God of Fishing

Chapter 1547: There is an altar deep in the ancient tomb

  Han Fei didn't even know that the blood of God of War was not completely refined and dissolved by him.

   In his own blood, there is still a trace of the blood of God of War.

   Had it not been for entering this holy realm, Han Fei would not have discovered this problem. God knows, is it a hidden danger?

   Han Fei said, "Lao Yuan, is there something wrong with my blood?"

The old tortoise said: "The problem should not be there. The reason why you haven't been able to refining completely is because of your realm and strength. Your strength is not enough to digest the power of this essence. After all, this is the emperor. Blood. Only by constantly getting stronger and constantly changing the strength of your blood can you finally fully absorb the emperor's blood."

   The corners of Han Fei's mouth evoked: "Now, there is a problem with the emperor's blood."

  Although there was a problem with the blood of the God of War, Han Fei was not too worried. After all, what is written on the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler is good luck. This is his current Qi Luck.

  Since I couldn't find the way or see the formation, there were only two ways.

   Han Fei lifted the fusion, allowing Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai to appear.

   Han Fei said to Xiaobai: "Girl, look at this place, is there any great advantage? Help me find a way out for my father."

   Xiaobai blinked his big eyes, and said, "Dad, I can't feel it."

   Han Fei frowned slightly.

   I didn't use the Vientiane Navigation Instrument right away. After all, the Vientiane Navigation Instrument can do a lot of things. And own time, there is only one hour. If you can go to the depths of this holy realm, maybe the Vientiane Navigation Device is still useful...

   But now, Han Fei has to use it.

   Putting away Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, Han Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the Multi-Navigation Instrument appeared in his hand. Quickly, the Vientiane Navigation Device pointed a direction. Moreover, this direction is constantly changing.

   "Huh! Invisible formation?"

   Han Fei was surprised.

   Since the way of walking is rhythmic and regular, then this enchantment still cannot escape the concept of formation.

   It's just that the realm of this formation is already so high that you can't see or touch it, and you can't figure it out at all.

   Han Fei secretly noted: In this monster holy realm, this enchantment itself is also a treasure. If you have enough strength in the future, you can watch it again. See if you can use your own strength to get out of the barrier?

   At this point, Han Fei's speed has become very fast.

   The Multi-Navigation Instrument is constantly changing, so it is not considered to be used many times. After turning more than 300 points, Han Fei walked out of the rainscreen barrier with a "pop" after walking less than a hundred miles.

   At this moment, in Han Fei's eyes, there is no fog, no rain, and there is a grassland right now.

   It’s just that, on the grassland, an altar attracted Han Fei’s attention.

   When he saw this altar, Han Fei was taken aback: "This is... the altar of the God of War?"

   Han Fei felt the heat of his own blood and already understood what this place was.

   The altar of the war giants? Could it be said that this secret realm is the territory of the giants that once warned?

   Han Fei stepped up into the air and looked around, but did not see the existence of the Giant King City. This makes Han Fei a little uncertain. Perhaps this is just an altar built by later generations.

   After all, Shiwan Dashan has fought too many battles. Maybe the Giant King's City has long been destroyed in the flames of war...

   Outside the four corners of the Altar of the God of War, there are a few piles of bonfire wood, but there is no fire.

   Han Fei scratched his head: Do you want to sacrifice yourself?

   Obviously, the purpose of this altar is to make sacrifices.

   Above the altar, there are two square bronze cauldrons with nothing inside.

  Han Fei still remembers: There is going to be burning flames. When the flames become a curtain, oracles will appear.

  The old tortoise couldn't help but said: "Huh! Altar?"

   Han Fei suddenly chuckled: "Old Yuan, do you believe that the gods are still alive?"

  Han Fei's heart, the old tortoise trembled: "Impossible. The age of the gods is over, and the gods have fallen."

   "Oh? Really?"


   Han Fei snapped his fingers, four bonfires ignited, and the two bronze cauldrons on the altar also burned.

   Since the bonfire wood exists, it can't be burned at all, right? Do you have to behave, right?

   So, Han Fei was right next to the fire. He set up a grill. There were grilled fish, old lobsters, empty mussels, sea cucumbers... Anyway, they just grilled a bunch.

   followed, Han Fei stood on the altar by himself, and recalled a little. Then, put a finger to the center of the eyebrows, lean forward, raise your neck, and say something in your mouth:

  The Great God of War

   Hundred Thousand Mountains

  Eye of the earth

  The sound of ancient waves

  In the eyes of the distant Blackrock City

  Under the sacred city of giants

  I pray for victory in war

  Second, pray for the peace of my king

   Three Prayer Warriors Return to Homeland

  Four praying mountains will never die

   May you listen to the pious blessings of the people

   I wish your glory eternal

   Please give birth to the oracle


   Although the 100,000 Great Mountains, Black Rock City, Giant City, and other things are gone, even this kind of wish doesn't even exist.

   However, Han Fei felt: In this way, it is possible to let the God of War know that there are still people calling him.

   As a result, Han Fei waited for a long time.

   From time to time, Han Fei looked back and found that no pillar of fire was rising at all.

   "Is it wrong? The word is wrong, or the way of offering sacrifices is wrong?"

   After a second glance, Han Fei waved his hand and placed several half-senior puppet corpses on the four bonfires, helping them make movements with their fingers resting on their eyebrows, leaning forward, and raising their necks.

   Then, Han Fei lost thousands of corpses of the Explorer realm, sitting one by one under the altar.

   Then, Han Fei was brewing for a long time before he shouted again:

  The Great God of War

  The faith of war giants

  Eye of the earth

  The sound of ancient waves

   in the forever sealed cage

   Ten Thousand Beast Island endless orcs sincerely expect

   pray that the giant will never die

   Two Praying Orcs Find An Place

   Three prayers for the sea monster to kill

  Four prayers for me

   May you listen to the pious blessings of the people

   I wish your glory eternal

   Please give birth to the oracle


   Han Fei thought in his heart: This word should be changeable. After all, it was the same way when giant sacrifices were made. At that time, they were still fighting. Therefore, the part of the prayer is based on that war.

   Han Feixin said: I have no words. If it still doesn't work, I have to dig an altar...

   After waiting for two or three breaths, Han Feizheng turned his head and looked back. He only heard a "hula", and the flames behind him jumped straight up.

   saw that on the curtain of flame, a few words were twisted and written: "You are so shameless."

   Han Fei: "???"

   Han Fei took a breath suddenly: "Fuck! Are you still there?"

   Han Fei pondered: This Nima, 100,000 years have passed, will the God of War not be old? Maybe, he was too old to die... As a result, he had a reaction when he casually talked about a sacrificial speech!

   I only saw a line of words appearing quickly on the flame curtain: "I am not the belief of the orcs."

   When Han Fei saw this word, he was stunned on the spot.

   Han Fei remembered what the Giant King once said: He said that if the God of War is in good condition, he can chat with the God of War...

Before   , Han Feidou regarded it as nonsense. Seeing the typing speed of God of War, Han Fei completely believed it!

Han Fei hurriedly said: "Senior God of War, I am Han Fei, this is Wang Han! In the Age of Domination, at the time of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, you gave me a divination. Now, after 100,000 years, the war giants are already there. Without whereabouts, the orcs are trapped in cages and tortured. The sea monsters are raging, the cholera tens of thousands...Your eldest, can you do anything?"

   Flame Curtain, quickly responded: "It's better to rely on you."

   Han Fei was speechless: "Hey, no...If you rely on me, then why is your old man's altar still here?"

   Flame Curtain: "I don't know who put it."

   Han Fei: "……"

   At that time, Han Fei, the whole person was not good: Nima, isn't this cheating? Co-author... After a long time of trouble, I just wanted to find a useless altar?

Han Fei said immediately: "Senior God of War. How do you say it, and give some hints, or benefits... The orcs have been suffering for 100,000 years, and they want to enter this secret realm and find this altar... But they were stunned. Found it! Now, I found it. If I go out, I can’t tell others, I’ll just come over and chat with your boss for a while, right? Or, take a look, give me a boost? For example, take me How about his strength to reach the half-king level?"

   Flame Curtain: "Fuck off! No pie in the sky."

Han Fei was not annoyed, and shrugged: "Let's do it! But, Senior God of War, did the gods really fall? Why did everyone go east? What is there in the east? In the future, do we have to go east... …"

   Before Han Fei finished speaking, UU reading www.uukanshu.com said on the Curtain of Flame: "Stop... don't become an emperor, don't come to the East. Otherwise, there will be death and no life, and the rest is none of your business."

   Han Fei's heart was shocked: Is it that dangerous? It seems that you have to be careful in the future. Let's honestly mix the Yin-Yang sky and Shuimu Tian first. Then, deal with the affairs of Thirty-Six Xuantian and the Kairen Clan, and then think about the ones that are missing?

  Han Fei thought again: Why is there no good in his own dignity?

Han Fei said again, "Senior God of War! Well, if you don’t improve my strength, it’s okay... However, if you appear once in a hundred thousand years, you can save some benefits! I, Han Fei, want to save the orcs. , Human, Tianqing, Zerg, Yaozhi... I am very tired! The pressure is very high..."

  Han Fei Barabara, finally, he could chat with the legendary **** of war once. Isn't this much chatter? How to say, I have to get some benefits myself, right?

  Perhaps what God of War thinks Han Fei said, there may be a little truth in it. I only saw the curtain of flames, suddenly surging up, crazily wrapping towards Han Fei.

   At that moment, Han Fei's body froze, as if he saw millions of pictures in his mind.

   However, it means that what I have learned, studied, and realized...all the power is quickly absorbed by myself.

   When these completely disappeared, Han Fei stood motionless on the altar like an old monk entering Ding.

   Under the altar, Thousand Corpse kept a finger against his eyebrows, leaned forward and raised his neck, seeming to pay homage to Han Fei.

   And Han Fei's heart, there seems to be a sentence: "Darkness is coming, and the ominousness is over, the emperor's road will not return, all the people will be silent, go find the way..."

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