God of Fishing

Chapter 1541: Good news

   The God of Fishing, Hanging Island Chapter 1541, reported the battle power of the two Senior Venerables and hunted down the peak of the two Junior Venerables. If this can't be a quick spike? Unless this Junior Venerable is at the peak, he must have Han Fei's background and opportunities.

   There is no suspense, Yukang and Hai Liansheng are two of them. Yukang was just reborn when he was hammered by Han Fei.

  Waiting for Ma Qilin and Fatty Qi to catch up, when they saw this scene, they couldn't help swallowing saliva.

   Just now, when Han Fei came to the Gorge of Life and Death, they were only surprised that a bull from the buffalo clan came. And now, they have long forgotten Han Fei's race and realm.

   As the saying goes, seeing is believing!

   Han Fei personally squeezed a venerable person who was in the same realm with him to death. Isn’t that shocking enough?

   When Yukang fell, Hai Liansheng chose to blew himself in the first place.

   It's a pity that Han Fei and Lynx are there. How could he give him a chance to blew himself up?

   However, he saw Hai Liansheng's feet were covered by shadows, and his body was directly stiff over there.

   And Han Fei was also rude, slashing down, directly blasting Hai Liansheng to death.

   Above the sky.



   In a situation that was less than an hour, the fall of the seven deities directly shook the life and death gorge inside and outside.

   Outside the Gorge of Life and Death, the monsters of the Explorer realm who watched the battle all the way were already roaring with the tsunami. The roar of the beast is like Hong Zhongzheng. Rolling ripples, rippling thousands of miles...

   Someone was excited: "Too strong! The Bull Demon is too strong! Three battles and seven kills, in the cage, the first person in history!"

   Someone's complexion flushed, and his eyes were full of admiration: "The Bull Demon told us that it is also possible to fight across the border. My monster body is inherently strong. How can I not fight across the border?"


   Some people were so excited that their blood rushed to the top, and the whole body exploded, and they broke directly.

   For a while, the Monster Beast Alliance was already crazy.

   There is no need for an order at all. As the monster beast of the messenger, the swift white wolf has already rushed to the rear teleportation formation and took the initiative to return to announce the good news.


   Actually, the pan was already fried on Ten Thousand Beast Island.

   Lei Xiao, Ma Youhun was the first to send him back to Ten Thousand Beast Island to report.

   Good fellow, the fast one has arrived in less than half an hour.

   Lei Xiao, one teleportation formation and another teleportation formation, rushing madly. When there were still 200,000 miles near Ten Thousand Beast Island, Lei Xiao had already burst out loudly, because he knew that someone would hear it.

   "Great victory in the gorge of life and death, 30 breaths from the Bull Demon King, and the gift of slashing shrimps, playing the dominance of my monster alliance."

   When Lei Xiao was about to rush into Ten Thousand Beasts Island, he shouted again: "Good news, good news...The Bull Demon King Tu Zun, the 30-stroke slashing shrimp Wen Ci."


   As soon as Lei Xiao's voice came out, spontaneously, the entire Ten Thousand Beast Island began to roar wildly. These days, they also know who the Bull Demon King is...the new Bull Lord!

  There is a giant wolf, and roars up to the sky: "Good news, 30 breaths from the Bull Demon King, gifted by the swordsman."


   There is a fat and drumming creature that vibrates in the body: "Good news..."

   In the valley, when everyone was crying wildly, there were already dozens of venerables gathered at the Great Rift Gorge.

   These people have already seen the astronomical changes.

   In fact, although the red marks in the sky are slight, the sky has changed. There are many monster beasts, none of them are Venerable, they are all looking up to the sky, trying to prove whether this is a sign of the Venerable's fall?

   Someone sighed: "It's not... The Bull Demon King only went to the Life and Death Gorge. It hasn't been two hours? Isn't this Tu Zun?"

   Someone was surprised and said: "As far as I know, the strength of the shrimp gift is quite extraordinary, the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable. There are some who can beat him, but they can kill him..."

   Just listen to Crocodile Iron shouting: "Nonsense, is Niu brother's strength the pinnacle of ordinary junior venerables? Niu Dali has been beaten down. A shrimp gift, isn't it easy?"

Xiong Chaoshuai, carrying a piece of dried fish, walked over: "The old crocodile's words are reasonable. Let the Bull Demon King go to the Elementary Venerable Realm, and it can be swept. This is a foregone conclusion! Killing one is enough to make Black Blood City vomit blood. once."

   The monkey demon also came over leisurely with the old sheep: "Hey! Do you want to gather for barbecue? I have made a lot of the seasoning of the cow devil, and I have grown a large piece. That thing is simply too long."


   just heard a lion roar: "The barbecue must wait for me, I will bring wine."

   The old sheep said leisurely: "The Bull Demon King Tu Zun, it has long been expected, it is strange not to Tu Zun."

   These people have a good understanding of Han Fei's strength.

   After all, those hundreds of battles were not in vain.

   Basically, Han Fei has already performed everything except for some big tricks that need to be kept secret.

   So, this group of people began to barbecue slowly.

   For them, eating is not very anxious. The soaring aroma is not enough to smell. Barbecue, then grill it slowly.

   However, people like Saruma, all kinds of garlic spices have just been spilled.

   The old sheep suddenly moved his heart, showing a shallow smile, another one?

   Jiao Mengyue suddenly said: "Hey! Look, there is a slight crack in the sky, and the sky has changed. This should be the sign of the second Venerable's fall from the Life and Death Gorge, right?"

   The fall of the first shrimp Wenci was because the realm was not high and the distance was relatively far. Although the sky changed slightly, it was not so obvious.

   But, this time, no one needs to report it, and everyone knows that another one has fallen.

   At that time, everyone's expressions became serious. I know that Gui knows, but is the fallen Venerable Sea-Monster or Monster Beast? They don't know, how can they not worry in their hearts?

   Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to the old sheep. The old sheep smiled slightly: "Continue to barbecue."

   The bear was super handsome and laughed: "Almost bluffed the bear. It seems that the Bull Demon King slaughtered another one. Two in a row, enough to drink a pot in the Black Blood City. How many years will it take to cultivate?"

  The golden tiger stepped forward, "Well, it's not the tiger who said, the bull devil is not easy to fall. The immortal golden body... everybody, the immortal golden body, how easy is it to fight?"

   Yincang nodded: "Indeed. However, these two are a slaughter, I am afraid he will have to be exposed."

   Everyone just chatted for a while, only to hear another voice, which set off in the sky over Ten Thousand Beast Island.

   "The Bull Demon King Tu Zun, the Intermediate Venerable Crab Qianlong."

   "The Bull Demon King Tu Zun, the Intermediate Venerable Crab Qianlong."

   "The Bull Demon King Tu Zun, the Intermediate Venerable Crab Qianlong."


   In the valley, many monsters were stunned: Is there anyone who slaughtered two in a row? This Tu Zun is too fast, right?

   However, there is no such thing as Tu Liang Zun, but not many.

   This can only prove that the Bull Demon King is very powerful.

   The beasts, of course cheer and encourage. Don't care if you know this bull demon king? Anyway, it just needs to be a monster.

   However, when a more obvious crack appeared in the sky dome again, the blood rain began to fall.

   This time, even Lao Yang's expression became serious. The Ape Demon and the people who were grilling were all wondering, and slaughtered again?

   Everyone looked at the old sheep, who pinched on the spot: "The life and death gorge is turbulent, but it seems that everything happens in an instant. If I can't allow me to calculate it right away, it is very likely that they are still in a life and death predicament."


   Again, the red crack in the sky reappeared.

   are separated from each other, but only three to five breaths.

   In such a short period of time, two more fells in succession, and the celestial phenomenon is so obvious. This time, even the sheep **** machine couldn't be sure.

   At this moment, all the Venerables, including the old sheep, looked towards the sky.

   They expected that Han Fei would go to the Life and Death Gorge to slaughter the statue, but most people only thought that Han Fei could slaughter one statue.

   Even if someone joked that Han Fei might slaughter two statues... But that didn't take it to heart, it was just a joke!

   But now, how many are these already? This is the fourth one.


   Crocodile Tie swallowed and said, "Is this, is there a big battle in the Gorge of Life and Death?"

Yang Shenji quickly counted, and then frowned: "No. Even if there is a war over there, you are not afraid! Three and a half kings sit in the town, and 67 venerables are in the battle, unless the Black Blood City is going to launch a world-wide battle. But, you and I both know. , It’s impossible. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"


   Only more than 20 breaths passed, the sky cracked a red mark again, and the blood rain had poured down.

   The entire Ten Thousand Beast Island is quiet. They were waiting. Obviously, something big happened in the Life and Death Gap.

Yang Shenji pinched the calculation, but soon frowned: "It is really strange, why did my calculation of the heavenly secret technique have detected a chaos? Jiao Mengyue, Xiong Chaoshuai, Jinhu, Yincang... I will order you, etc. The four of them, immediately go to the Life and Death Gorge to hold the formation. I will wait for a stick of incense, and if I can’t figure it out, someone will continue to go.


   At this moment, what barbecue is not barbecue... They dare not neglect such a big matter as the Life and Death Gorge.

   The four stepped through the void, however, they hadn't waited for the four to reach the first teleportation formation.



   Jiao Mengyue's face changed drastically: "Hurry up, over there, something may have happened."

   Jiao Mengyue these people, although they have not communicated with Han Fei about the specific realm of strength, Han Fei has long understood.

   Jiao Mengyue and Golden Tiger are the pinnacles of the nobles, Chaoshuai Xiong and the hidden pinnacles of the high-ranking ones, the strength of these people is enough to shake a king and a half.

   The speed of several people was extremely fast. After eight teleportation formations in a row, they saw a white wolf sprinting.

   Yin Cang saw that he was of the same clan, and immediately shouted, "Little Wolf, what happened to the Gorge of Life and Death?"

The little white wolf, at first glance, was actually the four great sages, and one of them was actually the silver sage, and immediately said with excitement: "Silver sage, in the battle of the bull demon king, one battle and five kills, and one One high-ranking sage, two middle-ranking sages, and two junior sages have strengthened the power of our monster alliance!"



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