God of Fishing

Chapter 1540: 5 kills (part 2)

   The God of Fishing Hanging Island Chapter 1540 Five Kills Shocked the World "Hey!"

   The Blade of Time that Han Fei grabbed instantly hit the white feather painting. Only the body painted by Bai Yu is aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   From his body to the pen, it rotted directly.

  Han Fei also didn't know that The Hinayana Tomaki was so powerful!

  The only technique in the whole book is to draw a knife.

   Although it is said in combat skills, the art of drawing a knife, everything can be a knife. However, Han Fei never thought that he could take time...

   Even with the invincible will, Han Fei just wanted to draw a knife and stop Bai Yu painting from space. Who knows how to draw the blade of time by mistake?


   Above the sky, another red crack appeared, and another fell.

  Han Fei quickly buckled the spirit of Bai Yu's painting with the line of nothingness, but silently discovered: I don't know if it is because of the power of time, and I don't know if the spirit of Baiyu's painting is rotten? This absorption of the power of the soul is even worse than the Junior Venerable!

   If nothing happens, Han Fei has only absorbed less than 500 soul power...

   But even if the power of the soul that was drawn is only 500 points, that Han Fei's power of the soul has also been repaired.

   At this moment, Han Fei is the true pinnacle of the Junior Venerable.

   Han Fei only felt energetic, and immediately felt the signs of breakthrough.

   When the power of the soul and the body have been reached, if you can't continue to squeeze your potential, you can only break through!

   However, Han Fei felt that he still had room for growth and could continue to grow stronger, so he directly forcibly suppressed this desire for breakthrough.


   Lynx tears open the void.

   Lynx’s heart is extremely angry: Who could have expected that the battle will evolve so fast?

  Sure enough, did the Bull Demon still not hold up the Three Breaths?

   When the crack in the sky reappeared, and the lynx even burned his blood, he knew: now at most only one has fallen, and there is another, waiting for himself to save...

   But when the Bobcat tore through the void, when he returned here, he just saw the bull demon king, and dropped a decayed bone.

   Lynx looked dumbfounded: "Are you not dead?"

   Lynx turned his head and saw Yumenglong, who had given up chasing the bull vigorously, and had already run at full speed.

   Looking at Han Fei again, the Lynx found: Although Han Fei's realm is still the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable, his Qi is already comparable to his own.

   For a while, the Bobcat's whole cat is not good: Are you dazzled?

   I only heard Han Fei shouting: "Don't keep one, kill all!"

   After finishing speaking, Han Fei turned into a golden light in the eyes of Bobcat and Niu in shock, rushing towards Yumenglong.

   Although the Lynx is a bit unacceptable to this fact, but the Bull Demon is not dead, then who is dead?

  The lynx immediately looked at the feather-like creature that was so rotten that it could no longer decay. Isn't that a white feather painting, and who is it?


   Lynx said in shock: "Zhang Wandian and Bai Yu painting, he killed?"

   Niu Dali was also dumbfounded at this moment.

   She knew that Han Fei was so good, but she didn’t know Han Fei was so good? It's all about punishing the enemy beyond one boundary! You have crossed two realms in a row?

   The cow swallowed vigorously: "It seems, is it!"

   The Lynx suddenly changed his expression: "I will stop Yukang and Hai Liansheng, and you will chase the Bull Demon King."

   At this time, the bobcat's heart was stirring: In this battle, the combat power of the two high-ranking sages has fallen. So, this battle himself is still on the scene, at least two must be killed.

   And since Han Fei can kill the two high-ranking elders, then Yu Menglong cannot escape.

   Therefore, as long as you stop Yukang and Hai Liansheng, this battle will be a foregone conclusion.

   At this moment, almost all the Venerables who watched the battle, even explorers, discovered this problem. As long as the Black Blood City does not save people, none of the three remaining in the Black Blood City in the Life and Death Gorge will survive!

   This is the disadvantage of fighting power across the three realms!

   The most important thing is to ask high-ranking venerables to enter, this proposal is still proposed by Lingyu. Within a day, the seven deities fell, and even the Black Blood City couldn't stand such a blow!

   After a while, Ling Shao directly led the crowd, flew to the Gorge of Life and Death, and shouted at the same time: "We admit defeat in this battle and this battle is over."

  Ma Youhun also led the crowd: "Fart, does the Black Blood City intend to break the rules of the Gorge of Life and Death? If you want to break the rules, then don't blame me for leading the world."

   Bai Diao shouted: "Huh! Black Blood City, can't you not afford to lose? I want to fight, my mother will accompany me."

   Aoki sneered: "I haven't launched a large-scale group battle for a long time, and after seeing the loss of 7 of the Black Blood City, is there any confidence to break out?"

   Outside, the speed of the half king and the nobleman peak is extremely fast.

   With smiles, they collided.

  Below the peak, they are still on the way, they are not so fast, it takes time.

   And this time is enough for Han Fei.

   When the power of the Senior Venerable erupted, Han Fei knew: Next time, would you like to fight with the Venerable from the Black Blood City? It will not be easy. People can be fooled last time, but can't always be fooled, right?

  Han Fei's original idea...Anyway, the Monster Beast Alliance still has the Forest of Terror!

   When the time comes, I will go to the Forest of Terror for another wave. Finally, there was really nowhere to go, so I went to the Immortal City of Human Race and strolled around.

   In the end, when no one really fights with him, he can tentatively cross the so-called front, sneak into the territory of the Black Blood City, and do something.

   Of course, these are Han Fei's previous thoughts.

   But at this moment, Han Fei felt that he could actually spend some time to make a breakthrough in the Monster Beast Alliance.

   When the time comes, push the strength to the pinnacle of the Intermediate Venerable.

   With a trace of aspiration accumulated by oneself, and the acceleration of time in the world of refining, I am afraid that within two or three years, it will be possible to consolidate the realm of the pinnacle of the Intermediate Venerable.

   At this moment, the speed of Yumenglong is naturally impossible to compare with Han Fei. In just three breaths, Han Fei had caught up. After all, the proximity technique is not for nothing.

   When Yu Menglong appeared in his field of vision, Han Fei immediately felt: In front of him, there seemed to be fog. There is a vague power, it seems to want to confuse his consciousness.

   However, the yin and yang eyes can easily see the location of Yumenglong in the mist.

   At that moment, Han Fei pursued all the way, but Zhang Xuanyu, Xia Xiaochan, Le Ren Kuang, Thug Academy, Thousand Star City, Age of Doom... all kinds of time and characters appeared around Han Fei.

  Rao is that Han Fei's will is firm and he has the eyes of Yin and Yang to see through everything, but he is still distracted by this so-called way of ecstasy.


  Han Fei stepped a little bit, very fast. In an instant, it surpassed Yumenglong.

   Just when the two people were only a few hundred miles apart, Han Fei's heart moved, and the space of a hundred miles was shortened.

   Yu Menglong, the whole person was not good at the time, and he quickly urged the stories and figures in Han Fei's impression, which was shocked and bombarded Han Fei's soul.

   "The law is forbidden here..."

   "Sacrifice fist mark."

  On physique, strength, and magic, none of these dreams can compare to Han Fei.

   Under the bombardment of Han Fei's punch, his body bones were crushed directly, and the line of nothingness was directly buckled.

   At this moment, Han Fei split more than a thousand points of power of the soul, scattered them one by one, and melted them among the limbs. In his hand, Xue's Sorrow appeared, and a sword pierced Yumenglong, freezing his whole person into a block.

   Seeing that the dream of fish and dragon is still alive, Han Fei's heart turned, and the Vientiane Mariner turned around.

   Han Fei directly stretched out his hand and extracted a void dozens of miles away.

   Void knives twisted, only hearing a "click" sound, the sky cracks reappeared.

   It only took 5 breaths. Lingyu and Ma Youhun had just met, and Yumenglong had fallen.

   Han Fei took the bones of Yumenglong and the shattered soul into the refining world, and slowly absorbed the soul of this person. Now, there are two others waiting for the harvest!

   For Han Fei, it was both vitality and soul.

  Where can I find Han Fei when the cow arrives vigorously? Here, only the traces of the war are left, and there are some remains of broken limbs.

   Needless to say, Han Fei has already killed people after a few breaths of time he traced.

   Niu Dali really feels scalp tingling: In this life, I have never felt that the buffalo family is so mad!

   Primary Venerable Pinnacle, kill the Intermediate Venerable Pinnacle? Moreover, only a few breaths were used. This has completely subverted her view of life.


  Ma Qilin and Fatty Qi, both of them, now only feel that their scalp is tingling: they are surprised.

   How long has this special just started? This has been, have fallen three in a row?

   If it wasn't for someone's voice to say that the people on the black blood city were falling, Ma Qilin and Fei Qi had already agreed to start running.

   Originally, this kind of battle across the three realms was enough to make people frighten.

   What Han Fei said before, the plan to lead people to him hasn't been implemented yet... Did all three of them fall?

   Suddenly, UU reading www.uukanshu.com only heard the sound of rolling thunder in the sky: "Kirin, Fat Seven, dragging Yukang and Hai's winning streak. The other three in Black Blood City have fallen, and these two people will undoubtedly die."


   Ma Qilin heard the father's order personally, his blood surged, his feet stomped on, and a huge wave was overwhelming.


   The sound of a donkey... Oh no, the unicorn roars, the sea is flowing backwards.

  Fei Qi is even more fierce, with thousands of big thorns in his body, sealing the void. Even if it is burning the essence and blood, they will be left behind.

   Yukang and Hai Liansheng are already fighting frantically.

   Looking at Ma Qilin and Fat Qi, they dragged them to death, and they exchanged eyes immediately. However, Yukang suddenly rushed towards the two of them, his body expanded and his strength collapsed.

  Ma Qilin exclaimed: "Is this guy going to explode?"

  Feiqi shouted: "Hell...you can't let go if you blew up."

   The two of them looked at each other, and when they worked together, they forced to kill Yukang.


   Generally speaking, in the same environment, if you want to escape, as long as you don't want to be entangled with your life, it is not difficult to leave.

   Under the entanglement of Ma Qilin and Feiqi, Yukang blew himself up, Hai Liansheng grabbed a piece of fish scales and fleeed directly.

   But, as soon as the two of them had escaped thousands of miles, they saw the void torn apart and the bobcat had arrived.

   The Lynx was about to take a shot, when he felt the trembling of the void, and there was a figure, and came straight here.

   The next moment, the void is torn apart, and Han Fei has already appeared here.

   The Lynx grinned and said, "It's so fast... you are in the first battle, and you will have the two achievements. However, I have to keep a whole piece for this cat. This cat really wants to eat fish."

   Han Fei grinned: "Of course."


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