   At this moment, he heard it shout: "Although the spatial avenues are powerful, they are not invincible. My soul-locking road is not afraid of all avenues."


   Han Fei was about to continue clamoring, but saw an ugly big crab, suddenly drilling through the void.

   In Han Fei's eyes, there was a hammer, a scissor, and two large axes at the end of the chain. It seemed that all of them were weapons.

   Han Fei smiled coldly: Sure enough, as long as they cross the border to fight, these people will take the initiative to jump out.

   At that time, in this battle, Han Fei couldn't make a strong shot as before.

   In the previous battle, I only absorbed more than 900 points of spirit. This thing, you have to kill three more of the same level to repair your damaged soul.

   Therefore, even if he kills this crab forcefully, he will definitely not be able to repair his damaged soul.

   Therefore, this battle must be a bit harder...Only hardship can trigger the next battle and give the opponent some hope. Only by triggering the next battle can he completely repair his soul.


   I saw Han Fei's invincible will, once again turned into a golden light and cow shadow, and wrapped himself in it.

   Han Fei cross-finger crabs, shouting loudly: "This cow has countless crabs throughout his life. It is known as the crab-eating monster. Just like you, it is only worthy of delicacy in the dish."

   Outside the gorge of life and death, Ma Qilin said with envy: "I don't know if Brother Niu is telling the truth or is it a lie? Just the ability to speak out is a cultural bull!"

   Niu Dali also met Han Fei again.

   The bull demon who fought with his own people must be humble. However, the Bull Demon King who fought with the enemy was a group of powerful and domineering and extremely arrogant.

  Niu Dali At this time, they all have thought about the gender of the buffalo: Is this the strength that bulls can have?

   Zhong Zun was pulled by Han Fei's swearing, and for a while, he seemed to be sure to win, and he also relaxed.

   I saw Crab Qianlong shouting: "Looking for death, watch me kill the dragon axe."


   I only saw the two chains on Qianlong Crab's body, winding out, the chains seemed to evoke the force of the void, like two black giant dragons with a large axe above their heads, whizzing up.

   Double axe cross, cut to Han Fei!

   "Huh? Locking technique?"

  Han Fei found out what was wrong at the first time.

   This double dragon great axe seems to have locked his soul.

  Han Fei immediately understood: This move not only hurts the body, but also kills the soul, it is definitely an extraordinary combat skill.

   The venerables of the Monster Beast Alliance all looked solemn.

   only saw Han Fei lift up his left hand, and a visible power like a hair appeared in the void.

   "Hiss! Chaos Qi, this Bull Demon uses Chaos Qi?"

  A sea monster shouted: "Crab Qianlong, don't be reluctant to be chaotic, use..."

   Ma Youhun and others frowned when they saw Han Fei using Chaos Qi: Although Chaos Qi is used as a force at the bottom of the box. However, there are only three strands of Chaos Qi that one can get after becoming a person. Most people have only two strands.

   After that, if you want to get more Chaos Qi, you need to continuously improve your understanding of Reiki and your sense of Dao. Usually, many people in the Elementary Venerable Realm cannot condense the first ray of chaos between heaven and earth alone.

   Even the Intermediate Venerable, it is difficult.

   The ability to condense the energy of chaos is usually at the high-level venerable realm and the venerable pinnacle.

   The main reason is that by the time of advanced and peak, the strength is already extremely strong. Every improvement step requires every possible way to think.

   In order to reach the peak, practitioners have to increase the degree of dismantling of Reiki~www.ltnovel.com~ to enhance their perception of the power of the Dao.

   And this problem can be ignored in the realm of the elementary and intermediate sages. Therefore, the growth rate of these two realms is relatively fast.

   At this moment, Han Fei's Chaos Qi used, Xie Qianlong directly wanted to scold his mother. Such precious power, this guy actually used up like this?

   It seemed that this bull demon was indeed stuck at the bottleneck of the Junior Venerable. Once let him win again and again, this person is bound to break through.

   Thinking of this, Crab Qianlong gritted his teeth, and a ray of chaos appeared before him. Immediately afterwards, the Qi of Chaos dispersed and was swallowed inside.

   This is the first time that Han Fei has used Chaos Qi. When this force completely dissipated in his body, Han Fei suddenly felt that the flesh and blood of his whole body suddenly swelled. Every inch of his muscles seemed to be full of strength, like a stimulant.


   Han Fei let out a low growl, a cow step, and suddenly took off. With a shake of both fists, a huge vortex appeared behind him. Above the pair of fists, golden light and red light competed to reflect each other.


   The next moment, I saw two Tongtian fist marks, breaking through the void, and blasting directly towards the Xian Qianlong.

   It's just that, this fist mark of sacrificing one's body is not to blast off the opponent's black dragon axe, but to blast directly at the Qianlong Crab.

   Both hands simultaneously used the fist mark of the body. This was the first time Han Fei did this. Unexpectedly, it was so smoothly! Even if the two sacrificial fist marks blasted out, Han Fei felt that he seemed to have the power to finish the fight.

   At this moment, neither Han Fei nor Crab Qianlong did not dodge. After all, both sides are using lock-in techniques, so is it harder to see?

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