God of Fishing

Chapter 1543: Wise old sheep

   The war on the Gorge of Life and Death finally stopped.

   Even though the Black Blood City had lost the Seven Great Lords in one day, it shook the entire wall of death. However, Black Blood City did swallow this breath, and did not dare to say anything.

   The monsters only felt that the loss of the Black Blood City was too great, and they would not dare to make a big move in the short term.

   However, Han Fei knew: There was definitely more than one reason why the Black Blood City did not make a move.

  Han Fei still knows the characteristics of the Kraken. At the beginning, I was mixed up with it, and there were not many smart people there.

   Just like the half-king of the spirit shark, the group battle method he requested, if not for his own variables, if he is really just a mid-level venerable combat power...

   Then, the victorious Libra might fall directly to the Black Blood City.

   However, when Han Fei heard about the demon beast's holy place, his first reaction was: "What about the Gorge of Life and Death? Are you afraid of the Black Blood City, and come back with revenge?"

Niu vigorously said: "Don't worry about this. The holy place visits this kind of thing every five years, and many people have visited countless times. Therefore, it doesn't matter if they go or not. This time, you even slaughtered seven statues. , Even Lao Yang is not sure if Black Blood City will take the opportunity to kill him? Therefore, another half-king powerhouse came from Ten Thousand Beast Island. Together with Jiao Mengyue and Golden Tiger, there are five half-kings here. Sitting in town, there are 52 guards accompanying and guarding. Moreover, the monster beasts in the Explorer realm have basically returned to the island, and there will be no accidents."

  Han Fei couldn't help but slap his tongue: Five and half kings sit down? The son of a tortoise, with this strength, a swing to Thousand Star City can sweep the family in minutes.

   Han Fei couldn't help but yearn for it, and said leisurely: "Half king! I don't know how long it will take before I can achieve the half-king state?"

At that time, the old tortoise murmured: "Why do you still feel slow? Even if it is the ancient Tianjiao, the divine beast alien, within a hundred years, there are not many who can complete the Venerable Realm... You, the speed has almost become like this. How do you want to drop it?"

   Niu Dali listened to Han Fei's words and couldn't help but imagine: If Han Fei reaches the Half-King Realm, how strong would that be? I heard that the black brake pseudo-king of the Black Blood City is much stronger than the half king, almost ascending the throne.

   But the Blackshadow Puppet King, can he kill the opponents of the High-level Venerable at the peak of the Junior Venerable? Niu Dali is a hundred do not believe.

   Niu said vigorously: "If you can walk into the depths of the holy realm, maybe it is possible."


   Han Fei couldn't help but stunned: "In the holy realm, is there such a big chance?"

   Niu smiled vigorously with his arms akimbo: "It is said that there is a heritage of gods there. However, for hundreds of thousands of years, no one has been able to enter the depths of the Holy Realm."

   While speaking, Niu vigorously stared at Han Fei.

   Regarding the holy realm, their veteran veterans basically have no hope.

   However, the Holy Realm is not limited to the Venerable Realm. The Explorer Realm can be entered just like the Law Enforcement Realm.

   Therefore, it is opened every five years, just to see if anyone among the younger generation can walk into the depths of the holy realm and get the legendary inheritance?

   And Han Fei, as a new venerable who suddenly appeared in these few years, gave Niu a little hope.

   At least, in her opinion: Han Fei is different. He is the only bull in this world, as if he fell from the sky.

   When Han Fei heard this, his heart was agitated: it sounds like it is very powerful.

  After reaching the Venerable Realm, Han Fei realized: Why can there be so many secret realms in the world?

  Because the general secret realm is not enough to arouse the interest of the Venerable. Most secret realms, in fact, you only need to look at the past to know what grade they are...

   Basically, the top-level secrets have been dug and explored.

   Like Han Fei, the reason why he can get the embroidery needles and Snowmourne, is it because of coincidence, or some other reason?

   Therefore, when Niu vigorously proposed the monster sanctuary, Han Fei knew that the opportunity had come.


   Wan Beast Island.

   When Han Fei came back, he found that the number of monsters on Ten Thousand Beast Island had skyrocketed. Among them, most of them are monsters in the realm of explorers.

  Han Fei and Niu Dali came directly to the Great Rift Gorge.

   This is where the Lord lived. The monster beasts in the realm of ordinary explorers have no chance to come here.

   At this moment, there is a barbecue party on the Great Rift Gorge.

   Since Han Fei gave these monsters a taste of the beauty of barbecue...Basically, there are barbecues here every day, nothing more than the size of the barbecue area.

   When Han Fei and Niu returned vigorously, someone suddenly yelled: "Huh! Brother Niu is back?"


  Ma Qilin jumped over, warmly inviting: "Brother Niu, has the injury recovered?"

  Feiqi: "The **** you are asking. You look at Brother Niu's imposing manner, where does it seem to be a problem?"

   Han Fei gave his hand slightly: "Thank you everyone for remembering that some of the sequelae have been recovered and have no effect on me."

Someone seemed to have returned from the Forest of Terror, and couldn't help but laugh: "This... is the Bull Demon King brother? Three battles to slaughter Qi Zun, this story of yours has spread throughout the Forest of Terror. Many people want to come back and meet you. It's time to visit this holy place. So, basically all of them stayed behind."

  Han Fei: "You guys have worked hard day and night, fighting against the enemies, it's really hard work."

   Mad Lion laughed: "No matter how hard you work, no one has ever won your record!"

  Lightning: "Brother Niu, hurry up and eat, it's all roasted hot."

When    is over, Lightning yelled: "Where's the wine? Get some cylinders of wine for Brother Niu!"

   "Come on..."

  Han Fei smiled heartily: "Since you are kindly invited, Niu should be drunk with you."

  Han Fei, Ma Qilin, Fat Seven, Crocodile Iron, and a burly woman like Ton Ton, the five of them ate their mouths full of oil.

  Actually, Han Fei didn't know until just now: This is like a ton, but it is also a half king.

   But just now, they were punching with themselves.

   I can only say: In Ten Thousand Beast Island, the level of realm does not particularly affect the development of the relationship between everyone.

   Of course, the premise is that you have to be in the state of venerable. If it is only the realm of explorers, then it is definitely impossible to participate in this kind of gathering.

   When it comes to the Venerable Realm, there is generally no so-called age problem, and it is blocked by everyone. Unless it is the kind of respectable people, such as Lao Yang, which is hard to play with anyone.

   After half a day of trouble, Han Fei suddenly felt: a perception fell on him.

   turned his head and found that three thousand miles away, the old sheep was standing on the cliff on the other side of the Great Rift Gorge, looking at this place.

   Han Fei's heart moved, and he patted Ma Qilin on the shoulder and said, "You all drink first."

   Following Han Fei's gaze, several people knew: Lao Yang must have something to say to Han Fei, so no one stopped him.

   after a moment.

   When Han Fei came to the edge of this cliff, Han Fei couldn’t help but said, “Old sheep, why don’t you eat something?”

   The old sheep smiled slightly and said: "Generally speaking, sheep like to eat grass. Those goods are big fish and meat every day, which is really not to my appetite."

When    is over, Lao Yang glanced at Han Fei: "Cow Devil, how long do you think we can go out?"


   Han Fei was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help looking at Lao Yang and said, "Go out? Where are you going?"

   Lao Yang smiled and said, "Go to a world where humans live in the sky and travel by flying boat every day... Or, what do you think?"

  Han Fei's eyelids flicked at the time: What does Laoyang mean? Nima, is this a secret calculation?

Seeing Han Fei’s expression, Lao Yang smiled slightly: “There’s nothing to be surprised. We were born in a cage, but it doesn’t mean that we can only be in this cage forever. It’s like, after a hundred thousand years, you still beast with me. The clan is closer..."

   Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly: "What do you mean?"

   The old sheep chuckled: "A hundred thousand years! The ancestors of the previous generation have already fallen. However, some deeds will always be handed down. After all, this place is small, don't you think? Wang Han."


   Han Fei narrowed his eyes at the time, put away the expression on his face, and looked at Lao Yang with a serious face: "Who are you?"

   The old sheep’s head was still facing the Great Rift Gorge, with a long voice: "Speaking of which, I don’t know if I am your predecessor or your junior. However, my ancestor was born in Shiwan Dashan."

  Han Fei's eyelids twitched: "Sheep forever?"

   The old sheep looked at Han Fei for several breaths, and then sighed slightly: "It turns out that the ancestors of that generation are called Yang Qiangu!"

   At the beginning, when he was in Shiwandashan, Han Fei did meet a goat. That was the first goat that he and Simon Linglan met!

   However, UU reading www.uukanshu.com didn't know its strength and name at the time.

   Later, when I studied in Shiwandashan, I also knew this goat. It's just that he is relatively lonely, living in a cave on the mountain rock wall, and never going out all year round, it seems to be studying portraying techniques and recording things...

   Han Fei couldn't help but said, "How did you...recognize me?"

The sheep **** machine smiled and said: "You finally admit it. In fact, as early as when you used the Hundred Wars Hammer, I faintly discovered...every battle of yours, I have seen it. You will be the body of war, You can also use the Heavenly Void God Walking Technique, and you can also use the Dou Zhuan Star Transfer Technique..."

Yang Shenji looked at Han Fei: "You will know the secret techniques of the war giants and the Tianqing clan... Then you should be able to do the Beast King Art of my Orc? Cast it, but you should still have the Monkey King's Three Thousand Sticks and Hundred Beasts Soul Roar... right?"

   Han Fei's mouth showed a wry smile: "I have combat skills, I have to use it! Does it... everyone recognizes me?"

   Sheep God Machine shook his head: "Of course not. If you cast the Monkey King's Three Thousand Sticks, Ape Demon should be able to recognize you."

Said, Yang Shenji said again: "After you have fought those hundreds of battles, I will understand in my heart. You are the legendary Wang Han, but I did not expect that you were born in this era one hundred thousand years later. ..."

  Han Fei shrugged: "What era I was born in, I can't help it, I can't help it!"

   Sheep Shenji said: "So, you are not from the demon tower of the town, you are not from the buffalo clan, you are the human clan, you are from the outside world. You can come in, want to come... and you can go out!"

   After speaking, Yang Shenji's eyes fixed on Han Fei, waiting for his answer.

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