God of Fishing

Chapter 1536: 1 piece again

   The God of Fishing, Hanging Island Chapter 1536, once again asked: What is it like to use the air of chaos?

  Han Fei felt: It feels like fluttering like a smoke gun, like a racing car with nitrogen acceleration, like a cool, heart-flying spiritual satisfaction.

   In short, when Han Fei struck out with both fists, it felt like there was more power in his body about to burst out.


   This kind of feeling is like a berserk combat technique, a kind of berserker body that resembles a maniac, and it's also like when a bloodworm breaks out.

   Looking at the two giant dragons coming by bombardment, the corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly twitched, and suddenly "boom boom boom", smashing a series of golden fist marks.

   This scene is comparable to countless meteors piercing the night sky.

   Han Fei discovered: When using a ray of chaos, the energy of his whole body is inexhaustible. As long as the mind has something to think about, once the energy is separated, the physical body and the soul can be highly unified.

   In addition, Han Fei also had a strange feeling: When using Chaos Qi, it seems that Chaos Qi can **** the spiritual energy contained in the body.

   Therefore, when the Qi of Chaos is working, the aura is also being consumed. The power in the aura is also being drawn away by the Qi of Chaos.

  At this moment, Han Fei understood: Why do you want to absorb the Qi of Chaos, you must first understand the Qi of Chaos...

   Actually, the Qi of Chaos is originally extracted from the aura. It's just like the feeling when I first entered the deity, the aura transforms into chaotic aura... After the conversion, that part of the aura has no power anymore, and naturally passes away.

   "Boom boom boom..."

   There is not much time left for Han Fei to think.

   While he was thinking, the opponent's black dragon axe had already been chopped over. He crushed hundreds of invincible fists all the way, but when he arrived in front of Han Fei, he was already exhausted.

   However, even though it is exhausted, the strength is not small.

   Han Fei had a chance to make a shot, squeezing these two axe bombardments!

   However, Han Fei gave up with a thought.

   Let these two dragon axes hit him, let the axe light envelop him, and let his body fly hundreds of miles in the sea.

   Compared with Han Fei's acting, Crab Qianlong is also shocked. His Shuangao, originally only prepared one to lift the hammer, and the other looked for opportunities to pinch Han Fei to death.

   However, Xie Qianlong discovered: Han Fei's two fist marks have become stronger and stronger in the void, and they are no worse than his own dragon axe.


   only saw the giant hammer hammering repeatedly in the void.

   In the end, after hundreds of hammer blows were dispersed, Xie Qianlong directly smashed out the two sledgehammers in his hand. This reluctantly defeated the power of the sacrificial fist. However, he himself was shocked by the force for dozens of miles.

   The speed at which all this happened is too fast!

   Therefore, Xie Qianlong was not surprised to see Han Fei retreated hundreds of miles. After all, he was a realm higher than this bull demon king. Moreover, he also uses Chaos Qi. If even this can't suppress him, then what is the pinnacle of Intermediate Venerable himself?

   "Cow Devil..."

   "Brother Niu..."

  Ma Qilin and Fatty Qi shouted at the same time, both of them looked nervous.

  Fat Qidao: "Hey, why are you not nervous? Obviously, there is still a gap between Niu brother and Xie Qianlong."

  Ma Qilin also said: "Father! Do we have to remind Brother Niu? Fighting across the border is still a bit too risky."

   However, at this moment, Bai Sable said lightly: "Two idiots."

  Ma Qilin: "???"

   Fat Seven: "???"

But Bai Siao said: "You haven't seen it, Xiaoli didn't panic? Just now, Xiaoli said that the Bull Demon King is stronger than her, so how could it be lost to Crab Qianlong in strength or attack? "

  Ma Qilin exclaimed: "You mean, Brother Niu deliberately?"

  Fei Qi also looked dazed; "Intentionally? Why did he deliberately let the other party?"

At this moment, I just listened to the lynx saying: "You two forgot... What did the Bull Demon King say before he went to fight? He said he should get him three or five first... This guy has a big appetite. This is the second one, He is obviously unwilling to stop now. If you squash Crab Qianlong again, will it be possible that you want him to fight against the Senior Venerable?"

  Ma Youhun smiled slightly: "Yes, this bull devil is brave and strategic. But, I don't know how he plans to fight the next game?"

   Ma Qilin stunned: "It's not...Father! You mean, Brother Niu has won this round?"

   Ma Youhun glanced at his son, and said leisurely: "To observe the battle, you need to think carefully. Sometimes, in addition to the battle itself, you have to consider the human heart."

   Of course, Bai Mino can analyze it because Niu Dali said bluntly that Han Fei is stronger than her.

  Niu Dali certainly would not lie to them.

   Then, what they see now is that Han Fei is lying to them.

   As expected, when Han Fei drew a long gully on the bottom of the sea, his whole body bleeds. Half of the horn was broken. Many parts of his body started to crack.


  Han Fei's feet were a little bit, and the whole person took a few vertical steps, standing in the void again. Reaching out, the cow fork transformed by endless water returns.


   only saw Han Fei's body change suddenly, turning into a savage bull over 30 meters in size.

  The old tortoise in Han Fei's body was almost dumbfounded when he saw this scene: He felt that Han Fei was about to let himself go. With such a big body shape, Han Fei is deliberately consuming Chaos Qi!

   And, what's the use of turning you into a cow?

   Is it difficult, do you bump your head? The problem is, you are a fake cow!

   However, the next moment, Han Fei began to plan his feet.

   In that scene, every time Han Fei planed his hoof, there were huge waves in the water.

   He heard Han Fei shout: "The anger of God of War is so bullish."


   At that moment, only the bull fork was broken.

   Within a hundred miles, the sea is rolling.

  Following Han Fei, he rushed out, only to see the sea, rolling like a knife. That knife wave set off a unique underwater wave on the seabed.

   This billowing wave, almost synchronized with Han Fei, rushed towards Qianlong Crab.

   On the side of the Monster Beast Alliance, countless Monster Beasts in the Explorer realm held their breath: too strong, the Bull Demon King’s move is too strong. Such a terrifying torrent of blades, if it is hit, I am afraid it will be torn to pieces in an instant.

   The Crab Qianlong also looked solemn.

   However, there is not much panic in his heart. Facts have proved that this bull devil is indeed very strong. Just his horrible physique, if he were to change one, he might not be able to stop his blow at all.

   However, Crab Qianlong’s mouth burst out a series of bubbles.

   These bubbles condense quickly, like ice crystals, blocking themselves in them.

   This doesn't count, this is just passive defense.

   Your own dignified Intermediate Venerable, who is close to the peak, how can he face a buffalo at the pinnacle of a Junior Venerable, but can only passively defend it?

   I only saw Xie Qianlong adjusting his posture and heading towards Han Fei. As the Crab Qianlong marched out, the two chains followed him, like two long streamers.

   It's just that this streamer is entwining rapidly at this moment, like a twist. And the two large axes on the chain dragged the sea water and followed behind his body.

   From the outside world, this scene is like a crab and a thousand dragons running wildly, dragging behind a super large water polo that is countless times larger than the body. In the sphere, there are also two large axes wrapped.

On the side of the siren, someone grinned: "Thousand dragons, this ball and axe technique, its power, in the middle-level venerable state, ranks among the top ten in our Black Blood City and the Monster Beast Alliance. This Bull Demon King is sure to lose. "

Someone sneered: "What kind of bullishness does he see? I'm afraid, it just looks amazing. In fact, it's just the chaos that provides him with too much power, which makes him overconfident. As everyone knows, when the energy is too dispersed, How can I stop Qianlong’s blow?"

   As for the Monster Beast Alliance, everyone also showed doubts.

   The Lynx glanced at Niu Dali and wondered: "Dali, is his strength much better than you? Faced with such a fierce blow by Xie Qianlong, are you sure he is fine?"

Niu Dali also frowned and said, "His strength is indeed much stronger than mine. It's just that the combat skills and great techniques he uses now have never been used before! And, it seems, it seems that they are not. Weak look."

  , when everyone was talking about it, Han Fei had already collided with that Crab Qianlong.

   I saw the Crab Qianlong in an instant, it was swept away by billions of knives. Nevertheless, whenever there is a blade approaching, these water-shaped blades are broken into pieces.

   And the big ball dragged behind him also rose in the air.

   The diameter of the sphere has already reached a kilometer.

   At this moment, Han Fei, facing up to the sky, did not know when in his hands, picked up two sledgehammers.


   only listened to Han Fei coldly: "Do you think that only you can use a hammer?"

   I saw the full sky Hammer Shadow and Crab Qianlong frantically confronting each other.

   Niu vigorously saw this, and immediately said: "I know this technique, he has used it, it is very powerful, and it can completely crush me... uh..."

   As soon as Niu Dali finished speaking, he saw Han Fei being hammered and hammered to the ground.

   Everyone looked at Niu Dali, then looked at the court, nodded slightly, it seemed that Han Fei was pretending again.


   I saw where the sledgehammer hit, a ripple visible to the naked eye, rolling out nearly a thousand miles.

   The sea monster had already cheered.

   Someone shouted: "Let this son be arrogant? Hammering like this, even the venerable one has to blast him into powder."

   Someone smirked: "This person is not sorry to die. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

   Someone said lightly: "Thousands of dragons can win, this is of course. The bull devil, does he really think it is so simple to fight across the border?"

   It’s just that this kind of bragging is becoming less and less as time goes by.

  Because they saw: The power of the blade has not stopped, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

  At this time, Crab Qianlong was still swept by endless swords.

   Suddenly, he saw a red light bombarding Tianqing on the ground. A huge fist imprint blasted Qianlong Crab into the sky.

   The next moment, a figure appeared above the Xian Qianlong.

   It was too late, it was fast, Xie Qianlong's eyes stood up... Han Fei found that he was imprisoned.

   I just listened to Crab Qianlong laughing; "Buffalo, do you really think you can beat me? The pupil of imprisonment, I see how you break it."

   At this moment, Han Fei was shrouded in a blue beam of light, and he was stuck in it, unable to move.

   However, Han Fei was not as panicked as Crab Qianlong thought, and the corners of his mouth split slightly: "Blast..."

   The endless water exploded. Because it didn't enter the body, the Crab Qianlong didn't find it at all.

  At this moment, he suddenly detonated, and directly shattered his carapace. Then, the rest of the endless water was also shattered close by.


   All beasts eat their souls and activate.

   Han Fei walked out of the void confinement easily. Following Han Fei's one-handed draw, he drew his sword from the void and slashed directly into the void a drop of blood.

   The line of nothingness, all buckled away.

   When in the refining world, the Vientiane Navigation Instrument stopped spinning, and the blade light stopped. In the sky, the red crack reappeared, and the blood was pouring down.

   One, and another...


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