God of Fishing

Chapter 1542: bottleneck

   Saying that, Yin Cang and his party of four were just astonished.

  The Bull Demon King has five kills again? How do you listen, these five kills are not very reliable?

   You slaughtered the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable. This is something that everyone expected, not surprising.

   You slaughtered the pinnacle of the Intermediate Venerable. Although this is not expected, everyone can accept it. After all, anyone can break out!

   But, you still slaughtered a high-ranking one? What is this operation? Is the Junior Venerable Pinnacle already able to punish the enemy across two realms?

   Xiong Chaoshuai roared: "Little wolf, you know...what are you saying?"

  The little white wolf's voice violently said: "Four great lords, the Bull Demon King really slaughtered seven of them in a row. I wait for everyone to see it with their own eyes, so I can't do anything fake."

   The four people looked at each other: It seems that this bull devil hides so deeply!

   but listened to Yin Cang said: "You go back and pass the pass, I am about to go to the Gorge of Life and Death..."

   When the four of Yin Cang arrived at the Gorge of Life and Death, there were actually seven or eight shots on the Gorge of Life and Death. Ma Youhun and Lingyu are fighting, and the rest are the venerable peaks.

  Lingyao didn't really start a war after all. He knew that these monster beasts were not afraid of fighting. If you start a war hastily, you won't be pleased here.

   Moreover, when the paintings of Bai Yu and Zhang Wandian fell, the possibility of the other three being able to survive was originally extremely small. This is not unexpected.

   However, what Lingyu never expected was: This bull demon would be such a big variable.

   Is the Bobcat the opponent of Bai Yu painting? Leave this aside.

  The ten thousand points of law were easily broken by this person! How could there be such a strong monster beast at the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable?

   Lingyu knows: This time, he was calculated by others. Seven consecutive falling in a single day will definitely have a heavy blow to the momentum of the Black Blood City.

   The key is that Ling Shao dare not fight now.

   On the side of the Monster Beast Alliance, I didn’t know that I had ever been out of a prison, and I also lost a dozen of them outside. Even the king is injured now.

   Counting today's situation, Black Blood City can be said to have fallen nearly 20 in three or two years. This number of fallen, is it worth it?

   In desperation, Ling Shao could only fight with Ma Youhun one time, expressing anger.

   In the end, Lingyu shouted: "What a monster alliance, what a bull demon king. I have written down what happened today in Black Blood City. I will definitely return it twice in the future."

   Han Fei sneered: Others don’t know your situation in the Black Blood City, can I not know?

   In order to win Shui Mutian, King Heishaluo abruptly lost a holy realm, more than ten Venerable. Today, the fall of these seven people would definitely be regarded as traumatic.

   Moreover, in order to rush out of the cage and enter the Yin and Yang sky, it is impossible for the Black Blood City to pay nothing.

   Therefore, Han Fei was full of disdain after hearing Lingyao's words.

   Anyway, this time my goal has been achieved, and the soul damage has been completely repaired. Even, he has separated more than 2,000 souls, ready to join the golden body.

   At this moment, Ma Youhun and Lingyu fought a battle, and they have returned to their respective camps.

   In the Gorge of Life and Death, the killing intent is too heavy, and it is not suitable for cultivation for the time being. Therefore, whether it is the Monster Beast Alliance or the Black Blood City, they will not send people to train their troops in a short time.

   When Han Fei and the others came back, there was a moment of cheer.

   Aoki squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Good fellow, what is hidden is so deep! Obviously there is the strength of the high-ranking state, but it is shown by the power of the low-ranking state. This time, the Lingyu is afraid of vomiting blood."

   Bai Diao said leisurely: "That's right! Little Niu is amazing. You have slaughtered seven statues in three battles, you are the first in prison history."


   From a distance, the Golden Tiger roared: "Did we miss something? Brother Niu, you really slaughtered seven?"

   Jiao Mengyue said: "How many times do you want to ask? Countless people have shouted, but if you have slaughtered seven, you have seven. Is there a fake?"

   Xiong Chaoshuai said with a smile: "Hahaha...Although I couldn't see this scene with my own eyes, the Black Blood City has lost seven of them. Such a big thing must be celebrated."

   Yincang had seen Ma Youhun and said, "Lao Ma, Lao Yang, let us take a look. It's really... The astronomical changes just now are too fast. We thought something happened here, so we are ready to come and support..."

  Ma Youhun grinned and said, "Hahaha, something really happened. It's a pity that the old sheep can only count, but can't see it. It's a pity..."

   Only the sound of Ma Youhun shook and spread throughout the Gorge of Life and Death: "Brothers, sons and sons...The Gorge of Life and Death, on the occasion of this big victory, for three days after a big banquet, let go and eat..."


   Amidst the cheers, everyone turned their eyes on Han Fei. At this moment, Han Fei pretended to be weaker, and his Qi machine fell again.

  Ma Qilin, Feiqi, and Niu Dali were following him.

   Niu Dali: "Did you consume too much?"

  Ma Qilin: "That's for sure. The Niu brother's secret method can actually fight across the two realms, and the effect is not small."

  Ma Youhun also said: "How? What are the side effects?"

   Jiao Mengyue doubts: "Use the secret method?"

   Everyone nodded one after another: "Naturally, you didn't even watch that scene, fists all over the world, unparalleled..."

   Han Fei pretended to be pale, and dropped a large dragon fish body, which was the flesh and bones of the sea. Just listen to Han Fei said: "This is regarded as hunting back, for everyone to have a mouthful, I am afraid that I will go to recuperate for a while."

   The Lynx couldn’t help tilting his head to look at Han Fei: “Doesn’t it matter? I have some treasures here, which is a great tonic...”

   Bai Miao also said: "The secret method hurts the body, it can't damage the foundation. I have a blood drop here, which can nourish qi and revive my vitality."

  Han Fei's heart moved, and suddenly he said, "Well, I don't lack these resources. However, if you have Venerable fish tendons or shrimp tendons, don't give me a few."

   Everyone couldn't help but wonder: "Why do you want that?"

   However, Ma Youhun remembered: During the battle, Zhang Wandian and the others suddenly stopped. At that time, he felt a little strange. Perhaps this should be a secret technique of Han Fei.

   just listened to him: "My! This is simple, there are some shrimp tendons in the venerable state, how much do you need?"

   Han Fei's eyes lit up: "Ha! This is natural, the more the better."

   This kind of resource is generally of little use except for building a bow.

   Han Fei has just slaughtered seven sages. Compared with this matter, the few venerables with big tendons are nothing at all.

   However, not every time a Venerable is hunted, one can have a big tendon. So, after a while, collecting the entire life and death gorge here, there will be a total of three.

   Jiao Mengyue said: "And after waiting for a while to return to Ten Thousand Beast Island, at least five or six can be found."

  Han Fei was overjoyed: "It's so great! Ahem... Well, everyone, I'll be in seclusion for a while."


   Everyone expressed their understanding of Han Fei's retreat.

   After all, Han Fei's realm is only the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable. Do you really think that you can use the power of a high-ranking sage so easily?

   The price of this, everyone thinks: It is definitely not small.

   Therefore, when hundreds of thousands of beasts in the Life and Death Gorge were cheering, Han Fei chose to retreat immediately, and Niu Dali and several people personally protected the law.

   In fact, Han Feibu went into the formation and left his aura aside. After letting Lao Yuan watch for himself, he directly entered the world of refining.


   Refining the world, Han Fei moved his bones, his complexion changed from pale to ruddy.

   He is holding three big tendons, which is also a good harvest. The Line of Nothingness can be upgraded temporarily!

   Now, one day outside is equal to eight days in the refining world.

   Han Fei pondered: I was injured so badly, why, I have to rest for a month, right?

   In this way, I have eight months to digest the benefits of the previous battle.

   Quickly upgraded the Thread of Nothingness, and Han Fei spent three to five days to completely integrate the extra soul into the golden body. It's just that this time the amount of spirit is not very large, so the benefits that can be brought to Han Fei are relatively weak.

   Since then, Han Fei began to practice.

   This is Han Fei's supplement, and it is also an advanced version.

   Three months later, Han Fei's strength has reached a bottleneck. Han Fei glanced at the specific information:

  Master: Han Fei

   Level: Level 83

   Chaos Qi: 2 strands

   Spiritual power: 79999/79999

   Perception: 25,000 miles

   Power: 3999 waves

  The first spiritual vein: unknown

  Second Spirit Vessel: Unknown

  The first talented soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang spirit swallowing fish

  The second talented soul beast: Emperor Sparrow

  Major exercises: the sixth layer


   The power of the soul was in a damaged state as early as when he became esteemed. Even if it is fully restored now, it is equivalent to the territory of the Junior Venerable and has not grown. its stuck!

   And strength, after practicing, it has increased by more than 100 waves, and it seems that it has reached a bottleneck.

   These two are in a bottleneck, no matter how you practice, it is also ineffective. It seems that apart from the epiphany, there is only a breakthrough.

   Han Feijue: This bottleneck has come, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can break through.

   But Han Fei couldn't make this determination again.

  Because of this bottleneck, it is not like my real limit. This kind of bottleneck problem, even if there is another wave of soul and power, to detach from this bottleneck, the result is two completely different concepts.

   As soon as he thought of this, Han Fei saw that there were five months left in the remaining time, so he directly used the vows he had accumulated during the previous period to help dismantle the spiritual energy.

   At the same time, Xiaobai also added 5 wisps of chaos to himself.

   After all, Chaos Qi is really easy to use.

   It can be said that once you use this thing, your own combat power rises. I need to save a little more in case of emergency.

   Five months later.

   Han Fei's aura dismantling degree has increased to 77%, a total increase of 2%.

   Among these, the wish force has increased by more than one percent. If only Han Fei's savvy was used to dismantle it, it would take five months to dismantle even 1% of it.

   Han Fei can't help but sigh: The road is so long, I will search up and down!

   These words made the old turtle want to kill.


   When Han Fei appeared outside and walked out of the ban, he was surprised to see: Here, only Niu Dali is left.

   When Han Fei saw this girl, his mind was instantly lost. However, the expression on his face was as usual.

   Han Fei: "Thank you very much."

   Niu gave Han Fei a weird look and shook his head: "You still haven't been able to break through, just right. If you don't come out again, I will call you out again in three days."

   Han Fei: "Oh? Why?"

   Niu vigorously said: "Take you to visit my monster holy place, or you may get a chance to help you break through."

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