God of Fishing

Chapter 1544: Monster sanctuary

  Han Fei originally thought: He disguised himself perfectly.

  Who knows, I have been exposed long ago? He also mistakenly thought that no one knew...

   Facing the problem of the sheep **** machine, Han Fei said lightly: "If I must go out, I can do it at the most...Temporarily take a few people there. However, their realm cannot be too high..."

Han Fei looked up, looked at the sky, and looked at the Quartet and said: "Old sheep, in the outside world, this place is called the Wall of Death. Everyone thinks: There are countless dangers here. In fact, it is indeed dangerous here. I just Fortunately, accidentally, he happened to appear in the territory of the Monster Beast Alliance. This means: Even in the Venerable Realm, once it enters, as long as it appears in the wrong place, such as the Black Blood City or the Terror Forest, it is difficult to survive. Opportunity."

   The old sheep is quietly listening to Han Fei's account.

Just listen to Han Fei continuing: "About hundreds of years ago, on the Black Blood City, it was discovered that the seals in some parts of the Wall of Death became fragile. So, the Black Shalu King began to make arrangements... until three years ago , Or a few years earlier, they opened up the first way out..."


   The old sheep's heart was shocked: "The people in Black Blood City, can you go out?"

Han Fei shook his head: "It's difficult! With the strength of the Black Blood City, it took several years to consume a lot of resources, and only sent a dozen Venerables over, not even a half king. The strongest one. It is the Venerable Pinnacle, named Cao Xuan, you should know it?"

The old sheep took a breath: "No wonder, no wonder when I counted Cao Xuan a few years ago, I found that I couldn't count this person. I thought his strength had reached the half-king level, and avoided my calculation... Is there?"

Han Fei said: "Later, I started a big battle with the human beings, killing those from the Black Blood City. At this time, the Wall of Death attracted my attention. So, I searched all over the world. The Wall of Death has finally found a weak spot..."

   The old sheep immediately said: "Where is it?"

   Han Fei smiled and said, "Well, it's just a gap. It's hard for me to come over. You and most people on Ten Thousand Beast Island, don't think about it for the time being."

   Han Fei said leisurely: "This time, I can come in, it means that the seal of the wall of death is weakening..."

   Old Sheep: "I don't want my orcs and sea monsters to wait until the day when this cage is weakened and naturally collapsed."

   Han Fei smiled and said: "Trust me, it won't be long. I guess that even now, the strong should be able to tear apart a corner of the cage. But you can't do this!"


Han Fei: "If Laoyang is proficient in the formation, you know that if there is a problem in one place, it will immediately accelerate the problems in other places. If there are more problems, the formation will naturally collapse. If We are tearing apart a corner of the cage now, and the consequences are immeasurable...By then, once the people in the Black Blood City and the Forest of Terror go out...Have you thought about the consequences?"

   The old sheep was silent for a moment and said, "When do you think you can go out?"

   Han Fei was also silent for a long time, and then said leisurely: "Wait for me."


   Han Fei: "Wait for me to grow up, wait for me to become a half king, or... wait for me to become a king."

   Just as the old sheep wanted to speak, Han Fei added: "One hundred years."

   "A hundred years?"

   The old sheep are all dumbfounded, the real Nima can brag! You are only at the peak of the Junior Venerable. Even if you have the power to fight across the border, you want to become a king? Count your Tianjiao peerless, within a hundred years, whether you can reach the pinnacle of the Intermediate Venerable... is all a question?

   Seems to know that the old sheep does not believe it, Han Fei smiled and said: "Old sheep! I am... 28 years old this year."


   At that time, the old sheep had soft legs and almost went up on the ground.

   The old sheep looked at Han Fei with a shocked look: "How old?"

   Han Fei sighed quietly: "In a blink of an eye, I am no longer young, I am already running for the third time..."


   In the next second, I saw Han Fei kicked and kicked hundreds of miles away.

   On the other side of the Great Rift Gorge, a group of Venerables who were still eating Hesai were taken aback, and the laughter and talk suddenly stopped.

   Just listen to the old sheep: "Continue to eat yours, I will match up with him, he is not willing."

   Niu frowned when he heard it vigorously: Laoyang is also true! This matter, I am not so anxious now. The persecution is too great now, is it not good?

  Ma Qilin said leisurely: "Tsk, tusk, brother Niu, he doesn't know good luck!"


   Crocodile iron slapped it over with a slap: "What do you know? You should think about which daughter-in-law you should look for now? Shui Ling'er, how?"

   Crocodile Tie's voice just fell, and an ice spear was stuck on his ass, and a water unicorn tilted her head and said: "Crocco Tie, are you itchy?"

   Here, it's a mess again.

   The fact that Han Fei was kicked by the old sheep, suddenly, has been forgotten by everyone.

   At this moment, Han Fei has already flew back, with a grievance on his face: "Why are you doing well, are you still kicking?"

   The old sheep didn’t have a good temper: "Speak well next time... Are you sure, you are 28 this year? I know, you should stay here soon in the Age of Domination, right?"

   Han Fei was taken aback for a moment: "Does that count? If that must be counted, then I... Fuck, I'm 77. I'm an old man?"


Opposite   , the noise was loud and quiet again. Because Han Fei flew again.

   The wild lion sighed: "It seems that Lao Yang is very persistent!"

   Lightning said leisurely: "It seems that Brother Niu is also quite hard, so I won't let out a mouthful."

   Niu blushed vigorously, and angrily faced Niu Kexin and Ni Panpan: "Go, go home and practice. You two will be honored for me within a hundred years, otherwise you will break your leg..."

   Niu Kexin and Niu Panpan, their faces were green at the time: No, what does this have to do with us?

   At the end of the Great Rift Gorge, Han Fei flew back again: "Oh, hey, Lao Yang, we have something to say... don’t move around, OK?"

   Lao Yang said: "Then a hundred years. Now that you have appeared, I believe that since you can teach you to learn from the hundreds of thousands of mountains, you should not let us down."

   Han Fei smiled and said, "Naturally. But I have a question..."

   Lao Yang: "???"

  Han Fei's expression faded slightly: "War giant clan, but there are clansmen?"

   Orcs, Sky Clan, Demon Plants, all living creatures exist.

   These war giants alone, Han Fei has not seen any traces of their existence in any place.

When asked by Han Fei, Lao Yang shook his head slightly: "The war giants, in the battle of the later generations, because of the fall of the Giant King, many of them have fallen after many battles...Later, following Shenzhou's eastward journey, there has been no news since then. ! At least, there is no war giant in this cage. I am sure of this."


  Han Fei breathed a long sigh of relief, it's not like it's all gone! You have to keep some incense! I just don’t know, what happened to those who went to the east?

   After confirming the 100-year period, Lao Yang felt a lot relaxed at that time, and he saw the hope of going out.

   Although the cage is big, it is also a cage! Moreover, the environment here is quite bad, no one likes it.

   Most of the knowledge of Laoyang came from the ancient jade inheritance left from the Age of Domination.

   Moreover, Ten Thousand Beast Island is so big, inhabited by generations of monsters. Older monsters can tell stories to little monsters, and they are all such stories.

   Actually, Lao Yang doesn't know much.

   It’s just that the unique record about the one hundred thousand mountains was passed down by coincidence.

   Han Fei talked to Lao Yang, but couldn't tell anything. Because the old sheep knows, he already knows basically. Ask him who Ximen Linglan is. This guy only knows that Ximen Linglan is the lord of the City of Justice, but he doesn't know anything else.

After talking about this topic, Lao Yang said: "Originally, I was going to let the cow call you out vigorously. But since you have come out of the retreat, it's just right. You have to take a look at the orc holy realm. That place has existed for too long! My grandfather's grandfather's grandfather...Anyway, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com started recording a long time ago, no one can walk into the depths of the holy realm. No one knows what's hidden inside. What? But you are different. You may have experienced that era and influenced that era..."


  Han Fei looked dazed at this holy realm.

   At least, when I was in Shiwan Dashan, I had never heard of any holy realm.

   may also be this place that someone created later.

   Lao Yang naturally wouldn't say Han Fei's identity right now... After all, this is too bizarre, and it's too sad. Niu Dali finally met a fellow clan, and he was still looking forward to it!

  The old sheep thinks: What about human beings and what about cows? It's not that we have become unhuman. Niu Dali talked about appearance, and he was not much worse than human women... In fact, it is also possible!


   Three days later.

   On Ten Thousand Beast Island, there were constant screams, and Han Fei had been practicing for three days. Although it is useless and cannot break through the current bottleneck, it is at least an attempt.

   Early this morning, Niu Dali called Han Fei and led Niu Kexin and Niu Panpan to the Holy Land.

Niu Dali: "The monster holy realm is not dangerous at all. Sometimes people will encounter some small opportunities in it. However, that kind of opportunity is irregular, only occasionally. I have been in a lot with Kexin and Panpan. I've seen it again, but I haven't seen anything, I can only look at you... Maybe, there can be the inheritance of my ancestors of the buffalo clan."

  Han Feixin said: Your ancestor of the buffalo clan? It helped me fight.

   Just for this relationship, I can't even soak you! How many generations have passed since...

   Han Fei nodded: "If there is a chance, I will pay attention."

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