God of Fishing

Chapter 1549: Successful breakthrough

  The Taoism matter is still very long-term, Han Fei must have been confused for a while.

   However, what is worthy of Han Fei's gratification is that his own soul power has reached the highest level in history.

   is only one step away from 100,000 points.

   However, Han Fei also knew: This is to excavate the limit of his Dao Heart in advance. In the future, it will not be easy to continue to grow!

   Even so, Han Fei did not panic at all.

   After all, there are limits, better than no improvement, right? The only problem facing me now is to break this limit.

   In this way, my goal is more clear!

   Han Fei glanced at his perception range again, it was definitely not small!

   Before, Jinger once said to herself: When she reached the peak, her perception range was only 20,000 miles, and her premonition was 50,000 miles.

   This can at least explain one thing: one's own soul power is definitely not low.

   Of course, the 20,000 li that Jinger said was the situation when she first entered the peak. After day and night practice and visualization, this number should continue to increase.

   At this time, can one's perception range be said to have surpassed the peak of most Venerables? After all, not everyone is as talented as Jing'er.

   It took a day and Han Fei collected the Borderless Soul here.

  Han Fei is still wondering: Do you want to go out now?

   The soul of no master is easy to absorb, but the absorption of this chaotic energy is by no means an overnight thing.

   "That's it! The flesh of your mouth can't fly anymore. Uncle God of War, I finally gave some benefits and can't be wasted. Anyway, I have a marine universal instrument, and I should be able to get it out."

   Han Fei made the decision immediately.

   I saw him with a mouth, swallowing technique, directly filtering out a large amount of void impurities, and inhaling a large amount of essence energy into his body.

  At the same time, Han Fei stretched out his hand, and the spirits from all directions gathered.

   Han Fei stepped on his feet, just hearing "Bang Bang Bang," and small gathering spirit formations appeared one after another.

   followed closely, the spirit gathering formation became more and more weird, and Han Fei used the Dao pattern that he had just learned.

   In a blink of an eye, Han Fei was wrapped in a spiritual cocoon.

   This is Han Fei's first attempt to absorb the power of Chaos.

   Han Fei directly sent a large amount of chaotic energy to the refining world.

   only used a half daylight scene, and the surrounding area of ​​the altar where Han Fei was, was carved into a super spirit gathering array with Dao patterns. All directions auras are rolling in, forming multiple spiritual vortexes.

   In just three days, Han Fei sucked the aura in the burial mound.

   The aura here is limited. It is precisely because of the limited aura that the power of the Dao has been integrated, so the aura here makes Han Fei obviously feel that there is a problem.

   Three days later, Han Fei withdrew from the Great Gathering Array and entered directly into the refining world.

   In the refining world at this moment, all the Lingzhi are about to grow into demons. Take the garlic as an example. People who don't know think what kind of watermelon it is.

   Since the time flow in the refining world has changed, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai have basically never been to the soul sea, and they have all lived in the refining world.

   In order to provide for them to live, Han Fei deliberately dug a big river here, whatever they want to wave in.

   At this moment, it's not just Han Fei himself who is absorbing these spiritual energy.

   Xiaohei Xiaobai, Shrimp Ritian, Tufeiyuan, Xiaojin, and Tengu are all here.

   Of course, this also includes Emperor Sparrow.

   However, the emperor is too arrogant. No matter it was Shrimp Ritian, Tufeiyuan, or Tengu, none of them wanted to soak with the emperor.

  The Emperor Sparrow habitually stays in three places.

   One is Han Fei's specially created Qi Ling liquid pool; the other is where Han Fei stores food. However, now these foods have actually been eaten one-fifth. It can be seen that Emperor Sparrow's appetite is not an exaggeration compared to Xiao Hei's bottomless pit. There is another place on Xiao Hei's head. The emperor and Xiao Hei are quite close, and Xiao Hei is often swimming in the water, and the emperor is standing on Xiao Hei's head.

   At this moment, the emperor is already level 39, which is what it eats abruptly.

   The problem is, this guy hasn't shown any special combat skills at this time, or only has an eye of disaster.

   At this moment, Han Fei came in and found that all including the Emperor Sparrow were devouring the energy of the refining world.

   Han Fei sighed for a while.

   It seems that more of this kind of secret realm is good. If you sit and practice at home all day, how can you get these benefits?

  Han Fei directly said to Xiaobai: "Girl, in the coming year, we will make every effort to create the Qi of Chaos."


   Han Fei saw Xiaobai turned his belly directly towards the water, and then only listened to Xiaobai's words: "Dad, can you not vomit? It's too tired to vomit that."

The old tortoise also said: "Han Fei, your gifted soul beast, really shouldn't have been creating Chaos Qi at this time. This has no meaning for its growth! Since it can breathe Chaos Qi, why not Let it enter the respect first, and then vomit? The effect at that time may be much better than it is now. If it continues to vomit, it will completely deprive it of room for growth."

   Han Fei's eyelids twitched: "Oh oh oh! Little Bai, let's stop vomiting."

   Han Fei sighed quietly: Even the well-behaved Xiao Bai started to refute himself.

   It seems that the continuous operation of breathing chaos is indeed not too humane.

   Han Fei is just because Xiaobai's efficiency is too high, he can spit out 12 strands a year. One year outside, which is equivalent to eight years of refining the world, can spit out 96 strands...

   If you follow this speed, it only takes one year to complete the refining world's time and acceleration plan.

   However, now it seems that I can only rely on myself.

   Han Fei stepped out of the Spirit Gathering Array again.

   When the body was once again wrapped in the cocoon of spiritual energy, Han Fei began to disassemble the spiritual energy in a wide range.

   Because of his dismantling level, it has reached 77%. When the amount of spiritual energy is increased, the power of the great power will gather more.

   After only three hours, Han Fei could feel the aura of chaos in the aura. Just want to strip it from the aura? It takes time.


   Three hours later, Han Fei only felt his head swelled. Attentively dismantling the aura and absorbing the chaos is not a simple task.

  Three hours is the limit of Han Fei's daily work.

   By this time, Han Fei felt a little bit tired and needed to rest and recover.

  Han Fei was also impatient, and the importance of time to him was self-evident. However, in any case, the effect is still the first.

   Day after day, Han Fei didn't absorb the chaos for a long time, at most three hours a day.

   Han Fei pondered: The rest of the time, you can't do nothing, right?

   So, in the rest of the time, Han Fei began to melt the extra 10,000 points of soul power into the golden body.

   Originally, Han Fei was thinking about putting them on the puppet. However, I don't need to use those puppets now. Putting them on them is really a waste.

  The process of melting the golden body is still painful!

every day.

   Including the emperor, they all looked at Han Fei curiously, yelled, and watched the goods rolling on the ground.

   These guys, listening to Han Fei's cry, were a little bit horrified, and said to their hearts: What the **** is this second-hand owner doing, insisting on torturing himself?

half year later.

   When Han Fei's power reached the 4401 wave, those spirit powers were completely exhausted. And Han Fei was about a tenth of the distance away from getting the first ray of chaos.

  Without the extra soul power, Han Fei can only practice.

  Coincidentally, the Great Waste Body Art can forcefully swallow the energy of the demon spirit, the wild evil spirit, and the poisonous barrier, including the energy of chaos in the refining sky...turn it into the power of physique.

   So, after 20 days, Han Fei got the first ray of chaos from the aura through his own efforts.

   When Han Fei saw this chaotic air, he was overwhelmed with surprise at the time: "It's too difficult! This thing is too difficult to pull out. Old Yuan, how is my speed? Can it?"

But the old tortoise said leisurely: "Do you know how rich the aura of chaos here is? A person who is really proficient in absorbing the aura of chaos can take up to three months or even two months in this environment. , You can draw a thread."

   Han Fei grinned: "Heh! This is my first time after all. Take your time and you will always get up soon."

   One year later, Han Fei's power reached 4486 waves, and it took more than 5 months to absorb the second ray of chaos.

   Two years later, Han Fei's power reached 4564 waves. This year, he absorbed 3 ray of soul and chaos.

   Eight years later.


   Da Ri Gorge still barbecues every day, as if not enough to eat. The old sheep habitually stood on the top of the cliff on the other side of the Great Rift Gorge.

   It’s just that it’s different from before...

  Before, the old sheep didn't eat barbecue or other food. Now, the old sheep has actually eaten Yaozhi. This is all hunted from the Forest of Terror, which is very suitable for the appetite of the old sheep.

   On this day, the old sheep was chewing the demon plant while waiting.

   He muttered to himself in words that no one could hear: "Sure enough, I knew that he would get the things there eventually."



   But seeing Han Fei at this moment, his body is golden.

  Han Fei tapped a finger on the ground and stood upside down for how long?

   Just listening to Han Fei's body, he was making a "bang" sound, like thunder.


   Just heard a crisp cracked body, shrimps looked at them every day. But seeing Han Fei's vitality surge, surrounding spiritual energy and energy surged towards Han Fei.

   Two hours later.


   When a ray of turbid air was spit out, the corners of Han Fei's mouth came up.

   I am really right! Before, when he reached the peak of the Junior Venerable, Han Fei felt strange, thinking that the Junior Venerable came too easily.

   Now, when all aspects have broken through and reached the limit again, Han Fei foresaw a real opportunity for breakthrough.

  Master: Han Fei

   Level: 84

   Chaos Qi: 36 strands

   Spiritual power: 99999/99999

   Perception: 36,000 miles

   Power: 5402 waves

  The first spiritual vein: unknown

  Second Spirit Vessel: Unknown

  The first talented soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang spirit swallowing fish

  The second talented soul beast: Emperor Sparrow

  Major exercises: the sixth layer


   When I saw this message, UU read www. uukanshu.com Han Fei's heart is rippling: This is the strength he should have.

   If you use your current strength to fight against most high-ranking elders, you can easily defeat it.

  Of course, it’s not enough now...

  According to Han Fei's estimation, the general strength limit of the Senior Venerable should be around 6000 waves. This is still a very special kind of high-ranking monk! An ordinary high-ranking person may have a power limit of only about 5000 waves.

   However, Han Fei did not panic at all.

   After all, I just broke through, but at this time, if I use the force of willingness to urge, I am afraid that my strength will soar again.

   However, Han Fei is no longer preparing to use his willpower to improve his strength. After all, it is more appropriate to use the force of wish to improve the degree of aura dismantling.

   In the past eight years, starting from the third year, Han Fei can only absorb 4 wisps of chaos every year. In the eighth year of Straight Road, Han Fei's aura dismantling degree has broken through, and it has increased by 1%.

   So, Han Fei's Chaos Qi extraction reached 5 strands. It can be seen that as the degree of spiritual energy dismantling increases, the absorption of chaotic energy will only get faster and faster.

   Despite this, in the words of the old turtle, he was able to absorb it so quickly because the **** of war had absorbed the chaotic energy left by the fallen creatures in this ten thousand beast grave.

   The chaotic air here is more than ten times that in the natural state of the outside world.

   With such a calculation, Han Fei is speechless: If it is an ordinary situation, it would take more than 80 years to absorb these 30 wisps of chaos by himself!

   Just thinking about it makes Han Fei shudder.

  It seems that if you want to save time, you have to find a way to continue to improve the degree of spiritual dismantling...

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