God of Fishing

Chapter 1538: Pick me up

   Venerable realm group battle, no matter where it is placed, it is a big event.

   Even in the wall of death, it has not been beaten for decades.

When Han Fei heard the word "decades" just now, the whole person was not good: if you knew that you might not have fought a large-scale group battle for hundreds of years outside, you don’t know what it would be like. ?

   The lynx steps by Han Fei's side. He likes others to use lynx to describe himself. Among all the cat tribes on Ten Thousand Beast Island, only the lynx has grown to the realm of high-ranking venerables.

   Of course, tigers and leopards, although they belong to the cat family, are very different in breed.

   It's just that, maybe it's been a long time with these creatures. The Bobcats don't feel that their aura is worse than any of them.

At this moment, Lynx looked at Han Fei and said, "The white feather painting on the opposite side is a high-ranking venerable, and hand it to me. However, you have to know his avenue. His body is a sea pen. With his power, he can paint at one time. Give out a venerable level of combat power. Or confine a space and draw you into the picture."

   Is this the first time Han Fei has heard of this kind of avenue, drawing people into paintings?

   Han Fei: "Same as formations or bans, can people be trapped?"

Lynx nodded: "You shouldn't ask Ma Qilin and Fat Qi to come together, so we are three to three, and the problem is not too big. However, not everyone has the strength of you. They are trapped. If someone bypasses you, their safety is very difficult to guarantee."

   Niu Dali looked at Ma Qilin and Fat Qidao: "You two, after the battle, find a way to lead the opponent to both sides and leave the battlefield on our side."

   "Wait a minute..."

   Han Fei smiled slightly and said, "No! No matter how strong the opponent is, it is only a high-ranking sage. If the top power can't rise... the opponent's primary sire can take me..."


  Han Fei smiled mysteriously: "If you believe me, let's try it... Eat five of them in one bite."


   A moment later, Han Fei learned from the Bobcat: In addition to the painting called Bai Yu, there is also that Yu Menglong is an intermediate sage, good at illusion and dreaming.

   As for Na Yukang and Hai Liansheng, both Junior Venerables, they were obviously prepared for Ma Qilin and Feiqi.

   is the last one. The guy named Zhang Wandian, although he sounds like an octopus, is a guy who is not even familiar with bobcats.

   In the words of Bobcat, this person may have been on the side of the Immortal City. I didn't know why, so I came to the Life and Death Gorge.

   is so sure because Zhang Wandian has never played in the life and death gorge. However, a guy who can cultivate to the pinnacle of an Intermediate Venerable can't have no record.

   If this record is not in the Gorge of Life and Death, then it is in the Immortal City of Human Race.

   The Lynx said that the Black Blood City and the Forest of Terror should be allies.

   Black Blood City and Monster Beast Alliance have similar patterns.

   The Monster Beast Alliance has two enemies, one is the Black Blood City and the other is the Forest of Terror. Black Blood City also has two enemies, one is the Monster Beast Alliance, and the other is the Immortal City of Human Race.

   Humans and the Forest of Terror, generally speaking, they rarely come into contact with each other. This made Han Fei even more sure: this so-called cage should be a "day" font layout.

   Since this chapter Wandian often fights with Humans, Han Fei wonders: Maybe, he will be more familiar with Humans' methods.

   No matter what, the opponent's lineup is exactly the same as his own. They are a high-level sage, two intermediate sages, and two junior sages.

   It's just that Han Fei doesn't care about this lineup. After all, in my own eyes, these people are resources. Han Fei's goal is to kill at least three.


   The so-called group battles are usually carried out with equal strength. Because the strength is equal, several people can cooperate with each other to fight.

   But compared with the five major human occupations, this kind of team battle obviously doesn't have much cooperation.

   Now there are three levels of elementary, intermediate, and advanced. It is obviously more difficult to play together. After all, the weak need the care of the strong. If the weak are eliminated, the weak of the opponent vacates and encircles the strong of one's side, which is extremely disadvantageous to one's own side.

   Therefore, the current practice is: the junior sages will pull the junior sages away, and the senior sages will pull the seniors away.

   At that time, Han Fei made up his mind: "How about I first cooperate with Niu Dali to kill these two Intermediate Venerables?"

   However, if you do this, once you and Niu vigorously kill the two Intermediate Venerables. The other three venerables should have run away desperately. After all, five to three is still high, and they can't have a way to survive.

   Immediately, Han Fei winked at Ma Qilin.


   Ma Qilin directed at the opposite side and called out twice, which was clearly the sound of a donkey.

  Faiqi gave him a white look: "Stop calling, look at my old pig."

   Just listen to Feiqi shouting: "Yukang, Hai Liansheng, you two salted fish, come and fight."

   Originally, this combat level has already risen to the Intermediate Venerable Fight. God knows Han Fei, why did you call Ma Qilin and Feiqi? Moreover, Ma Youhun even agreed.

   Right now, Yukang and Hai Liansheng are wondering: How to take Ma Qilin and Feiqi away? As a result, the opponent called out first, which of course is a good thing!


   The four people fled one after another, and killed them to the left of the battlefield.

   The others didn't even look at them at all. After all, the Junior Venerables are still far from them.

   But when he heard a "meow", the lynx drew at Bai Yu and hooked his finger: "If you paint, come and fight with this cat."

   Only when the lynx said vigorously to Han Fei and cattle: "Wait for this cat to make incense."

   Bai Yuhua sneered and said: "Miying, do you think you can escape from my writing if you have a road like a shadow? You still have a stick of incense? What are you doing, it's only ten years away, right?"

   Bai Yu painting seems to be very familiar with Bobcat, calling it by its real name, and sneer.

   Lynx took a graceful catwalk, stretched out his paws, and pulled open the void on the right side: "You'll know if you hit it."

   At this time, only Han Fei and Niu Dali were left, Zhang Wandian and Yu Menglong on the Shanghai demon side.

   Han Fei is about to choose that Yumenglong, because of things like fantasy and dreaming, he should be able to break it easily.

   This kind of strange situation I have experienced is not once or twice. When setting the chart, when crossing the long river of time, with my own yin and yang eyes to help out, I should be able to break it easily.

However, at this moment, in Han Fei's heart, the old tortoise's voice suddenly sounded: "There is an unknown power in that octopus, a very powerful force. It seems that it is some kind of strange treasure. His strength is probably more than that. this."

  Han Fei immediately, his face changed slightly: Zhang Wandian is already the pinnacle of the Intermediate Venerable. Now that there is a problem with his strength, it means that his strength has reached the High Venerable Realm?

   Immediately, Han Fei vigorously said to the cow: "Help me hold Yumenglong temporarily! Remember, once you reach the point where you can't resist, tell me immediately and I will solve the battle."

   Han Fei's face became ugly.

   originally thought that the other party had only one high-ranking venerable. It now appears that there may be more than one person. Then, the opponent's camp, once again, and his side, became almost the same.

   This chapter is ten thousand points, if you have a high-level venerable battle power, you can also deal with it. I just don’t know if Zhang Wandian is new to the high-ranking state? If it is, then you can kill yourself as well.

   After all, in terms of means, as long as the opponent is not at the peak of the venerable or has some secret method, it is impossible to be his opponent.

  Niu looked at Han Fei vigorously: "No problem! I played against Yu Menglong. His magical formation can't kill me."

   Han Fei grinned, and suddenly his complexion condensed: "Kill."

   This time, Han Fei is very greedy.

   I gave up the embroidery needles, and Snowmourne did not use it, and the endless water was also collected.

   Just now, in the battle to kill Qianlong Crab, the endless water had already exploded. Blast again, its power will be greatly reduced. Perhaps, I could hurt the Intermediate Venerable, but want to hurt the High Venerable? The difficulty is still quite big.


   I saw Han Fei casually pumping, a water-blade mad knife with a length of 100 meters, and he slashed towards the opposite Zhang Wan point.

   With this blow, Han Fei can say that without resorting to the avenue, he has used all the power he can exert.

   "Hmph! You have a lot of combat skills!"

   Zhang Wandian smiled lightly, and at the moment Han Fei shot, nine tentacles penetrated into the void.

   After Han Fei slashed past, Han Fei suddenly discovered: 500 miles around, he was trapped by the formation. The nine big tentacles have turned into a big shadow in the void, directly surrounding themselves.

   At that moment, Han Fei still wanted to move away...

   However, those tentacles opened countless pairs of big eyes. As soon as those big eyes opened, this space still seemed to be imprisoned.


   When he saw eyes appearing in all directions, Han Fei did not hesitate to merge Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   At that moment, yin and yang stared out, and Han Fei twisted his body, which was a fist mark of sacrificing his body. With terrifying power and speed, he blasted through an eye in the giant claw void.

   Outside, many people were surprised: "Pupillary surgery? How can the Bull Demon even know how to use pupils?"

   Even Ma Youhun is asking this question. Can one person master so many messy combat skills?

   Someone said: "I heard that this bull demon king was sealed in the town demon tower for more than 2,700 years. He fights with all kinds of creatures every day. Maybe I learned from them?"

   Zhang Wandian was also slightly surprised. He thought about it: his own thousand-eye phantom array might not be able to stop Han Fei. However, he did not expect that it would be broken so quickly! Almost the second broke, okay?

   His eyes were broken in a burst, and then Shaking Dao Ying killed it.

   The blade of the sword broke through the air, thousands of miles away, ignoring the space barriers, and directly hit Zhang Wandian.

   This knife is fierce enough, only to see the octopus claws stretched out in the void, Han Fei's sword light seems to be fixed, unexpectedly stalemate in the air.

   Just listen to Zhang Wandian said: "It's interesting, it can break my illusion, but it doesn't mean it can block my soul-killing eyes."

   I only saw that the tentacles and thousands of eyes were spraying red lasers. After scanning more than 30 times in one round, they directly broke Han Fei's drawing technique.

   Han Fei grinned: When can an octopus be arrogant with himself?


   Within five hundred miles, the entire sea area turned into a knife, even the plankton in the sea turned into a knife, aura turned into a knife, and sea water turned into a knife...

  Han Fei smirked: "Pick me up in Blade Purgatory."

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