God of Fishing

Chapter 1545: hope

   The so-called Monster Beast Holy Realm is actually located on Ten Thousand Beast Island.

  Although Han Fei hasn't fully traveled all over Ten Thousand Beast Island, he has also felt it with his soul. Before, Han Fei did not find anything unusual...

   But today, Han Fei discovered that on Ten Thousand Beast Island, there is a very flat and open place in front of a cliff, where there is already a dense and diverse collection of monsters.

   Among them, Han Fei could not recognize many monsters. Are there leopards with blue and white flames, foxes with wings, pythons with fluffy feathers, wild boars with long feathers and big horns?

   Let Han Fei identify them one by one, many of them are already unclear.

   This is very different from the orc creatures Han Fei has seen in the Age of Doom. Perhaps this is the result of the evolution of the times. New species are being born, while old species are dying out in the long river of history.

   When Han Fei and Niu arrived vigorously, basically the venerables on the island were already in place. There are 88 pieces in total.

   Han Fei's heart moved: This is still more than a dozen Venerables. Since these nobles are not going to the Gorge of Life and Death, they should be going to the Forest of Terror.

   Han Fei didn't care about this either. However, when he and the ox showed up vigorously, the sound of the mountain whistling and the tsunami erupted from the beast tide.

   "Look, the one next to Venerable Dali must be the Bull Demon King."

   "Hiss! Hearing that the bloodline of the Bull Demon King is supernatural, it can perfect the human form. Seeing it today, it really deserves its reputation."

   "Three battles to slaughter seven! The Bull Demon King established the top position of the strongest Junior Venerable. Once you break through, your strength will increase greatly."


  Han Fei immediately attracted the attention of countless monsters. Many people's faces are full of worship.

   Unexpectedly, Han Fei felt a hint of aspiration.

   At the time, Han Fei was shocked: What is going on? When I was in Broken Star Island, when the number of people was small, I didn't feel the supply of willingness.

   But, on this island of Ten Thousand Beasts, only a million monsters can see themselves. Most of these monsters certainly do not believe in themselves... Then, where did these will power come from?

   For a while, Han Fei was a little confused.

   Niu Dali: "What's wrong?"

   Han Fei landed, and said leisurely: "It's just that I have never seen so many monsters gather, and I feel a little emotional."

   The old sheep looked at Han Fei lightly, and said to his heart: This skill of opening his eyes and telling lies is really amazing.

   The few people who knew Han Fei immediately came over.

  Ma Qilin: "Brother Niu, it's your first time to visit the Holy Land. Maybe you can have a chance..."

   Crocodile Railway: "Hey! If you have a chance, you don't have to worry about it. You have entered the Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts. Unless you feel the call in your heart, don't go deep."

   "The Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts?"

   Han Fei frowned slightly: This sounds like a graveyard, how can it be a holy land?

Looking at Han Fei’s expression, Crocodile Tie immediately explained: "This! When the strong people of the past knew that they were bound to fall, most of them would walk there, hoping to pass on their own skills. Later, many younger generations have gotten it in. Inheritance. However, in the history of my Monster Beast Alliance, the Ten Thousand Beast Tomb was not for inheritance at first. It is said that there are secrets hidden inside, waiting for someone who can walk into the depths of the Ten Thousand Beast Tomb."

   Ma Qilin said: "Unfortunately, this person has never appeared. Our nobleman enters, usually without any chance. But even so, we have never stopped exploring the depths of the Ten Thousand Beast Tomb."

   Han Fei nodded slightly.

   It is because of such mystery that I am interested. Unlike others, I have the Vientiane Navigation Instrument in hand. There is no way to find a way out by yourself. If it really doesn't work, you can use the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler to change the Qi Luck.

   At this moment, I only listen to the voice of the old sheep, echoing in the sky: "Everyone, be quiet..."

When the buzzing rumbling voice gradually became smaller, until it disappeared, Lao Yang said: "All orc compatriots, the five-year worship ceremony will come again. The Holy Land will be reopened. Some people will get opportunities from it, and some people are doomed to get nothing. . But these are not important... The important thing is that the deity calculates the secrets of heaven today, and there is a mysterious premonition in the dark."

  While speaking, Lao Yang swept around Han Fei and the others. It's just that he didn't deliberately stay on someone.

   However, Han Fei knew that Lao Yang was looking at himself.

   Everyone knows that the old sheep is a secret fortune. He has a foreboding. Is this normal?

   However, I only listened to Lao Yang said: "My deity, within a hundred years, we may be able to find a way to leave the cage."



   "Leave the cage?"

   There was a pause, and the audience was boiling. All the Venerables, the explorers, are all fried.

   Han Fei's side, Crocodile Tie, Ma Qilin, Niu Dali... everyone exclaimed.

   Mad Lion was shocked: "Lao Yang, don't you lie to me, do you have such a premonition?"

   The elephant screamed: "Old sheep, you must be within a hundred years."

   Crocodile Tie exclaimed: "Finally, is there a chance to leave?"

"be quiet……"

The old sheep stopped drinking several times, and when the beasts calmed down, he said leisurely: "The deity is talking about premonitions, but it is possible, but not absolute. The deity’s hunch is that within these hundred years, There may be some changes in the cage. Maybe a demon star turns out to save my orc race from the sea of ​​suffering, but it doesn't mean... we can definitely get out."

   "Demon Star?"

   Many people began to speculate on the meaning of Laoyang’s words.

   However, more people are just happy, as if their hearts have been sealed in dust for a long time, something called hope is burning again.

   When he saw these monsters and was so excited that he couldn't himself, Han Fei knew: Why did Lao Yang tell this matter?

   After all, these orcs have been imprisoned for too long, and they need something like hope too much.

   The environment of the prison is extremely poor, and the living space is also limited. Countless monsters have survived here, just to continue the descendants of the race. In the daily routine, except for cultivation, that is, fighting, there is nothing else to do.

   Now, Lao Yang brings hope to everyone. Regardless of whether this hope is true or not, this time is only a hundred years old, and everyone can wait and see.

   It's just that when Lao Yang said this, Han Fei's pressure was great. He said that within a hundred years, Han Fei felt that he could grow up within a hundred years.

   But in fact, Han Fei of course also knew: It’s not easy to grow up easily when you reach the realm of the Venerable. When I stepped into the state of the venerable, I discovered it a long time ago.

   Let’s take the example of coming to this island of ten thousand beasts: continuous fierce battles with a hundred sages, the slaughter is not one or two, and the life and death battle is not once or twice.

   Although he seems to have reached the bottleneck of strength, Han Fei firmly believes that there is still room for growth in this state.

  In just a few years of growth, it is actually comparable to the hundreds of years of growth of most Venerables. After all, how many venerables have treasures like the Demon Refining Pot? How many sages can change the flow of time? How many venerables, can you find hundreds of venerables as companions anytime and anywhere?

   In fact, the reason why Han Fei has confidence is because of Refining World. A hundred years, but after the time change of refining the world, one can have a longer time to grow.

After watching countless monsters vent their emotions for a while, Lao Yang smiled slightly and said in a long voice: "You...just wait. What should come will come...Now, let us enter the Holy Realm in order. Venerable. Those who go first, explorers second, and the rest are second... Within an hour, if you don’t find a chance, you will come out immediately. Otherwise, you will be lost..."

When the old sheep said this, Crocodile Tie also said to Han Fei: "Yes, you have to remember this. After entering the Holy Realm, if you don't feel the call for an hour, or any other chance, you must leave. When you come out at this time, you can still find your way back. But once you fail to come back for more than an hour, UU reading www.uukanshu.com may get lost."

  Han Fei doubted: "There will be danger?"

Niu vigorously said: "There is no danger, it is to get lost, to get lost in an unknown barrier. Many venerables have tried to stay inside but can't come out, but when the holy realm opens next time, they can still come out. ."

  Han Fei couldn't help saying; "The strength of the Venerable Realm, can't find out here?"

Ma Qilin shook his head: "It's unclear. My dad once did this. He is half king and stayed in it for five years. After he came out, he said that he was completely lost in it for the past five years, as if walking into it. In an empty world, I didn't even see a beast grave."

  Han Fei couldn't help but his eyelids twitched: Even half a king would be lost in a place... Doesn't it mean that the level of this ten thousand beast tomb has reached the level of king?

   Han Fei couldn't help but said, "Well, let me ask, how long will this holy realm open in total?"

Niu Dali: "The passage will only be opened for three days. If it doesn't come out within three days, the Holy Realm will be closed. But generally, if you don't come out for an hour, you won't be able to come out in the next three days. Just... you don't have to worry too much about the inside That’s the danger. Although some people have encountered danger, it is usually not fatal. So, even if you don’t get out, don’t panic. Just wait five years."

   Han Feixin said: Five years, such a long time, how can I afford to delay?

   You can leave Broken Star Island for one or two years, but leave for five or ten years. Many people on Broken Star Island can't forget yourself?

   The old sheep finished speaking, but the mountain began to shake. The huge rock wall began to become distorted, and a watermark-like diaphragm seemed to be reflected on it, as if it could be pierced by a single poke.

   Just listen to Ma Qilin said: "Brother Niu, go."

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