God of Fishing

Chapter 1537: Group battle invitation

   Under all eyes, Han Fei created a miracle. Being hit by the horrific attack of Qianlong Crab, even if he were not dead in theory, he would have to be reborn from a drop of blood.

   As a result, Han Fei hit with a backhand.

   Then, I didn’t know what method he used to explode the Crab Qianlong. The problem is that Han Fei actually prevented Qianlong Crab from rebirth from the blood. This is the most amazing thing.

  Ma Youhun saw this, and said lightly to the person beside him: "Go back and announce the good news."


   Waiting for Han Fei's body to freeze, everyone discovered that one of the guy's arms was drooping, and his whole body was cracked. The battle suit on his body was mostly broken, revealing explosive muscles on his body.

   Moreover, Han Fei's body is very unstable at this moment.

   After two or three breaths, this kind of energy stabilized slightly.

   The first reaction of many people was: Either Han Fei was scrapped, or he reached the breaking point.

   The blow just now looked like... a perfect counterattack in a desperate situation. what does this mean? It is often a sign of breakthrough!

   There are not many strong people on the side of Life and Death Gap. Among them, there are several strong people in the half-king realm.

   On the side of the Monster Beast Alliance, in addition to Ma Youshun, there are also two half-king powerhouses near the walls of the cage on both sides of the Gorge of Life and Death.

   It seems that Han Fei has tried his best to control the fluctuation of his Qi, but he can still be detected. Obviously, Han Fei's every move cannot escape the vision of these half-kings.

   Immediately, someone's complexion changed: "No, Brother Niu failed to break through. It should be because of insufficient pressure. At this time, should he leave the field?"

Someone looked solemnly: "Now is the best time to make a breakthrough. If the Crab Qianlong can last a little longer, Brother Niu will definitely break through. Now this is not good enough. Once you leave, you may have to wait a few years. Up."

  Ma Youhun shouted: "Cow Devil, come back."

  Ma Youhun's voice is not shy.

   Han Fei's current state of breath, even he feels something wrong. That Crab Thousand Dragon is not the strongest existence in the Intermediate Venerable Realm. If Han Fei challenged again, the opponent might be the strongest Intermediate Venerable.

   Han Fei gritted his teeth, and the white gas in his nose seemed to be very unwilling.

   On the other side, on the side of the sea monster, countless people were shocked. Can Han Fei cross the border to kill the enemy?

   The talent of this person is really terrifying.

   If he is allowed to break through the Intermediate Venerable Realm, then in a few hundred years, with this strength, he may become the strongest Intermediate Venerable in the cage.

At the moment when Ma Youhun shouted, the opponent's Yuren powerhouse glanced away, and someone immediately shouted, "Null Demon King, right? Is this ready to end? Breaking through the juncture, the more difficult it is, isn't it? Courageous , How about another fight?"

   Someone yelled: "Bull Devil, as long as you admit it today, I will watch you go back. However, you are a bull. The real strong man dares to face all the challenges before him."

   Someone yelled: "The bull devil, there are species, stay on the court and don't leave. You will accept it when you see it. Is this what you call arrogance? If so, how do you deserve to be strong?"

   For a while, the clamor from the Black Blood City kept on, and they all told Han Fei to stay.

   Behind Han Fei, there was also someone shouting.

   "Brother Niu, don't be fooled, we have made enough for two of them today."

   "Brother Niu, don't listen to these Kraken's nonsense, they just intend to bully the less."

   "Cow Devil, you can come back, today's record is enough."


  Han Fei sucked the last ray of the power of the soul, and the information in his eyes swept away, the power of the soul had been restored to 78,673 points...It was only more than 1,000 points away from the current limit of the soul. As long as he hunts down a pinnacle of an Intermediate Venerable, the power of the soul may be repaired.

   At this time, let him retire? How could he retire? You can't retreat if you die.


   Han Fei took a breath, and the violent energy and spiritual energy around him poured into his body.

   In the eyes of outsiders, Han Fei's cracks are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. But for a moment, Han Fei seemed to have recovered well.

   However, no one thought that Han Fei really recovered. The injuries caused by the War of the Lords are more than just healing from the trauma!

   However, Han Fei's behavior made many Kraken's eyes light up.

   Someone said: "The brains of the buffalo clan are always not good. Give him another stimulation, and he will definitely stay."

   Someone yelled: "Bull Demon King, stupid bull, don't run if there are kinds of things, just watch Laozi's three swords and you can chop you down."

   Someone sneered: "Cow Devil, there is a kind of let us single out, watch me easily turn you into a cow..."


  Han Fei looked at the Krakens who were swearing, and only felt that their language was very poor. After all, nothing has grown.

  Although Han Fei's heart is not disturbed, on the surface, his complexion is already flushed. Both nostrils were spraying white air.

   saw Han Feimeng turn his head: "I want to fight a group battle."


   The horse has a soul, and he was slightly taken aback.

   Bai Sable, Lynx, Aoki, Fatty Seven, Ma Qilin, Niu Dali, these people all rushed: Fight in groups? Group battles are much harder than singles.

   If you say singled out? That's all by means.

   However, if you want to fight team battles, it is easy to count others.

   In addition to Ma Youhun, the other two half-king realm powerhouses said one after another: "Bull Demon King, don't mess around. Group battles are not casual, a little carelessness, or the gain is not worth the loss."

   However, Han Fei looked straight at Niu Dali.

   Niu Vigorously saw Han Fei’s stern expression. At that time, his heart moved: Did he deliberately? He wants to convince Ma Youhun?

   Han Fei: "I want to fight a group battle."

   This sentence, Han Fei said vigorously at Niu.

   Niu Dali immediately understood, and quickly transmitted to Ma Youhun: "Master Ma, I think you can fight."

Ma Youhun glanced at Niu Dali: "The Bull Demon King has shown the power of the Intermediate Venerable Realm. The opponent will definitely use this as a reason to directly send the Intermediate Venerable's combat power. If the opponent comes, it will all be the Intermediate Venerable Fight. Power, only hunting the Bull Demon King is extremely unfavorable to him..."

   Niu Dali couldn't help but think of: What Han Fei said when he came here today... He said... Who said that his combat power stopped at the peak of the Intermediate Venerable?

   Now, the Bull Demon allows himself to persuade Ma Youhun, which seems to be confident.

   So, Niu Dali immediately took a breath, his eyes firmly conveyed: "I believe him."

  Ma Youhun looked at Niu Dali: "Are you sure?"

   Niu nodded vigorously: "OK."

   Although I don’t know why, Ma Youhun felt that the bull devil might not be simple, so he responded, "Yes."

After speaking, Ma Youhun looked at the sea monster and shouted loudly: "Ling Shark, have you heard? Team battle, do you dare to fight the sea monster, or do you dare not? If you dare not fight, then today's battle is over. End."

   Spirit Shark, that is, the commander-level powerhouse on the side of the sea monster. When Han Fei said he was going to fight a team battle, he was thinking about Han Fei's purpose.

   Although he knows that the Bull Demon King is very extraordinary, he may still be able to fight. But is it required to fight in groups? It can't be without purpose.

  The first thought in Lingyao's mind was that Han Fei wanted to use the power of the team to help him break through the battle.

   Anyone who can break through in a battle is a ruthless person.

   Breakthrough in a battle, the control power needed is extremely strong. While having to bear the pressure of breakthrough, he has to fight while being distracted. If he is not careful, he may be interrupted.

   However, there are benefits.

   Breakthrough in a battle, once successful, you can change the pattern of a battle. Especially for a Tianjiao of Han Fei's level, once he enters the Intermediate Venerable Realm, his strength will definitely be comparable to the Intermediate Venerable Peak. Coupled with his spatial avenue, ordinary people are not opponents at all.

   But, as a powerhouse in the half-king realm, would Lingyu be afraid of this? His heart moved and he had an idea.

   Just listen to Lingyu shouting: "Why don't you dare? However, this battle has to join a high-level sage."

   When the horse has a soul, he immediately shouted: "Fart, this is the battle of the middle-ranked sages, what is the high-ranked sage's participation?"

Lingyu: "You made the proposal for group warfare. Moreover, I did not say that your Monster Beast Alliance does not allow high-level venerables to enter the battlefield... It just so happens that there has been no major battle between you and me in the past few years. , Intermediate, and Advanced, check it out and see if your Monster Beast Alliance has really expanded in the past two years?"

   Lingqiu deliberately said that he would cross the three realms to test his strength. In fact, it was nothing more than a plan in his mind.

   Ma Youhun just wanted to respond, but Bai Diao smiled and said, "I'm coming!"

   Bai Diao just finished speaking, but saw the lynx take a step forward: "It's still me. They might just want to spy on you by the way to see if you are at the top? I'll..."

   Bai Diao shrugged: "All right! Then you come."

   The lynx stepped out, only to hear a "meow", and the scream spread all over the gorge of life and death.

   Lynx said: "I want to eat fish, you'd better send a fish up."

   Niu Dali saw the Lynx stepping out, UU reading www.uukānshu.com knew that she would definitely need a place for the Intermediate Venerable. He has reached the pinnacle of the intermediate level, has more than 30 battles, and is also experienced.

   I saw Niu stepping out vigorously: "I will come."

  Han Fei was originally thinking: If the opponent comes to a high-ranking sage, should he explode his true strength? At this moment, Niu Dali suddenly joined in, which meant that the opponent could expel two Intermediate Venerables at once.

   Han Fei hurriedly shouted: "Intermediate Venerable Realm, don't come again. Brother Qilin, Brother Fatty, dare you come up for a fight?"

  Han Fei originally planned: In addition to the Bobcats, it would be better to come up with three more Junior Venerables. In this way, he broke out strongly, at least one or two people could be taken away instantly.

   However, it doesn't matter if the cow comes vigorously. Anyway, as long as the other party has a junior venerable coming up, it will be dead.

   Ma Qilin and Fat Qiyi heard Han Fei's call, and they were stunned at the time: Nima, we just met for the first time! Moreover, there is only a high-level venerable state in the field. If we play, will we really be killed by minutes?

   However, as a Venerable, whether it is Ma Qilin or Fat Qi, it is impossible to be timid.

   Besides, there are bobcats, and they both have a bottom in their hearts.

   On the side of the sea monster, Ling Yu said indifferently: "Yu Menglong, Yukang, Hai Liansheng, Bai Yuhua... You four are going to fight. There is one more... Zhang Wandian, you come."

   Following the voice of Ling Shao, the people who were pointed out came out one after another.

   At the end, after the name Zhang Wandian was named, he saw that a mountain was split three thousand miles away, and a long beard pulled away from the belly of the mountain.

  A weird **** octopus, crossing over!

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