God of Fishing

Chapter 1548: Welfare of God of War

   Outside the Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts.

   An hour's time, only the last hundred breaths of time are left.

   Before, too many people who went in have already come out at this moment. Niu Dali, Crocodile Tie, Ma Qilin and others have already been waiting outside.

   At this moment, the eyes of these people are all staring at the cliff.

  Ma Qilin said: "No, Brother Niu has forgotten the time?"

   Crocodile Iron: "Or, Brother Niu discovered the opportunity here?"

   Niu Dali has found the old sheep at this moment: "The Bull Demon King hasn't come out yet, will something go wrong?"

   The old sheep shook his head slightly: "What can go wrong? The most, that is, staying in it for five years. Who is missing these five years?"

Xiang Tonton also said: "He will naturally not forget the time. However, he did not choose, either he encountered something, or just wanted to spend five years to study some conjectures. Five years, in fact, not long. "

   These sages were not very worried about Han Fei's not coming out.

   In fact, after they entered the deity, when they entered here, many people chose to stay in it for five years. After all, those who can be respected and talented are not bad at all, thinking that they might become the darling of heaven. In case, I get a big chance or something... This mere five-year situation can make a lot of money!


   When Han Fei woke up from the chaos, he only felt as if he had experienced an epiphany.

   It seems that he has countless more combat experience.

   At this moment, I almost forgot all the methods I learned. However, they have become an almost instinctive reaction.

   It's just that Han Fei didn't feel happy because of this realization. At this time, his complexion was quite solemn.

   The last words of God of War seemed to contain helplessness.

   a dignified emperor, facing something, would he feel so helpless? dark? Ominous? What are these things?


  Han Fei was stunned suddenly, he saw faint blue soul grains floating around on this grassland.

   "My Nima..."

   Suddenly, Han Fei's face was filled with a bright smile. The **** of war boss, it seems that it is not that he has left nothing to himself. He actually made a large number of masterless souls on the grassland.

"and many more……"

   Han Fei keenly sensed something wrong, and immediately drank: "fusion."

   When the yin and yang divine eyes appeared, Han Fei looked at the heaven and earth again, and saw that there seemed to be terrifying energy in the void. That feeling... Was it chaotic?

  Waiting for Han Fei to take a closer look, his complexion suddenly changed, and he shouted angrily: "Old Yuan, stop me. Dare to absorb a trace of chaos, don't blame me for turning my face with you."

   The old tortoise said leisurely: "Be reasonable, you can't breathe so much chaotic air."

   Han Fei coldly snorted: "I can't finish it, that's mine. Do you want to suck? Then wait until I finish sucking it."

   Han Fei secretly urged the demon refining pot, causing the demon refining pot to sway on the top of Lao Wu.

   Suddenly, the old tortoise shouted: "Well, you suck, you suck..."

   The old tortoise sighed faintly: "I didn't expect this emperor to be alive."

   Han Fei directly sat cross-legged, splitting out hundreds of soul fires, and absorbing the unowned souls that were free from all directions. Then, Han Feicai chuckles: "The realm of others is higher than you. You can live, so why can't you live?"

  Old tortoise: "It's not like this! The battle of the gods has all fallen... unexpectedly, there are still people alive, then..."

  Han Fei was puzzled: "Then what?"

The old tortoise shook his head: "Nothing... By the way, in fact, these masterless souls and chaotic airs are not given to you by the **** of war, but the masterless souls and chaotic airs concealed in this ten thousand beast grave itself ."

  Han Fei was puzzled: "I believe there is an unowned soul here. But, where does so much pure energy come from here?"

  As a spiritual concentrator, Han Fei keenly discovered: The power of the great power contained in the spiritual energy here seems to have increased.

   It's just that even if Han Feiming knows, these chaotic qi needs to be slowly refined by himself, and then absorbed. Despite this, he was unwilling to make these chaotic airs cheaper than the old turtle.

   The swallowing and assimilation speed of the Borderless Soul is very fast. In less than a day, Han Fei swallowed nearly 30,000 points of the Borderless Soul.

   However, his soul power seems to have reached its limit.

   However, when Han Fei looked at his personal information, he was stunned for a moment.

   But in my eyes, the information emerged:

  Master: Han Fei

   Level: Level 83

   Chaos Qi: 6 strands

   Spiritual power: 9999999999

   Perception: 36,000 miles

   Power: 4001 waves

  The first spiritual vein: unknown

  Second Spirit Vessel: Unknown

  The first talented soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang spirit swallowing fish

  The second talented soul beast: Emperor Sparrow

  Major exercises: the sixth layer


   When he saw this message, Han Fei himself was dumbfounded. It took a long time for Han Fei to realize that the power of the soul and the limit of strength had been broken.

   "God of War?"

   Han Fei suddenly realized!

   When I woke up just now, I felt that I understood a lot of things inexplicably.

   At this moment, when Han Fei looked back one by one again, he suddenly discovered that all of his life learning had reached the point of returning to the original.

   This is a very strange feeling!

   There is no need to think about it, Han Fei knows: How to exercise every muscle part of his body? How to arrange every bit of aura? What kind of breath rush...

   Han Fei immediately drew out a strand of his own blood. At this time, he stopped decomposing the spiritual energy, but instead decomposed the blood.

   Seeing this, the old tortoise couldn’t help saying: "What are you doing?"

   Han Fei: "Lao Yuan, I said that every drop of my blood seems to contain something similar to Tao Yun, believe it or not?"

  The old turtle pondered for a long time: "That's not Daoyun."

   Han Fei's eyes lit up: "What's that?"

Old tortoise: "It's the bloodline talent. The thing that can pass on the bloodline is generally a person's use of a certain power. After using it to the extreme, these powers or spells will be reflected and stored in the bloodline. If there is an heir , Then the offspring can get its inheritance, or it may be passed on from generation to generation... However, the requirements for forming a bloodline inheritance are very high, that is, your understanding of a certain great art has reached the extreme. It can be said that this kind of art has already been required It has to be part of your body."

  Han Fei wondered: "It's like... the inheritance of combat skills of talented soul beasts or contracted spirit beasts?"

Old tortoise: "It's not the same. They are racial inheritance, and they have these in their blood. Of course, it is also because their first generation ancestors have grasped some peak powers before future generations can inherit. If there is no strong ancestor, it is also There is no strong racial heritage."

  Han Feixin said: It's mysterious, isn't it the genetic code? It seems that what I have mastered has been compiled into my own gene bank.

The old tortoise continued: "Humans are different, and the human race is too large. Moreover, after endless years of circulation, there are too many mysterious inheritances in the blood. However, the possibility of success in inheriting is too small. In fact, it is because With such a heritage, some people can be talented, and some people can have excellent spiritual lines. However, because the human race is too large, the inheritance is also different. Some powerful human powers often seek to create their own unique bloodline In this way, one’s own blood is purified, and it also has inheritance characteristics."

   After listening to this wave of explanations by the old tortoise, Han Fei said again: "What are the benefits of purifying the blood?"

The old tortoise said: "It's hard to tell the specific benefits. In short, some people who pursue the ultimate will continue to purify their blood. In this way, let alone the issue of inheritance, at least everything they have learned and thought can be integrated. . In terms of combat power, it will also improve. In fact, the main benefit of doing this is to polish one's foundation. As for inheritance, it is actually incidental..."

   "Stone the foundation?"

   Han Fei heard, it turns out that the foundation can be polished like this?

The old tortoise said: "I know you must have had an epiphany just now, otherwise, you would not ask this kind of question. Starting from an ordinary person, until now, every stage you have gone through cannot be the best. Perfect state to break through. Even if you think it is perfect, there are still some flaws in it after all. Therefore, the **** of war probably reflects everything you experience into your soul, allowing you to understand and repair the past This method will polish your foundation."

   Han Fei squinted his eyes: "So, there is a problem with my essence and blood, and the blood has become more pure?"

   Old Tortoise hummed: "It's not pure enough. When you can completely digest the blood of the God of War, you can be truly pure."

   Listening to the old turtle's explanation, Han Fei immediately understood: Why did the upper limit of the power of the soul soared to 99999 points?

   It seems that UU reading www.uukanshu.com is the God of War using his method to help him grind his foundation.

   But why the power of the soul has increased so much, but my power has only increased a little?

   Han Fei looked at the words "Dao Xin limit", pondered for a while, and continued to ask: "Old Yuan, does Dao Xin have a limit?"

"of course."

Old Tortoise said: "Dao Xin usually determines a person's growth space, that is, the growth range of the Dao. A person with insufficient Dao Xin has a limit. As long as he does not understand his true Dao , His Dao Xin will have a limit. In any case, he cannot cross this limit."

   At that time, Han Fei had a "click" in his heart.

  Theoretically, if you know the direction of the Dao and have a firm heart, then the power of the soul should be unlimited.

   However, now I have a limit... It seems that unless I can understand the great way!

   After pondering a little, Han Fei still keenly grasped: The old turtle said the growth range of the avenue space? What does this mean?

   Han Fei said: "Lao Yuan, Dadao, does it have a range?"

The old turtle said: "This question, when you open the sea, you will naturally know. If you have to tell you now, I can only say that everyone has his own piece of sea called the original sea. The original sea is for you. It provides strength, and the size of the Origin Sea is the range of your avenue... Such an explanation is useless. Because you have not gotten to that point, you will not have the experience."

   Han Fei snorted in his nasal cavity: This can't be done! Now, my Dao Xin seems to have begun to restrict my growth...

   It seems that I really should study the so-called "Dao Xin".

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